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/lit/ - Literature

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14856234 No.14856234 [Reply] [Original]

How's the writing career coming, /lit/?

>> No.14856289
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Its futile. I will never do anything great. My brain does not have the capacity for anything above midwittery.

>> No.14856293

I've been in the compiling wisdom phase for 2 years now.

>> No.14856325

my first story is getting published this month, only took a few dozen rejection letters

>> No.14856418

Good work, Anon. Throughout your life you will accumulate many more rejections than acceptances, but that just makes the acceptances all the sweeter when they finally do come.

>> No.14856789

what's the story about?

>> No.14856797

I don't want to potentially out myself on 4chan, sorry anon. it's literary fiction and doesn't have much of a plot

>> No.14856801

At least tell us who it's most influenced by.

>> No.14856807


>> No.14856808

I am a slug that only consumes and excretes.

>> No.14856834

Probably Borges
idk it's literary fiction, can I say Borges again?

>> No.14856856

Is it possible to find an editor that helps an ESL polish his novel while avoiding getting ripped off with the prices (1k dollars for 60k words)?

>> No.14857434

novel or short story? wordcount? congrats. a few dozen rl... it's terrible, isn't it?

i'm starting from a and going to z, sending a query to every agent who takes my genre (historical).

>> No.14857449

>1k dollars for 60k words)?
That's honestly a fair price, though. My paycheck is 1k a week, and it would take about a week to edit that kind of length. I'll do it for you for $500 if you want.

>> No.14857470
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> constructing pieces of art in a media thats fundamentaly impossible
> perfect in every way, entirely up to my liking
> neverending supply of new concepts and ideas
> infinite post-books stored right in my head
being a schizo is GREAT

>> No.14857768

Short story, don't remember word count, maybe 3k. The rejection letters were for a number of stories, not just this one. The meme advise about finding the right publisher is good advice, I'm sure I wasted a lot of time submitting to publishers who just weren't right. No idea about agents.

>> No.14857838

How much for 80k? What are your qualifications?

>> No.14857856

>over 25 and still haven't got a single thing published
In the words of the inimitable londonfrog: it's over.

>> No.14857982

$500 for 60k and $600 for 80k seems fair. I'm a native English speaker, university educated, a /lit/izen, and I haven't dyed my hair blue or pierced my septum. What more do you want?

>> No.14858013

Projects you’ve worked on? Extent of your services? Any clients published?

>> No.14858045

I'm a hobbyist and writefag for my own pleasure. Take it or leave it; I have a fulltime job as it is.

>> No.14858052

First draft of fantasy novel at 20k words currently.

>> No.14858068

This. But when it's done and done to my liking it will be pretty fun to read.

>> No.14858079

3rd place in a flash fiction contest that I entered a few months ago, feels good brah

>> No.14858529

Alright, I sent queries to 14 agents, going to stop for a month or 2 for the results to come in. The majority of them said on their website that they always reply, so I'll have feedback if nothing else.

I could start querying for my other novel, too, though. Or write this new one. It's practically begging me to write it so I don't have a choice now, it must be done. Hopefully this project I'll have better organization from the beginning so there's less frantic rewriting later. My previous two it was the same, I scrapped the entire thing and rewrote it from scratch at least twice. I'd like to be more composed in my approach on this one. I can already see the entire novel in my mind and hear the character speaking to me.

>> No.14858676

Hey anon, can you describe the process you used to find those agents? Did you use a specific website or just google or something else? I'm getting closer to finishing my novel and am interested in that sort of thing.

>> No.14858729

idk if this is the best route
>google manuscript wishlist
>select your genre
>it gives you a list of agents who deal with that, quality may vary, may be out of date

>> No.14858835

Only 3 out of the 29 promoted are males and all have lgbtq in their genres.
I don't think its for me. Plus, the website itself sucks.

>> No.14858906

No grad school for me, which is fine I guess. Got a tech writing job lined up at a place I interned. I had time there to write short stories on the side. I submitted a piece to my university's lit mag, which I doubt they'll print.

>> No.14858952

that's the entire publishing industry, i'm sorry to tell you. there's no difference in the composition of that site to the composition of agentry as a whole industry.
>the website sucks
just wait until you see literary agency websites.

>> No.14859979

congrats man

>> No.14859984

Have as of yet to submit anything.
But, Ive finally written and finished some short stories. 3 done. Thing is, theyre all really short, like the first is only 4 pages, but each is longer than the last and the one Im currently on Im not done with yet and Ive made it over 12 pages with it.
Character in them is basically Conan meets Hercules, even going so far with the last story as being inspired by Hercules being left behind on an island in Jason and the Argonauts in writing this one. Of course theirs differences but, how do you separate homage/influence from blatant ripoff?
Also considering compiling these into a book to try and get published if I cant get them published individually, should I have an overarching story connecting the collection together?

>> No.14859995

you got an email? I'm a NEET and used to be an english teacher and I'll do 60k words for $500

>> No.14860065

Just submitted my first journal article for publication.

>> No.14860068

You know what? I don't give a shit anymore. I want to write for money. Maybe if I admit it I won't feel as bad. I want to write pleb tier shit and make money. There you go. Hope you're happy now

>> No.14860973

I don't have $500 bucks right now but you can write me to esllitizen@tfwno.gf and I'll consider you since I'd rather have someone from /lit/ do it than some sjw.

>> No.14861011

translating a book, gonna self-publish it

>> No.14861070

Sent you an email. I'd much rather be a proof-reader for ppl from /lit/ than have a real job.

>> No.14861104

I'm making some progress on my treatise. I'm in a bit a bind as to its ultimate fate. I certainly ( use of this word is ironic) won't make any money off it and no conventional publisher will accept it for that reason. So I am tempted to self-publish or spam it for free as a pdf on the internet.
Another option would be to submit it to academic publishers but acceptance here is contingent on having an advanced degree which presently eludes me. The final option would be to use it as the basis for a doctoral dissertation when some years from now I come into some money and can self-finance a phd.

>> No.14862492

we all do anon

>> No.14862581

I'm turning 27 next may and I'm publishing my first shit next april

>> No.14863768

ah c'mon anon what is wrong with a few sales from some neets

>> No.14863772

At least you are outputting something