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File: 988 KB, 500x225, colbert morrison.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14852994 No.14852994 [Reply] [Original]

When did you realize that Toni Morrison and her parents are based?
>When Morrison was about two years old, her family's landlord set fire to the house in which they lived, while they were home, because her parents could not pay the rent.
>Her family responded to what she called this "bizarre form of evil" by laughing at the landlord rather than falling into despair.
>Morrison later said her family's response demonstrated how to keep your integrity and claim your own life in the face of acts of such "monumental crudeness."
>Morrison also read frequently as a child; among her favorite authors were Jane Austen and Leo Tolstoy.
>She became a Catholic at the age of 12 and took the baptismal name Anthony (after Anthony of Padua), which led to her nickname, Toni.

>> No.14853008

Fake stories nice and epic... yes a landlord would BURN his own house yup... totally. Not just you know... KILL THEM?

>> No.14853058

look at that fag Colbert. Fuck him, and fuck all those late night faggots that glorify such mediocrity. I bet he'll go on and on about how Morrison and Coates are so great, but not even read a single work of theirs. Fuck him.

>> No.14853069

Sounds pretty based to me. That style of non-acrid comment usually indicates a cool person.

>> No.14853133

neo-catholics are pozzed as fuck

>> No.14853141


I used to be a pretty big fan of his. Even used to have that book he wrote as his character. As I've grown older I find that there are few people who disgust me more.

>> No.14853156

>I used to be a pretty big fan of his
The Colbert Report was funny in middle school, but he's such an insufferable moralist pro-capitalist speciously rebelious fag that it's impossible not to be disgusted unless you're completely servile to the system. John Oliver and the Bojack Horseman writers may somehow be even worse though.

>> No.14853165
File: 2.37 MB, 200x146, doggie.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>as a white man
Isn't that guy jewish?

>> No.14853169

No, he's a kike puppet.

>> No.14853177

Ellen for having a special relationship with war criminal George Bush?

Colbert is from a huge catholic family

>> No.14853180

>Ellen for having a special relationship with war criminal George Bush?
Who gives a fuck, you moral fag.

>> No.14853187

What? I didnt know Ellen was so BASED! i liked her before, but now I know shes cute, CUTE!

>> No.14853211
File: 403 KB, 1908x2000, 1429728584054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Colbert is from a huge catholic family
Racially, obviously. I don't care if they larp Christians.
The merging of critical theory and corporate moneypower has been something to behold. You have these faces of the system who present themselves as critical voices. You'd think people would go crazy by the daily contradictions of this system but they just keep on trucking. It's time to take down the system, the millionaire says on the telescreen, so you better vote of this nice neoliberal candidate.

>> No.14853220

>Even used to have that book he wrote as his character.

>> No.14853222

Good and stoic behavior on their parents' part, but I find it hard to believe that a landlord would burn his own property instead of just calling the police to put Morrison's family on the streets.

There's something fishy about that story. Either the landlord had mental problems, or else he had tried to evict her parents and they somehow refused (or maybe there was some silly law protecting them). There's also the possibility that her parents had misbehaved towards the landlord and he burned the house as an act of vengeance.

The way some of the American youth reacts to landlords is quite ridiculous to me. Specially because:

1 - if you can't pay your rent, chances are the landlord is also poor, otherwise he would be renting on a rich neighborhood where people pay their rent - many landlords are not rich at all, specially those who rent for the poor - so this isn't a case of the greedy rich trying to exploit the poor;
2 - usually landlords are older, which means you or one of your friends might well become a landlord in the future (some people can be even renters *and* landlords at simultaneously) - my parents are not and have never been landlords (and have been renters themselves) but my father has been working very hard for two years now in order to build a few rooms that he can offer for renters, so he will likely become a landlord in the near future (he's 65).
3 - the landlord's property is his and he does with them as he pleases, just like you do as you please with your laptop. If you own two laptops and I own none, that does not give me the right to simply steal one of your laptops from you. Same applies to housing.
4 - If you think housing is different, then you have to prove that other people have the moral obligation to house you, otherwise your argument has no foundation; but even then, reacting badly towards landlords wouldn't be the way to solve the issue, since economists - as far as I know (I am not a specialist) - seem to agree that rent control usually helps to produce housing scarcity.

Sorry if this post is not /lit/ related, but then again nothing on /lit/ is anymore and OP didn't mention a book.

>> No.14853245
File: 195 KB, 1099x1120, 2D981017-F6C1-4DFD-BE68-482AB2806BE7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Empty-head, are you one to talk of your missing soul?

Racially Catholic?

>> No.14853269

>Empty-head, are you one to talk of your missing soul?
She's a corporate figure, I don't care about her personal relations. She's no more of a fuck for being a mainstream talk-show host than having friendly relations with George Bush. There's no reason to even know who she is let alone make moral judgments on here, fuck off butterfag.

>> No.14853295
File: 316 KB, 1144x888, 612faf30c693a150b0c0eaa772d6cf296263ac436b345650077d1357bb233977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Racially Catholic?
Racially jewish, you ditz. I suppose he might just be a living stereotype of the eternal anglo.

>> No.14853319

His dad was a mick from the Bronx who married his childhood sweet heart. Not everyone is a kike dude

>> No.14853328

What's hilarious is that this anon revealed that the term Jewish means literally nothing. Anti-semites don't actually care about the divinity of Christ or that time when Christians forced Jews to be bankers causing Jews to be resented, the only thing they care about is "I want to be sociopathic to anyone I don't like.

>> No.14853330

>Not everyone is a kike dude
Yeah, those who aren't are the exception. If you spot the pattern and keep seeing it for long enough then you start assuming stuff.

>> No.14853332

This honestly drives me up the wall, as much as I would rather not die it feels like the only way to change is violence because of how docile everyone is. Everyone at this point criticizes the system yet cannot do shit and don't actually want to, they just want to feel superior to the people who don't see a problem while living well under the system. It's like the powers that be have engineered society to specifically kill the section on the population who would actually storm their fucking houses with assault rifles and morphed them into minstrel shows of revolutionary thought without action to keep everyone else's counter culture appetite under control. Not that I'm any better, I consume and live as a gear in the machine but I hope I'm able to atleast fuck off into the woods soon to stop having to live with the other millions of people like me.

>> No.14853339

is... is Butter becoming catholic?

>> No.14853348

so much shifting of goal posts

>> No.14853351

Same felling. Minus wanting to fuck off intoawood. I just want to find a nice little place to settle down with people i can talk too. there are a few towns I have blown through that seemed decent enough.

>> No.14853363

Ah. See I was putting in a dig at her corporatism too. She’s rehabilitating a war criminal for her audience. All very cynical. I don’t see why you have to judge me on some moral grounds. Sells outs suck.

So pol told you he was jewish or something. No one here but your fellow poltards cares about your dead memes. Contain your schizophrenia, please.

Poking around to see who was barking at me is all.

>> No.14853371
File: 173 KB, 580x800, Arno_Breker_Alexander_the_Great.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's hilarious is that this anon revealed that the term Jewish means literally nothing.
Yes it does, it means they are a part of an out-group that sees itself as such and has a different agenda than their host body. It means quite a lot, it's the difference between a traitor/useful idiot and a hostile people.
>Anti-semites don't actually care about the divinity of Christ
I find many semitic people agreeable, just not the ashkenazi tribes who call themselves jews and occupy the holy land.
>Christians forced Jews to be bankers
That's the opposite of what happened, Christians tried to ban usury and jews were the only rats the royals and merchants could find that would do it. They were also pimps and sold alcohol to their host people when they weren't busy peddling junk and scamming them.

Makes no difference, sure.
What goal posts? I asked if he was jewish because I thought he was. There has been no shift of anything.
>So pol told you he was jewish or something.
No, he was simply acting and looking like a jew. Take your meds.

>> No.14853373

>This honestly drives me up the wall, as much as I would rather not die it feels like the only way to change is violence because of how docile everyone is
It's just fleeting sensations that will give you comfort. What will individual acts of violence achieve? What will wars achieve? It's all non-sense
>Everyone at this point criticizes the system yet cannot do shit and don't actually want to, they just want to feel superior to the people who don't see a problem while living well under the system.
This completely true
>Not that I'm any better, I consume and live as a gear in the machine but I hope I'm able to atleast fuck off into the woods soon to stop having to live with the other millions of people like me
Life's not that bad, it sounds like you been living in a woods of sorts regardless. From your perspective it's bleak and bad, but once you come out from the woods, you'll realize things can be good and you can find happiness irrespective of your gripes with the world which are not without merit.

>> No.14853382

>Ah. See I was putting in a dig at her corporatism too. She’s rehabilitating a war criminal for her audience. All very cynical. I don’t see why you have to judge me on some moral grounds. Sells outs suck.
Why was he a war criminal? I don't know anything about the Iraq War.

>> No.14853392

I do not care for her and yes, it is because she is African American.

>> No.14853416
File: 112 KB, 640x410, 024DB92D-8DB8-493D-8E64-27B246F16260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They invaded on false pretenses, Congress didn’t approve a war, private security forces murdered lots of Iraqis, soldiers where made to slaughter civilians including people known to be the press, aid workers and such. Broke international treaties by torturing captives, kidnapping, and incarcerating people without charges or trials TO THIS DAY.

It’s not all his fault, but he’s no innocent fool.
Here’s a self portrait after he left office. Trying to get clean.

>> No.14853434

That's the cost of spreading 'Democracy' I suppose

>> No.14853454

That’s the cost of capitalism, since it was the MICs idea the whole time.
Mass destruction

>> No.14853646

so what's the solution?

>> No.14853662

Non accumulative currency and democracy in the workplace

>> No.14853693

Critical theory is not just saying that capitalism is bad you utter fucking pseud

>> No.14854052

Critical theory doesn't say much about capitalism, which is why the two married.
Military Israeli Complex more like, there's no monetary or geostrategic incentive for the US to wreck the middle-east, rather they are making way for Israeli expansion.

>> No.14855141

It makes certain people money. And yes, obviously Israel benefits. Claiming that little country is calling the shots is stupid though. It’s just sentimentalists