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File: 480 KB, 406x550, Johann_Wolfgang_von_Goethe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14851739 No.14851739 [Reply] [Original]

The more I read him, the more I admire him. At the moment I'm getting convinced that he was the most perfect man to ever live. He was literally based in all departments. He cannot be justifiably be criticized in any way. That's how based he was.

Goethe Worship Thread

>> No.14851749

His theory of colours is a piece of garbage. He chose an ugly and stulid wife instead of his waifu von Stein because he was a coomer.

>> No.14851779

Comedian David Mitchell should play him in a self-reflexive Michael Winterbottom dramedy.

>> No.14851780

>His theory of colours is a piece of garbage
Yes but Schopenhauer perfected the theory and Schrodinger was very approving of the results.
>He chose an ugly and stulid wife instead of his waifu von Stein
von Stein was already married and I don't think it's fair to subject his wife to current standards of beauty.
>because he was a coomer.
Not true. He was chaste until his thirties.

Look at your criticisms for a moment. They are so basic and trivial (not to mention unjustified) that they are further evidence of his basedness. Of any other man we could find a thousand more serious faults.

>> No.14851782
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>> No.14851795
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The greatest problem with Goethe is that he was so based and contributed so massively to german 19th - 20th century culture that he, like Wagner, could be accused of causing nazism (by being too based)

>> No.14851818

>could be accused of causing nazism
If anyone argues that, they are very persuasively asking you to convert to Nazism. All the critics of Goethe and the Nazis are too careful not to attribute them to each other for this very reason.

>> No.14851896

Bump. You guys really need to read more Goethe.

>> No.14851918

He lost his virginity with 38.

>> No.14851922

What are your favorite works by him, anons?

>> No.14851934

Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre but also his Diwan.

>> No.14851968

hes literally me bros

this is now a David Mitchell Worship Thread

>> No.14851983

he cute

>> No.14852033
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>David Welsh notes that, "Goethe made frequent use of the idea of unifying opposites in the sense derived from the alchemical mysticism, both in his literary and scientific writings.
>"I was pleased to imagine to myself a divinity which reproduces itself from all eternity, but since a production cannot be thought of without multiplicity, this divinity necessarily applied to itself at once as a Second Person, whom we recognize by the name of the Son."

>> No.14852039
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>> No.14852935

Special fondness for the Italian Journey and Dichtung und Wahrheit; also Eckermann is just fantastic.

>> No.14852941

Truly based man. In the beginning was the act.

>> No.14852957

I've read Werther and liked it immensely, where do I go next?

>> No.14852970

Good taste. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship would be the next logical step.

>> No.14852986

Why did he have brown eyes?

>> No.14853164

What is a good english translation

>> No.14853171

All the better to see you with, bl*eoid

>> No.14853206
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>could be accused of causing nazism
What is wrong with Nazism? Post nose kike. Nazism is the best thing to come out of Germany

>> No.14854443

That would be Charlemagne and the 2nd, not the 3rd even remotely. Don't be disrespectful. The time has changed!

>> No.14854464

Is there a good biography on him?

>> No.14854771

i adore the man and a lot of his works, but i like his S&S personality a lot better than his classicism personality

>> No.14854774

sorry for being a midwit, but Faust I is - just due to my personal developement - my absolute favorite.

>> No.14854807

Is it true that Nietzsche saw him as the only historical figure that reached the condition of übermensch?

>> No.14854835
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"The Virgin Courtesy"
>Goethe thought differently; he drew his hand, took off his hat and stepped aside
>Beethoven, hands in pockets, went right through the dukes and their cortege... They drew aside to make way for him

>> No.14854841

Goethe was the first man of any note to proclaim Schopenhauer's genius, about 30 years before that was cool.

>> No.14855065

>World War Colorisation

>> No.14855081

Goethe said that Beethoven was intelligent, but something to the effect that he was too angry.

>> No.14855090

Goethe literally had a chad stride

>> No.14855396

And still got outchadded by B'tovyn

Goethe became a placid boomer in later life, also belittled Hölderlin, Kleist and others because he found them too spicy

>> No.14855406
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>Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship may be called throughout prosaic and modern. The Romantic sinks to ruin, the Poesy of Nature, the Wonderful. The Book treats merely of common worldly things: Nature and Mysticism are altogether forgotten. It is a poetised civic and household History; the Marvellous is expressly treated therein as imagination and enthusiasm. Artistic Atheism is the spirit of the Book. … It is properly a Candide, directed against Poetry: the Book is highly unpoetical in respect of spirit, poetical as the dress and body of it are.

>> No.14855455

There's Conversations with Eckermann which is basically table talk that occurs over the last 13 or so years of his life. Nietzsche called it the best German book.

>> No.14855458

Novalis had more soul than Goethe, given that he had traded it to the devil.

>> No.14855599

Are you irish?

>Goethe became a placid boomer in later life, also belittled Hölderlin, Kleist and others because he found them too spicy
Describe spicy.

>> No.14855760

Charlemagne didn't come out of Germany but out of Belgium the Netherlands.

>> No.14855790

Did Goethe have moustache?

>> No.14855876

It wasn't Novalis that wrote a whole book about selling his soul to the devil, you know.

>> No.14855879

He said, him, napoleon, n jesus were the closest

>> No.14855955

The Reich was essentially northern France (Frankreich) and southern Germany. Niederländer means lowlands, that of a Germanic people, and the Belgae were a tribe living in northern Gaul, i.e. northern France. The first Reich was of course Rome, which -derrrr- is in 'Italy' and specifically *not* a Germanic organization, nor an Italian one either for that matter. The 2nd, however, was.

>> No.14855982

Alright, how do I into Goethe?

>> No.14855990

Wheels are such a great invention, they have brought so many wonders and advanced civilization. But I guess they have caused the death of some people, so they're bad...

>> No.14855991
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>> No.14856009


>> No.14856037
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>> No.14856258

Are you comparing National Socialism, a defunct and inefficient form of capitalism, to the wheel?

>> No.14857408

That pizza looks like hot garbage.

>> No.14857489

>having brown eyes

>> No.14857495

that image is shopped

>> No.14857517

the first reich was the hre, not the real roman empire, and the second one was the german empire

>> No.14857587

>Holy ROMAN Empire
>not real Roman empire

>> No.14857612
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Anyone got this? Good collection?

>> No.14857630

How does one become so superlatively based, and preeminently redpilled?

>> No.14857654

Its translation of Wilhelm Meister is very good. It also has Faust 1 and some Classicist works as well as his scientific notes but I haven't looked at them yet. Overall, yeah it's pretty good.

>> No.14857662

Either be Goethe or strive to be like Goethe. There is no other answer.

>> No.14857667

I guess Wilhelm is the main appeal since it seems hard to get in English anymore. Guess i'll end up picking it up with his biography at some point.

>> No.14858060
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my brother

>> No.14858160
File: 1.17 MB, 2400x3183, Carlyle painted by John Everett Millais.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's Carlyle's translation of Wilhelm Meister like? An anon in another thread said it was very good but read similarly to Carlyle's own writing.