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14848257 No.14848257 [Reply] [Original]

what book explores the dunning-kruger effect? the phenomenon of the loudest people being the stupidest and the smart people too self doubting?

>> No.14848265

I BTFOd the dunning kruger because I hate myself but unfortunately I am stupid too.

>> No.14848280

"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt." -- Bertrand Russell

The short answer is that they don't know any better.

>> No.14848281
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every blue checkmark female journalist

>> No.14848296
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>I know that I know nothing!

>> No.14848297
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you can be a brainlet and thrive in this world if you are a female. probably gets hired for affirmative action

>> No.14848307
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kek, she doesn't even concede when called out

>> No.14848317

340 million people, $1 million each. That's $340 TRILLION. Good luck with that.

>> No.14848347

so aslong as i give pose as a humble person i can still be a genius rite?

>> No.14848353

Ironic is how self-aware he was in his unawareness.

>> No.14848427

Not as ironic as your post.

>> No.14848442

Doubt is conducive to higher intelligence because it prompts a process of belief revision and self-reflection. Doubtfulness in higher intelligence is no coincidence. It is through the pressured scrutiny of doubt that items of thought are refined and improved. There may be a social cost to this dubiousness, as people tend to rally instinctively around the presentation of confidence despite a lack of underlying rigor at least at first blush. But without doubt it's impossible to push beyond your current level of insight .

>> No.14848489

Appeals to objective truth are a form of white supremacy

>> No.14848614

Why is Russell such a faggot ?

>> No.14848628

He clearly didn't lose. His whole point was to build name recognition, drop out, and then endorse Biden, all to prevent Sanders from taking the nomination. He probably lined the pockets of Buttigieg, Klobuchar, et al. to ensure every moderate vote went to Biden. He did so to ensure he'd remain a billionaire with unconscionable power over the rabble. I'd call that a wild success.

>> No.14848631

I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

>> No.14848657

Do you get mad at a rock for not being sentient? Do you get mad at a tree for not being able to hold a conversation? Do you get mad at a dog for not knowing math?

>The short answer is that they don't know any better
Exactly. Learn to accept retards as part of the environment, learn to navigate through them and if you need, use them to your advantage. Being intelligent is about being able to adapt, if you fail to do this, you are not really intelligent. If you aren't stoic when you feel irritated by others' nature, you only hurt yourself.

>> No.14848669

A Confederacy of Dunces

>> No.14848675

Stones and dogs can’t vote you moron, these retards can.

>> No.14848679

He is right, 340 million dollars is 1 million each for 340 people. Not 340 million people. 340 million people at 1 million each is trillions of dollars

>> No.14848719

social norms make it so midwits succeed the most except at the very top level, that's how it's always been and will be

>> No.14848726

I can't tell if this is a joke or not.

>> No.14848804

Bloomberg has enough to give every American about tree fiddy

>> No.14848812

I still cringe when I remember that I used that on my social media profiles ten years ago.
Really makes me feel alive when I cringe like that.

>> No.14848825

Sorry, I thought she wrote 340m, not 327m. Anyhow, it's still a lot of money and she should go back to first grade.

>> No.14848831
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>> No.14848850

He is wrong, 340 million dollars is 1 million each for 340 million people. Not 340 people. 340 million people at 1 million each is 340 million dollars.

>> No.14848876

you are not so smart
that's a book title not an insult

>> No.14848887

For Russell to say that is the greatest irony.

>> No.14848932

thank you

>> No.14848937

How so?

>> No.14848951

500million dollars not 500 million millions lmao

>> No.14848964

Shit, I could use a dollar.

>> No.14848968

Jewish economics

>> No.14849013

Those minor candidates hardly ever stood a chance of threatening JB given the amount of funds needed to run a campaign, and the democratic establishment anxiety for a strong candidate. Bloomberg dropped out after 'Super Tuesday' i.e. taking away votes from Biden when Sanders posed the biggest threat, while those others already stopped and endorsed him before that date. Who of those voting for Bloomberg would have chosen anyone but Biden anyway?

>> No.14849039

Based alternative facts tweet

>> No.14849138

A buck fifty per person isn't very life-changing.

>> No.14849296

exactly as much as hitlers body count

>> No.14849305

t. never been poor

>> No.14849318

Enjoy 5 packs of noodles poorfag
t. bloomberg

>> No.14849324

poor maths aside, surely if everyone recieved $1 million dollars, then $1 million dollars would no longer be very valuable?

>> No.14849330

He could have given me 50 million dollars

>> No.14849342

>spend million dollars buying factory that manufactures spinning rims
>every nigger gives you $1,000,000 for spinning rims
>sell factory when the last nigger gives you their $1,000,000
>retire in peace un less than a year

>> No.14849456
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>only refers to americans
why do they do this

>> No.14849462
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>> No.14849562

if $327 trillion were printed so that every american gets a million then only having a million in assets would mean that you're still poor relative to everybody else including non-americans but I think your net worth goes up slightly, if $327 trillion of the existing us economy (15x~ the gdp) were redistributed so that every american gets a million then the net worth of every american would go up significantly, although I think the value of a million would eventually decrease as money starts flowing and the distribution of wealth starts skewing back towards those who are more capable of accruing wealth, it should also go without saying that such a redistribution would destroy the us economy and the world having 327 million new millionaires would likely destroy the global economy
not an economist btw

>> No.14849575

In the last few decades theyre really the only country that matters

>> No.14849587

>News anchors reported on this and discussed it seriously
This is the world we live in. You people still think real-life NPCs are a silly meme?

>> No.14849598

>15x GDP
And 4x the entire global economy.
To call this hyperinflation is woefully underestimating the damage.

>> No.14849608

imagine the amount of people who would immediately stop working thinking other people would keep working to sell them the things they needed

>> No.14849614

Obviously. People nominally wealthy already would be hurt the most.

"Redistribution" or expansion in such a ridiculous situation doesn't mean anything.

Not everyone equally suffers in a hyperinflation. Creditors get ruined and you end up with massively pissed off reactionary middle class.

No one could afford to stop working. A lot of people not working would have to all of a sudden.

>> No.14849617

The Kruger-Dunning Effect - those who excuse their failure of a life to themselves by creating falacious mental scenarios in which they are intrinsically smarter than everyone else by contrasting their intelligence with loud dunces

>> No.14849643

>No one could afford to stop working. A lot of people not working would have to all of a sudden.
I know bro, but it'd still happen which would create complete chaos in the economy in the very short term

>> No.14849644

Nothing worse than a woman who absolutely sucks at numbers and isn't open to correction. She could fuck up a recipe and make the worst slop to her husband and refuse to improve.

>> No.14849645

I mean this has to be false flagging right?
I understand one person could make this mistake, but it's impossible for this to go multiple layers deep without anyone catching it or seeing any of the backlash

>> No.14849646

I don't think the main issue is dunning-kruger effect at all.

I think the problem is that for whatever subject, ideology or position, we give attention and use as reference the absolute dumbest opinions.

Imagine a million people talking about a single thing. Now imagine the thousand dumbest opinions of that bunch. Now what if we replicate those and forget about all the decent, warm water, not enlightened but fairly ok opinions. I've seen that screenshot several times and it's dumb as fuck, but that's precisely why we see it everywhere.

Is it the best example of an anti-Bloomberg opinion? I don't think so. In other times, thoughts like these are filtered by the lack of range the message had. Some guy may say that to you in a bar and you just point to how he is wrong, even if for being just a silly math mistake. But now everyone tweets their opinion unfiltered and we award it with visibility.

I think great part of this ideological madness we live in today has to do with this. A Trump supporter will highlight the dumbest ugliest Bernie supporters and vice-versa. The atheist may focus on the idiot christfag who thinks the world is 6000yo and the christian can reply by showing the most retarded fedoras. Just examples, it happends all over the world for any ideology, because it's much easier to attack the weakest link than to tackle the best arguments from the other.

I also think since each group feels attacked by the other on such things, we start to deny criticism and hold on to what was shown. It creates a cycle of cocky attitude, people tend to move towards that dumbest opinion just to defend their position, sort of "yeah, that's right! I do think that, you have a problem with that?!", instead of realizing dumb people are part of every group and perhaps it is more important to differentiate ourselves from them within our same "side", than to oppose the other side at all costs.

>> No.14849669

>Really makes me feel alive when I cringe like that.
Is that a good thing, anon? I feel terrible every time I recall any social interaction all of which are burned into my mind.

>> No.14849671

Which helps whites be so successful.

>> No.14849681

This person doesn't even arithmetic. Each person would get $1.53.

>> No.14849682

>anon just now realising the internet is mostly populated by bots

>> No.14849684

It's concerning US elections, the rest of the world is irrelevant.

>> No.14849690

Not that anon, but whenever you cringe for stupid shit you've done in the past remember you only do so because you evolved out of it and learned better.

Also, this happends to everyone simultaneously, so if you're worried of stupid shit you did when you were 14, your peers won't remember because they are too concerned with their own shit. Just forgive yourself, one day you were a baby shitting in your pants. When you're 50 you'll feel more mature than today. That's just how life goes.

>> No.14849727


holy fucking shit. lmao

>> No.14849768

I definitely remember all the stupid shit my peers did when they were 14.
Some of my old classmates are starting to get into politics and I can't take anything they say serious, because of who they used to be.
Imagine having been classmates with a president or something and knowing that he called the teacher "mom" by accident and cried about it, or that time he licked human vomit for 5 dollars after someone dared him.
I wouldn't want to storm the beaches of Normandy, knowing that little Willy Churchill didn't pass penis inspection day at school.

>> No.14849799

Okay anon, you do have a point.

>> No.14849811
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how do you guys not loose hope when watching shit like this? these people somehow climbed the ladder to reach where they are yet they cant intuitively tell the numbers are wrong.
many people actually watched that segment and believed it.
just nuke this gay earth

>> No.14849815

it's like a microcosm of all of modern society

>> No.14849845

Why do this? I even understand if you are a little drunk, on a bus, do the math wrong, want to make a point, didn't think it through or care to much and post it. But to INSIST on it? Why? You'd need 300 trillions dollars to give every american a million bucks.

>> No.14850120

"The best lack all conviction, while the worst are filled with passionate intensity"

Thats a line from The Second Coming by W.B. Yeats. I don't remember the rest of the poem so maybe it says more about that.

>> No.14850622

literally me

>> No.14850627

He was an autistic Anglo.

>> No.14850641

I've been with my wife for 10 years now. We met in high school, and I got her pregnant. She is and always has been a lazy person and a shit cook. I wouldn't even mind eating shit food if she at least made it on time. But she rarely did.
We'd get into screaming arguments constantly about how lazy and worthless she was. I felt like an asshole for it, but goddamn she was a real piece of work. The only reason I dealt with all this was for the kids, and also because the sex is great.
But one night, I got fed up. Not only did she get drunk, neglect the kids, and made me top Ramen for dinner, but she decided to give me attitude too. She was being real fucking bitchy. So I told my grandparents to keep an eye on the kids and told my wife we were going to go out and have dinner together. I drove maybe 3 blocks to a quiet area (we live in Oregon, it's not hard to find a quiet field) and I got out of the car, went around like I was going to open her door for her and let her out, and I just beat the shit out of her while she was still seatbelted. After a few punches, I asked her if she wanted to go back to her parents. She started screaming and yelling and said yes, so I beat the shit out of her again. Then I asked her what she wanted to do. She finally got smart and said she wanted to go home. So I took her home and dared her to start trouble. I even handed her my cellphone and dialed her mom's number on the drive home. I made her talk to her mom, while daring her to fucking say something.

Before that incident, I had never laid a hand on her. But I had always threatened it. I told her "one of these days, if you don't straighten up, I'm going to lay hands on you."
All my meals have been on time, and she just recently tried to make a meatloaf. It was mediocre, but I was just thrilled that she tried.
Do with this information what you will.

>> No.14850642

>t. AJ Soprano

>> No.14850734

Jokes on Russell - I am an idiot AND I am full of doubt.

>> No.14850857

There is literally nothing wrong with this. If you give a million dollars to a million people every one of them would have a million dollars

>> No.14850867

Thanks, man.

>> No.14850993

being intelligent and adaptive offers no resistance to mob rule in the larger scheme of things. When the quote is de-contextualised then sure, you can say just ignore them - but you're offering the suggestion of burying your head in the sand as a response to a chaotic world stage because muh stoicism

>> No.14851013

"the fool thinks he knows everything"
"the wise man knows that he knows nothing"
"this anon >>14850734 thinks if he alludes to 'the wise man' quote then everyone will think he's hot shit"

>> No.14851042
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