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14844459 No.14844459 [Reply] [Original]

Can someone be a Buddhist and a Marxist? I pretty much agree with marxist writings however I do believe there is more to existence than material reality.

>> No.14844507

Just read Whitehead

>> No.14844511

Can someone be retarded and retarded? The answer to that is logically equivalent to asking whether someone can be retarded.

>> No.14844542

Yeah it's called being a right winger.

>> No.14844549

no you can't. maybe a communist or socialist but not marxist, as that entails materialism and the authoritarian means of suppressing it.

>> No.14844622

no actually the left has low IQ

>> No.14844641

sorry, i've just run the numbers and they say you've got a >70 IQ

>> No.14844651

messed this one up, devastating for me

pricing up assisted living homes rn

>> No.14844664

>Can someone be a Buddhist and a Marxist?
To my regret, yes.

>> No.14844666

>sorry, i've just run the numbers and they say you've got a >70 IQ
not african so no sorry.

But blacks tend to vote democract
QED you're wrong

>> No.14844687

Well, most people who become Buddhists are westerners who aren’t following true Buddhism and make no effort to actually practice it. Similarly, most marxists are middle class kids who think they are revolutionaries but cause no meaningful change in any way.
So yeah, become a Marxist Buddhist, you western boy. I’m a Marxist Buddhist Primitivist Gnostic Occultist Traditionalist Catholic Nationalist Socialist Neopagan Bolshevik, and I’m having a great time!

>> No.14844950
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Liberals are basically parodying themselves at this point. You are not a marxist and you are not a buddhist. You are an idiotic social democrat urbanite.
Let me guess, you are "not religious but spiritual."
The one good thing about commies is that once their usefulness runs dry, they throw useful idiots like you in gulags for being counter-revolutionist.

>> No.14844967

Yes, Buddha was against the caste system.

>> No.14845269

tl;dr on whitehead?

>> No.14845282



>> No.14845290

No he wasn't.

>> No.14845295

>grrrrr all marxists are hypocrites cause Marx bad

>> No.14845308

He was retroactively refuted by Guenon (pbuh) and Parmenides (pbuh)

>> No.14845315

No, all marxists are idiots because Marx is an idiot. All marxists are hypocrites because all materialists are hypocrites.

>> No.14845320

Whitehead was a white person whereas Guenon was a Muslim. What you say is an impossibility.

>> No.14845325

You forgot Bohm-Bawerk.

>> No.14845327
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You sound like your seething

>> No.14845336

False. However, Whitehead preemptively refuted them both.

>> No.14845359

You aren't a marxist retard, no matter how much you larp as one.

>> No.14845364
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I'm so glad that Guénon chads BTFO whiteheadfags so hard that they left the board

>> No.14845389

The Dalai Lama has spoken positively about marxism and believes marxism and buddhism can synthesize well if that helps you at all.

>> No.14845400

>no arguments

>> No.14845426

Buddhism plus a genocidal ideology? Huh?

>> No.14845446

A lot of Buddhist doctrine is directly taking the piss out of the Brahmin

>> No.14845449
File: 31 KB, 414x318, Soyjack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no dad i mean it, i really am a marxist communisterino
>Why yes i vote for my local liberal party what about it? Leftist solidarity!
>Jeez guys i am feeling so ZEN today, i really feel like i am like, in touch with the universe. I am SO spiritual, when you read about xer Buddha has a lot of good points.
>I want my country to be socialist, just like those Scandinavian countries!
>Umm. yeah i am a marxist, i like... support lgbtq communities and am totally all for free healthcare
>hey guys check out this epic FEMALE celebrity who is now making another million dollars a year YAAAAS QUEEEN SLAAAAY

>> No.14845462

Christ you're obnoxious

>> No.14845482

>gets btfo
>responds without a (you) in hopes that i wouldn't BTFO him again
many such cases, unfortunately for you i check the thread even without the red notification.

>> No.14845488

Pure projection lmao

>> No.14845496

>the red notification.
im sorry the what?

>> No.14845504

Actually that post represents you not me.

>> No.14845514

>he doesn't know

>> No.14845520

He uses the thread watcher for maximum shitposting efficiency.

>> No.14845529
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>> No.14845532

Nah your clearly projecting your own insecurities
Don't you know what projection means?

Anyway your clearly have no idea what Marxism is cause you constantly conflate it with liberalism

>> No.14845549

I know what Marxism is, that's why i said you are not a real marxist. You are clearly just an edgy neolib angry at his father. The whole point of my post was mocking "Marxists" who call themselves that despite not believing in a single thing Marx wrote about

>> No.14845553

appalling. The only natural way to use 4chan is to scroll down the front page, then the next couple pages, and try to find your old threads

>> No.14845556

>edgy neolib angry at his father.
Okay now your actually projecting

>> No.14845561


>> No.14845577


>> No.14845607

Based and redpilled

>> No.14845637

Marxism is a liberal philosophy. Deny it all you want fags but marx was peak liberalism before the French convinced qll his supporters to start castrating themselves and butt fucking.

>> No.14845682


>> No.14845859

its actually just cause whitehead is a much more complicated thinker than mr esoteric man and no one on this board actually reads

>> No.14845883

Does anyone here read?

>> No.14846410

Marx didn't promote atheism. He criticized the church as being brainwashing for the masses. In this aspect he was right.
The church =/= spirituality.

>> No.14846693
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>I am NOT religious i am SPIRITUAL!, there is a difference sweetie...

>> No.14846771

>State Enforced Homosexuality
>Secular Sanghas
>Ladas, Dacias, janas

>> No.14847002

How can you castrate yourself and butt fuck? You'd need to find a non-castrated person, who would have to be a capitalist. So peak communism is becoming a tranny and getting fucked by capitalists (presumably in exchange for money with which to fund their commune)?

>> No.14847347

"Being a Buddhist" is a murky thing. Can you be enlightened and be a Marxist? No. Buddhism is anti-materialist. But Buddhism isn't an "all or nothing" affair, there're no thoughts like "either you dedicate your life to it and renounce your worldy possessions or you're a poser" in it. Buddhism is something you practice to the degree you decide for yourself. You can absolutely be a Marxist and practice Buddhist mental discipline, there's no conflict there.

>> No.14847367

I miss the days before catalogues, extensions, archives etc. casualized this place to shit. Moot (God bless his soul) was a fucking moron for ever making it more user friendly.

>> No.14847391

Yeah, he fucking was. Read a book for once in your fucking life.

>> No.14847399

Whitehead is one of the most influential philosophers of the 20th century whereas Guenon was a mule faced retard that only incels know about.

>> No.14847405

Strawman. I'm Buddhist and think trannies are creepy retards.

>> No.14847406

>You have a >70 iq
>no you

<70 iq confirmed

>> No.14847412

Yes, there literally is. Posting a picture of an ugly bearded guy doesn't change that.

>> No.14847520

Absolutely, buddhism is a monist religion, it goes very well with Marxism. Dont listen to the midwits in here.

>> No.14847880
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yes, soccer moms manage to claim to be both buddhists and socialists.

>> No.14847886

You can be anything you want to be, anon.

>> No.14847990

Wasn't this posted on /leftypol/? And I thought spirituality in general runs contradictory to Marxist materialism.

>> No.14848038

That's just placating Westerners with bullshit so he has some support in the face of China. Didn't work because msn turned on him and ruined his rapport anyway.

>> No.14848343

>I know more than the words from the Dalai Lama himself

Whoa, are you the Maitreya?

>> No.14848372

I attend a lot of Vajrayana sessions led by initiated practitioners. The majority of regular attendees are social semocrat urbanites the minority are Nazis lol. These people are practicing legitimate Buddhism. It may be deracinated, but it's authentic nonetheless.

>> No.14848562

No, Marxist critique of philosophy, political economy, and religion operate on the same basis. You can't reject one without rejecting the others.

>> No.14849468

You know people have reasons for saying and doing things, right? All this le buddhism is commensurable with western science is just him trying to make connections. remember he lived through china conquering and butchering his people.