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14844266 No.14844266 [Reply] [Original]

How do these creatures speak so charmingly fellas? Not even a minute into the conversation and they're able to get your heart flying. What sorcery is this?

>> No.14844283

STOP FUCKING POSTING JEZEBELS! I come here to escape from whores, not be reminded that I constantly want to worship them. I hate women so much, and I hate you for reminding me of how much I love them. Leave me alone and let me talk about books in peace you faggot.

>> No.14844287

What, girls?

>> No.14844293 [DELETED] 

>want to worship them
Why do you wanna worship them exactly?

>> No.14844301

>want to worship them
Why do you wanna worship them exactly?

>> No.14844306

On another subject, anyone knows of book where asian women kill white men?


>> No.14844311

Car salesmen?

>> No.14844315

It has nothing to do with their words and everything to do with your receptivity. Master your flesh and their hold on you will vanish.

>> No.14844320
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Evolution & biology
>I am grug I MUST FUCK

>> No.14844322

Answer op's question from the perspective of a female (if you are one).

>> No.14844330
File: 532 KB, 1080x1415, Begone jezebels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14844338

>muh Evolution
>muh receptivity
Even gays agree

>> No.14844366

huh? Are you denying evolution?

>> No.14844373

There’s many kinds of “females”, anon. That was the point of my innocent comparison. I’m trying to show that women can be as slick as car salesmen. The ends are different, and not often devious, but women are more similar to men than you people want to believe.
(yes, I am one)

>> No.14844394

>yes, I am one
Why do you shill here and not have a family like a normal person?

>> No.14844403

That image is flipped horizontally

>> No.14844425

The young little calf this calf he went down the road, the fine young calf rode only to be accosted by the gatekeeper. The big man with the hat he accosted the fine young calf with a tip of his gate and he said
"Eh lad, where are ya goin down by the pool, aye the poole"
Nevermind the pool, replied the fine young calf, where may I find the lady who I have often seen resting upon these little rocks
"no rocks past my gate" is what he said and lowered the gate down down down till the tip hit the dust
aye and to you too! and the calf doubled back up the road.
but the calf did not think of rocks or gatekeepers or pools for that matter, the young calf only thought about the lady who rested upon the rocks by the poole past the gate
aye the gate
just then, right then, a fine young lady rode down the avenue in the finest smock the calf had ever seen. aye a smock aye the finest he had ever seen
who is this, she thought
who is this the finest young calf I have ever seen the calf thought the lady thought, aye the calf
“Nae” said the lady in the smock
nae what replied the fine young calf thought the fine young lady thought the fine young calf
And neither said a word as the lady, aye the lady, and this time is true the lady, rode past the road down the road to the gatekeeper. The fine young calf replied to himself, aye himself, this is the lady, the lady I have seen upon the rocks past the gate by the pool
what pool, nae the poole who built this land, aye the poole, aye the poole, or perhaps poole’s pool which was a bay, aye a bay, where fine lady’s smocks rested on the rocks by the fine young ladies by the rocks by the pool of the poole aye the poole
The fine young calf rode up to the gatekeeper once more
“lad” he said, “I think, aye think, aye told you once, aye did I, I did, not to come back down this rode, see here”
nae, said the calf, ye told me brotter, aye he’s the one, aye, ye did, while I was picking flowers by the mulberry rode
“that rode aye, I did did I, aye,” the gatekeeper said and tipped his gate once more, but the fine young calf was on to his tricks and rode himself down under the gate and the gatekeeper screamed and cursed, aye cursed and screamed but could not leave his post as he did his job for free.

>> No.14844429

The fine young calf walked down the road strolled and rode hoping to fine young lady find, aye find fine ladies aye on the rocks by the poole aye, but he could not catch a glimpse until he found the sign, aye the sign, the sign that signed he was not allowed past the gate, aye the gate, and he asked the sign aye the sign,
why sign, he asked, aye, why can’t I enjoy the rocks aye or the pool aye the poole, why must I ride the road past the gatekeeper and pick flowers along the mulberry rode, am I aye I not permitted to view the fine young ladies who rest upon the rocks aye the rocks, am I not a fine young calf myself, do the fine young calves not get to be with the fine young ladies, aye the ladies, aye the calves aye fine and young we go to gether aye
The sign did not reply. And just then, right then, aye, the same fine young lady, in a different collared smock rode past the road and past the sign
aye lady, called the calf, aye please tell this sign I belong on the rocks, but she did not reply.
The Sign did not reply. The fine young calf began to cry:

WHY?! WHY MUST YOU TORMENT ME SO WITH THESE JEZEBELS? My one single wish is to be left to my own asexual devices, free from the thorned grip of perverse tempation, unclouded or swayed in my noble search for intellectual playthings of the mind, yet by your hand I am endlessly titillated by these vixens with their prodigious hips and provocative figures. Can I never satiate this thirst, will I ever know the touch of a woman and enter between her loins? Will these hands ever feel a woman's swaying weight in their open palms? Will I ever know a plump, ruby pair of lips perched betwixt my shoulder and my ear, whispering "I want you, I want you now" in that chocolatey croon I know so well from dreamtime? Will my seed ever drip from her moistened hole, indicating the completed unity of our unhinged sexual impulses?

Life is a constant hell. Day in and out the tired red eyes glaze in some attempt to shield me from these images. I am floating in the blistering heat of my id's vacuum, castrated and blinded by my wretched libido. No wonder I resent women so.

The SIGN did not reply. the fine young calf aye the calf lied aye lied.

>> No.14844431

I’m an old lesbian who landed here after I gave up television.
It’s hard finding a good woman to settle down with, you ought to be able to relate, but for me, I have to find one that’s also homosexual.
How are you doing, man?

>> No.14844443

>I’m a lesbian
then, um, just not be one?
You know it's all in your head right?

>> No.14844448 [DELETED] 

You’re thinkingof bise

>> No.14844456

Dumb. You’re thinking of bisexuals
Are you bisexual? You switch it on and off?

>> No.14844464

Be my sugamomma and we can have long, profound conversations about Marx.

>> No.14844474

>you ought to be able to relate
what do you look for exactly?

>> No.14844530

I have a bone to pick with you, butters. It was directly related to that conversation we had about that cockshott socialism you were pushing.

>> No.14844533


Please answer my question, thanks.

>> No.14844536

kiss their feet

>> No.14844540

why does holding your shit feels so good ?
Shitting truly is one of the greatest pleasures in life

>> No.14844544

based poop fetish closet homo

>> No.14844596

I don’t have the money to qualify for that.

That’d get a little bloggy, don’t you think? The last woman I was with was just sweet and needy. I still like her but it was just a little sex.


>> No.14844619

Girl is very soft but also bones hurt unlike kitty
I wish girls were boneless or atleast soft bone so cuddling more comfy

>> No.14844629
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Actually the idea of not having a "gf" is quite funny and unusual, like you're missing this essential part of normal Western development and experience and now have this "outside" view of everything.

4chan truly is the poets artist, but gone are the days that it offers comfort to the incel and socially rejected.

>> No.14844630

Women are the social butterflies of our species.

>> No.14844634


>> No.14844646
File: 59 KB, 568x525, Thinking retard pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw butterfly imposter is actually doing it out of revenge
the plot gets thicker.

>> No.14844652
File: 68 KB, 700x523, FC38BB8D-F55A-40A6-BB31-50308FEA7929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminds me of this Albanian sci-fi. Like a Gulliver's Travels under the sea where he describes these visible women like creatures

>> No.14844658

Butters, do you browse here because you also feel some consolidality in your feeling of outside-ness? Though for you perhaps secret.

>> No.14844668

Nothing heated. I just wanted to add what came to me a minute before that thread was deleted. Straight to the point: The system seems less plausible than I had initially imagined. How does a country that hosts it function in a world whose other countries does not? Resources like rare earth metals aren't evenly distributed, a lot of them found only exclusively in places like China, which, good luck trying to convince them to get onboard since not even the western world can annex them. The problem here is: How would your country TRADE with others?

>> No.14844677

>I don’t have the money to qualify for that
Maybe if you were concentrated on climbing up the ladder instead of shitposting, you would have.
What do you do by the way?

>> No.14844680

How do you mean?
I’m here for amusement and some learning. I have always been a little meek and too shy, especially when I was younger.

>> No.14844689

What women are you speaking with? 95% of women I talk to are unredeemable bores, regardless of whether they are attractive or homely.

>> No.14844694

>How do these creatures speak so charmingly fellas? Not even a minute into the conversation and they're able to get your heart flying. What sorcery is this?
Men do as well, and every thing they say or do also takes those "Jezebels" breath away, if they're attractive.

>> No.14844716

Vanity and woman are still very much inseparable, it seems.

Never the less, why do you troll this board so? Learning is fine, the memes are good, enjoying like minded character in introversion is also appreciated, but why do you rebel against it in so many ways as well?

Do you really hate the people on this board that believe in Fascism or Christianity? Are they really that bad even if you do not believe in them? Are things not more relative than the absolute good and evil which you seemingly both reject and integrate?

>> No.14844761

No. I was born into a rather impoverished family and had been able to put myself into a debt with some university, so no amount of “climbing” would get me much high than this in that sick game of capitalism.

>Oh, oh! The vanity! I swoon!
Why do I rebel? Why do you rebel? I was Anonymous when I first came and it is alienating and feels very lonely.
Like da Jesus, I care enough to rag on them and show them the alternative to their folly. Anti-theism is love, socialism is love.

...and work is art and we are wealth.

>> No.14844767

>and HADN’T been able to put myself into a debt

>> No.14844772

Why do you hate white men?
Post nose

>> No.14844778

>I was Anonymous when I first came and it is alienating and feels very lonely.
it isn't though it's based. it is an entirely different sort of camaraderie that sometimes appears when we are not calling each other retards

>> No.14844805 [SPOILER] 
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I don’t.

Mm, yeah. I used to win all sorts of “internets”. But it was forgotten a post later. Hollow antisocial interaction. Good for trolling.

>> No.14844825

>Why do I rebel? Why do you rebel? I was Anonymous when I first came and it is alienating and feels very lonely.
So you choose to use a trip to gain some level of social affirmation, in contrast to a lonely sense of lacking importance? Hmm interesting. But more interesting, how does a woman -even a lesbian- find her way on 4chan? Tell us that story.

>I care enough to rag on them and show them the alternative to their folly.
So you insult -in this example- Fascism and Christianity to help its purporter's and not the typical sense of satisfaction one gets when insulting?

>Anti-theism is love
pfff, never have I heard such a completely ideologically projected and influenced statement. Can you affirm anything to back this up? Can you say even the preacher to the "poor-in-spirit"? And the one who can "no more suffer[in his own willing but of course he can still experience it], but only feel for others' sufferings"? Christ the redeeming force of only others? It seems you still have problems with your own upbringing to resolve, and in this mistake what is good for something bad. I am not asking you to believe in it, but for an atheist who has no ethical grounding (>)herself, surely you can see the moral profundity of something such as Christianity, or at least the forming of morality in general by religion?

>socialism is love.
A hollow statement, the term love is broad, and at best it can be said that socialism is one incarnation of this. But weren't you an anarchist? What happened to the log-cabin life with your own plants and food?

>> No.14844827

>Mm, yeah. I used to win all sorts of “internets”. But it was forgotten a post later. Hollow antisocial interaction. Good for trolling.
You are a hollow being.

>> No.14844831

did you ever have a pen15

>> No.14844840

You're suffering from the Madonna-Whore complex, you need to start seeing women as human beings in all their various shades, for your own wellbeing

>> No.14844840,1 [INTERNAL] 

I’d rather go with just the name. Chan girls.
I cannot insult anyone since you put on a a suit of impenetrable armor. They could be trolling/larping when they present their ideology. If anyone takes offense that’s their problem.
I know what theism does to a mind and I feel much better without it, so yes, trying to help people through their existential crises is a loving gesture.
The problems in my upbringing have shaped me into a too meek shy person who wastes her time on Phoenician papyrus rubbing boards. I should do better, I admit.
Anarchism is libertarian-socialism and it is love.


Good post