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File: 547 KB, 1600x1067, 60A95E84-2BEA-497D-998D-E02FB0B825F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14844314 No.14844314 [Reply] [Original]

I browse Reddit every once in a while, and I’ve noticed a lot of general hate towards incels. Why is this? What is compelling society, as a whole, to shame men who are unable or unwilling to put up with the necessities required in order to have casual sex? Wouldn’t it be more rational that we celebrate those who practice chastity and monogamy? Has society truly become an inversion of the divine?

>> No.14844323
File: 1.40 MB, 2952x1375, jewish media antiwhiteness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is this?
pic related

>> No.14844328

obvious bait but its because incels say sexist stuff about women. Nobody gives a shit about people who just dont have sex

>> No.14844339

Like what sexist stuff? I find it hard to imagine Incels have come up with anything more novel than what you’re average man can dream up. Why are these people being targeted so heavily?

>> No.14844376

Incels are a specific online community, congregating on places like Reddit, 4chan, and Incels.me. They are disliked because of their extreme sexism and overall toxicity. The word does not describe all men who are unable to get a girlfriend.

>> No.14844478

Sex in the current genders relations is the women's most valuable possession to give, making rape such a horrible crime worst than murder, the liberation and normalization of casual sex before marriage enhancing the range of exchanges for this commodity, etc.
If a man stays a virgin, something that is out of his reach under such a sexualized society, it invalidate his opinion and paints a target on his back showing his lack of skills to be considered worthy of the capital that the "judging" class has. Funny how this system just validate women's resources to be a filter of men's social status and nothing more

>> No.14844517

Incels are often weirdos that come off as vitriolic to normies. Pair that with reddit's lefty pro-woman bent and you have incel-hate.

>> No.14844557

I went on reddit philosophy after reading this and apparently you have to wait something like 8 minutes between posts. I assume this measure was taken to protect slow-brained larpers from being too harshly routed by my speedy wits.
Anyway reddit is trash and your first mistake was visiting the site at all.

>> No.14844561
File: 296 KB, 1254x706, 1583468774479.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

John B. Calhoun described in his experiments on population density a "behavioral sink", in which rats would loose many of the natural instincts which regulate rat society and increasingly display behavior which is anti-social, neurotic, and self-isolating.

People in general are judgemental sociopaths, they have been since the dawn of time, and them picking on incels is just a matter of finding the weakest and most vulnerable targets (lonely men without social support networks). This violent gut instinct to find weakest man you can and 'make an example of him' is post-hoc justified with a moral veneer per >>14844328 and >>14844376.

Young women in particular I think have jumped onto the 'incel' bandwagon because they get most of their value from being sexually desirable (not even saying this as a misogynist, it's very obvious if you spend time around women how much time and effort they put into being pretty or cute or whatever and how viciously they establish their pecking-orders like broody hens the moment one of them manages to get knocked up), so the idea that somebody would just declare them not worth the effort strikes deep into the psyche.

Humanity has always been a dog pit, but the internet has made it particularly easy to dog-pile on undesirables.

>> No.14844632

I can't believe people think reddit is left-leaning

>> No.14844673

The vast majority of people do, including reddit themselves...

>> No.14844688

right now the front page posts of leddit are:

1. A post about AOC
2. A post about racial profiling of blacks
3. a reddit etiquette thread
4. a news article about corporal punishment in schools
5. random gif
6. a post promoting cancelling student loans
7. random gif
8. a post about Nazis escaping justice
9. a post criticizing Trump's reaction to coronavirus
10. a post saying Biden is mentally ill
11. random chinese poem
12. a twitter antiracism post
13. post about video games
14. a post criticizng homophobia
15. antiyoutube post

This is not some political section of reddit, this is just the front page. 9/15 of the first posts are some sort of left-leaning politics. If you want actual commies their boards frequently hit the front page too

>> No.14844758
File: 55 KB, 450x768, 745d366f1d5f4e9cc5688647677efa47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Women hate incels/mgtow as it portends their future as wine aunt/cat ladies.

The moment they hear of a man " going their own way" they seethe. And if a Chad whose genes they covet for progeny does it, then they foam at the mouth.

The plan is all falling apart: get your holes drilled by miles of cock prime years, and snag a beta mule at end of train ride before eggs stop flowing. Whip that mule for gravy until divorce when kids are grown. Take the house, assets and alimony.

That's ending now, and incels/mgtow are fucking up the plan.

Yelling about incels is reaching shrill levels, amusingly, as society moves rapidly into population collapse. People aren't having children. Marriage is moribund, families aren't forming.

Keep the popcorn at easy reach. It's going to get epic.

>> No.14844870

>implying incels are serious thing

>> No.14844925

Have you ever been on reddit?

>> No.14845004

>I browse Reddit
Stopped reading there.

>> No.14845032

they are self loathing incels

>> No.14845035

I want more from where that image came from

>> No.14845070
File: 75 KB, 625x612, 5A09962A-1A70-4ADE-AF61-2E3F4529FDF8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I browse reddit
I think you should leave.

>> No.14845148

Incels don't exist

>> No.14845265

Women hate incels because they hate any male that isn't in the top 10% of men. Women doubly hate incels because they can't extract much value out of those that came to terms with their inceldom.
Men hate incels because they really really don't want to be incels.

>> No.14845313

pretty sure incels are hated because they hate woman; just as femm-nazi's are hated because they hate men

>> No.14845473

Seems like incels hate the way modern women behave, not women themselves.

>> No.14845652

Actually, I only hate myself, for not being able to be what mainstream society (and, therefore, women) want.

>> No.14845670

>shouldn't we celebrate them
One was brainwashed by nu-4chan echochambers into murdering 10 people with a truck here.
We should exterminate them desu, it would be doing them a favour.
And this is coming from a voluntary celibate.

>> No.14845675

Because we are naturally disgusted by weak men.

>> No.14845688

They’re involuntarily celibate. They don’t practice celibacy because it’s virtuous, they do so because no one wants to fuck them. No one likes them/wants to fuck then because bitter, insecure morons who blame women for their problems and lack self-awareness. I think the popularity of the term could be attributed to the prevalence of feminist, man hating rhetoric.

>> No.14845704

How do I convince everyone in my life that I want to stay voluntarily celibate

>> No.14846259

are you naturally disgusted towards weak woman? or towards strong woman?

you don't. if you truly want to pursuit this path, you shouldn't need to rationalize it with anyone else, and you are in a sense already ~liberated~

though i must admit that i don't strictly think that this is a great idea, though great ideas can manifest in many ways. iirc the buddha visited his wife and family after his enlightenment as well, so take that as you will

>> No.14846283

ofc, its involuntary after all

technically we've been doing the same schtick since the olden ages, not much about it has changed.

>hate the way modern women behave
more like, they were lied to by society about how woman behave via media/liars/seducers/pundits/SJWs/whiteknights and most everyone else in the world, and they can't accept the fact that "its more complex than that"

>> No.14846346

>them picking on incels is just a matter of finding the weakest and most vulnerable targets (lonely men without social support networks). This violent gut instinct to find weakest man you can and 'make an example of him' is post-hoc justified with a moral veneer
This, basically. They're weak men who, by complaining about injustice and unfairness in the sexual market, open themselves up to ridiculous for that weakness. This always happens. In the recent past, they were called 'nerds' and were picked on for being weak. Now nerds are rich, and it's open season on the incels.

>> No.14846389

Calhoun's results was proved false, mostly because in subsequent experiments, when rats was given some alternatives to only fucks or eat (like toys for more physical activity) there was no behavioral anomaly.

>> No.14846592

>Why are these people being targeted so heavily?
If you aren't in a relationship with a woman then you don't understand conspicuous consumption, and as a result aren't a true citizen of a capitalist society. It makes an okay witch hunt but it isn't much of an argument.

>> No.14846626

>more like, they were lied to by society about how woman behave via media/liars/seducers/pundits/SJWs/whiteknights and most everyone else in the world, and they can't accept the fact that "its more complex than that"
It doesn’t seem like the world over has generally accepted the idea that women are involuntarily immoral creatures, and naturally run perpendicular to what the general guidelines of a well functioning society should appear as.

They weren’t lied to, only, they were raised to expect behavior from women which is of a more highly regarded and value standpoint. Obviously so, the behavior of modern women is less than any desirability, in lieu of the mess mass transportation and communication has left with us. By extolling the idea that these men are “weak” for expecting women to behave at levels above that of a perverted monkey is heresy. Instead, we should be commending these men for being dissatisfied with degenerate behavior and should likewise join them in chastising the women for the toddler-like displays of public depravity and immorality. The gaudiness of modern women is something that isn’t what makes women strong; conversely women are far weaker than they’ve ever been, and it will only continue to slide as their power usurpation of males continues to slide the social clock back to a reality which is far less conducive to a stable society than is currently at hand.

>> No.14846704

>promoting cancelling student loans
wtf I love reddit now

>> No.14846785

jbp mentioned something along the lines of increased gender quality in northern euro seems to infact further polarize gender norms; but this could also be due to other n.euro social climates i am unaware of

point being, is that there is another side to the coin of your rant as well; and in any case: "its more complicated than that", but at the same time it really isn't. i think a whole lot of this whole "incel/SJW"-game is manifest because you want to say something about "all-such-persons", which would naturally be grounded in some kind of extreme.

if chance happens that you are talking to a qt3.14, just remember that she's just a regular human being with a psyche like you, an emotionally fucked up history like you, and carries the weight of the world around her, like you

ps im lying here somewhere, but can you spot it?

>> No.14846788

Wagie wagie back to the cagie! :DD

>> No.14846828

>point being, is that there is another side to the coin of your rant as well; and in any case: "its more complicated than that"
It’s really not complicated at all if you properly and honestly analyze the female condition from a viewpoint of one who wants to understand motive. Of course, I could entirely elaborate on this sentiment, but I’ll refrain from now, as it should be obvious to whomever you are that females naturally are inclined to tactics of survival which are counterintuitive to the male prerogative. What shouldn’t be obvious (as is clear too you) is as to why our society seems to overlook this glaring modality of being. From the most pedantic of ways of explaining the male condition I’ll simply resort to ordinary platitudes: men have historically been the protectors of women, and as we have rapidly progressed beyond the speed of what is considered “natural selection”, we’ve furthered our standard of living beyond a point that serves our historically reinforced behavior; men needlessly protect women when there is no preexisting threat to the women’s existence, or when there is a lack of needing protection with which the woman cannot sufficiently protect herself from. So, as to the reason the entire topic of women behavior and the inconclusiveness to the origins and operations of this behavior, it should be noted that it resides on both parties reluctance to abdicate their responsibilities (honorable) and also their feigned ignorance of a contemporary conflict (dishonorable).

>> No.14846852

Basically this. Women are fucked because humans are fucked. I hate to be an evolutionary reductionist but we really are just emotionally immature horny apes with just enough sophistication to expand the scale and technological advancement of society but not to solve its core psychological issues, which are embedded in our very genes. It's a game that has always been going on and will never end. Women aren't getting any worse than they've always been, and incels are deluded to think so.

Men are pretty shitty to be honest as well, it's just that sexuality is such a personal, subjective and extremely emotionally powerful force that it blinds us to that fact. Sexual resentment is really painful to experience, so the way to deal with incels is not to belittle them but to empathize with their biological predicament, and the same goes to thots.

Only empathy separates us from lower animals, and it isn't even that common of a human trait.

>> No.14846979

>Women aren't getting any worse than they've always been
Yeah. But they were better in the past when they weren’t allowed to be sexual degenerates which institutes a state of polygamy. Name ONE successful society which has practiced Polygamy and not been overrun by outside invaders.

>> No.14847019

Yeah. I wonder if we should try to control our shittiness. You know, provide some kind of positive order to society. Or maybe better to call it a moral order. Give men purpose, control women's hypergamy. Make sure men stay with women, make sure women don't sleep around. I mean what would you call a society like that.We might need some new terminology. What would that society even look like?

>> No.14847026

>practice chastity and monogamy
What parts of "INvoluntary CELibacy" don't you get? Both? OK.

>> No.14847039

>I browse Reddit every once in a while
just leave, please

>> No.14847044

I'm not proposing solutions. Just saying the general situation is fucked.

>> No.14847046

I’m saying it shouldn’t be thought of as a bad thing that they aren’t having sex, even if it’s against their desire. Incels are good, even if they don’t realize it.

>> No.14847053

>I'm not proposing solutions.
Of course not. Men have solutions, faggots and women complain.

>> No.14847249

That's what some tried to do. They were called fascists and nazis.

>> No.14847275

Mormons'? not that i particularly agree/disagree with you, its just that you said it with such force st i thought there would be strong evidence to your claim

what i said above wasnt to say that we are super fucked intrinsically, but that "the degree to which we are fucked is literally the most, out of all we can personally experience, and is also embedded into a personal mythos of the world", and the same goes for everyone

>why our society seems to overlook this glaring modality of being.
no comment, but i think a major function of society/spectacle is to specifically do this. this could be a good/bad thing

>men have historically been the protectors of women
yes/maybe? war-time rape would have something to say against that

>when there is no preexisting threat to the women’s existence
there is more to this "thing" than "merely existing", but i don't know what else to say

> it should be noted that it resides on both parties reluctance to abdicate their responsibilities (honorable) and also their feigned ignorance of a contemporary conflict (dishonorable).
quite poignant, i guess the corollary is to lead an "authentic life"