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/lit/ - Literature

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1484156 No.1484156 [Reply] [Original]

Since I've decided to explore other boards than /v/ I might as well ask
Do I have decent taste?
I'm on the 7th book

>> No.1484158
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>> No.1484163

Ah, well, /mu/ said I had bad taste too
At least /v/ agrees with some of my tastes

>> No.1484214

Dont listen to them. The wheel of time series is incredibly good. It starts to slow down but it will pick back up.

>> No.1484217

I will never stop loving the Wheel of Time

>> No.1484220

Oh thank goodness, I'm really bored and am having trouble picking it back up

>> No.1484224


When will you mouthbreathers grow the fuck up?

You will never know the touch of a woman if you keep this up.

>> No.1484229

It could have been taken down to 7-8 books instead of going twice that as it has now. As well, Ulysses could have been written in 200 pages.

>> No.1484234

>no colour-shifting cloak
>wearing Seanchan armour
>carrying two swords

>three feet tall
>riding Shetland pony


>> No.1484235

Oh, so it's the exact same situation here with fantasy and women as it is on /v/ with jrps and women?
Whatever, good thing I have had girlfriends before.
They think I'm interesting
But that's besides the point

I'm really tired of Rand doing fuck nothing. I feel like nothing is really happening with Egwene either, or any of the characters for that matter. But I'm only on page 200, it's just been really hard to push myself to keep reading.

>> No.1484236

>implying nerd grrls don't love WoT

You don't know SHIT about bedding fat neckbeard chicks.

>> No.1484238

Holy shit

>> No.1484243 [DELETED] 

Anyone else pissed that Moiraine is incredibly weak in the one power after being rescued? Think it's possible for that to be Healed?

>> No.1484245

Oh god please, spoiler that shit up man

>> No.1484248

HEY, me and my wife both had our first year teaching in a juvenile detention center. We took over what was the library, pretty much a double bookshelf of old tattered books. With our budget we made several half price book runs and I included the Wheel of Time books for the kids. Many of these kids could barely read when they arrived. The Wheel of Time, along with pretty much any work by Dumas, ended up having a waiting list to read by students. The students who read these books showed massive improvements in their work, especially in English. There is nothing wrong with fantasy, it may be a bit childish at times, but you shouldn't be afraid of your childish side.

>> No.1484249


Yeah, that was my bad.

Anyone else pissed that Moiraine is incredibly weak in the one power after being rescued? Think it's possible for that to be Healed?

>> No.1484252


You ruined their lives you jackass. Condemned them to a life of literary mediocrity and probably mediocrity in the real life sense.


>> No.1484256

I've listened to my dad complain about WoT too much to really want to give it a try. Seems like a frustrating series to be a fan of. I read plenty of other fantasy though.

>> No.1484259


I hate to say it, but it's going to get worse before it gets better. By the ninth book the major characters have mostly stopped appearing, and by the tenth the plot seems to have vanished as well. After the eleventh, Robert Jordan died and Brandon Sanderson took over the series, which turned out to be a huge improvement. The two volumes he's written so far aren't quite as good as the first five in the series, but they're much better than the last few that Jordan wrote.

>> No.1484263
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The slowing down i mentioned is from all the political moving that rand does, with moments of bad ass-ery sprinkled in. Jordan probably thought he had a lot more time to finish the series else i don't think he would have dragged it out as he did. Also:
WTf? Never noticed that before. I think that might have been drawn before he though up the Seanchan, but they appear in the 2nd book.

>> No.1484269

I was too busy being creeped out about Thom laying his wrinkled spotted hands all over that beautiful porcelain doll to care about power levels

>> No.1484271

These are juvenile students. The kind that haven't read a book in their entire lives. The kind that are in there because they shot someone. A interest in reading has to start somewhere and shoehorning what you think to be great literature onto them is exactly why kids don't like to read. It is a chore to them. They wanted to read these and from them they built reading skills and vocabulary which they used to read better works.

>> No.1484275


Oh god, that was bad. When Moiraine said she knew the face of the man she was going to marry back in Tear, I was expecting some epic plot twists on that count. But hell, I was still on the early books then, and was full of optimism.

>> No.1484274


The original cover artist for WoT is notorious for getting everything wrong. I can't remember any of the specific examples, but I'm pretty sure there was one character who appears on two covers looking completely different (and in neither case looking as described in the books).

>> No.1484281

All major characters not appearing?
Please tell me there's at least some action with the forsaken

>> No.1484284

Everyone hates Sweet, even Robert Jordan himself hated Sweet's covers. But the fucker's under contract, if I'm not mistaken.

The covers for the e-books are infinitely superior.

This is why /lit/ is nothing but a circlejerk until someone from another board steps in and makes a thread. It's the same shit with /mu/'s forcing their music taste on everyone.

>> No.1484287

It took me years to figure out Tuon was black. For the life of me I can't figure out why other than the cover for one of the books.

>> No.1484296

>Dwarf Magic

>Fiery Swords

>Elven Kings

Tell me fantasyfags. What redeeming features, if any, does your genre have?

>> No.1484302

I'll admit the genre is saturated with tolkien knock offs and cookie cutter characters ( which is why I moved to sciencefiction/murder mystery) but the WoT series stands out among the shit.

>> No.1484303

It doesn't have an elitist, pretentious fanbase that read nothing but philosophical texts in the hopes of becoming a more interesting person.

Excluding Goodkind, of course.

>> No.1484304

1. Dwarf magic
2. Fiery swords
3. Elven kings

>> No.1484309

Hatred of moral clarity noted and archived.

>> No.1484313
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>Anything lacking magic and elves is PRETENTIOUS, ELITIST, HIPSTER





>> No.1484317

please see this Der Ring des Nibelungen and realize how impotent your point is

If that escapes you please read this The Epic of Gilgamesh, or this The Tale of Genji or this The Adventures of Esplandian, or this 1001 arabian nights or this dante's inferno, or this The Tempest

point made?

>> No.1484321


>comparing The Epic of Gilgamesh, The Divine Comedy etc to current fantast

Holy shit you're beyond stupid. And this coming from a fantasyfag.

>> No.1484322

I'm assuming "moral clarity" is what you believe makes you worthy of having your nose so high in the air all the time.

>> No.1484326


This is what I picture every fantasy fan to look like. No troll. May as well live out your literary fantasies.

>> No.1484339

and this is why we make fun of fantasy fags.

The question was asked and answered all these books contain those elements or variations on the theme. If you don't get, that please go back to Twilight and leave the boards.

>> No.1484340
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>Implying I'm throwing around buzzwords needlessly

Notice I didn't say hipster. However, "elitist and pretentious" apply to a good portion of /lit/. You included, judging from your extremely hostile response to my accusation.

>> No.1484344


>> No.1484345

mmm errant comment I must be tired

>> No.1484349


Enjoy not being elitist and pretentious. Stick to your elf stories. Wouldn't want to cross that threshold of pretension.

>> No.1484353

jesus I'm going to bed

>> No.1484365

>Enjoy not being elitist and pretentious
I'm glad you've recognized the error of your ways.

>> No.1484434

My favorite part was when Rand beheaded every member the merchant caravan who wanted a drink of water then used the One Power to puppeteer their headless corpses and make them bow to him, then it's never mentioned again

>> No.1484574

i could never figure out if that was just an illusion of the dark one, a dream, or if he was batshit insane