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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 71 KB, 401x589, SciSeething.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14840672 No.14840672 [Reply] [Original]

Ever come across a better definition in any books /lit/? Also any books on why this makes /sci/ seethe so much? Perhaps some DSM autism type reading material?

>> No.14840710

>implying the universe is not inherently in order according to the laws created by God that define it

>> No.14840718
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>not realizing that is precisely what this definition states

>> No.14840719
File: 246 KB, 2147x917, 1583459289036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read any type of anti reductionist philosophy of mind, whether dualism or biological naturalism; that will piss them off when you say that consciousness has its own subjective ontology or that it's immaterial. The best part is that you don't even have to believe, but if you can argue in favour of it, you will piss them off.

>> No.14840726

kek I love this suggestion and meme got any specific titles anon?

>> No.14840738

Definitely Chalmers, Nagel, and Searle (although, he is not a dualist).

>> No.14840744

noted ty anon I will check them out

>> No.14840751

Unconscious machines create order from chaos all the time.

>> No.14840756

what created the machine anon?

>> No.14840761

A sequence of simpler machines.

>> No.14840763

So we are not conscious for we have nothing chaotic to bring order to?

>> No.14840765

a machine is tool created by consciousness to create order from chaos

>> No.14840769

Our thoughts create order from chaos, This thread goes over most of this stuff


>> No.14840786

Complex adaptive systems emerged in a world without consciousness. Plants, for example, have been creating order out of chaos for eons before any conscious agent existed.

>> No.14840795

Plants are conscious anon, atoms are conscious, light is conscious. the entire reality matrix is conscious.


>> No.14840803

Nope. Those things all lack nerve endings.

>> No.14840818

Nerve endings? Da fuk you on about anon. You are on /lit/ you have to up your metaphysics game bruh. Lurk the occult threads and read some books matey

>> No.14840827


>> No.14840947

Go back to /x/, nutjob.

>> No.14840974

>Single celled organisms are conscious.
>Proteins are conscious.
>Stars are conscious.
>Atoms are conscious.
>A block of ice is conscious.
I know this is bait, but why are scientifically illiterate people this annoying?

>> No.14840989
File: 12 KB, 211x268, Mainlander.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Define order.
Define chaos.
Hard mode: Don't use science.
Good luck!

>> No.14841002

Stupid thread

>> No.14841029
File: 182 KB, 800x466, TeslaMotherfucker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu donkey pleebit is more your speed, apparently you are not of the caliber of the /lit/ chad intellect

>> No.14841051

>the irony

Yes all those things are true you mindless ape

stupid tranny

order - logical mathematical congruence

chaos - no such thing, there is only simulate chaos since the entire matrix is made of conscious light

anything else? *sips tea*

>> No.14841069

ok woman

>> No.14841078

>anything else? *sips tea*
No further questions. Your answer basically confirms you're a laughable crayon eater. I recommend immediate examination for schizophrenia, due to your belief that atoms are capable of "logical mathematical congruence" and that there is a "matrix of conscious light".
Also I believe /x/ will accept you readily.

>> No.14841086


I had no idea /lit/ was this plebish on this topic. The number of occult and vedic threads here would lead one to believe a large portion of the anons at least understood the basics. Apparently not. No surprise butterfly is a clueless cunt with nothing of value to add to a discussion as always of course

>> No.14841092

<yawn> yah not reading your retarded ramblings. I am not your personal tutor and am not gonna make time to train you like a little baby kys

>> No.14841101

Anon is 100% unequivocally, provably correct, you are a pleb donkey and should cease your plebeian faggotry immediately to avoid further embarrassment

>> No.14841117

t. Dumb motherfucker

>> No.14841119

>implying two p-zombies can have any say in consciousness matters.
Please don't make me reset your algorithm.

>> No.14841127

Prove it then faggot

>> No.14841146


He already posted a link to his article you brain dead niggers ffs you fluoridated wet brains >>14840795

>> No.14841148

I can't create order from chaos but I'm conscious, so that can't be it.

>> No.14841152
File: 34 KB, 640x360, carlin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no u

>> No.14841174

>vortex math
>muh Tesla
>sacred geometry
excellent proof I’m sure the guys at >>>/x/ would really appreciate it

>> No.14841178
File: 5 KB, 225x225, low quality.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have just compiled a set of instructions to your p-zombie brain through the lattice vortex brane continuum. You are now unable to visualize objects above 3 dimensions. Unless they already downgraded you on the previous patch.

I'm sorry but you made me do it. Take care, take your meds, and send /x/ my regards.

>> No.14841183

>gasligthing by accident because your level of stupidity

get a load of this goy

>> No.14841184

sorry this is unrelated to the thread but it's on you for not having a /sqt/. anyways, what the heck is accelerationism? is it eugenics or post-humanism? or both? or neither?

>> No.14841190

<yawn> you are stupid anon sorry about that but nothing to be done for you, please exit the thread immediately and go to a lower education and IQ thread. We thank you for your cooperation

>> No.14841193

accelerationism the political philosophy?

>> No.14841248

the accelerationism /lit/ seems to talk about all the time but I can't grasp a bit of by just reading the threads that discuss it

>> No.14841249

This thread went real stupid real fast, the one on /sci/ ironically enough has more people in it than this one that actually know wtf they are talking about

>> No.14841272

Well the only accelerationism I know of is a political ideology where people put pressure on the system to speed up its collapse. One pushed by both the far right and far left. Things like open borders, voting for far left commie tards and people that will push gun control and anti-white agendas that will snack the braindead normies out of their coma right quick when they are living in the Turner diaries timeline.

Here is a decent bitchute video that is a great tldr

>> No.14841281


>> No.14841314

The Chinese define "life" as the ability to manipulate, alter, engender change of surroundings. Interact with the environment. Breath.
Breath is consciousness. But that's too poetic for retards who'll read everything literal.
Fire burns. Ice chills. These are elements of life then.

I think people confuse "conciousness" with "intelligence" as if fire could burn selectively or follow routine or protocol.

>> No.14841317

got it, thanks. I probably didn't get it because I was expecting some sort of philosophy movement that applied to the daily life. thanks!

>> No.14841358

Yes ty anon we need some IQ in this thread we somehow attracted the knuckle dragger droolers

yw anon

>> No.14841964

>lists the proof anon gave that does prove his claim to be true then proceeds to mock the proof because he is too stupid to understand it
hmmm what new faggotry is this? You have that flat earther bat shit cat piss smell

>> No.14842126

Chaos: sex
Order: straight
*sips coke*

>> No.14842219

I'm not an esoteric cult nerd so far as to say atoms have consiousness, but why do we assume consciousness is inherently anthropomorphic?
Look into primatology, general zoology, etc.
Where does science draw the line at consciousness? Ability to conceptualize abstract ideas via the use of language? Apes can learn sign language, elephant's venerate lunar cycles, octopi engage in warfare...

Science can research and engage in these topics but to avoid the philosophical questions that this research engages with just re-purposes science as something to provides answers and doesn't raise any more. Weak.

>> No.14842245

>why do we assume consciousness is inherently anthropomorphic
We don't. All animals are conscious.

>Where does science draw the line at consciousness?
Possession of a nervous system. If it can feel pain, it is conscious.

>> No.14842334

Does possession of a nervous system alone make it conscious? So if someone has that genetic effect where they cannot perceive pain are they conscious? Sure they have a nervous system that responds to stimuli, but they can’t perceive it a meaningful way.
So nervous system analogies like fungi possess consciousness?

>> No.14842509
File: 165 KB, 303x311, 1461149645162.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gravity creates order, is matter conscious?

>> No.14842775

Where did you come up with this nervous system shit you just make it up yourself and decide you were gonna be the one to decide it you fucking moron? You think a Venus fly trap has a nervous system? The entire Universe is one big nervous system you imbecile

>> No.14842780
File: 129 KB, 764x430, yes3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing as "gravity" outside of electromagnetism and yes

>> No.14843801

I dunno, I seem pretty good at looking at a perfectly ordered system and confusing myself about it. Seems to be making chaos out of order.

>> No.14843916

What even is pain? Would it not be painful for a rock to undergo successive strikes from a hammer?

>> No.14844046

We perpetually maintain order, bringing it about constantly. But not everyone.

>> No.14844115

> donkey pleebit
What did he mean by this?

>> No.14844132

Is this what an /x/ invasion looks like?

>> No.14844137

You are stupid, correct? The definition states that consciousness = the ability to make order out of chaos. And if machines have that ability then, under that definition, they are conscious.

>> No.14844946
File: 1.92 MB, 3840x2160, 1576486112168.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nothing exists

>> No.14846100
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>> No.14846171
File: 212 KB, 1218x1015, 5717D378077C4C4C84361C1CEB515E87.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Atman is Brahman