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14835716 No.14835716 [Reply] [Original]

Has Joe Biden been reading the culture of critique?

>> No.14835721

Jewish leaders are great huh? So Sanders should be president

>> No.14835731

Litrally 88D checkers

>> No.14835734

God that man is dumb

>> No.14835742


>> No.14835745
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Senile Joe said the quiet part loud

>> No.14835756

>poltards were right buts it's a good thing

The slippery slope really is real

>> No.14835759

Jonathan Chait is a moronic hack. Whereas, Joe Biden is a charismatic lover of plutocratic cock.

>> No.14835787

>Joe Biden

>> No.14835828

I don't get Biden's appeal myself to be honest, but we will see soon enough how the sub-100-IQ masses perceive him versus Bernie versus Trump.

>> No.14835837

Fox News is already openly calling him senile. This is going to be even wilder than 2016, we're going to have two old sundowners grappling to be our zombie president.

>> No.14835846

Thanks for highlighting the text, I would have missed it

>> No.14835858

>sub-100-IQ masses

>> No.14835868

What do you mean?

>> No.14835882

>black people over 30 have literally only voted for Joe Biden
Boomers have to be the most easily manipulated group on the planet. At least we get manipulated by schizophrenics posing as 4 different people in the same thread, they get tricked by faggots with poly sci degrees on TV.

>> No.14835904

>versus Trump
Is this even in question?
Trump absolutely demolished the Republican primaries, and some senile fuck who can't string together a sentence thinks he's going to take home the election? He won't have any presence on stage if he gets put up against Trump.

>> No.14835914

Biden vs. Trump will be even worse than Clinton vs. Trump.

>> No.14835928

You sound like you are quite confident in predicting the future. Me? I have no fucking idea what the end result will be. Anyway... best of luck!

>> No.14835987

>this article
We live in an actual meme world

>> No.14836285

I love boomer posts

>> No.14836329

he's retarded but desu he is charismatic
honestly I get his appeal with boomers, the corn pop story is comfy af

>> No.14836363

I love how everyone now acknowledges the jew meme as being fact.

>> No.14836367


>> No.14836518

what are you doing, fishing for upvotes?

>> No.14836533

Everyone knows kikes run the media industry you have to be willingfully ignorant or a super /pol/ contrarian to say otherwise

>> No.14837332

What did he mean by this?

>> No.14837422

That's why I found the Epstein scandal so fascinating: it used to be, if you claimed that pedophiles run the world, you were a nut. And you would certainly be a massive Brazil nut for claiming the reports of his suicide were a lie. Yet now, look at the world around you. Everyone completely forgot Epstein's crimes (and those of his accomplices!). They all openly admit that he was murdered (or that his death was faked). But what is the prevailing attitude towards these things? "I don't care." "Nothing I can do anyway." "Who?" The jokes, the laughter, they all dance around the simple truth that humanity has given up. Fucking fascinating is what it is, watching a society be so spiritually worn down in this manner.

>> No.14837462

I honestly think Trump would end up making him cry on tv. Same with Warren and buttboy. I think the most Sanders or Bloomberg would do is go "pfft" and make that dumb "I'm smiling which means I'm winning" face.

>> No.14837467

Not really. A reasonable person who sucks at rhetoric against Trump is boring and basically watching someone seriously engaging with an obvious troll.

Two senile boomers fighting will be something else.

>> No.14837498

Is basically the preview of how Sanders vs Trump would look. Doesn't seem too bad for the Bern.

>> No.14837538

What on the green bajerbies...... boulangerie.....

>> No.14837823

People have never felt smaller in this world of billions. Globalist mindset of the world makes it seem too big to enact change. The tide always comes in though.

>> No.14837849

dog bless

>> No.14837857

Was there ever a better reason to vote for Bernie?
(Trump and Biden are just two sides of the same ((coin)))

>> No.14837862
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We've been robbed of seriousness

>> No.14837875

Reminder that /pol/tards want to make Biden into this cool white guy, because Trump would get destroyed against Bernie

>> No.14837905

I thought most /pol/tards thought that Trump was a jew puppet because of his support for Israel?

>> No.14837930


Better one side of that coin than a wooden nickel.

>> No.14837957
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>highly uncomfortable terrain

>> No.14837958

that's satire right? you can never be sure with Americans

>> No.14837963

>(((Sascha Baron Cohen)))

>> No.14837975

>nooooo whites have to run the media industry, no-one else should!

>> No.14838004

You are out of touch with the normies and especially the boomer normies. Less than 50% of the US would rate that statement plausible even if the survey was guaranteed anonymous. I would put the number at 30% max.

>> No.14838026

Have to completely agree. You can’t be serious about anything anymore. Everything is in jest or utterly ironic. It’s almost like it’s all just one big trivial cope.

>> No.14838027

And yet they still won't support Bernie because being the only candidate to tell AIPAC fuck you ranks lower than not being Jewish. Their ideology is so materially based it can never be taken seriously.

>> No.14838060

>being the only candidate to tell AIPAC fuck you
Yet another reason why Bernie won't be allowed to win.
He needs to man the fuck up and form a third party while he has large support. He's the only one right now capable of splitting the two party system into a third fragment.

>> No.14838078

>Yet another reason why Bernie won't be allowed to win.
If zoomers and millennials would just turn up and vote he would've almost won by now. Even the Dems wouldn't be crazy enough to deny him the nomination if he had most delegates.

>> No.14838098

They would. You can't threaten the money of the people behind the scenes and not expect them to fight back, and you certainly can't expect to also tell AIPAC to fuck off at the same time and still expect you'll have the normal path to a nomination left open to you.

>> No.14838106

We won't demand change until our own pants are on fire, there's nothing new here
The past was ripe with revolutions because people starved more often. Give us food and shelter and the minimum amount of freedom (be that what it may be) and you'll be amazed on how much bullshit and lies we'll endure

>> No.14838112

Well, in that case, he'd have a much easier time to go with a third party, as a winner who got fucked, instead of a guy who had a close result or lost.

Although a more realistic outcome would be them trying to mess with the policy, like shutting down congress unless he signs in Israel gibs in the budget.

>> No.14838161


>> No.14838173

/pol/ doesn't even like Trump since he went full Zionist

>> No.14838197

He doesn't have any appeal. Hes just being propped up by moneyed interests and such.

>> No.14838219

No American politican needs to read The Culture of Critique. They wouldn't be able to navigate the job if they weren't aware of the JQ. Biden's mistake was not realizing gentiles can't talk about it in ANY context. Even in praise during a private jewish event.

>> No.14838366

This really seems like the case. I've been searching through Twitter trying to get why anyone would vote for him and the majority boils down to "he isn't Trump" or "he will turn things back to normal" with an "he is electable unlike the commie" in between. Don't think I recall anyone naming a single of his policies.

>> No.14838473

Trump didn't demolish anything, the GOP just obediently supports him and no one expected or put any effort into the primaries having any other result. And Trump himself is senile as shit, only a cultist would disagree.

>> No.14838496

who cares about joe biden he hasn't put out a decent album in years

>> No.14839677

People who watch fox, read breitbart or drudge, and otherwise imbibe normiecon media still believe it's 2016.

In reality Donald sold us a Trump Steak. People who know what steak is supposed to taste like spit it out. The plebs who continue to support him are still chewing on the gristly thing.

>> No.14839738
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What the fuck is wrong with American culture?

>> No.14839750
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Same thing that's wrong with yours, on an accelerated timeline.

>> No.14839766

Post your face when you realized the catalog of logical fallacies are just shitty inb4s that date back to the classical period.

>> No.14839805

>being this jaded
They seem shitty to you because before social media, retards who didn't understand logic were less likely to spout their inane opinions. If you found yourself in a debate with someone, you could point out the flaws in their argument using straight forward unironic language, and take it for granted that if they didn't understand what you means, they are a retard who isn't worth talking to in the first place.

>> No.14840113

tu quoque, which Rachel Maddow has popularized with liberas as "whataboutism", is just an in b4 to stop you from using hipocrisy as a heuristic to weed out disingenuous arguments.

slippery slope is just an in b4 to stop you from criticizing a malicious plan with a timeline longer than a year.

ad hominem is just an in b4 to force you to take seriously con artists who should be tarred and feathered.

argumentum ad populum is just an in b4 that allows a malicious actor to undermine healthy social norms for his own benefit.

The list goes on and on. If you think corrupt greccoroman niggers weren't playing these games for selfish short term gain you're kidding yourself. Those empires didn't fall because of some social telos. Wicked sonsabitches schooled in rhetoric brought down the house. Just like today.

>> No.14840134

Idk, I find the simplicity quaint. I wouldn’t want to be around any of you cynical fucks irl.

>> No.14840149


>> No.14840157
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Based, an anon who has a clear grasp on history.

>> No.14840199

But the more I see it, the more I feel like the average person should never, ever be allowed to vote. If you're retarded enough to give some pajeet your credit card info over the phone, you should not under any circumstances be allowed to influence my life.

>> No.14840200

>just deal with it
So explain what "it" is.

>> No.14840254

If an argument is disingenuous, it can be dismantled without recourse to non sequiturs.
Con artists are routinely neutralized in court by having their specific crimes brought to light.
Calling you out for reddit spacing would be an example of an ad hom as well as argumentum ad populum, but would do little to prove my point to anyone would isn't already biased.

>> No.14840280

He is sîmply stating facts. Jews have been driving our wonderful progress as a society for decades. Noticing Jewish people doing such good things is not antisemitic!

>> No.14840324

>>just deal with it
Show me where I said that.

>> No.14840349

>he deliberately left no spaces between his line-broken statements just so he could passive-aggressively invoke the reddit spacing meme

>even though he hated doing it

Check out the cope on this cuck.

>> No.14840350

>>slippery slope is just an in b4 to stop you from criticizing a malicious plan with a timeline longer than a year.
This is the most annoying one because people take seriously this kind of rebuttal. Anything that involves more than ten people working together for more than a month sends you into flat-earth-reptilian territory to a normalfag.

>> No.14840356

Nice ad hom faggot.

>> No.14840364

>Don't think I recall anyone naming a single of his policies.
The complete and utter destruction of all malarkey.

>> No.14840384

Ad hominem.
>With a healthy dose of paranoid ideation.

>> No.14840398

Other anon was obviously talking about the 2016 primaries.
Trump is also not senile. He's a massive boomer with retard moments, but for his age he is surprisingly 'high energy' and aware of his surroundings. The word has a meaning and isn't a random insult thrown at Biden, who is actually borderline senile.

>> No.14840541

That's not redditspacing newfriend

>> No.14840653

When will they put in a rule about letting people 65+ run. Your brain is not sound Joe has dementia and is actually gonna get the DNC nom

>> No.14840790

The boomers would never, ever allow that to happen, are you insane?

>> No.14840882

>it's real
Honk, Honk!

>> No.14840894

Eva Green, based jewess/godess. Always jumps in and defends anti-semites. She's the anti-Natalie Portman.

>> No.14840908

Shhheeeiiiiittt. It's from 2013.

>> No.14840919

>tfw will never have a jewess bond girl gf

why even live bros

>> No.14840926
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you can watch The Dreamers and COOM to her beautiful body.

>> No.14840966
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I remember it well since it's hitting me right now

>> No.14841054

I'm 100% sure that the movie prevented my suicide.
but at what cost

>> No.14841087
File: 30 KB, 366x488, baudelaire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take the Baudelairepill. Beauty makes existence worth living, turns boredom into joy.
>One must always be drunk: either by poetry, by virtue or by drinking, one must always be drunk.
I would advise not to read too much into being drunk with wine. He made a comment in one of his essays that it won't be his fault if weak minded people, who don't have a moral/religious compass before reading his work, become degenerates by misreading his work.

>> No.14841100
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>> No.14841582

Bernie is a total pussy. Utter beta jew. Remember when he let those negresses take over his rally?

>> No.14841965

Holy bololie

>> No.14842042

Not him but thanks for the rec. Sounds like someone I could read these days.

>> No.14842055

At least Hillary made an effort to hide her illnesses, Joe just blatantly stumbles around with his

>> No.14842066

Wow what the fuck?

>> No.14842216

Cohen sold out a little too hard with that show.

>> No.14842256

I think this is very unfortunately true.
European/Western/Christain countries, please look to take care of your country and yourselves. Learn from our mistakes, and try to stop making your own.
As for us Americans, I guess we'll keep plugging away...

>> No.14843284

Jews rock

>> No.14843332

Anti-Trump devout #WarrenWarrior neurologist here. Blumpf maybe crazy but he isn't senile.

>> No.14843356

I drove through Maryland the other day. Pretty much every road worth two shits was full of speed cameras, redlight cameras, and cops. Plus you have to navigate all the niggers and mutt-things j-walking across the streets in small bands and arguably the worst drivers in the east coast. What a garbage state. Maryland foreshadows what will come of the other states.

>> No.14843363


>> No.14843408

>And Trump himself is senile as shit
he's clearly not
He's surprisingly full of energy for his age, which you normally don't see with senile people. He might have other issues going on, and he's almost certainly a narcissist, but he's reasonably sharp for someone pushing 80.

>> No.14843742

>He's surprisingly full of energy for his age

>> No.14843771

and some addy snorts