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14838341 No.14838341[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books that explain race differences?

>> No.14838353
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>> No.14838355

The curb bell

>> No.14838365

Race isn't real. Stop ingrouping based on small physical differences

>> No.14838376
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>> No.14838385

t. low IQ black

>> No.14838389

IQ isn't purely decided genetics

>> No.14838426

Race doesn't actually exist in the human race. There are small physical and biological differences between people from geographical area that are far appart from each other (such as Asians who can't really digest milk), but it pretty much stops here. Other majors differences that you can see come from culture or environmental discrepancies between those people.

>> No.14838437

Race doesn't exist scientifically. It's a social construct.

>> No.14838450

Race is a social construct. If you want to know why people look a certain way look up allopatric speciation

>> No.14838454

Based semantics poster

>> No.14838474

>(such as Asians who can't really digest milk)
You just used a racial term after saying races don’t exist, retard

>> No.14838482

>social construct.
And the fish are still falling for it.

>> No.14838493

Nice source, retard.

>> No.14838497

I didn't, I said that some Asian people have trouble digesting milk. I used Asian as a geographical adjective here

>> No.14838502

So white people raised in Asia suddenly can’t digest milk? Retard

>> No.14838504

I can assure you it's better than whatever schizo /pol/ "sources" you can muster

>> No.14838507

If you want books about pseudoscience, I would recommend Astrology for Beginners by W. Hewitt.

>> No.14838508

Yeah because Wikipedia isn't a trusworthy source now ?

>> No.14838515

You're just playing dumb now, I said Asian as in "people historically from Asia", not "people raised in Asia"

>> No.14838521

so indians and japs are one race now because they're both the same continent-ese. besides, mongols love sucking on that mare teat. Kampai!

>> No.14838525

There's this video from a French youtuber that goes in depth about it (don't worry, there are english subtitles)

>> No.14838530

I littteraly said "some" people, not "all people from Asia", ya'll need to learn how to read

>> No.14838716

'Race' is just an arbitrary way of grouping ethnicities, which are objectively real

>> No.14838724

>people historically from Asia
oh you mean like a race

>> No.14838886

there are plenty of white people 'historically from Asia'. The Caucus regions, north of there up to the barents sea and west of there to what is now Kyrgyzstan. Plus there were whites in the middle east and North Africa if you go back far enough. Using geography like that is arbitrary and pointless, and the physical and boilogical differences are not "small" like you say. There are significant enough that they lead to different rates of illness, diseases, disorders, behaviours and temperament - like dogs. Dogs are the same species but vastly different, a couple dozen generations of pedigree dogs intermingling in the wild will eventually revert back to wolves. This is what different ethnicities are, we as humans have a common ancestor with apes, this is overwhelming consensus. If we take a smaller step backwards, all ethnic groups today descend from a common ancestor, we have evolved differently. We are not a different species but our differences are apparent and it would not be an impossibility for humanity to split into a larger family (in a taxonomical sense) in which we produce infertile offspring. I do not want this to happen and I do not think it will happen but this would not be possible if were not already splintering into different ethnic groups. I don't think this is a bad thing or that any ethnic group is superior to another or that any ethnic group is 'less human' or anything like that, but it's blindingly obvious that there are massively different groups of people with different genes on Earth

>> No.14838978

Except there's no way to categorize every individuals unique DNA combination into a tangible and exclusive group. Thus no race. Ethnicity on the other hand should refer to a specific socio-cultural background but it isn't exactly fit to use in a sense of biological comparison the way race would. The meaning of old anthropological categories fell apart when contrasted with actual genetics.

>> No.14838992

Imagine pretending to be a tripfag and thinking you are in anyway superior to anyone

>> No.14839019

Actually genetics proved the old anthropologist categories of race.

Forensic crime analysis can determine race through DNA alone.

This means you are either an idiot or a malicious liar.

>> No.14839027
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The best book on the matter.

>> No.14839056

>Forensic crime analysis can determine race through DNA alone.
Why do you keep repeating this? Race is a vague umbrella term made to summarise certain heritable factors that, in biology, would just be referred to separately.

>> No.14839083

Because race is not a vague umbrella term you dumb fucking moron.

Race is very real, genetically and phenotypically determined.

The genetics determine the features. Nigger features all match the DNA that expresses them. Whites don’t have those genes.

You are a liar.

>> No.14839107

What's your fucking problem with Wikipedia?

>> No.14839115
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He doesn't necessarily mean that.

>> No.14839118

I can feel the hate through your post, you probably had bad experiences with blacks.

>> No.14839121

He could be a dissembling jew.
Or a brainwashed bugman.
Or a chink who's copying the jews.

There are a lot of factions who want us dead. In fact it's everybody!

Except based Japs.

>> No.14839123

There is an assblasted berniebro plaguing this fucking board for the past 3 days about racial shit. Fucking up the catalog and shitting up discussion with "race is a social construct" shit. Nigger you need to leave. You don't read books and can't into literature.

>> No.14839133

Being in proximity to niggers will provide ample negative experiences with niggers.

>> No.14839158

>Because race is not a vague umbrella term you dumb fucking moron.
Define it then, based in 100% rigorous biology. Define the discrete parameters of racial classifications.
>Race is very real, genetically and phenotypically determined.
Race describes groups who share haplotypes and certain features as arbitrarily segregated by yourself.
>The genetics determine the features.
>Nigger features all match the DNA that expresses them. Whites don’t have those genes.
True, like the Nig1, Wewuz7, and Watermelon genes that are unique to blacks... r-right?
>You are a liar.
You haven't studied genetics at all

>> No.14839192

Longer than 3 days. There was a giant thread (for us) a while back where he started sperging about race and IQ. He's obsessed with Taleb and yet has no functioning understanding of how statistics work. He literally accepts Taleb on faith because he is a brainlet who doesn't understand a normal distribution. Probably some high school kid the education system has failed so he looks up to popular figures that support his preconceptions of the world.

>> No.14839214
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He's probably on the edge of political transformation. Cognitive dissonance is driving him to crisis and he's lashing out.

It's what happens when the brainwashing has failed in all of its fallback positions. Lots of us went through it.

>> No.14839297


>> No.14839316
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>> No.14839387


>> No.14839401

In awe of the dialectical prowess on this lad

>> No.14839416
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aaaaaand walah!

>> No.14839433


>> No.14839438

He is clearly mixed race

>> No.14839459


>> No.14839482

t. boomer

>> No.14839490

and if he's white he's a basedboy then? do you actually have an argument tho?

>> No.14839717

previous thread for recs and stuff

>> No.14839730

That dude's face completely captures my emotion whenever I have to deal with "them" and it is always because of some kind of related, stupid behavior. One of the better pics I've seen posted here it's actually a work of art.

The slow growth of true anger rising in the White Man, tired of the "burden", and sick of the show.

>> No.14839783


>> No.14839887

ethnostate when?

>> No.14839937
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I look at this picture and feel utter contempt for the white man. Pajeet is minding his own business, creating new ways of tingling his senses and stimulating his supple, purple nipples. The machine aids him in this endeavor. He looks at the vacuum cleaner in all earnesty, I can tell by the image that Man and Machine are truly reunited. It makes my fear of the singularity subside. One should look at this scene and feel at one with his fellow man, with one's own bodily appearance. Pajeet is comfortable in his skin. This disturbs the White Man. "You are not supposed to do this here!", he wants to cry. He does not yell, he does not let out a barbaric yelp. He grabs his phone from his pocket, makes a smug face and takes a stupid self-portrait. He then proceeds to post said portrait on the internet hoping for likes, comments and the adulation of his peers. Pajeet does not care for likes. Pajeet cares for his nipple.

>> No.14839957

that's not a pajeet but otherwise this was an exceedingly based post

>> No.14839966

Wait, what? If he isn't Indian, what is he? Just African?

>> No.14839970
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>> No.14839977

definitely part african, could be any number of things. Indians don't have afros

>> No.14839997

This but unironically

>> No.14840023

he aint minding his own business, he is performing self-pleasuring in public just like a monkey does.

>> No.14840036

It's almost as if the genetic and material inheritance from ancestors is different in different things? Not only are blacks and whites are equal, no one is.

>> No.14840047

Race does exist though, as a concept, as brain chemistry. The most you can say is that race is an illusion, but I can use that reasoning to destroy any concept, and therefore, with your reasoning, all thinking wouldn't exist.
Concepts are never true, but they are useful for differentiation and categorization.

>> No.14840054

The Prague Cemetary
Umberto Eco

>> No.14840061

Both achieve their goal.
White Man achieves social validation and hierarchical preservation.
Pajeet achieves nipple sensual stimulation.
You could argue that both are equal, for both have succeeded according to their interests. But the truth is that one of the goals is more valuable for survival and daily life than the other.

>> No.14840090

society doesn't exist, it's just a social construct

>> No.14840097

All attempts to destroy the concept "race" exposes a desire for equalization and democratization, which itself exposes either the pathetic malleability of your weak mind, or your own faggotry because you are yourself part of the inferior cultures and races. Not only is their nothing "wrong" with an attempt at an order of rank of races and cultures, but it is even an extremely useful tool, an abstraction, that we can use to filter out the cowardly and retarded.

>> No.14840133

Oh, all races are equal? All cultures are equal?
But the heights of thought and action are both present in Germany (Hitler and Nietzsche), Greece (Alexander and Heraclitus), France (Napoleon and Montaigne), and Italy (Borgia and Empedocles), and are absent completely outside (other than the Tuscan conquerors, whose work was exceptional).

>> No.14840151


>> No.14840176
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Try again, tranny.

>> No.14840224
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Theres two outlined here, Also LOL at the libshits on this board with their equality cope/
Also Descent of Man is still the biggest red pill

>> No.14840236
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>> No.14840279

holy based eliot poster

>> No.14840290

>Problem solved

>> No.14840312
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>Pajeet does not care for likes. Pajeet cares for his nipple.

>> No.14840316

Lit and History has turned into POL because Jews have been spamming /pol with too much shitty FAKE spam all day long.

We notice you stupid fucking Jews.

>> No.14840323

Fuck off, Danish pedophile.

>> No.14840331

>FAKE spam
Yeah, you only like REAL spam lol.
>stupid fucking Jews
why the antisemitism?

>> No.14840345

Are the people who consistently deny differences between population groups and even IQ even from this board? It seem so dumb you'd have to have some agenda or be coping.

>> No.14840348

Social construct ≠ doesn't exist

>> No.14840352

Gobineau's Essay on the Inequality of Human Races

He goes through all civilizations that have existed and put forward the theory that civilizations fall due to racial degeneration. He explains this in the prologue and then shows how it has happened for every single civilization. It's very interesting

>> No.14840353
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looks like the Mexican actor Rodrigo Cachero

>> No.14840373
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I haven't even seen a compelling argument from anyone on this board as to why I should believe that the concept of race is scientifically valid. First, you must get over that hurdle before you can start ascribing differences to these races, such as mental capacity.

>> No.14840376
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Not committing genocide is also a social construct.

>> No.14840386

I dont even believe you think Somalis are capable of acting like Japanese. I dont believe for a second that if you were asked to bet on your life what the truth was you'd say they were the same.

Everybody fucking knows this.

>> No.14840391

That was his point. If the argument is to be made that something is irrelevant because it is a social construct then it should be made consistently.

>> No.14840395
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>being this much a mental midget
A social construct is a name for something that can't be dismissed as entirely fictional, but is not a part of the mind-independent world. Morality, on the other hand, is a very real thing.

>> No.14840400

race isn't irrelevant, it's simply a *bad* social construct

>> No.14840403

I don't think I've heard anyone, but a few people, say that race is irrelevant because it's a social construct.

>> No.14840407

morality is way more of a social construct than race is. Scientists can't decode morality from a genome

>> No.14840409


>> No.14840412
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based Leo

>> No.14840431

Actually, some philosophers believe that science can find morality; and others think that it's the job of philosophy.
And since I don't want to get into a debate about meta-ethics, I'm not going to respond to your retardation any further; for I would rather have a discussion about race.

>> No.14840434

Do different species not exist? All of the problems with exact definitions of race are present with species, yet no one seems to make the argument that species suddenly don't exist because we can't create an exact generalized rule for when a species separation occurs.

>> No.14840435

We are all one big human race. Racism, just like eugenics and all of the alt-right's other favourite delusions, are is pseudoscience. Get over it.

>> No.14840442

If we start cancelling some, then we can just cancel the whole lot. They were a package deal. If I don't get my share then the social contract is void and I no longer have any obligation to it.

>> No.14840450

The pilpul is strong with this one.

>> No.14840455

You guys know that having these discussions is directly counter productive for you right? That's why you can't have them anywhere on the internet, because all the other sites noticed that allowing the conversations lets the racist side convince people.

>> No.14840457

>We are all one big human race
Lol. So, race as a concept is "pseudoscience", but humanity as a concept isn't? Oh, retarded humanists! Oh, liberals!

>> No.14840460
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You anti-Semites are disgusting.

>> No.14840467

>Get over it.

>> No.14840475

the genome is a bullshit ikon and probably doesn't determine as much as you think

>> No.14840483
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Please posit the physical location of morality.

>> No.14840485
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>because all the other sites noticed that allowing the conversations lets the racist side convince people.
Good. That means a larger supply of IQtards to BTFO.

>> No.14840503

richard lewinton waz right... you guys give dna the causal supremacy of god

>> No.14840511

i would never do such a thing. read fichte.

>> No.14840532

This arab doesn't fool anyone who isn't an idiot trying to cope with low IQ.

>> No.14840537

The disscussion whether or not race exists is meaningless when low IQ non-whites clearly exist. Look outside, see niggers, spics, Muslims etc.

>> No.14840544
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His critique of IQ clearly went above your head.
>cherry picking
>fallacy of composition

>> No.14840554

>>cherry picking
>>fallacy of composition

>being a darkie

>> No.14840562
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Whiter than you, mutt

>> No.14840594

I'm not American, darkie.

>> No.14840615

how can you NOT hate niggers?

>> No.14840622


>> No.14840760
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uhhh, hello BASED department

>> No.14840816
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Overrated post.

>> No.14840861

yeah that's either a spic or a n*****

>> No.14840878

Did you mean a NIGGER?

>> No.14840920


these two should join forces. if they became a comedy duo they'd be unstoppable

>> No.14841024

It's almost as if there are absolutely NO obese white people who do gross things, totally impossible haha LOL

>> No.14841033


It's ironic because most white supremacists irl are bitter incel failures

>> No.14841050


Nobody is arguing that there are no differences between people, "race realists" rely heavily on strawmen against anyone who doesn't have an obsession with muh huwhite

>> No.14841057

>Wikipedia source

>> No.14841073


The difference between species isn't comparable to the differences among humans. Even within "ethnic" barriers, if you aren't completely blinded by racial abstractions in your head you would see that there's a lot of variation of features and traits.

>> No.14841075
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>> No.14841083
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Race Realism dump 2/195

>> No.14841098

Was good, but now outdated.
Good book, except for the part where they push their race realism BS.

>> No.14841108
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>> No.14841110

>Listening to an NYT journalist about how race is real
no, just no.

>> No.14841136

Is this what Spengler meant by Indians living in a dream-world?

>> No.14841139
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>> No.14841161

What principle difference is there between what is considered a species level difference and what we call a racial difference? There are plenty of species whom we define the speciation solely based on geographic origin and whom can have fertile offspring with members of a similar but different species within our model. You could argue about specifics in terms of FST or something, but the general principle is almost identical.

While I wouldn't go as far as saying that different races are genuinely different species, there's absolutely no reason to believe that these differences are not primarily biological in origin and do share significant genetic components.

>> No.14841169
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>> No.14841177


>> No.14841186

passed! lol

>> No.14841189


Most race realists ultimately just want to justify their belief that nonwhite's aren't human. It's a sheltered and solipsistic way of seeing the world, and is ultimately dangerous. I'm myself partially mixed race, and I don't take kindly to people who would think that they can tell me what I am and what I'm worth based on some abstract idea of a pure race.

>> No.14841200

Strawman argument but nice try

>> No.14841207

>partially mixed race
Haha what?

>> No.14841214


It's not a strawman, I've dealt with these types of people numerous times, and if anything they're becoming more radicalized every passing day. It's happened in the past and it can happen again, once the mob gets out of control there's no stopping stupidity

>> No.14841216
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muttoid cope: the post

>> No.14841224

This feels true. I'm half white, so I love complex philosophy and religion. But I'm half amerindian, so sometimes I just want to slice people open for disagreeing with me, and smear their blood on my chest. It's a tough life.

>> No.14841228


I'm 25% Taiwanese, 75% scandinavian. If I didn't tell anyone I could probably pass for a brown eyed swede or finn

>> No.14841234


You're not worth more than me anon, this entire meme brigade against people you know nothing about is a cope for your own failures

>> No.14841240

Right, so what part of you is mixed-race? Your torso?

>> No.14841244

I don't understand why difference has to imply different value. Dogs are different, but you still treat them well. You just don't expect a chihuahua to go around herding sheep, or a bulldog to do agility competitions. Even though they probably can, they won't be good at it. Doesn't mean they're worthless.

>> No.14841258

I'd drive over a bridge built by a white before I'd drive over one built by a black. That's not racism, its just reality. Its like the dog analogy.

>> No.14841269


I don't deny difference, and I generally agree with this post, but even among humans the differences only go so far, and it's not always racially based. You could probably find a black individual who looks like you and shares traits of yours, and likewise you could find a white person who has completely different traits and features than yourself. This race issue is more complicated than "race realists" make it out to be, and my arguement against it is that it's often a way of veiling bigotry against other people and dehumanizing others

>> No.14841276


It's ironic considering how much of what we have is built by Chinese, Blacks, Latino's and various nonwhites. An example is our railroads were built in large by Chinese immigrants.

>> No.14841282

>I don't understand why difference has to imply different value.
Because some whites inherently see others as less than. Any acknowledgment of difference is an ugly thing, since every guilty white liberal sees it as an opportunity for these superior whites to dab on the wretched blacks. They see it in themselves, and they fear it.
All this PC sheltering of minorities is the last bastion of real white supremacy.
This is bait.

>> No.14841285


Genes don't work that way, we're not legomen

>> No.14841289

Yeah, no lol. You missed the point completely.

>> No.14841302

Yeah, agreed. So which part of you is mixed race?

>> No.14841308


No.. People become uncomfortable with it, because "differences" have often been used to justify violence committed against people. Most people today have loved ones who aren't white, not to mention a lot of white people in America aren't technically fully white. The resistance towards racialism is justified

>> No.14841316


I'm a whole person, and as a Christian I believe that I'm made in the image of God.

>> No.14841322
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>> No.14841329

>muh feefees

>> No.14841333

Sure. At least organized and run by a white. And maybe an individual black can prove himself, but none of this affirmative action idiocy.
Of course they do. Your type doesn't give way to reality. You just deny deny deny until extremely radicalized behavior is the only way to approach reality. I hate the propaganda that everyone is basically the same (basically all white and capable of what whites do). It's harmful. We have to be able to understand ourselves, otherwise other races are just miserable, pretending to be something they're not because that's what the truth is supposed to be in the fantasy-land inside some liberal's head. Forcing a bulldog to herd sheep because all dogs are the same guys!
I don't know. I feel like they see races like 'teams', and have a 'my team is better than yours' mentality. Ironically, Star Trek is the liberal fantasy, and they have aliens as stand-ins for races, and they all have different abilities and strengths working together. But try to suggest that races have different abilities and can still work together, you'll get lynched.

>> No.14841335

Huckleberry Finn.
You HAVE read Huckleberry Finn, haven't you?
You wouldn't want to skip any of the classic canon.

>> No.14841338

And yet differences between whites are celebrated and enjoyed. I exchange pollack jokes with my polish friend, and he calls me a paddy and a wife-beater. Why is that? Think harder than you're thinking, anon.

>> No.14841340


Feelings are not always but often genuine and rational. You would be justified for being outraged if someone abused or murdered your own mother for example.

>> No.14841343

Okay, cool. So you're not partially mixed race?

>> No.14841354
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>I'd drive over a bridge built by a white before I'd drive over one built by a black. That's not racism, its just reality. Its like the dog analogy.

>> No.14841365

Okay, tough guy. Then why don't you drive across a black-constructed bridge then, eh?

>> No.14841373

you don't understand race realist arguments if this is your take on it
>what's an average? never heard of it

>> No.14841376
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>> No.14841391

I would rather drive over a bridge built by POC than a white man just to piss off racists

>> No.14841395

Yeah, take that, RACISTS.

>> No.14841397

>i'll go lick every door handle and railing in wuhan, that will show the racists

>> No.14841402


I do understand it, and I reject it. It doesn't help that the people who peddle this trash make it obvious what their intentions are, and spread fear and paranoia among gullible people

>> No.14841408

*bridge collapses and car falls into the river*


>> No.14841416

god people like you are SO BORING you sound like a 120 iq 2nd gen pajeet college junior liberal arts major spouting endless whiny trite pseudo intellectual concern troll crap everyone has heard a million times like why do people like you even bother posting anything

>> No.14841425

There's only one gullible one here, pal.

>> No.14841432

Yeppers, pretty much this.

>> No.14841442


Imagine being driven by feelings of inferiority towards liberal arts majors. There's more to life than sjw vs alt right trash on youtube

>> No.14841469


I would add that it's 2020, the people who are insufferable and whiny are aging alt righter's who think that they're cutting edge and provocative. Nothing is more boring than whining about the supposed extinction of the white race on youtube comment sections

>> No.14841478


>> No.14841492
File: 10 KB, 179x282, data:-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ways That Are Dark by Townsend. Took a copy of it with me once on a trip to China and gave it to a British ex-pat co-worker who burned it the next day for fear of being found with it.

>> No.14841493

i was a liberal arts major.
>There's more to life than sjw vs alt right trash on youtube
>I would add that it's 2020, the people who are insufferable and whiny are aging alt righter's who think that they're cutting edge and provocative. Nothing is more boring than whining about the supposed extinction of the white race on youtube comment sections
what the fuck do braindead youtube white nationalists have to do with your posts being insanely boring

>> No.14841507

What the fuck, I love pajeets now?

>> No.14841513


I'm not a liberal either, I'm a Catholic first and foremost. This contrarianism is getting old, most people who are larping as traditionalists are going to drop eventually drop it as normie's start to become progressively racist. Those racist normies will still reject them, and they'll inevitably switch sides, and it will never be based on sincere convictions.

>> No.14841521

Because he isn't talking to people in this thread. He's talking to men in stahlhelms in his own head.

>> No.14841574
File: 563 KB, 1042x1620, 1583390434669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's the race at the top and the race at the bottom

the race at the top has all the power, wealth, influence. and ability. they're an exclusive club that requires tangible results to join
the race at the bottom is a poor, stupid, and lives vicariously through others since they don't have any personal achievements or connections to power.

which race are you incel?
>NOOOOOO, i'm magic sperm muh ancestors who were peasants and couldn't read until 100 years ago makes me superior

>> No.14841583

t. el salvadorian

>> No.14841634
File: 583 KB, 1024x1366, 1583391515552.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. guy who knows he's never joining the winner club and nobody related to him ever will so lives a vicarious and impotent incel life

>> No.14841680

t. humorless bore. project at someone else.