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/lit/ - Literature

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14839694 No.14839694 [Reply] [Original]

>try to join an irl /lit/ club
>it's full of wine-guzzling roasties and underage girls reading harry potter
why do i even try

>> No.14839709

sounds kind of based

>> No.14839718

I tried to join one at uni and they said no men allowed.

>> No.14839719

You gotta go and flex your elite taste op

>> No.14839726


dab on normies with /lit/core

>> No.14839743

Recruit some bros and create your own /fitlit/ club.
No women allowed.

Something like making 100 push ups if your argument against a book/author is flawed.

>> No.14839745

How underage are we talking here?

>> No.14839749

that would be extremely gay but i wouldn't mind it

>> No.14839821

shut up crona you junkie

>> No.14839836

How do I do this?

>> No.14839872

Put out posters and social media posts soliciting fit men interested in exercising their bodies and intellects with like-minded men

>> No.14839883

This, but then write no homo haha so they understand it's serious and not homo

>> No.14840037

I wish /fitlit/ clubs were a real thing. Lost are the days were tight communities were a thing. There are no more places where men can go in order to better themselves without the intromission of the popular cesspool that is post-modern society. Gyms are no longer a sanctuary to marvel at the beauty that is the human body, but a place to prove one's vanity. Libraries have lost their status as a bastion of knowledge and have turned, instead, into a market for mass-produced "literature" and propaganda. Men have no longer a place where fraternize. A place to call home where one's betterment isn't met with envy but praise. A place where the common good and the fight against the union is above the interests of the individual. We've lost this unity, this sense of community and acceptance. We are alone in a world that criticizes us for our own very nature. The world we helped to construct has now turned evil against us. Their intent is to silence us, to divide us, to destroy whatever sense of hope we might have and to turn us into the twenty-first century equivalent of modern serfs. But we ought not to let this happen. We need to seek past beyond this intoxicating mist that lies upon us. It's no longer a question of morality but survival, for refusing to fight this war is to accept our own extinction. Let's rebuild our world from anew. Let's, then, raise the monuments that will stand for our values. Let's take back our traditions. Let's rediscover again the lost names that time tried to erase from our memories and distinct man from beast, for ours is the last of generations over which light will shine.

>> No.14840056

>We are alone in a world that criticizes us for our own very nature
But you've got me anon.

>> No.14840057

Look I agree with the message of tight communities and /fitlit/ being great and everything, but stop this romantic view of the past. Life was always hard and people were always stupid consoomers. In 1820 only 12% of people could read.

>> No.14840481

>he isn’t a former Ivy League college athlete who still enjoys sports with similarly educated friends

How are you even allowed to post here?

>> No.14840518

Fuck You

>> No.14841336

that culture isn't gonna build itself, nigger. go start your /fitlit/ club today.

>> No.14841350

You gotta be the who started all, become the leader.


>> No.14841596
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The liberal cities you probably despise are the places you’ll find the most educated fit people studying books and working out together. You can try to deny it all you want, but I’ve lived in one of the most conservative places in the entire country and one of the most famously liberal and I know what I saw. In the liberal tech hub city it was a trivial matter to find guys to do serious sports with and literary groups. My main sports club was roughly 50% PhDs. Those things barely existed past the high school years in the “traditional” area.

I think you may have misidentified the problem.

>> No.14841673
File: 283 KB, 595x585, 1565956564511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the irl

>> No.14841715

Opining a past that never was and a "we" that doesn't exist. You seem like a dilettante schizo and the last person i would trust to "rebuild the world anew", never mind be in a club with.

>> No.14841717


As if nobody gives a shit about a weeb's tastes in literature

Go read a VN or some badly translated cellphone novel

>> No.14841727

To get into underage girl's panties.

>> No.14841735

4chan was never good.
The past was never good.
Build something new.

>> No.14841738

sounds kinda gay desu

>> No.14841741

books about subconsciously believing weeb avatar posters are actually 2d girls even though I know they are anons?

>> No.14841743

do psyops on them so the become /lit/erati

>> No.14842147
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I go to irl book club its filled with sad single women who read nothing romance novels, the amount about the amish and cattle ranchers has me rather concered. I still go there just so I can talk about what I am reading and they can pretend to care and be nice to me.

>> No.14842244
File: 35 KB, 400x339, 11001F63-DC98-4338-835C-B0D7D4ACDD00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just make the ones you want instead of complaining about the ones that exist. Christ, how can you guys complain about women trying to rewrite art with female characters when you are trying to rewrite their friend groups and interests?
t. am currently in three reading groups that I created. Two small ones that meet bi-weekly to discuss the master and margarita/society of the spectacle, and one larger weekly one I built by talking to my professors and recruiting people from the philosophy club and some classes. We read Hume’s enquiry over winter and are now onto kant’s prolegomena.