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14832209 No.14832209 [Reply] [Original]

Wish fulfillment edition

RECS https://www.goodreads.com/group/show/1029811-sffg
CHAT https://discord.gg/KWPCM7m
CHARTS https://mega.nz/#F!QyJVEQpL!utXEIGMAprWxM9GMGLxxtg
LINKS https://pastelink.net/sffglit
THREADS >>/lit/?task=search2&search_subject=sffg

>> No.14832219
File: 152 KB, 800x1190, 1234124123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't realize the last thread was pretty much dead.
I need the most batshit insane novel you can think of, I'm talking Mike Kirkbride getting high on cocaine and writing about a dude getting his hands cut off so he's better at debating an autistic robot god to death levels of "what the fuck am I reading?"

>> No.14832247

Drill Hole In My Brain

>> No.14832334

I haven't been able to find anything as good as Chronicles of Amber for 2 years

>> No.14832351
File: 33 KB, 308x499, 51P+6-M7CDL._SX306_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought a complete(?) set of this series at a thrift store without knowing anything about them, are they any good?

>> No.14832375

The Quantum Thief triology

>> No.14832380
File: 41 KB, 324x500, 51TNrCKGnaL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good new-ish mecha books, preferably ones where the mech is sentient? I tried this one and it's okay but it feels like a pilot episode rather than a proper book

>> No.14832407

No you queer

>> No.14832418

The Golden Age > The Quantum Thief (which is still good).

What else have you read? Particularly "classics" that you found disappointing.

>> No.14832423


>> No.14832482

Is the pic from Fostering Faust? The Count's Bodyguard?

>> No.14832499

/sffg/, i keep feeling like im not writing my characters correctly, like im either ignoring their personality traits or apeing them. how do I write them better?

>> No.14832503

I read Cugel the Clever recently. What are some other books with sneaky protagonists?

>> No.14832547

I believe it's Valeria from Tsun-Tsun TzimTzum

>> No.14832638

>Once more I am burdened with unwanted responsibilities, hedged by considerations other than my own desires, trapped by emotions which we of Melnibone have been taught to despise.
My albino boy cannot catch a break.

>> No.14832696
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>> No.14832701
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Decided to finish this after all, and now I'm interested in getting something a bit more... recent? All I can think of is Ready Player One, and I don't think I'll really enjoy that.

Are there any, not necessarily cyberpunk, but books about what people thought the internet would or could be? Maybe from the mid 2000s or so? Anything from after the advent of smart phones? Or anything that predicts them?

>> No.14832702

Write out a fictional interview for them: what they want, why they want it etc etc

>> No.14832714

I recall Ender's Game or one of the sequels had an internet related B plot that looks pretty odd now.

>> No.14832722
File: 47 KB, 311x500, 516Mfys9XDL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how new you wanted, but I remember reading this and his other book a bit back. They're... pretty mediocre at best, but they might scratch your itch. The first one is basically a "candidate for the goddess" style anime in book form.

>> No.14832876
File: 121 KB, 750x537, discussion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gideon the Ninth by Tamsyn Muir

Discussion will be held in thread at the end of the month.

>> No.14832893

Altered Carbon is the most recent popular cyberpunk I've heard of.

> mid 2000s
The matrix trilogy.

>> No.14832971

no idea what that is but sounds a bit different at least. i guess i'll try it since came to this thread to find something randomly

>> No.14833162

>albino emo reader shills his trash multiple times a thread in the hopes that people will read it with him
No, we will not.

>> No.14833186

It's just me and another guy who happen to be reading it at the same it. I'm not trying to shill anything or irk anyone.

>> No.14833271
File: 467 KB, 449x627, jewelintheskull.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've already read it last year.
also Elric needs no shilling, it's the prime example of what dark fantasy is supposed to be.

>> No.14833280

Cugel's Saga

Dragon masters by Vance also has a protagonist just as clever but virtuous rather than selfish

>> No.14833289

Is that an Elric Manga?

>> No.14833296

Not that guy, but can you jump into any point in the Dying Earth series or do you have to start from the beginning? They aren't really all related to each other right?

>> No.14833311

>They aren't really all related to each other right?
Not really, there's only like a couple of em

Where can I find Elric novels online? For free obviously

>> No.14833341

In the /lit/ sticky

>> No.14833378

danke very mucho

>> No.14833379
File: 458 KB, 453x644, elricfortressofthepearl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's the cover for the japanese edition of the first Dorian Hawkmoon book.
Mobilism, but you need to register first.
and this >>14833341

>> No.14833382

1st person or 3rd person

>> No.14833394

3rd limited 4ever

>> No.14833433

In the OP of this thread.

>> No.14833450

1st, 2nd and 3rd person narration all in the same book, which was a mildly interesting part of The Broken Earth Trilogy

>> No.14833523

This and other answers are wrong.
>in the book store looking around
>a title catches my eye
>read the back and it piques my interest
>cue cautious optimism and open it up
>its in 1st person
Disgusting. I'd have thrown it in the trashcan if the store had one near me

>> No.14833615

A journey of a million li starts with a single flying sword

>> No.14833744

all the ones I have read are trash. try playing Mecha Ace an interactive sci-fi novel by Paul Wang. It has that gundam feel

>> No.14833802

Cugel's Saga is a direct sequel to Cugel the Clever/Eyes of the Overworld and is better read sequentially. The others are stand alone

>> No.14833808
File: 426 KB, 970x1500, ELRIC_FCBD_Preview_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah! Just finished that. He'll never be able to rest will he? Very good book indeed, packed with action. We had a new crossover episode, even if this time we only got holding 'hands' instead of a monster with eight legs and eight arms lol. We are getting closer to the end, and I'm sure we'll have some chaos vs law battles soon. I felt bad for Myshella and the bird, that Theleb K'aarna is nasty af. Better villain than Yyrkoon. Anyway I'm starting the Bane of the Black Sword right now.

>> No.14833909

Awesome, thanks. I thought Jack Vance mostly wrote sci-fi.

>> No.14833975

New cradle when?

>> No.14833989


>> No.14833990

This prose is horrible

>> No.14834050

About 6 months. He wants to finish his other series finally.

>> No.14834410

Who reads his other series baka

>> No.14834446

A small dedicated group of people who hound him on his website and his email

>> No.14834540

I read the first one a long time ago and thought it was a cut above the usual YA.

>> No.14834548
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>> No.14834551

Same. Zelazny became my favorite author and everyone else was just meh. So I read a bunch more Zelazny.

>> No.14834602

He isn't cute enough for me to ignore the dick qnd fuck.

>> No.14834645

Are there any good SFF novels with qt traps?

>> No.14834655
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I'm beginning to lose faith that I'm ever going to enjoy writing fantasy again

>> No.14834734

Fairly sure its a girl. I could be wrong tho.

>> No.14835064

I remember a blogpost or something with tips for writing webnovels linked here, but I can't find it. Anyone got it handy?

>> No.14835309

>The drive to the hotel that morning all he could listen to was the radio repeating the news of President Kennedy being assassinated the day before.

>> No.14835316


>> No.14835404

good reminders, thanks

>> No.14835515

Yeah, sounds like Bakker is right up your alley.

>> No.14835833

Rainbow's End

It absolutely blows as a novel but he's surprisingly on point with some of his ideas about how the internet would evolve

>> No.14835869
File: 24 KB, 251x397, TheUrthOfTheNewSun(1stEd).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Read all five books over the last few weeks, nice to get some answers but the clumsy Christian allegories spoiled it a bit.

>> No.14835973

Ender's Game's "take over the world by shitposting all night" subplot is more relevant now than it has ever been.

>> No.14836660

>Books 1-3: Mostly high fantasy adventuring. Going from island to island, meeting new people, avoiding danger. Speaking with and defeating dragons and dark spirits. High kings, mysterious wizards, dark rituals, etc
>Currently halfway through book 4
>written as a feminist critique of woman's life in their fantasy world
>page after page of how horrible being a widow with children out of the house is and how people dismiss her
>most interesting thing that has happened actually happened in book 3, but seen from her point of view
>hasn't even left her own island
>main hero from first three books is now old and infirm and she takes care of him
Honestly the fourth book isn't bad, it's just such a shocking change from the first three books. It's an entirely different genre. After reading the first book, I bought the next five because I loved it so much. But I hope 5 and 6 aren't like this.

>> No.14836669
File: 28 KB, 375x266, Earthsea_Trilogy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot my image, which makes this post nonsensical

>> No.14837048

I'm thinking about reading A Song of Ice and Fire, but I've seen the show, and knowing things that will happen kinda takes away my will to read the books. Is ot worth it?

>> No.14837069

Yes, because the show created new things and ignored things as early as the first episode. By the third book there's tons of stuff you haven't seen.

>> No.14837076

I'm a Christian and I'm interested.

>> No.14837161

The prose is quite heavy, probably not what you're used to.

>> No.14837169

That's great then. If there's new stuff then it's worth the read.

>> No.14837194

If he can read the bible then he can read botns.

>> No.14837234

It's March.
What are you expecting to be released this month?
What new book are you currently reading?

>> No.14837648

There's an entire major plot line and character that's completely removed from the show and has major ramifications from being removed from the show. Knowing what the "end" of the TV show is and how GRRM said his ending is essentially the same lets you extropolate just how much shit they changed to make it make sense with the TV.

Without spoiling it, characters like Cersei, Tyrion, Bran, and even Dany have completely different motivations and stories in the back half of the series compared to what they will have in the books.

>> No.14837692
File: 29 KB, 278x330, rackhir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I finished Bane, I'm pretty hyped about starting Stormbringer.
About the epilogue of Bane: Elric's new life is obviously going to burn down horribly but my fear is for Moonglum, I hope for the unlikely event he'll stay alive and in one piece.
Rackhir saving both Tanelorn and that booty was pretty boss.

>> No.14837828

Pyscho Nymph Exile was fucking intense.

>> No.14837939

> What are you expecting to be released this month?
Winds of Winter

>> No.14838151

My boy Sorweel did it! The absolute mad lad...

>> No.14838179


>> No.14838294

Sorweel more like CHADweel.

>> No.14838344

Who's that?

>> No.14838460

It will never be finished there's really no point in reading it unless you want to talk about it with your irl friends.

>> No.14838748

After 2 and a half years I've started the 14th book in the wheel of time.
not worth

>> No.14838777
File: 748 KB, 826x391, MSB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is excellent. Especially in light of current events.

>> No.14839079

>Honestly the fourth book isn't bad
It really is

>> No.14839101

Yea since I had that post I read another 3 chapters. It's getting worse by the page.

It's really sad because I loved the first three books.

>> No.14839134

It killed any desire I had to read further in the series. I don't know that I'll ever bother.

>> No.14839799

From Bakker’s sequel series

>> No.14839931

I was pretty pissed about everything that happened offscreen w/ a shrug killing the loli

>> No.14840115

The fourth book is the best one

>> No.14840167

fuck off pedo

>> No.14840168

>What are you expecting to be released this month?
already read Pale Light in the Black which was a fun enough time, sorta like if someone wrote military scifi but about firefighters (coast guard is the in book comparison but I think the latter works better)
Prob not one for most posters here though since it mentions gender pronouns a bunch.
Also read the first chapter of both Mazes of Power and Black Leviathan but not sure if I'll carry on with them yet.

The latter is in plot basically Moby Dick with dragons and I'm still reading the prologue about why our Ahab standin goes loopy.

>> No.14840238

What do you do with books you don't want anymore? Sell them, donate them?

>> No.14840242

let them gather dust on my shelf

>> No.14840513

The first two books were great, so why can't I bring myself to finish Mona Lisa Overdrive?

>> No.14840741

Is Prattchett sci-fi?

>> No.14840782

hurr only pedos care about children

>> No.14840787

That's not what you called them, pedo.

>> No.14840888

>sentient mech
>human-presenting AI
turbo plebs. it's taking almost everything truly interesting about the concepts and flushing them down the fucking drain.

>> No.14840923

I like how sffg reflects real life.
As the general dies and become a ghosttown, so does the world.

>> No.14841020

I've tried and tried to get in to Michael Moorcock's stuff but just can't do it. It's too heavy handed for me, and not in the fun way other Sword and Sorcery can be. He just doesn't seem like all that great a writer, I read somewhere he often cranks out a book in a few days to a week and it kind of shows.

I will say that his nonfiction stuff is decent, Swords and Dark Wizardry, his history of fantasy and it's influences is worth a read.

>> No.14841211
File: 170 KB, 634x960, 1243132413242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any good horror novels that are set inside a fantasy world? Most horror novels have small elements of fantasy in them I'll grant you but I'm more looking for a full on fantasy world but written more as a horror story.

>> No.14841223

Sequelitis. Count Zero had all new characters except for Finn's guest appearance, it expanded the cyberspace ideas a lot, and I'd argue it was better written. Mona Lisa Overdrive drags the same characters back in for another story with the same concepts as last time. I liked the tone/atmosphere of MLO but it was a let down. Then I really wanted to like the Bridge trilogy but it was like a bad spinoff tv show set in the same world with characters and plot that were shadows of the original series

>> No.14841266

Any books with a modern, conteporary setting, but where the characters do scifi things?

>> No.14841430

How contemporary? What kind of tech levels would you like to see? My idea for a novel is centered around an alternate history Cold War where they're just beginning to construct permanent structures on mars/moon

>> No.14841740
File: 206 KB, 510x195, maas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for recommending these /sffg/, got any more fantasy with romance and sex?

>> No.14841804

That's kind of vague. You could try Cryptonomicon, The Inverted World, The Lathe of Heaven, Roadside Picnic, Childhood's End (the first third), The Gentle Seduction

>> No.14841844
File: 2.56 MB, 480x480, 1574015131265.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People actually read this shit?

>> No.14841863

Not OP but Hyperion. Wtf was that

>> No.14841866
File: 490 KB, 1256x2063, 8165UZWP+AL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do people actually like drizzt? I know it's based on the DD morality system but I didn't expect the characters to be this static and one dimensional over the course of a dozen plus books. You're literally reading only for the plot at this point.

>> No.14841899

Should have figured that out after eye of the world

>> No.14842059

I don't know what you were expecting with a book series written by D&D players who were just novelizing their campaigns.

The Black Library stuff is actually interesting because GW hired real authors and not larpers.

>> No.14842073

You should read The Difference Engine. It has a very cool thing that happens that no book reviewer seems to understand but it is high concept.

>> No.14842278

Dark fantasy?

>> No.14842336

Feel free to spoiler it. I tried reading it once but couldn't get into it, not sure if I'll give it another try. It lacked Gibson's old flashiness and Sterling is better at shorter forms and non fiction, his work is full of ideas but his narratives aren't engaging at length

>> No.14842444

I mean like a story that takes place in the modern era, buta single or group of characters discovers/invents scifi stuff

>> No.14842449

The ending is kinda cool but not worth enduring the rest of the book for

Roadside Picnic or Lathe of Heaven then

>> No.14842635

Yeah, I couldn't make it through #4. Sometimes a change from fantastic to mundane can be cool but it seemed like she just ran out of ideas. Let us know if you like #5 and #6.

IMHO it's not heavy so much as rambling. I always had to keep going back and re-reading paragraphs to stay on track.

>> No.14842643

>Are there any, not necessarily cyberpunk, but books about what people thought the internet would or could be? Maybe from the mid 2000s or so? Anything from after the advent of smart phones? Or anything that predicts them?

Empire and Babel-17 by Samuel Delaney

>> No.14842673

I'd heard that it takes a turn like this, so this confirms it. When I read it I'll just read 1-3 and then stop. I don't have any patience for obviously feminist crap.

>> No.14842694

If someone can indulge a newfag: b-ok always tell me I've downloaded five books already for today, do I have to use a specific vpn or what?

>> No.14842708

>do I have to use a specific vpn or what?
just rest your ip. they keep track of specific ips. if you wanna get around it reset your ip address or pay for a b-ok account.
that being said. library genesis has everything b-ok has and more.
you can reset your ip by unplugging or turning off your router and modem and turn it back on. some even allow you to do via a script.

>> No.14842726

a free b-ok account gives you 10 downloads and might solve the problem, or use libgen.

>> No.14842736

What is the Dark Souls of sffg?

>> No.14842753

Probably Book of the New Sun.

>> No.14842816

About to start The Great and Secret Show by Barker. Weaveworld was decent and this one sounds like an interesting trilogy the only issue is that there doesn't seem to be any plans to release the third book after nearly 30 years. What are some books or series that are stuck in limbo? Hardmode. No Ice and Fire or Kingkiller.

>> No.14842846

No, I knew exactly what you meant.

>> No.14842897
File: 75 KB, 650x650, the-longest-journey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are there any books like pic related?

>> No.14843007
File: 129 KB, 513x906, earthsea-book1-afterword.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, looking at Amazon, even the current editions of the first three novels come with a "new afterword" full of political crap (pic related is from book 1). What the fuck is wrong with these people? Shit like this destroys any of the magic in a book, in my opinion, but maybe that's the point of including it. I think I'm going to look for an older edition of the first three.

>> No.14843032
File: 52 KB, 784x546, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She went off the rails hard after her feminist awakening. Pic related from her essay on Cordwainer Smith where she's astonished a man doesn't feel the need to swing his balls around 24/7.

The first three Earthsea books really are great though. I'd also recommend the first three Hainish books + Dispossessed (Left Hand of Darkness is overrated) and her shorts of really any era, she never figured out how to totally suck with those.

>> No.14843093

Morecock is a shit writer. It's one guy that was shilling and pushing him hard in the general recently. I think it's the same guy that was shilling conan for a while a few months ago.

>> No.14843168

theres a bunch of myst books. theyre kinda similar.

>> No.14843172

>feminist awakening
She always was a feminist. Just not one of those radical nu-age feminists that want to castrate men for existing. No idea how she fell in with that crowd.

>> No.14843187
File: 54 KB, 1351x315, le guin feminist awakening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Before '77 she was a Taoist first and a feminist second.

>> No.14843211

So I take it that you have finished it by now? I'm going to try and end the saga today as well. Dyvam Tvar death was so inglorious though, he deserved more. At least his kid is helping out Elric now. How weird was the meeting between Elric and Zarozinia? Hey, we just met but I love you and we will marry soon. Lmao. I liked the fact that the sword returned for the castle by itself.

I doubt there's any shilling going on. It's just me and another anon reading the saga at the same time and using the general to discuss it as we go. And he's not shit, it's fun and an easy read.

>> No.14843213

I'm writing a rgrounded fantasy novel where a self-conscious but exceptional teenager travels the world and kills God.

How many romantic interests should she have?

>> No.14843221

Twenty virile black men.

>> No.14843225

Thank you, I'll check em out

>> No.14843243

Mostly donate.

>> No.14843265

I found MLO to be better than CZ, especially the parts with Molly and Slick.

>> No.14843337

Hello, reddit

>> No.14843361

>0.2% mortality rate for people under 40
I'm sorry hapooner but sadly world is still getting more and more packed with people any way you slice it.

>> No.14843369

Change is a quality onto itself, but yeah those novels aren't all that great. The original trilogy and the prequel trilogy is OK, later books were a chore.

>> No.14843380

For newish sff it's the other way round, or at least in my experience b-ok had more of the titles I was looking for.

>> No.14843381

Hello, pedo

>> No.14843393

defeatist attitude

>> No.14843463

I'm just at the beginning, I plan on finishing it in the next few days. Tvar and Zirozinia felt kind of random, yes.

>> No.14843530
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>> No.14843692 [DELETED] 

It's Moorcock lol.

>> No.14843694

Moorcock and Howard are relics of a time past. They can be appreciated for what they are without being unnecessarily harsh. I get that they're not to everybody's taste, but you have to keep that context in mind.

>> No.14843726

Malazan Book of The Fallen would be my vote. It really depends on what you want from the comparison. The Dark Souls experience started with Demon's Souls for me. It gave me the experience of beating my head against a wall until I learned that the game really wasn't that hard to get through. I was just doing it wrong because the game didn't fit my previous training and expectations. The atmosphere, lore, and world building kept bringing me back. In such a sense, I feel Malazan is the Dark Souls of fantasy literature. The first book filters out readers much like the souls games filter out gamers.

>> No.14843743

I actually enjoyed A Memory of Light more than most. The last battle feels particularly epic even though Brando Sando does make me feel a little like I'm watching an anime cartoon at times. In the end, the WoT books were a great experience for me. The writing and editing quality are questionable, but I've also never felt so immersed in a single world. I didn't even feel this way about Tolkien.

>> No.14843746

You're pretty obsessed, newfriend.

>> No.14843881
File: 304 KB, 646x595, 1527057485549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi fren

>> No.14843883

late PKD

>> No.14843907

>has a download limit
>wants you to pay for it
>requires registration
Into the trash it goes in comparison to those that has none of these and does better. The /lit/ sticky was a mistake.

>> No.14843924

supposedly b-ok uses money from premium accounts to bribe officials to look the other way when copyright issues are brought to them.
i say supposedly because theres no proof of it really but since b-ok is hosted in china theres a good chance its true.

>> No.14843959

>not using IRC
>not using libgen
your conception was a mistake

>> No.14843965

not him but libgen is dead

>> No.14843975
File: 18 KB, 1885x145, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no it is not
some of the sites it links to are sometimes

>> No.14844011

huh, i cant reach it at all

>> No.14844058

Mate just google libgen and go for the first option, it's the only one I use and I never had any problems with it.

>> No.14844125

>not being literate and realizing that's what I was arguing for

>thinking that's a good thing

>> No.14844142

mfw so illiterate I used the first link in the sticky and not just the second

>> No.14844162

#bookz is inferior. Still a mistake.

>> No.14844187

Haven't been here in a a while, why did the OP format change?

>> No.14844197

Because I felt like it. No other reason. It's probably changed multiple times since you've last seen it. It'll change again.

>> No.14844375

The site has 'died' for me a couple times, I googled and found their new url.

We have a different OP.

>> No.14844430

No one's revolted yet

>> No.14844471
File: 327 KB, 982x1600, Golem_100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did i just read

>> No.14844477

I'll revolt against myself.

>> No.14844534

five years in, it still surprises me nobody here calls him Branderson

>> No.14844562


>> No.14844607

looks like you read jungle bunny booty, what do you think you read

>> No.14844675

>Reading tranny shit

>> No.14844690

any good sffg books featuring femdom? askin for a buddy o mine

>> No.14844707


>> No.14844852
File: 14 KB, 544x113, 1579156361737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14844857

i liked elantris

>> No.14844897

What's funny about your pic is that it's a boy dressed up as a girl calling others degenerate.

>> No.14844915

wrong character, Maika is sweet and pure and 100% genuine lady

>> No.14844985

The Night Land and Lord Dunsany

>> No.14845083

I can agree. At times the books made me so annoyed I would drop them for months on end, but the world stuck in my head so much I would come back at the end of the day.

>> No.14845093

akka is a cuck
das rite

>> No.14845191


Sword of Truth series has like 80 pages of femdom in it...it's actually what I hate about the series

>> No.14845219


Dungeon and Dragons used to have a Ravenloft setting. It's fantasy with horror, but the horror is not that horrific. Having said that though Knight of the Black Rose is a fantastic book that fucked me up during my teens. Not sure how I would feel about it now, but yeah, it was pretty good and grim.

>> No.14845239

I've never read anything written by Lord Dunsany. What do you recommend to start?

>> No.14845240

>21 books
>only 80 pages of femdom
dude wtf thats almost nothing

>> No.14845261

How central is the romance to the story?

>> No.14845272

My magical realism/horror novel has a 20 page gay gangrape scene, is that too much?

>> No.14845275


>> No.14845281

Not enough

>> No.14845293

how do you even make a scene that long

>> No.14845429

Gods of Pegana or the Sword of Welleran

>> No.14845440

Very carefully

>> No.14845455

teach me how to lenghten my scenes senpai

>> No.14845464

Go read VNs that have porn scenes that are like an hour long each, and just copy that but with more exposition to make up for the lack of art.

>> No.14845471

oh, not just porn, i was talking in general

>> No.14845519

>My magical realism/horror novel has a 20 page gay gangrape scene, is that too much?
Is the bottom a femboi trap?

>> No.14845554

I got the idea from that scene in Subahibi where the protagonist's bullies make him dress as a girl and masturbate in front of them and then force him to suck their dicks before beating him unconscious.

>> No.14845569

what's wrong with women?

>> No.14845575

>I'm writing a rgrounded fantasy novel where a self-conscious but exceptional teenager travels the world and kills God.
>How many romantic interests should she have?
She only needs Jesus in her life.

>> No.14845576

Love triangle of 1 female, multiple males = bad
Love triangle of 1 male, multiple females = good

>> No.14845582


>> No.14845592


>> No.14845598

It's not like she fucks all of them, she just contemplates it on the adventure while psyching herself out and acting all sour grapes towards the clear option-- sort of a Katniss-Peeta situation. Resists going with the local chad because some side comments of people flat out saying its inevitable

>> No.14845605

>I got the idea from that scene in Subahibi where the protagonist's bullies make him dress as a girl and masturbate in front of them and then force him to suck their dicks before beating him unconscious.
I haven't coomed in an hour or so, so that's pretty hot at the moment.

Yeah, that's just natural for men. I honestly don't get how the (tranny?) anons on /a/ can stand shoujoshit otome isekais etc. with reverse harems.

>> No.14845606

Reading stuff like that makes me feel like I'm getting cucked so I don't like it.

>> No.14845623
File: 170 KB, 1280x960, ayana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't coomed in an hour or so, so that's pretty hot at the moment.
Go read it then, it's one of the best VNs by far. It's about Wittgenstein's Tractatus.

>> No.14845726

How would /sffg/ handle writing a male who pines after a girl that has no romantic feelings for him whatsoever, and in actuality only seems like a perfect fit because of his general undersocialisation?

>> No.14845741

Dungeons and Dragons still has a Ravenloft setting. Though it's kind of one-note since every campaign in it has the same villain: edward cullen's edgy brother strahd von zarovich

>Love triangle where I have a harem = good
>Love triangle where I'm part of the harem = bad

>> No.14845742

does she end up liking him?

>> No.14845756
File: 67 KB, 450x720, 87252501_1041999106157289_4923213469718675456_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who reading this when it comes out?
What you think it will be about?
You think he is just writing the same characters with different skins?

>> No.14845757

>>Love triangle where I have a harem = good
>>Love triangle where I'm part of the harem = bad
Exactly. I don't want to read that shit.

>> No.14845781

my diary desu

>> No.14845798

Not really, someone refers to children as 'lolis' and I call them pedos. The sun shines and the grass grows

>> No.14845810

>goodreads recs are no good
>make a shelf of books to try and get recs from that
>it draws all the recs from the first book I put on the list and somehow ends up recommending cookbooks in response to a scifi novel

ahh I just want to find new stuff to read

>> No.14845812

yes but she only starts to like him romantically after he's moved on emotionally

>> No.14845841


>> No.14845885

>Who reading this when it comes out?
Me, as soon as it's uploaded somewhere.
>What you think it will be about?
I think it will be about that archangel of retribution mentioned in the last Incubus Inc., probably reincarnated/amnesia'd
>You think he is just writing the same characters with different skins?
Meh, I like his characters so I couldn't care much less about whether they tend to be a bit samey.

>> No.14845891

Does she fuck someone else?

>> No.14845899

very nice
the longer the mc is a loser, the better
helps to self insert

>> No.14845927

why would you ever enjoy being reminded of being a loser even in fictional worlds? wouldn't you rather escape from that?

>> No.14845951
File: 5 KB, 254x250, 1568681816467.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just can't relate to any of the other stuff, so the loser-potential state feels better

>> No.14845955

What did you read and liked? Goodreads is good to keep track of what one reads but they mostly recommend popular stuff.

>> No.14845970

whatever floats your boat i guess...

>> No.14846001
File: 135 KB, 500x500, 594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's this fantasy book I read a long time ago that I can't remember the name of for the life of me. I was hoping someone here could help.

The only things that really stick out in my memory is that it opens with a human and a dwarf scaling a mountain to slay a dragon. I'm pretty sure the rest of the book focuses on that human's ancestor, but with the same dwarf.

>> No.14846032

Starts down that path slowly, but thats distinct from anything else happening

Part of the message is that the guy is sort of passive and shit just happens to him. Over time he develops some initiative and by the time the girl is impressed with him, he's matured into somebody that knows what he wants in a partner.
The girl isn't the type of person he desires, and that's totally fine since different people want different things.

>> No.14846036

The Hobbit

>> No.14846044

Have you tried looking at what /sffg/ has read and liked?

>> No.14846080

ok, i might give it a go if by the end he finds a much better girl which reciprocates, while the original crush has every misfortune possible befall her

>> No.14846167
File: 29 KB, 312x475, 44031195._SY475_[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>book has a master manipulator type villain
>he's not in perfect control because the book uses realistic speed of communication for medieval fantasy
honestly this really fun to read and something more books should play around with

>> No.14846176

>it’s another old drunken veteran is pulled out of retirement for one last job protagonist
I’m so tired of this, young ranger and rebel tomboy protags

>> No.14846183

yeah because fantasy has a such a lack of young protagonists

And it's less old veteran than old show pony, the protagonist's peak didn't consist of much more than dueling for sport.

>> No.14846200

for a second i thought this was about dragon riding confederate soldiers annexing all of central america and i got slightly excited

>> No.14846217

>yeah because fantasy has a such a lack of young protagonists
He is tired of young rangers and rebels tomboys, too, not just older protagonists.

>> No.14846230


>> No.14846285

in general add sex to a scene to make it longer

>> No.14846303

Goodreads has recs?

>> No.14846483

Is the girl going to be a recurring character? Personally I don't think you should drag that plot point out for too long. Just show that she has a thing for him but he no longer gives a single fuck about her and move on.

>> No.14846769

I remember being scarred by that shit when I was a kid. I felt like Sword of Truth kind of started out like your typical fantasy series and then bitch slapped readers with weird porn fiction.

>> No.14846930

Okay, but THIS IS A SPOILER you've been warned:

Ada Lovelace's "Modus" program is the macguffin everyone's trying to get because they think it will predict markets or enemy military maneuvers or perform another kind of magical calculation. Instead it's a program that does some kind of recursive self-introspection and likely becomes artificially intelligent in a crude way. When run on France's "Grand Napoleon" engine it renders the machine useless. It's stuck in an unfathomable, self-sustaining calculation. The machine can't be re-tasked or even even reset.

In the last two paragraphs we see the far-flung steampunk future of 1991 where a calculating engine is somehow built on such an enormous scale it can support true artificial sentience. The last few lines are the description of its moment of awakening to self-awareness.

I mean, I think it's pretty straightforward. But every book review I've read doesn't understand it.

>> No.14847029


>> No.14847248

it has "readers also enjoyed"

>> No.14847261

was it both elegant and exuberant?

>> No.14847282

just read outlander

>> No.14847307

nice black booty

>> No.14847386

>make a shelf of books to try and get recs from that
>it draws all the recs from the first book I put on the list

that doesn't sound like the 'also enjoyed'

>> No.14847395

I don't mind spoilers, I actually flipped to the end of Difference Engine when I dropped it. I understood what was going on but I didn't think that much of it. It was basically the end of Neuromancer again.

>> No.14847396

i know but the readers also enjoyed is occasionally useful

>> No.14847474

List them or link it and we'll give you suggestions. Or shit on your pleb taste.

>> No.14847496

Two is fine: a leader of men type, and a brooding loner type. You can also add a beta orbiter nerd.

>> No.14847598

Two chicks

>> No.14847834

It was such an incredibly boring book. Almost no computation related stuff, just a macguffin.

>> No.14847848

No, just experimental author wank. I found the way illustration was used as part of the story interesting, but overall it was an incoherent trip.

>> No.14847882

You've got to be aware that just because someone understands their attraction is illogical and based on an ideal doesn't mean it will magically go away. There is nothing worse than a dramatic arc concluding with the main character going "Oh I guess I was retarded and will just change overnight now that I'm aware of it"

In reality (and in fiction) these kind of relationships just don't go anywhere because they will always be based upon a lie and will never be equal

>> No.14848609
File: 398 KB, 934x1500, 0bbed29074e82234dfa6547f216586b3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone know some sci-fi works that fit this criteria?
>primarily focused on the ships/exploration
>no goofy plots about some radical new discovery
Basically something close to a SoL where you can tell the writer is jerking off to how much he loves ships and weird planets.

>> No.14848650
File: 8 KB, 200x300, the-legend-of-randidly-ghosthound-full-AHDLBo4kPAk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is there such a thing as good litrpg, or are they inherently self indulgent garbage?
pic related

>> No.14848689


>> No.14848690

It mostly depends on personal taste

>> No.14848708

Depends on what you want out of it. Generally speaking the less spreadsheets there are the better the story.

>> No.14848725

comedy: then he shoots up the school
tragedy: he finds a girl who likes him for who he is but she's an uggo and he settles

>> No.14848768

this has to be a parody

>> No.14849070

I think that is slightly bugged/has a bad algorithm.
There is a separate recommendations section under browse but I wonder if they were messing with that because mine has been completely reset.

>> No.14849224

Sounds like you want kancolle, in space

>> No.14849249

Known Space short stories

>> No.14849346

You're allowed to not read the afterword, anon. It's just there so publishers can justify the new edition. Only university students scrounging for quotes for that essay due tomorrow actually go through them.

>> No.14849355

How is it /sffg/?

>> No.14849395

Is Guy Gavriel Kay any good? I'm kinda intrigued by some of his stuff

>> No.14849425

At times I wish he'd write straight-up historical fiction since the fantasy elements are mostly barely there and I find myself continually making the substitutions for the actual names of people and places. He's also a tendency for melodrama and the emotionally overwrought.

Having said all that yes he's still very good and the settings are convincing despite or maybe even become of their obvious real world analogue. Lions of Al-Rassan the one I enjoyed the most, I haven't read all his stuff.

>> No.14849437

The real-world-but-not-really setting was the main draw for me, thanks

>> No.14849445

All the female characters are clones of his mother.

>> No.14849769

No, it's a sincere reply to a comment. If you have something to add to the discussion, feel free to do so instead of being a worthless twat.

>> No.14849771
File: 98 KB, 657x438, f66c9dcd894baad6e1f6c8625610b80c73c9cba5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know, but I do know that cover is so excellent I want to read it too. I miss paperbacks with cover art that made you want to pick them up.

>> No.14849791

The femdom and rape are the best parts of it desu, otherwise it's like a terribly written anime series.

>> No.14849821

Those kinds of covers were the whole reason I started reading novels as a kid. It's no surprise to me that boys barely read anymore with the neutered mass market paperback covers we see now. I remember being shocked to find out that girls were now much more into reading than boys. You see shit like Harry Potter and Twilight take off and make millions, but there really is nothing like that for young men. I can't even name a single major franchise that has been targeted solely to men of any age.

>> No.14849849

the future is so bright i don't need eyes to see it

>> No.14849900

My story is becoming a little too degenerate, maybe I should take out the incest.

>> No.14849908

>take out the incest

>> No.14849926

I probably won't since the protagonist is supposed to fall into a spiral of complete degeneracy and what better way to do that than have him become a literal motherfucker.

>> No.14849929

what type of incest are we talking about?

>> No.14849995

>becoming a little too degenerate
>since the protagonist is supposed to fall into a spiral of complete degeneracy
You're just here procrastinating

>> No.14850025

When I look at the wreck of a person that is my mother, I just can't consider a Chad making his beautiful mother his woman degenerate in comparison.

>> No.14850033

Mother and son

True, but it's not like I'm in a rush to finish this. It's just something I'm writing for the fun of it when I'm not busy with work.

>> No.14850037

ew, a child fucking his parent is arguably even worse than ntr

>> No.14850044

I only like tigana. Everything else of his I read was too low magic to even be considered fantasy.
He is the type of author snobby people like outer /lit/ and others that try to imitate a "patrician" air would read. It "fantasy" without any actual substantial fantastical elements.

>> No.14850051

>Everything else of his I read was too low magic to even be considered fantasy.
Even the Fionavar trilogy?

>> No.14850054
File: 218 KB, 832x706, 1583353797306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different strokes for different folks. Also it's fiction, incest is disgusting irl in 99% of cases but in a fantasy setting where a guy can have a 10/10 mom then it's fine. On the flip side I will never understand the appeal of NTR.

>> No.14850059

>I can't even name a single major franchise that has been targeted solely to men of any age.
pierce brown's stuff arguably, though i'm sure plenty women read it.

>> No.14850061

Why is it that the people that want to fuck their mother or sister, can't? I like incest stories or hentai, but I wouldn't fuck my sister /mother even if they spread it for me. They just aren't attractive.

>> No.14850064

>incest is disgusting irl in 99%
um ill let you know that actually the love between a brother and his sister is the purest and most blessed form of incest

>> No.14850069

>I will never understand the appeal of NTR.
Depends who you self-insert as.

>> No.14850071

I only read three books by him. After the shit storm that was a ghost following a gril around I dropped him as an author forever.

>> No.14850084

Yes, but reading about someone cheating on their husband for dick should give you feels.
Unless you're a home wrecker irl, and you get off on fucking your best friend's, father's, brother's wives?

>> No.14850086

>After the shit storm that was a ghost following a gril around

>> No.14850089

People are generally smart enough to separate what they fap to and real life. I've fapped countless incest doujins/hentai but the thought of actually doing anything with my mom makes me gag. Now if I had a hot stepmom or mother in law that'd be a different story. Also like you mentioned fictional moms usually look young as fuck and are usually built like a brickhouse, real life moms are just frumpy and old. The hot mom/sister thing is wish fulfillment because a lot of guys wonder what their life would be like if they grew up with ridiculously attractive family members.

>> No.14850102

Her ancestor spirit.
Go read it if you like low, barely there magic. I read fantasy for fantastical shit, not low level shit.

>> No.14850106

We're talking about Tigana, right?

>> No.14850118

I don't think you understand. If my mom was attractive I would have tried to fuck her. It's not that I don't find her attractive, it's that she is a 4 or a 5. If my mom worked out and dressed slutty I would have tried to let her catch me masturbating like the movie kevin.

>> No.14850124


>> No.14850127

Inserting as the homewrecker is about power, if you ask me. You've taken control of someone's life by taking from them a person they cherish. You've proven to them that you are the superior male, etc... Assuming you take it seriously.

On topic, can anyone suggest a relatively near-future military sci-fi book in the vein of Tom Clancy? I'm trying to write something similar set in a world where the UN has collapsed all the major superpowers are licking their wounds after a serious but non-nuclear world war and I need ideas to steal.

>> No.14850129

I love when this place turns into incest discussion.

>> No.14850152

If you want military sci-fi, Neal Asher, Bv Larson.
Agent Cormac, Undying Mercenaries.

>> No.14850159
File: 61 KB, 800x600, GRI APPROVED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14850173

>I love when this place turns into incest discussion
This general is where the GRI APPROVAL standard was formed. You think we wouldn't have many cultured minds that have nuanced thoughts and ideals on the topic?

>> No.14850180

That's what I thought, too. It probably would have taken off even more if it had been explicitly marketed to males, rather than that "it's like Katniss meets Ender" crap.

>> No.14850181


>> No.14850229

>It probably would have taken off even more if it had been explicitly marketed to males
That would be considered sexist because it excludes the females who appreciate it. You can't do that.

>> No.14850335
File: 112 KB, 600x465, 46813120-zothique1-600x465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, when I was growing up there were these varied and equally appealing paperbacks in bookstores, you had the heroic cover paintings of men fighting monsters, rescuing maidens and the rest of what was really a continuation of the pulp magazines, only it were novels now. With their dynamic and exciting energy pulling you to peruse their pages. They were small things you could easily carry with you and read during a break in school or on the bus home. You had the lavishly illustrated epic fantasy covers with all their grandiose vistas and stuff, knights in combat and exotic locales that got your imagination going. You had the evocative science fiction covers featuring breathtaking imagery of space battles and strange alien worlds and creatures. You had the more sophisticated works illustrated by the likes of Bruce Pennington, which is still very attractive to a young lad but which I have come to appreciate even more with age.

You also had the leather-bound hardbacks for serious works, too highbrow for cover illustrations. Some of them were old faery tales and mythic texts. They felt important and prestigious to warrant the format, something I think has changed, hardbacks no longer carry with them the same weight as they once did. They are made cheaper and to a lower standard of quality and more works than ever make it into the format.

As you said, it really is no wonder that young men hardly read these days. Whereas they have stopped being a target audience for books altogether women still have their trashy romance novels with shirtless and ripped men on the covers, now simply stock photos of models rather than an actual cover illustration which would be more expensive. But even so they still have their remnant of the pulp romance genre.

The entire publishing industry is so bad right now, the books are bloated and ugly, cheaply slapped together designs taking the place of actual art. Everything is a part of a multi-volume series without an end, as publishers are no longer content with several stories merely taking place in the same setting.

>> No.14850348
File: 323 KB, 660x990, 47955688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But anon the old paperbacks didn't have Adobe Aftereffects.

>> No.14850357
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>> No.14850377

Short stories are dead. The magazines only exist so Aspiring Authors can psych themselves up by putting something in Asimov's, they're mainly read by other authors. Indie mags just run side stories for long-running indie novel series.

>> No.14850508
File: 13 KB, 400x231, yikesfancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah i'm sure video games have nothing to do with boys' reading rates

>> No.14850518
File: 349 KB, 508x335, harold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to puke.
>the alien isn't even slightly xeno
I don't get it either.
Sure, but I don't think the actual market/audience for short stories is truly dead. I know I'd love to read an anthology of them and I'm no writer and surely there must be more people with little time on their hands that want to read a variety of stories from different authors. I think it's the publishers that have killed the venue on purpose since it makes less money. They want to sell you those bloated and overwritten books.

It's a shame because without a healthy scene for short stories writers become worse since they cut their teeth on lengthy novels instead of those exercises in compression and brevity that short stories are. We won't get a new Gene Wolfe anytime soon since they won't develop the skills and habits that short stories demand. There's a great deal of craftsmanship being lost.

>> No.14850537


>> No.14850546

Thank you.

>> No.14850570

>yeah i'm sure video games have nothing to do with boys' reading rates
But women make up at least 50% of all gamers and they still read tons of books.

>> No.14850598

Nice pulling all those % out your ass.
Women game to show that they are quirky, and to get forever alone socially awkward cucks to spend them their neet bux over patreon.

>> No.14850619

girls' rates are a little lower for gaming but boys definitely spend more time gaming than girls

>> No.14850653


>> No.14850861

Holy shit even I didn't think it was this bad.