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14835835 No.14835835 [Reply] [Original]

Why aren't journalists as respected as poets or literary scholars?

>> No.14835841

Journalists stopped being respected when the last journalists who weren't activists died out.

>> No.14835850

Are you retarded or have you been living under a rock for the past 70 years that you need it spelled out for you?

>> No.14835870

I'm genuinely curious. I majored in journalism studies, and it's honestly upsetting me.

>> No.14835886

Did you never notice that the rest of the kids in your journalism class seem like the kind of people you'd want to violently beat up?

It's not rocket science

>> No.14835889

Why would they be?

>> No.14835890


Based Greeks

>> No.14835895

I met my fiancee in one of my classes.

>> No.14835898

Erasmus could be convincingly called the first journalist. Essentially he caused the 30 years war.

>> No.14835902

Based Hellenes

>> No.14835922

>be German
>be Journalist
>lemme go cover the migrant crisis in Greece
big brained

>> No.14835940

>genuinely curious
>majored in journalism studies
you sound like the typical journalist today: impulsively defensive and entitled while at the same time consciously in-denial. Journalists invented the click-bate, reportage bias and armchair politics. They're pseudo-experts on everything. This article itself is an example. How do you know those are immigrants? How do you know that guy's a journalist? How do you know that woman is "trying to stop them"? How do you know the date is accurate? You don't. Journalists expect you to just "take their word for it." Also, anyone can call themselves a journalist. You should've just watched some yt videos and read some books or, you know, read the news everyday instead of spending years and money on a "journalism studies degree".

>> No.14835965

None of these people are respected, but journalists probably have the most respect of the bunch.

>> No.14835991


>> No.14835993

That's weird, was it arranged?

>> No.14836013

Journalists or Propaganda artists?

>> No.14836025

>violently beat
As opposed to beating him non-violently?

>> No.14836059

Holy malaka, based.

>> No.14836082

Journalism was never respectable, read Balzac's illusions perdues, journalists are inherent sellouts. Journalism was always the den of arrivists, failed writers and wannabe politicians which wouldn't be half as bad if they didn't have such a high opinion of themselves (democracy dies in darkness and such other memes). Now you just add twitter/blogposter brainlets and you have the full picture.

>> No.14836306

they look just like the Arab youth population in most European metropolitan areas. Scummy.

>> No.14836318

anon confirmed wife beater

>> No.14836346

Based Greeks

>> No.14836360

>I majored in journalism studies
Oh, so retarded then

>> No.14836507

underrated. demosthenes confirmed for first editorial page shitstain

>> No.14836558

Based gayreeks

>> No.14836630

They knew the journalist was there to get photos of invaders weeping crocodile tears and write an article about what awful racists they are for defending their island.

>> No.14836648

>but journalists probably have the most respect of the bunch.

>> No.14836668

You are a pawn of evil. I'm glad the internet fred us from the journotentacles at least for a brief moment in modern history.

>> No.14836675

He deserved every hit.

>> No.14836683

Turkey should annex Greece on humanitarian grounds

>> No.14836684

Why do they all look like Arabs?

>> No.14836701

v-words have a psychological effect on EFL brains.

>> No.14836707

>generations of race-mixing

>> No.14836709

Would Sappho be proud, /lit/?

I think she probably would.

>> No.14836713

That's how the journalists reported leftist beating.

>> No.14836717

Greeks look like Greeks, idiot.

>> No.14836725

She would be a typical Immigrants-Welcome waman. Then she and her entire girls school would be stormed and gang raped by Turks.

>> No.14836756

You fags would literally not have known that this was happening if it weren't for journalists. Go back browsing realpatrioticamericannews77.net

>> No.14836781

I'm grateful for them telling me about getting their asses kicked. May they continue to take beatings and report on them for us.

>> No.14836791

anyone can upload their iphone recording to youtube now, fuck journalists

>> No.14836797

Are we looking at the same image in the OP? They look like Arabs.

>> No.14836808

That's because hooded figures beating up one guy is usually something arabs do

>> No.14836817

So Greeks are Arabs then

>> No.14836826

Did he get distraught having to cover all the migrant rapes in his homeland so he moved to shed bad light on another country?

>> No.14836831

Poets are not respected, what are you talking about?

>> No.14836849

is OP a journalist? because he's the only reason i know about this story

>> No.14836860

I've been reading about my boy here lately.
Him, Priestley and Hartley but mostly him

What did he do though!

>> No.14836890

What do you think Greeks look like, Nordboy? Blonde with blue eyes? Only a very small minority. Greeks are Meds.

>> No.14836937

>Lesbos went from Commie bastion to decisively far right within half a decade because of mudslimes

>> No.14836942
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more like this

>> No.14836952

Tips for Meds: stay away from fade haircuts, tracksuits, over-the-shoulder hipbags, etc. unless you wanna be ID'd as an Arab.

>> No.14836958

Shit what type of haircuts should I get?

>> No.14836987


>> No.14836993


>> No.14836997

like a swarthy white, not an arab?

>> No.14837007

Get lost.

>> No.14837027

>journalists then: get on the ground facts as to what's occurring, in contrast to government propaganda
>journalism now: find some cropped photos of brown children crying to justify destroying your country with unlimited third world terrorists

>> No.14837109

>journalists then: get on the ground facts as to what's occurring, in contrast to government propaganda
when was this

>> No.14837157


>> No.14837158
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Before our time.

>> No.14837164

Beating him softly with this song.

>> No.14837204

top lel

>> No.14837217
File: 10 KB, 250x250, 1492395893004s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're making it seem like what Greece and Russia are doing is wrong. This shouldn't be new to people, I'm pretty sure Saint Paisios said Russia and Greece would kill the Turks and take back the Byzantine Empire, so it's not like everyone didn't see this coming.

>> No.14837385

It's not 1900 anymore grandpa anyone can share information freely on the internet. Plus NGO journalist are just propagandists.

>> No.14837448


>> No.14837477

The Anglo cries as he beats you, all scientific and objective like.

>> No.14837486


>> No.14837494
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>> No.14837496

/pol/ bait thread

>> No.14837506

I wonder why people distrust journalists



>> No.14837537

Greeks have a victim complex. They think they are poor because countries like German have been exploiting them

>> No.14837653


My father-in-law lives on Chios so I would you fuckwit

>> No.14837697


>> No.14837960

It seems the Greeks started with him instead.

>> No.14838062

Poets are artists and usually independent. Journalists aren’t artists. They’re actors acting on behalf of a state or a corporation and it’s interests for money. If not money, then an exposé in which case it would be obvious why the people they’re exposing wouldn’t admire them. Also, Ezra Pound was put in a cage like an abused dog so I don’t see your point anyway.

>> No.14838075
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>an entire island of lesbos
wtf i love gay greek culture now

>> No.14838545

There are no "journalists" in the modern world. There are all activists of some sort. They do not impartially report on news. They actively plan, in a devious and malicious way, what to show and how to show it, with a pre-established goal or agenda in mind. There is no "news". There are pre-planned lessons meant to shape and control the ideas of the gullible masses.

>> No.14838549

based. need more

>> No.14838552

>people assuming all of Greece support these goons just because there are a dozen of them

>> No.14838657

If you're wife is a journalist, then you have the right to beat her. Congrats, you are a lucky man.

>> No.14838662

Self-hating Greek here. Greeks are dumb as bricks and are the most tasteless people. I am ashamed to be Greek. The only good thing about Greece was Homer it has been all down hill from there. They haven't contributed anything of worth since Homer. The philosophers were shit. the christcucks are shit, no good music, the dances are shit, the food is mediocre, no great art, the women are crazy, the language is grating, and so on. The diaspora in America are even more brain dead. As soon as I know someone is Greek I know outright to disdain them. I am ashamed to be Greek I wish I was French or something.

>> No.14838665

!Whores are more respected than journalists.
Because while whores sell their bodies and self-respect only, j*urnos also sell their voices, dignities and minds.
I think a bum is a better person than a j*urno, simply because he ISN'T a journalist.

>> No.14838680

Journalism is writing for the noncreative

>> No.14838738
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>I wish I was French
I don't know how can anyone wish to be French. Their language sounds extremely pretentious, and its structure seems retarded. Not that I looked into it that much, but I genuinely want to throw up when I hear the french swallowing their "r"s. They eat frog legs and pig colons, that still smell of pig shit ffs - andouillette!

>> No.14838937
File: 52 KB, 466x659, 0007E21A-8DFB-4386-8EB3-2E3DB7F4D25C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14838974

>a language sounding pretentious
Absolutely retarded take but I'm sure you believe that

>> No.14839040
File: 35 KB, 625x626, 1592480923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why aren't journalists as respected as poets or literary scholars?
LMAO at all you faggots
for the record all journos deserve all the beatings that are inflicted on them

>> No.14839125

It just does. Many people think it does, so it can, we aren't talking about the existence of God.

>> No.14839239

Many people think it does because, just like you, they are retarded and can't tell they are projecting their bias unto something totally unrelated. A language just does not sound pretentious by itself, if you had half a brain you would understand that.

>> No.14839282

t. monolinglet

>> No.14839479

τ. ανθέλληνας

>> No.14839714

An amusing image, to be sure.