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14835411 No.14835411 [Reply] [Original]

Being a Christian is fundamentally irrational because it always boils down to taking early Christians at their word.

One of my (many) pet peeves about Christianity is that when Christians are challenged to defend their views, they very often try to sneak in a defence of theism, or non-physicalism, or free will, or creationism, instead of of Christianity.

I like having those debates, but even being right about every last one of these things wouldn’t make it reasonable to be a Christian. To be a Christian, you need to at least believe that an ancient Galilean carpenter was the Son of God and rose from the dead. And compared to that, belief in the supernatural is sterling common sense.

What I want to hear from Christians is why are you a Christian *specifically*? How do you make that leap from the (relatively reasonable) existence of a supreme being to the (much less reasonable) resurrection in a first century Roman provincial town?

As far as I can see it, the basic problem is this. All the relevant information that makes it possible to be a Christian specifically, as opposed to a theist or a non-physicalist or a creationist or whatever, has reached us through the same, early Christian community. You may have sound rational reasons to believe theism, but you cannot have sound rational reasons for the basis of Christianity because our only access to that information is through the claims of early Christians. You would not believe the claims of other religious movements based on such evidence.

Therefore: anyone who calls himself a Christian is proclaiming his willingness to believe supernatural events based only on ideologically motivated third-hand two-thousand-year-old documents. Christians: is this representation correct?

>> No.14835421

William Lane Craig proves that Jesus died and was resurrected.

>> No.14835424

Are you aware of Josephus?

>> No.14835426
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>> No.14835585

unteachable and lazy motherfuckers, that's what they are. nothing more and nothing less.

>> No.14835589

There's a reason it's called a FAITH. It's not a rational belief. Basic philosophy should have taught you this.

>> No.14835595
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the evil and stupidity of the atheists, the baseness and immorality of the post-Christian West, and the undeniable righteousness of the saints are all that is necessary for me to believe. all else is either blatant falsehood or nihilism.

>> No.14835623

>It's not a rational belief
then stop shitting up my board with your garbage and keep your irrational fantasies to yourself

>> No.14835633

>the evil and stupidity of the atheists
so you're again arguing for theism instead of Christianity, just as OP said.
> the baseness and immorality of the post-Christian West
so you base your entire beliefs on the current state of a specific local society?
what about the pre-Christian West? What about the east? Do you realize how much Christianity fucked up the West? Are you familiar with the history of the major western civilizations?
>and the undeniable righteousness of the saints
how is it undeniable? Because you say so?
>all else is either blatant falsehood or nihilism.
covering your ears like a true narrow-minded idiot. That's the Christian spirit alright

>> No.14835691

>All the relevant information that makes it possible to be a Christian specifically, as opposed to a theist or a non-physicalist or a creationist or whatever, has reached us through the same, early Christian community.

Actually, it has reached me through Hegel.

>> No.14835700

why are you here? you're only trying to confirm your own beliefs. if you were serious you'd actually read for yourself, not ask an imageboard.

>> No.14835708
File: 2.43 MB, 2215x3000, Lempertz-1040-1103-Fine-Art-Nicolas-Bertin-The-Resurrection-of-Chris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is not far from the Kingdom of God. He is right to assert that if you do not literally believe in the Resurrection of Christ, you are wasting your time as a Christian.

Most of us know by faith. But it's not just a matter of being gullible or credible. Newman teaches us that faith is an act of the Reason that is operated on by divine faculties. Faith is a product of revelation, not just in the Scriptures but in each individual heart. Faith is a two-way street. It is man reaching out to God, but also God reaching out to man.

So, to believe in the Resurrection you have to open yourself up to the idea that God is real and can actively be present in your life. The idea that God manifests Himself in the world, not in some abstract and philosophical way but in a real, tangible, material way, one that touches the heart and the marrow of man. A way that's just as physical and tangible as the literal Resurrection of Christ.

The Christian God is not a God of abstract concepts. He is a God of flesh and blood, and living and dead. You must accept this, and accept that He is very real and can work in your life if you invite Him in, before you will understand Christianity.

>> No.14835736
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I could at least take him seriously as an atheist if he showed equal treatment for Jews, that are open to similar critique. Turning a blind eye on the one and dwelling on the other is so myopic.

>> No.14835777

You are fundamentally irrational, just like me. We are all irrational.

>> No.14835804
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>> No.14835820
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Everyone has to convert. "No one comes to the Father except through Me." This is the truth of things.

And Christians ARE Jews, in a certain respect. The New Covenant fulfills and supersedes the Old. We are not divorced from the Law and the Prophets; rather, we are what they were pointing towards. The Church is the Kingdom of Israel in the new world.

>> No.14835855

I'm only here to see 4chan christcucks get BTFO.
>shit I got nothing uh... read for yourself?
>not ask an imageboard
I'm not OP

>> No.14835864
File: 157 KB, 726x572, based.jesus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>in a certain respect
Do you follow the Talmud? If not, then you are not a Jew in the respect that most people mean with respect to modern Jews that are extant. Besides, scripture addressed whether or not we needed to be Jews first and the answer was "no". Do you even know a single Jew that strictly adheres to only pre-Talmudic teachings and customs? You are getting off in the weeds a bit.

>> No.14835867

Not being an agnostic is fundamentally irrational and in fact gay. If you are not an agnostic you are LARPING

>> No.14835876

What I mean is that the Church is the fulfillment of the Law and the Prophets. The Church is the New Israel, the thing of which the old kingdom of Israel was but a prefiguring. Protestants believe that we need to preserve the literal state of Israel, but they're wrong. The Church is already Israel transfigured. The Church is Israel in all the ways that matter.

>> No.14835884

There are Protestants that don't believe that. You're thinking of Boomer evangelicals.

>> No.14835885


>> No.14835892

Some individuals gave revelations that they were always woman on inside. Would you belive them?

>> No.14835903

No, because the ultimate measure of all revelation, public or private, is the Church. Christ Himself knew that there would be false prophets who would come and who would claim correctness in His name in the centuries between His Ascension and His Second Coming. So He established His Church on this Earth to carry out His will, to be His instrument. And despite not always being perfect, the Church has largely done this. It is the measure of things in the Christian world.

>> No.14835911

Outside of Christ, reality and existence has no context, everything is just an absurd, painful dream ending in death. Why does man exist? Why are we alone in a vast seemingly infinite cosmos with no higher intelligence? The only answer we have is Christ, and divine providence is self evident in regards to his roman catholic church, the persecuted church of martyrs becoming the centerpiece of world history until the apocalypse and second coming.

>> No.14835919


>I am in existence
>never before have I been
>suddenly I am in this existence
>I will coom myself to death

Nihilists are scared to contemplate the reason for their being

>> No.14835937

What fucking reason?
Church only began to be established 80 years after his death.

>> No.14835942

I will reply to this tomorrow. Maybe. I've got midterms and a lot of pages to write.

>> No.14835949

You're literally retarded anon. I can't believe someone could be this stupid.

Not to mention cringe.

>> No.14835959

Suffice to say God is beyond mortal comprehension and that is right terrifying. Read the Hebrew Bible. God does what God wants, and woe to anyone who tries passing judgment.

That a humble carpenter born in the sticks should not be a surprise to you. He came to show us the way to the Father. To make the unknowable something we might begin to understand through him. We're shit and he's the word incarnate. Jesus' life was an act of superhuman, supernatural mercy.

>> No.14835963


They don't want to know the truth, or to love God, which is the primary reason they exist. You did not create reality, you are a created being and the only thing that can satisfy you is God. When we live in rejection of God, we're also implicitly rejecting our own existence and choosing to be an enmity with our creator. Hell is real, and everyone deep down knows it, it's the final state of a soul that chooses destruction instead of God.

>> No.14835972

Only thing that can satisfy human is electrical pulses. Stick electrodes in specific part of brain and life is solved.

>> No.14835982


No created pleasures or sensations can truly satisfy us, many people have everything materially and end up killing themselves. Many of the saints have undergone gruesome tortures such as having their skin peeled off, burnt alive, ect, all out of a love for their creator and master, Jesus Christ.

>> No.14835998

And muslims blow themselfs up. So what? Religeon is just collection of memes.

>> No.14836012


The Muslim only dies for carnal pleasures that he can obtain from God, he's not dying for a genuine love of God which is the only thing which can satisfy eternally that which we exist for. Existence has a reason and a purpose, we can only blame ourselves for our current condition. God never had to create humans, he did so because he loves you as an individual, and all the sin and blood of this world was endured for you.

>> No.14836019

>The Muslim only dies for carnal pleasures that he can obtain from God, he's not dying for a genuine love of God
that's presumptuous

>> No.14836073

name 1 (one) belief that isn't fundamentally irrational

>> No.14836154

Keep larping as if you love God for a reason other then eternal life retard.

>> No.14836505
