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14834320 No.14834320 [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to have right-wing science fiction?
to have left-wing fantasy fiction?
If so, please recommend!

>> No.14834328

Apolitical is possible. What a dumb thread this is. You could try Google it.

>> No.14834345

Right wing science fiction? You mean fantasy?

>> No.14834359

Is there really no sci-fi with a Carlylean bent?

>> No.14834365

When I read throught the first thrilogy of the Mistborn saga I had a pretty leftist picture in mind. Not just as the simple "muh proles uprising" but I saw a clear reminiscence of Lenin's theory of Vanguard-Masses relationship. I dont know if Sanderson would agree with this interpretation but it was clear to me and a few colleagues.

>> No.14834374

>Apolitical is possible.
But not wanted.
>What a dumb thread this is.
Just say you don't have an answer.
>You could try Google it.
If I wanted reddit answers, sure, but I want REAL /lit/erature.

>> No.14834375

You mean all of it? There's literally no left wing sci fi. Even Heinlen ultimately argues for conservatism and tradition

>> No.14834379

Thanks, I'll check it out.

>> No.14834380

Yes OP. Have you not heard the saga of the rabid puppies? If so, lucky you.
But, to name a few SF writers who wear their politics on their sleeve:
John Ringo- Paleo conservative
Larry Correria- Boomer conservative
John Scalzi- left liberal
Iain Banks- left utopian

>> No.14834383

Ursula K. Le Guin

Robert A. Heinlein

>> No.14834394

You fucking retards have never read any sci fi. 98% of all sci fi ever published is about macho space captains sticking to their guns. Sorry you read like the tiny tiny minuscule exception of "hard sci fi (read hard for micropenises)" and think sci fi is for soft libtards. Sci Fi is about men dominating space and robots and whoores

>> No.14834401

only if you misread starship troopers. All his other shit is preaching for anarchism and sexual liberation. Just start counting all the orgies in his bibliography.

>> No.14834408

Nobody has more orgies than tight knit conservatives and their nepotistic societies

>> No.14834409

Dan Simmons and Orson Scott Card are standard replublitards.

>> No.14834415

>You fucking retards have never read any sci fi. 98% of all sci fi ever published is about macho space captains sticking to their guns.
That's lowbrow pulp garbage meant for autistic children, not science fiction.

>> No.14834433

We're talking about sci-fi not space fanfics you amerimutt

>> No.14834442

Sorry that what you read is just your precious little meaningless philosophy with a space veneer. Most sci fi is about hardboiled captains bedding alien beauties and putting down colomial rebellions. The rest is just sad libtard wish fulfillment instead of stories of real guts and wits in the cold of space

>> No.14834443

>right wing SF
my diary desu

>> No.14834484

>REAL /lit/erature
Fuck off faggot you're asking for genre. There is hardly anything in it that's this.

>> No.14834486

Neal Asher

>> No.14834523

Perhaps, yet I believe the quality of their best works transcends such retardation

>> No.14834531

I've read some of his, in what way would any of his stuff be right-wing?

>> No.14834604

You fuck off, cunt. No one told you to come here.

>> No.14834636
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Quantum Vibe is a webcomic (plz no ban) that frequently makes it very clear the author's views on weapons, welfare, communism, islam, radicalism, and a slew of other things. It would more accurately be described as "libertarian", but in the modern political climate it would definitely be considered "conservative".

>> No.14834648

This is MY board asshole and you do not want to lose your guest rights.

>> No.14834666

Fuck my guest rights.
Fuck reddit.

>> No.14834675
File: 158 KB, 358x624, When them Xannies hit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Libertarian scifi: The Probability Broach

>> No.14834679

Didn't he write a whole series where the European Union develops into a vicious totalitarian dictatorship?

>> No.14834680


>> No.14834690

If he meant it as a bad thing then it's not right-wing, unless you're one of those retards that thinks 1984 is anti-communist or some shit. You better not be, I'll get cross with you anon.

>> No.14834693

Most scifi is unintentionally libertarian.
1. There are guns everywhere
2. People make business deals with literally no oversight, they're in space
3. Body mods
4. Space Money AKA "credits"

>> No.14834694
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>> No.14834713
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>3. Body mods
Headcrash has bodily augmentation interface hardware for enhanced use of VR.