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/lit/ - Literature

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14833811 No.14833811 [Reply] [Original]

What works of literary merit explain how to stop being a special snowflake if you're an extremely emotionally fragile and socially retarded autist?

>> No.14833850

War and peace and of how little importance you really are in the inmense of reality. But at the same time the sum of all little things is what makes this reality. I love how he sneakily put the definition of infinitesimals in his work, it all make sense.

>> No.14834220


>> No.14834263
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>> No.14835060


>> No.14835071

so this is the power of propaganda

>> No.14835076
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you're probably not a real snowflake in lefty sense if you're here. might be one of those doomshoompeepoomer snowflakes, in which case you must realize it's a spook and you're unique for reasons other than sharing some boring charasteristics with a group of others

in other words, take 500mg DPH (benedryl) and befriend the shadow peopple

>> No.14835085

"snowflake millennials"
Do these boomers realize Millennials are in their 30s now?

>> No.14835102

Impossible, since they themselves never left their 20's

>> No.14835918


>> No.14836830


>> No.14837722


>> No.14837766

Based boomer just wants racist bants

>> No.14837774

Reminder that there is nothing wrong with that picture

>> No.14838986

>be jew
>apply for job using racist jokes you got from your cousin murray
>record every instance of on the job racism and discrimination in a little black book even as you keep the bantz going
>make many up as you go
>also record audio. finally get your boss making jew jokes on tape
>get him arrested for hate speech
>get your cousin benjamin to sue him for harassment and discrimination
>get everyone at schul to chip in for the legal expenses
>you now own the company
>fire everyone and hire pakis at half the wage
>by retire I mean start investing in real estate as you run the transport copmany into the ground

>> No.14840252


>> No.14840936


>> No.14841164

They're now in their 30's and still acting like children. I was in Melbourne (I fucking hate Melbourne) unloading a truck and some millennial guy dressed like a faggot and glasses walked by and said: "Yay".
What the fuck is wrong with my generation?

>> No.14841237

Les miserables to meet wretched people from other time and some scifi to make you think what may happen in 100000 years(long after you die)

>> No.14842511


>> No.14842600

Pretty sure 4chan leftists are less snowflakes than rightwing 4chan. Barring the 4chan libertarians who have just given up and receded into quiet resignation to what the site has become.

>> No.14843320


>> No.14843824

no books are going to do this for you, you dumb ass fucking beta cuck. only getting out in the world and trying to accomplish shit in reality will, not hiding away in some god damn literature. fucking idiot

>> No.14844531


>> No.14845126


>> No.14845171

Nothing indicates that "millenials" see themselves as special snowflakes.
It's a label put onto them by the older generation.

>> No.14845202

How are these mutually exclusive? Millenials in the west are completely pussified.

>> No.14845302

neither boomer nor millennials matured in mentality beyond 16

>> No.14846143


>> No.14846668


>> No.14847250


>> No.14848837


>> No.14849600


>> No.14850196


>> No.14850221

Oh wow, I get to say cuss words AND drive a bus for $20/hr with no future and shit retirement?

>> No.14850239

Yes? And? That's the whole fucking problem, even in their 30s they still act like entitled children who have temper tantrums when something doesn't go their way.

>> No.14851511


>> No.14851897
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All quiet on the western front. If it doesn't toughen you up, i fear nothing will do.

>> No.14852121

For every soi boy there’s 3 boomers who have never done real work in their life collecting a pension (or two), SS, Medicare, discounts on almost everything, and rents on the property they bought up with their much stronger purchasing power. Yet they call us entitled