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14832695 No.14832695 [Reply] [Original]

>The plight and fate of female victims during the course of genocide is radically and profoundly different from their male counterparts. Like males, female victims suffer demonization, ostracism, discrimination, and deprivation of their basic human rights. They are often rounded up, deported, and killed. But, unlike most men, women are subjected to rape, gang rape, and mass rape. Such assaults and degradation can, and often do, result in horrible injuries to their reproductive systems and unwanted pregnancies. This volume takes one stride towards assessing these grievances, and argues against policies calculated to continue such indifference to great human suffering.

Is being raped and passing on your genes such a bad thing compared to being killed outright?

>> No.14832754

Who cares about genes?

>> No.14832766

>The plight and fate of female victims during the course of genocide is radically and profoundly different from their male counterparts.
yes, they generally get to survive by the merit of being women

>> No.14832792

I don't know, man. I'd rather get shoot or die in a gas chamber than tortured, raped and humiliated for years, and then killed in some nasty way either way.

>> No.14832793

>The plight and fate of women during genocide is nobody commits genocide on you

>> No.14832808
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Anybody who is redpilled on biology cares about passing on their genes

>> No.14832810

On a board that regularly claims life is suffering and it is preferable to die or never to have been, you ask this?

>> No.14832819

>Anybody who is redpilled on biology
Yeah so no one cares basically.

>> No.14832839

sadly this is true of modern people, they betray themselves, their ancestors and, in fact, God himself by denying their biology

>> No.14832869

Your dumbass pop-sci understanding of biology has little to do with nature, let alone family or god

>> No.14832907

>Genocide: women most affected
Stop posting bait

>> No.14832927

That is not said or implied anywhere

>> No.14832929

torture is worse than death so yeah

>> No.14832930

Evolution occurs by natural selection. Anything that does not prioritise reproducing above all else will not pass on its genes, and those genes and mental schemata will not be inherited by the next generation. Even if an individual's sacrifice pre-procreation leads to the enhanced survival of other members of the species in some way, it is still only those who prioritised reproduction who passed on their genes.

>> No.14832942

>Sure women get genocided, but they get SO MUCH MORE
Entire point of the book tbdesu.

>> No.14832975

Look at that ape face. Who cares???

>> No.14832982

It's only your own bitterness that leads you to interpret in that way

>> No.14832991

Interpret it in a "non bitter" way then

>> No.14833178

hahaha imagine being gang-raped by a bunch of buff dirty soldiers haha that would be awful haha

>> No.14833182

>slave labor
>sex slave labor
'Radically different'.

>> No.14833206
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>> No.14833312

the antinatalist homos get BTFO every time

>> No.14833318

women do not care about their legacy like men, their interest in children is far more base and instinctual. legacy is for men.

>> No.14833321

The experience of women in genocide is different from that of men

>> No.14833333

i think getting raped and eventually murdered is worse than a quick death, yes

very strange thing to harp on women about, would /lit/ like to get raped?

>> No.14833343


>> No.14833345

Where does it say that, it just say it's different.

>> No.14833348

Must be true

>> No.14833366

Isn't rape just free sex?

>> No.14833392

This is why I take their babbies when they're born and exchange them with a different babby. it's just genes so it literally doesnt matter

>> No.14833401

wonderful digits, but you are mistakenly thinking about this as a man would experience it.

>> No.14833403

>reproduction is the primarily goal of lifeforms is pop-sci
fuck off retard, that isn't pop-science it is a fundamental principle of biology
reproduction is an important part of family as well, the reason people want grandkids deep down is to pass on a bit of themselves
if God didn't intend reproduction to be important it wouldn't be the way that we create new people and he wouldn't have made it so that reproductive success directly relates to adaptive success.
The fact that you want to pretend that the importance of reproduction in biology is 'pop-science' suggests you're probably a depressed anti-natalist pseud

>> No.14833424

i'm aware that women have rape fantasies and fetishes, but that's not 1:1 with getting gang-raped to death on the battlefield; and I'd go further and say it's the increasing autism of shut-ins that do nothing but masturbate all day that think there isn't a difference between their pornos and real life rape

>> No.14833431

The act of raising your children is a significant part of successfully passing on your genes successfully you fucking retard

>> No.14833463

Yup. 0 implications there.
>Men suffer X
>Women suffer X AND Y TOO BTW
>So it's "different"
You can't be that bad at this.

>> No.14833477

being killed is one thing, but when one tribe is killed by another many of the women are just integrated into the victor's society as servants or even wives. women are less blindingly loyal than men to allow them to succeed in this sort of situation.
and it isn't just in porn or fantasy where women enjoy rape. a lot end up genuinely enjoying it for real, as bizarre as that may sound.

>> No.14833520

I am not an anti-natalist, I have children. But when people talk about "purposes" and "goals" it seems to me they are anthropomorphizing nature

>> No.14833527

yes, and I'd rather die than be a rape-servant to people who murdered my family...right?

women in african countries who go through this shit don't sound like they're having a fun time, quit taking in pornography

>> No.14833535

absolutely retarded.

>> No.14833542

You're the one assigning some sort of point value to being raped or killed or made into a slave. I'm sure the authors would say it's all shit, regardless. It's a fact that women are treated differently during genocides. That should be examined, right?

>> No.14833545

Where evolution is concerned I think it is acceptable to call it a purpose even if it isn't technically one. The very existence of organisms came about purely because they helped make copies of genes. It has to be the single most profoundly fucking bizarre concept in all of science imo.

>> No.14833651

>That should be examined, right?
Why seek to differentiate if you don't seek to create hierarchy?

>> No.14833652

ok, go rape a woman and see if she loves it you retarded incel

>> No.14833732

They usually go back to their rapists. But then again their rapists are usually their abusive boyfriends

>> No.14833742

The differentiation already exists

>> No.14833743

evolutionarily it is advantageous for women to accept rayp... it is the mans job to fight and fuck

>> No.14833748

which has nothing to do with the topic at hand, we're talking about real rape from real strangers

i'm amazed by the number of people unable to comprehend that being "raped" by someone you actually have sex with is a far cry from getting raped and strangled to death by a stranger

>> No.14833770

Not here it doesn't. Nobody made this distinction until now.

>> No.14833774

People are in part being edgy because it's le 4chan. I get what the guy is saying though, it would definitely benefit women to be able to adapt to conquering invaders who kill their men.

>> No.14833781

It doesn't, that's the thing.

>> No.14833787

They are both bad things and you don't need to compare them.

>> No.14833809

Actually, man's sole discernible good and salvation is to rise above nature, including his own. Forced confiscation of agency (as in a rape) is bad enough; willful resignation of human will (as in subscription to an ideology that permits rape) is the worst thing one can do.

>> No.14833817
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>> No.14833832

Read Blake.

>> No.14833844

Read Nietzsche.

>> No.14833855

No you read him for a second time, after reading Blake.

>> No.14833868
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Good thing I'm darkpilled.

>> No.14833879

Blake is about acceptance of evil natures as well as good, perhaps you should read him a second time after reading Nietzsche. What you suppose to be a rising above of will is in actuality a repression of it. Sublimation is extrinsically moral. An evil man who does good is not a good man.