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14827346 No.14827346 [Reply] [Original]

What are some philosophers like Ted Kaczynski that aren’t domestic terrorists? I don’t want people to think I have no credibility

>> No.14827355

Ralph Waldo Emerson

>> No.14827367

Who cares what people think?

>> No.14827425

Ellul. But TK is leagues above the rest. Caring about what others think is a sign of oversocialization. People don't need to adhere to anti-tech thought, in fact they won't. You can't talk a dog out of leaving his master, such is the outcome of domestication.
Read autopsie de la révolution for yourself, and la société technologique and others if you wish to argue with credibility.

>> No.14827563
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Sean Goonan

>> No.14827654

This. x10.

>> No.14827665

Read Ellul and, unironically, Wittgenstein. Read The Philosophical Investigations along with "Notes on Frazer's Golden Bough" and "Culture & Value".

>> No.14827976

People are willing to overlook flaws if the work is good enough. Half of Hollywood is composed of open creeps yet everyone loves whatever shit comes out of the consoom end.

>> No.14827993

John Zerzan.

>> No.14828001

Lewis Mumford. He's leagues above TK and Ellul.

>> No.14828103

Lewis Mumford was absolutely sad lasted by Ellul, though.

>> No.14828510

Read Rosseau

>> No.14828804

Where can I read TKs complete works?

>> No.14828839
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He's a Platonist, isn't he? He condemns the luxuries his fellow men are enjoying as unessential, even though the difference between a surrogate activity and one that authentically fulfills the power process can't be observed.

>> No.14828863
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>> No.14829003

It can’t be observed but it can be recollected

>> No.14829035
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>> No.14829184


LOL. Dude grow some balls, every truly serious revolutionary ideology has been vilified and mocked as lacking credibility. You might as well just say you want something acceptable to polite society. If that’s the case fuck off.

>> No.14829339
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>> No.14829593


>> No.14829596

Holy shit how did he get away with it?

>> No.14829691
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He’s just too based and speaks uncomfortable truths. He can get away with it because he’s not a cuck

>> No.14829730

These have to be fake.

>> No.14829733
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>Caring about what others think is a sign of oversocialization
I've come to understand this is the essence of what being based is: either through ignorance or through full cognizance.

>He who is unable to live in society, or who has no need because he is sufficient for himself, must be either a beast or a god.
>~Aristotle, "Politics"

>> No.14829757
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>> No.14829761
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>> No.14829779

The opposite would be Perlman who was a pacifist. His basic idea is that militarisation is inevitable in these movements. Perhaps it is something like Heidegger's idea of enframing, in that technology itself forces any opposition movement to adopt the very technology it is against? I don't know, it's been a long time since I read that book.
Also interesting is the book Direct Action, which gives an account of this militarisation, having to live not only as an exile but as the most extreme militant. Security makes these people turn into something like intelligence agents. From this perspective is it even possible to overcome technology?

>> No.14829813

Why no Derrick Jensen?

>> No.14830613

I know for a fact that the second one is in “Can Life Prevail?”

>> No.14830648
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Nice anon

This book changed my life and how I saw prey vs predator relations to the Earth

>> No.14830677

This makes Cioran's edginess seem like mere child's play.

>> No.14830700

Dogshit prize

>> No.14830718

What about the concern that teds ideas are tainted with something that made him a mass murderer? Maybe i should not listen to him or others like him because he does not seem different to other things i hate like the military industrial complex. Or is the jist of his philosophic thought that we should destroy with technology because technology destroys us?

>> No.14830836

Well, the standard functioning of technological society kills 30-40 million a year. That's without counting all of those who will die in the future due to all of the atomic idols it has left behind.

>> No.14830861

>muh people killed
We have to remove ~90% of the Earth’s population to remain viable long term, so these arguments won’t fly

>> No.14830872

John Gray is a conservative philosopher who writes on similar themes. Recently finished a book of his essays and I was very impressed, particularly with his "an agenda for Green conservatism".

>> No.14830907

Don't worry the zombie plague is coming, have faith. I'm negan.

>> No.14830923

The point is in regards to violence. Modern man fears violence, yet is completely unaware that his technology imposes an endless and ugly form of sacrifice. All of these people die in banal misery.

>> No.14831013
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Care to explain yourself, Negan?

>> No.14831856

Because he's an emotional child and a leftist--not a real revolutionary.

>> No.14831866


>> No.14831872

Pentti is real committed to his message. Too bad he's unironically a total schizo.

>> No.14831894

this. but his message isn't revolutionary, and as Ted illustrates in the first two chapters of his book "Anti-Tech Revolution" it can't work on fundamental logical grounds.

Ironically, Pentti's "message" will likely be used by the technological system in the near future to try and control more human behavior and "preserve" more "nature" to the extent that it must preserve some natural systems in order to maintain itself.

>> No.14831905

>Ironically, Pentti's "message" will likely be used by the technological system in the near future to try and control more human behavior and "preserve" more "nature" to the extent that it must preserve some natural systems in order to maintain itself.
Please elaborate.