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14828657 No.14828657 [Reply] [Original]

>"No one else is around, maybe I should talk to her? But then she has ten million Chads on her phone. And she'd see me as a freak. And people would think I'm deluded for talking to her. She's probably a dumb whore anyway. Women only go for Chads these days. I should leave this party and go and study while these normies lose braincells. But then job interviews and work are all about social skills. I just don't care anymore. I'm going home."

>> No.14828674

very obvious sequence of 1) desire 2) fear of rejection 3) cope faux philosophy 4) retreat

>> No.14828677

>Nice looking piece.
You have serious issues dude. Depends on the situation and venue whether I'd go talk to her and probably wouldn't in any case because that's probably all she is, a nice looking piece.

>> No.14828686

Why not talk to the weird girl? You'd probably get along with her better anyway

>> No.14828705
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When I'm in a tough situation like that, I just whip out my cock and start

>> No.14828706
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A lot of chicks like this go for anemic art fag types, too. It's not that you dont have the right type of social or sexual capital, you just don't have any capital--whether artistic, intellectual, physical or even moral the way you're vilifying a stranger. If you had, you wouldn't be so afraid and surely would attract at least some people to yourself. You could just be a nice, peaceful person and look like Philip Seymour Hoffman and people would want to spend time with you. The idea that you're 'too smart' is a laughable cope.

>> No.14828709


>> No.14828710

This is a quality post. Also I wish this board had IDs so you could see that I'm samefagging.

>> No.14828722

You should become better than those kids who bullied you anon. Then you might get that confidence to do stuff instead of projecting these "chads" everywhere who you are in a submissive-beta relation to.

>> No.14828727

Talking to strangers IRL is very taboo and you shouldn't do it.

>> No.14828741
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>Why wont this object fuck me? Why wont it treat me like the complex human that I am?

Treat people as an end in themselves, not a means.

>> No.14828745


>> No.14828753

write a book about this. you have a lot of issues. that makes for great material for 1 or 2 incel type characters.

>> No.14828761


>> No.14828764

It'd never get published anyway and the lil bitch would go into even more of a tailspin. Bad advice.

>> No.14828784

I take a brief look at her, some vague curiosity goes through my mind (e.g. "who is she? what is she doing?"), then I turn away and go on my way. The desire to talk doesn't even come up.

>> No.14828787
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When no one on 4chan will sympathise with you narcissistic, betacel misogyny...

>> No.14828826

Never cold approach. First make eye contact and then read her body language. If she's interested you'll know.

>> No.14828831

>But then job interviews and work are all about social skills.

Can't talk to a girl. Wants to practice at begging to be a wageslave. Pathetic.

>> No.14828834

I don't think when I'm outside or socializing it's counter intuitive just blank mind let whatever else there is take over, however I've only ever hit on one girl but it was a success, when I go outside I get hit on a surprising amount not a chadlike amount but 1 out of every 3-4 times I go out

>> No.14828841

Look at the size of her hands.

>> No.14828843

And the ring on her finger

>> No.14828847

I want her to finger my asshole

>> No.14828864

Those are man hands.

>> No.14828866

Even better

>> No.14828873


>> No.14828912
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>> No.14828915

You're mentally ill. Literally.
>"no one else is around, maybe I should talk to her?"
That's normal. Even hesitating and being anxious is passable. But the rest of your thoughts are red flags of terrible mental health.
It's ok to be afraid of being rejected. You may not know it, but even the "chads" (which in most cases are just normal people with insecurities, but due to your terrible mental state you end up thinking they're somewhere far above you) you see getting girls go through that. And despite what some faggots on a mongoloid rice harvesting website and your intrusive thoughts might tell you, women aren't evil being who will be disgusted at your sight. Most girls, as most people in general, are very nice, and even if they reject you, they'll be polite about it and nobody is going to humiliate you. And even if you're shy/awkward, she won't hate you for it. Many girls, in reality, think shy boys are cute.
But go see a fucking psych before you spiral even further down.

>> No.14828930
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>You're mentally ill. Literally. "no one else is around, maybe I should talk to her?" That's normal. Even hesitating and being anxious is passable. But the rest of your thoughts are red flags of terrible mental health. It's ok to be afraid of being rejected. You may not know it, but even the "chads" (which in most cases are just normal people with insecurities, but due to your terrible mental state you end up thinking they're somewhere far above you) you see getting girls go through that. And despite what some faggots on a mongoloid rice harvesting website and your intrusive thoughts might tell you, women aren't evil being who will be disgusted at your sight. Most girls, as most people in general, are very nice, and even if they reject you, they'll be polite about it and nobody is going to humiliate you. And even if you're shy/awkward, she won't hate you for it. Many girls, in reality, think shy boys are cute. But go see a fucking psych before you spiral even further down.

>> No.14829206

Sounds like you're incredibly self-conscious. Just have an edge experience, like climb a mountain or have a boxing match or something.

>> No.14829455

>What do you think in situations like this?
I think its time to go home. I only go for women who happen to fall in with my day to day social circles, woman are allowed to be cruel otherwise so its just not worth it

>> No.14829460

this is an okay strat actually

>> No.14829465

Except that there isn't any weird girl, but there are only """weird""" girls.

>> No.14829468

okay, loser girls then

>> No.14829472

Again, there isn't any loser girl, but only """""loser""""" girls.

>> No.14829479

If you don't think it feels right then don't go for it simple as.
I only act when I feel a meaning behind it.
I was reading some hemingway (lol) earlier today in the garden and a qt came up and asked what I was reading.
said the only book of his she read was "the old guy and the fish" bless her.

>> No.14829488

>yeah bro just don't do it meanwhile I truly am a chad (no reason to doubt) whom the girls approach in public

>> No.14829495
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>"No one else is around, maybe I should talk to her? If she doesn't have a boyfriend she probably knows plenty of dudes who are way better than me. I have nothing to offer to her, whether in friendship or in a romantic relationship. Regret is going to gnaw at me later but I'm used to it."

>> No.14829496

Yes there are, if you weren't a simp youd be able to clock girls whom others bully, ignore, and keep ties with only to show they themselves don't live at the bottom of the food chain. Honest question, are you NEET? Do you not do anything with your life?

>> No.14829500

Please stop being so insecure

>> No.14829509

i can't believe i got banned for a meta state of the board post and r9k shit like this goes to page 10.

>> No.14829511

I am neither a neet nor a simp, but only a schizoautistic university student. From what I gathered, most girls seem to not deviate very much from the norm and any apparent deviation is a deliberate disguise to seem unique. So you have "quirky" girls, """nerdy""" girls, """"""artsy""""""" girls and the like, but if you look further, you'd see they are only personas to be worn, and not an indication of their real personality.

>> No.14829514

You don't have to be a chad to get approached by girls. Are you that isolated from reality?

>> No.14829528

Name 3 non chads who got approached by girls

>> No.14829537

Me and everybody else. Did you ever go to a college party?

>> No.14829547

i think he posebly need therpy

>> No.14829568

Why is this here, and not on /adv/?

>> No.14829575

Most of the job search experts I've heard over the years have compared job searching to dating. They're not unrelated activities.

>> No.14829580

Yes and chads indeed got approached. Non-chads didn't. It's okay to be Chad, don't get so defensive.

>> No.14829673
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I can't for the life of me figure out which eye contact and body language that signify interest. I mean fuck, I had eye contact with people I would't want to approach me before what makes it different with the girl. I suspect that I am just socially inept or simply too afraid.

>> No.14829681

What a fucking knockout

>> No.14829731

>real personality
like that even matters. a weird girl is an outcast and is lonely and is emotionally vulnerable
>I am schizoautistic
its not them then its you lol

>> No.14829748

A few years ago a reasonably attractive guy was browsing the philosophy section at the same time as me and saw me grab Phenomenology and said "Big reader?" to me in a pleasant tone of voice. I was too embarrassed to make eye contact or say anything and could feel my face turning red and blotchy so I wound up just awkwardly striding into the weird neopagan/true crime section of the bookstore to hide for an hour.
Nowadays I only buy books online. Sorry, litizens.