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/lit/ - Literature

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14818511 No.14818511 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/ i want to get into philosophy for real, what's a good introduction to get a decent base? I've read some Nietzche, Schopenhauer some greeks etc but i want to get more complete understanding.

>> No.14818550
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to understand the true nature of greek philosophy read uzdaviny's 'philosophy as a rite of rebirth'

>> No.14818553

There is nothing to understand. It’s all the same rehashed question and conclusion. Read science fiction if you really want to expand your mind

>> No.14818941

Don't get into the habit of mental masturbation. Litfags are pathetic. Go hang out on Pol or k

>> No.14819057


philosophy dissolves when you realize that most of it is just misunderstanding what words are supposed to be for and trying to assign wierd rigid definitions to them. fiction and sci-fi on the other hand will give you transcendental aesthetic pleasure.

>> No.14819150
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You'll get a better understanding by 'doing' philosophy. Don't just read... Get into debates and work through the logic yourself. Reference what you read not as gospel, but as propositions to be critically examined and considered. Understand that all arguments are made logically (even if poorly so, or in support of illogical notions), and proceed from there.

Also, I would encourage you to look at this endeavour as not one that will bring you some 'enlightened' understanding, but as an exercise in increasing your mastery of logical thought. You may ultimately find yourself more uncertain about things than ever, but hopefully more certain about yourself and how to live.

It doesn't dissolve; you are attempting to make a logical argument against philosophy right here with weird rigid definitions. He doesn't need to choose between philosophy and literature... It's obvious that they are quite complimentary, in fact.

>> No.14819170

There is a thin book called 'a scientific introduction to modern philosophy' or something similar (white cover with black rings on the front) that presents a ton of different schools of thought in bite-sized chapters.

But honestly, the whole 'formal philosophy' thing is mainly just an excuse for white dudes age 22-50 to arrogantly explain things at one another in thinly veiled pissing contests.

Just find a school of thought or philosophy that makes sense to you and betters your immediate life, immerse yourself in it, and practice thinking that way in order to improve yourself and others. Bonus points if you don't tell people about it.

Philosophy for the sake of reading philopsophy or 'being cool/smart/able to debate that one dude always going off about it at the library' is a boring insufferable intellectual masturbating exercise that does more harm than good (imo).

>> No.14819338

i do think they are fundementally different in that one is concerned with finding the "truth" and the other seeks to create engagement through art and i find attempts at the latter to be a lot less misguided and a lot more divine. i don't know about them being complimentary. that just doesn't feel right to me. even if a work of art has philosophy in it, in the end what makes it good is still it's artfulness.

>He doesn't need to choose between philosophy and literature
sure, im just saying he shouldn't waste his time with the philosophical cannon as it is -for me- mostly made up of people trying to justify their already existing notions that are a misreading of reality. also i like your advice :)

>> No.14820845

But what if I find philosophy interesting and enjoyable?