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/lit/ - Literature

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14813776 No.14813776 [Reply] [Original]

I come here because I like anonymous strangers more than tangible people.

>> No.14813781

I came to greek epics

>> No.14813783

I'm a pseud who wants to get better at pretending not to be. Also, I also often prefer intangible people over verified accounts and checkmarks and upvotes.

>> No.14813784

to self sabotage

>> No.14813870

based balthusposter

>> No.14814282
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In life I tend to blame myself and then agonise over the possibility that I might not actually be the genius that I think I am in my more conceited moments - that I might actually be very stupid. This has led to me giving most people, and most ideologies, a lot more time than they're worth because I automatically assume they know something I do not. Years ago, I used to think that there were many people on this site with an above average IQ. Now I realise that this clearly isn't the case, or, at least, if it was the case, it isn't the case now. But I have been coming here for years, and I still like finding good posts amongst all the bad ones, so I stay. What would be better?

People like to wax lyrical about how 4chan is harmful and ultimately pointless, but there's no better place to find the occasional *concise* bit of real information or well thought out argumentation on a plethora of different topics. I see no issue continuing in this so long as you actually have a life outside of this place.

>> No.14814312

I am here to shitpost

>> No.14814944

I want to read lotr

>> No.14814952

I’m taking a shit

>> No.14815015

I live in fads, sometimes I come here every day only to then stop coming for months
It's based on how I may be feeling mainly, when I try to avoid thinking about certain issues or failures I excuse myself from certain boards
Currently I am obsessed with /lit/ because I'm gonna publish some shit soon so it makes me feel good coming here to discuss whatever
When that fad is over and I return to my usual depressed state or I again feel insecure about myself it'll probably make me sick to even think about /lit/ again

>> No.14815248

Same as OP with the addendum that I prefer written communication because the medium presents the opportunity to better organize one's thoughts compared to verbal communication. I don't hate verbal communication, but it is lacking comparatively.

>> No.14815263
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Because I'm an autist with no social life and I come here to fend off loneliness.

>> No.14815295

Because I've hit rock bottom again.

>> No.14815404


>> No.14816000

Embrace loneliness anon. The art of solitude is the most important.

>> No.14816026
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I love nymphets and everything but Balthus really wasn't good at painting them imo.

>> No.14816040

Trips of truth

>> No.14816041

I am the most insightful philosopher of the 21st century, hence I dislike academia and this place allows me to spread my ideas without having to pay a social cost for commiting wrongthink.

>> No.14816062

I don't know anymore

>> No.14816083

So I don't have to read fucking books

>> No.14816086
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To have fun I geuss?

>> No.14816094

I am here because it is easier to get into a real conversation with an anonymous stranger.

>> No.14816116

What is it that makes those images so comfy?

>> No.14816129

this is my first visit in years
just wanted to find some interesting books but there's no discussion, mostly shitposts
where can i go for book suggestions? reddit?

>> No.14816147

I'm God. I can do whatever. Who is gonna stop me? you? I'll just vanish you, kid, like your grandpaw and momma.

>> No.14816152

>What is it that makes those images so comfy?
I think the choice of light plays a huge role. Also, the idea of personal space in a vast and usually overcrowded cyberpunk scenery.

>> No.14816163

Try the fucking library you stupid shit

>> No.14816324

It’s partly internet addiction. It’s partly to fend off the feelings loneliness and alienation. It’s partly to escape the hyper-mundanity of contemporary life. It’s partly the deluded but small hope of being exposed to something orienting that can make it all worthwhile. Mostly, I just find a sense of commonality and a type of authenticity that only an anonymous message board can foster in the people here that I don’t get in real life.

>> No.14816520

>Balthus really wasn't good at painting them imo
??? why not???

>> No.14816593
File: 84 KB, 750x669, 1581843520694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>describe why you're here in clear and concise prose
I don't trust the majority of book reviewers, particularly those who write for a publication as they are limited in what they can say by the interests of the publication. /lit/ is the only place where I can people saying exactly what they really think without a filter.
>Years ago, I used to think that there were many people on this site with an above average IQ. Now I realise that this clearly isn't the case, or, at least, if it was the case, it isn't the case now.
This is a no midwits club. You have to be a galaxy brained autist or a mouth breathing shitposter to enjoy it here.

>> No.14816600

*can find people

>> No.14816619

I'm a mentally ill man with a sleep disorder trying to stave off boredom and depression.

>> No.14816667
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Well, in the OP pic he fucked up her face, and her feet are mismatched.
Even in his better ones they just don't look alluring at all.

>> No.14816674

bad bait

>> No.14817974

There is a certain shared conscious in these south cambodian circumcision forums that is genuinely special. You idiots really aren’t as stupid as one might assume; not only that but the anonymity promotes authenticity.
Then there is the site’s traditional humour, the banter here can genuinely crack me up. Anons are, unlike some reddit wanker, proportionally sad. They are not, as some reddit wanker, as vapid and puerile.
All in all: the esprit du corps, the intelligence of some, the shared passion, and the unique community and identity that comes with shitposting about a dead New England author’s feline companion.

>> No.14818867

otherwise i don't have any people i can talk to about the things i like desu

>> No.14818877
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I solemnly swear that I am up to no good.
>pic rel, it's me

>> No.14818903

cuz reddit is full of manchildren consoomers that love the authority of science and censorship. And, modernity destroyed human nature, so real life is out of the question. So now, all I'm left with is the desire to seek out a genuine representation of the human spirit and I happened to unironically find it here . But, I wish there were a better community

>> No.14818920

>clear an concise prose
i think i know why you're here.

>> No.14818984

because Infinitychan got shut down, so i can here in the interregnum, but yet im still here.

>> No.14819048

get out

>> No.14819079

Despite its shortcomings, it is still one of the best places to look for book recommendations.

>> No.14819273
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The place which is known as 4chan is not, by any chance, a good place for serious discussion. However, I personally prefer it over other sites such as Reddit because only here you can find autenticity. Not because is is an honest website with sincere users, which it isn't, but because if you look through all the nonsensical gibberish posted here you would find what the suffering soul of madness has to offer to you. You can hear them in the darkness, you can feel how they crawl. They have no face, no past and no future but they are your brothers. They are my brothers. Anonymous voices lost forever like tears in the rain. So here I am once agIn, as always has been and always will be for the rest of my life. Because I am ond of them.

>> No.14819479


>> No.14819675

I don't know, really. It's absolutely full of pseuds and generally terrible, immoral people who I suspect and hope are just edgy teens who will grow out of it. But it's better than reddit where people will just discuss Harry Potter or some bullshit.