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14812929 No.14812929 [Reply] [Original]

The people who harp about people playing video games, read books, daydreaming, and all together "idling", they want you to "live your life bro". What this means is that they want you to do some other form of escapism or surrogate activity like lifting, playing sports, generating capital for Mr. Shekelstein, or huffing some roastie's ass fumes. The only difference between the two forms of escapism is that the latter is more socially acceptable and is perceived as more """"""""""productive"""""""""". The former is superior in every sense, though; I shouldn't have to explain to you why.

>> No.14812947

life is meaningless so do whatever the fuck you want.

>> No.14812948

Long term, less happiness

>> No.14812949

Go back

>> No.14812961
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>> No.14812964

Extraverted activities are more conducive to happiness.

>> No.14812971

>implying lifting, ass fume inhalation and classic literature isn't the trifecta of virtue

>> No.14812976

They're boring as fuck though?

>> No.14812978

What a vague statement. Got any infographics to back that claim up, bud? or are you just gonna keep on farting the good word––braaaaaaaap braaaaaaaap––I cant hear you over the sounds of your ass––braaaaap braaaaap––what is this? sunday church?

>> No.14812980

god already know what im going to do on this gay planet, he already wrote my fate long before me. there's nothing i can do to prevent my future.

>> No.14812981
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>life is meaningless
Pic related.
They aren't if you aren't an "extrovert" (faggot categorizations). "Introverts", as a class of people are worthless under the societal lens, and "introversion" isn't something you can just drop and replace, otherwise you weren't an "introvert" in the first place. Those who try to leave are left in a constant state of becoming what they aren't and cannot be. It is a dressing up of literal genetic trash. Normalfags can smell an imposter, if they didn't see that horrible incel physiognomy first. You might as well kill yourself.

>> No.14812984
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>god already know what im going to do on this gay planet, he already wrote my fate long before me. there's nothing i can do to prevent my future.

>> No.14813021

Playing little videogame once in a while is fine. What is not fine is building your life abour consuming - whether it is books, videogames, or booze.
You should build something, fulfill your potential as much as you can. Not just mindlessly entertain yourself with whatever flashy new bullshit corporate suits decided to make "viral".

>> No.14813045

I plan on studying philosophy and spewing my autism onto the world with writing books while being a drunk hedonist at the same time

>> No.14813133

>what is fine
>what is not fine
>what you should do
>what you should not do
>fulfill your potential
What is a person's potential? That what you think his potential is? or that what he himself thinks? or that which some third bodyless observer thinks? (an observer who probably weirdly thinks very much the same thing that you think).
>this is so great and important
>this, however, is shite
I'll be the one who decides for himself, thank you very much, which is worthwhile and which is not. Playing videogames, paying my mother's cancer cure –– a spinning pyramid top down upon a nun's pierced nipple.

>> No.14813353

Not boring if you like them

>> No.14813365

>fulfill your potential as much as you can
That's always a red flag. Naturally obsession and addiction are bad, but when someone is telling you aren't living optimally, the concept of optimal is always defined by someone else. And usually others tell optimal is supporting them in your expense, while would they do that for you is always a flip of a coin.

>> No.14813377

I’m glad someone saved and reposted my meme

>> No.14813400

great op pic. my mind is the best entertainment and form of escapism. i only use drugs that enhance thinking (dudeweed and psychs) and despise all the depressing, brainfrying substances my peers love, like alcohol and powders
how pathetic it is to find mind-numbing and inner voice silencing a good pasttime

>> No.14813449

life-affirming beauty/glory/struggle etc. > sedentary escapism

you are not just your soul or your mind, you are not a brain in a jar, you are a body too. and only someone whose never lifted before would call lifting escapism. all the words in the world are nothing without action. go build something, go lift some heavy iron and put it back down again, go walk in the forest and climb a mountain, go spar with a friend, breathe in some cold air and get that blood flowing through your body and especially through your brain, and tell me it doesn't improve your life (and your imagination/creativity in turn) more than a video game.

there's nothing wrong, especially in this modern world, with a strong imagination that dreams of better things. but don't just stop there. the point of life is that it's a cycle - you have to LIVE so you can better imagine, so that you can better create, so that you can better LIVE, and so on.

the earth is replete with both men who know how to presence themselves amongst others, commanding attention and influence, as well as men who can sever all ties with people and command mirth and beauty within themselves.
but there are very few who are knowledgeable in both methods, and the times and places for each.
and rarest of all is the man who not only possess this knowledge, but acts on it, as if it were instinct and muscle memory. this is what it means to be enlightened, and only this man can become as god.

>> No.14813459

This honestly.

>> No.14813499
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You do you

>> No.14813516

Rick and Mortyyyyy
Life is meaningful under God

>> No.14813550

the only wrong thing about it is it usually makes you more inept in living in the "real world". assuming you have a limited amount of energy, attention and time, it is arguable that you should dedicate yourself to flourish in real life, aka cultivate your social life, your career, your health and so on. Escapism is like putting your life in pause and doing nothing to pursue these.

>> No.14813571
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>be more
>do more
>laugh more
>love more :)

>> No.14813621
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The fact is, basically all preoccupations within the technological system are artificial (Surrogate activities as you put it), and the system itself is basically inescapable.

Beyond waiting for its inevitable collapse, the most morally correct thing to do is choose to not contribute to its proliferation of suffering and degeneracy. We can do this by not engaging with it, not using our energy to further it, and using passive forms of escapism that drain the system and do not contribute to it.

When someone asks you to "live your life bro lol" and just "get a job", they are asking you to contribute to the growth of the technological system which enslaves us. They are programmed by the system itself, which controls education and information flow to its advantage.

One form of escapism I'll recommend is to read your Bible and pray because only God can save us now...

>> No.14813639

The popularity of video games as a past time appears to me like a victory lap for society, demonstrating how absolutely she has castrated man. Your ancestors would be, to borrow the cliche phrase, "rolling in their graves." All their blood, sweat, and toil not only for nothing but for shame.

>> No.14813668
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just remove speed limits, gun laws and maybe you can compete with video games sweetie.

>> No.14813684

Sadly the collapse won't be coming in our lifetime. Want a comfortable life with even a semi-decent home, stable job, health insurance to keep you alive, a car, a family? Even for just one or two of those things you have to partake in modernity if you want to escape it someday. By dropping out of society you are letting yourself be defeated and doing what modern society wants: further creating a society of mindless worker ants and bugmen where those with higher intellect who want to pursue art/other passions are culled from the gene pool (again, this is a good thing for the technological system, so you are still helping it by becoming a NEET). Balance escapism with the necessary evil of surviving the system long enough so you or your offspring can be around when it survives. At least you'll have something to be proud of.

>> No.14813741

Would you rather sit in a chair doing nothing, taking drugs and wasting away? Or would you do something? Connect to the world and shape it instead of playing at that through controlled yet innately impotent fantasies?

idk bro im a maladaptive daydreamer and i hate the modern world. so this is a fantasy too.

>> No.14813746

except being a racist, sexist, or mildly countercultural

>> No.14813758

Then they aren't "more conductive to happiness".

>> No.14813778

You can do all that shit in the privacy of your own home, why would you feel the need to sperg out on social media or in public when you have 4chan?

>> No.14813792

But those things you listed are the only things people talk about these days.
We've been cast back in time a few hundred years of methaphysical advancements and discoveries by the greedy old boys network, who are enemies of humanity.
Go outside, kiss a flower, destroy some life-denying scum.
It'll make you feel alive

>> No.14813798

But those things you listed are the only things people talk about these days.
We've been cast back in time a few hundred years of methaphysical advancements and discoveries by the greedy old boys network, who are enemies of humanity.
Go outside, kiss a flower, destroy some life-denying scum.
It'll make you feel alive!

>> No.14813835

We call those gamers here in the internet

>> No.14813850

Just because God knows it doesn’t mean it isn’t of your own making

>> No.14813890

no anon I'm just a biological puppet heading towards my fate with an illusion of will and being.

>> No.14814230

Why do we have so much christcucks on this board

>> No.14814954

But people are less happy today than they were 60 years ago

>> No.14814979

It's counter-cultural in the USA to be christian. 4chan allows free speech, so contrarianism is allow to thrive.

>> No.14815130

Define "real life" and prove that it's more important.

>> No.14815139

>he thinks this isn't how people already think
The world is like this because of that retard

>> No.14815271

>It's counter-cultural in the USA to be christian.
I think you mean counter-cultural on this site, the majority of US citizens still consider themselves at least "cultural Christians"

>> No.14815349

t. Nietzsche's last man

>> No.14815351

fuck nietzsche

>> No.14815419
