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/lit/ - Literature

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1480624 No.1480624 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some authors that write books in a style like that of Palahniuk?

Writing similar to how people tell stories or talk in real life (natural language)
Plots that revolve around a single theme or action (Fighting in FC, party crashing in Rant, choking in Choke, etc.)
Reads fast but leaves an impression, encourages a different way of thinking
Not afraid to tackle taboo subjects

I looked into Bret Easton Ellis but he seemed rather depressing and not all that interesting to me.

>> No.1480639

He's a bad author and you should feel bad.

>> No.1480649

Read Ulysses and Finnegans Wake by James Joyce.

>> No.1480651

I think Pynchon's short stories might not be that bad for ya. Vonnegut seems like a decent sorta guy for what you're looking for, though his stuff isn't nearly as intense as Chuck's. I just found out that my English professor, head of the department, 50 some years old gay man, had read Snuff. Shit scarred me. Scarred me good.

>> No.1480657

^^ Fuck the guy that said that.

His style is minimalistic. Try his hero, Amy Hempel.

>> No.1480663


Wait, not you, but the guy who said he's a bad author.

>> No.1480669



>> No.1480685

This should help you out - http://chuckpalahniuk.net/forum/1000029/authors-like-chuck

>> No.1480721

Alright, I compiled a list from the suggestions here and from the link anon posted. Can anyone help me scratch off a few quickly? It would take a while to research each individual author.

James Joyce - Ulysses and Finnegans Wake
Thomas Pynchon
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse-Five, Cat's Cradle
Amy Hempel
Craig Clevenger - The Contortionist's Handbook, Demaphoria
Douglas Coupland
Chelsea Cain
Monica Drake - Clown Girl
Will Christopher Baer - Kiss Me, Judas
stephen graham jones
Craig Davidson - Rust and Bone, The Fighter
Hary Kunzru - Transmission
Charles Bukowski - Post Office
William Burroughs
Hunter Thompson - Feat and Loathing
Irvine Welsh - Trainspotting
Danielewski - House of Leaves
JG Ballard - Crash
Jeremy Robert Johnson - Angel Dust Apocalypse by
Hubert Selby Jr. - Requiem for a Dream
Katherine Dunn - Geek Love
Joseph Heller - Catch-22
Chuck Klosterman - Sex, Drugs, and Cocoa Puffs: A Low Culture Manifesto
Kristopher Young - Click
Tom Wolfe - The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test

>> No.1480726

read joyce last. my only suggestion.

>> No.1481411
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Finnegan's Wake is easily the most accessible, and a rather easy read. Dont listen to anyone here because they hate that book, but it's probably the best start.

>> No.1481419

the implication that "Chuck P" and a writer of the brilliance of Vonnegut should be considered "alike" makes me hate Palahniuk apologists even more.

>> No.1481420
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I was going to say Craig Clevenger but I followed that link and they already said that.

Thom Jones is Palahniuk endorsed too.

>> No.1481503
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>implying that Vonnegut doesn't write "satire"
>implying that Vonnegut doesn't write "similar to how people tell stories or talk in real life"
>implying that Vonnegut doesn't "read fast but leaves an impression"
>implying that Vonnegut is "afraid to tackle taboo subjects"

you made your point, ragefag

>> No.1481624

Vonnegut you will love, and Spike Mulligan's Puckoon

>> No.1481629
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Big list there. Read something by Kurt Vonnegut and something by Amy Hempel, to familiarize with them. Stick with the one that you liked most.