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14805574 No.14805574[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

The only regret you will have is that you didn't live more hedonistically.

>> No.14805578

Being in a long term relationship feels better than sparsely occouring soulless emotionless sex with random girls

>> No.14805629

I wish I had either

>> No.14805640

Being in a long term relationship feels better than sparsely occouring soulless emotionless sex with random boys

>> No.14805649

If you really did wish it, then you would have done it

>> No.14805661

>sparsely occouring
>soulless emotionless
you're just not good with women lmao

>> No.14805675

hedonism is a surrender of life just like drugs, for instance orgies were very common during the Black Death because people had given up on hope

>> No.14805681

unironically the opposite is true, hedonism only leads to a sense of disappointment and lack of fulfilment. Man naturally seeks the divine, obsession with worldly things is the result of ignorance and a weak will.
also shit off topic thread

>> No.14805682

wtf i love the black death now

>> No.14805689

You might get your chance soon.

>> No.14805699

>Being in a long term relationship feels better

So you're judging this using hedonistic values.

>> No.14805711

No I won't. I find sex disgusting. It repulses me, makes me nauseous, and I always feel like dying after I ejaculate. If I ever have sex again it will only be for procreation.

>> No.14805714

How is it better?
How do you not get tired?

>> No.14805728

people aren't divided between prudes and hedonists, you can still seek earthly pleasures and not center your life around it

>> No.14805764

I try to do it and I always fuck it up by being weird. Getting my foot in the door is easy because I'm attractive but I can never get far enough to fuck

>> No.14805805

I’m the same way, very good looking, always the “weird kid” but i’d still up to last year always get girls into bed. but, and this is hard to explain, i can’t get hard with em (i’ve also been watching gay porn since 8th grade, but that cant be it.. right?) and despite the love i make them feel for me without the physical aspect of love, the girls never stick. i’ve stopped trying. i feel fine however, alls good.

>> No.14805814

based retard logic

>> No.14805825

Actually this is why I'm a heroin addict. No regrets I could get hit by a car tommorow. Ask yourself if you really wanna die without trying heroin?

>> No.14805835

The only good thing about being a hedonist is that eventually you learn how awful it is(if you're male)

>> No.14805838

stop the porn bro. I had a similar habit with femdom porn, never any gay shit though. I'm convinced this stuff has shaded my subconscious to make me pathologically incapable of sealing the deal and I recently went cold turkey. Your problem is 100% the gay porn, you've trained your mind over years to only find fags attractive just like I've trained my mind over years to find dominating women unattractive. Porn is a fucking mind virus

>> No.14805840

Tried over 80 different drugs recreationally. Never regreted it in the slightest.

>> No.14805845

I'm not attractive or hardworking enough to live the hedonistic life I desire.

>> No.14805846

lol you wish retard. I think back about the hedonistic things I’ve done and literally want to kill my self over all the time I wasted

>> No.14805853

>(i’ve also been watching gay porn since 8th grade, but that cant be it.. right?)

>> No.14805875

Lmao subby queer bottom COPE. Never in all my years of fapping did I start to crave humiliation and domination

>> No.14805882

I'd rather just pray and live virtuously.

>> No.14805899

I don't like to give advice without knowing your ethnicity and where you're from, including region (e.g., if USA, what part, Midwest, Southeast, what?)

>> No.14806027
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No, I already did that from roughly age 19-36. That was enough, though it was great fun. My last fling as 18 when I was 36, so literally half my age, and the way it ended made me realize it was time to settle down.

>> No.14806140

White German ancestry, /fit/, been called some variation of attractive by multiple girls, have a good job that gives me a disposable income. I currently live in a suburb outside of New York but I'll be moving to the city this summer.

>> No.14806151

People who think sex is #1 are people who don't have sex
Hedonism becomes boring fast if you have an iq above 120

>> No.14806173

My only regret so far is how long I indulged in mindless hedonism. Read Either/Or or Ecclesiastes you dumb somatic

>> No.14806182
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>The only regret you will have is that you didn't do the right things and didn't dare enough.
There fixed

>> No.14806199

Jesus. You're pathetic anon. At 36 years old and still acting immature. Waste of a life

>> No.14806204

I've slept with over 70 people
I've had gonorrhea, chlamydia and on one notable occasion, syphilis
I drank every day from 17-22 and did drugs about half of the time
I haven't had a job in my entire life
hedonism doesn't make you happy

>> No.14806206
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Yeah I'm fine with not losing my free will in favor body and mental damaging drugs.

>> No.14806214
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Surprised you didn't catch herpes or hiv

>> No.14806221

Everything is meaningless. After you die, it won’t matter how much pleasure you experienced. The rich and the poor, the wise and foolish, the beautiful and the ugly, they all become equal in death. At least, their experience of life is irrelevant. Death does not exist to give life meaning. Life exists to give meaning to death. It is better to suffer in this life, because only then can you properly enjoy your eternal death.

>> No.14806226

Don't count on it being eternal, you already came from death at least once.

>> No.14806229

People during the black death had orgies because the repressive elements of society had broken down.

>> No.14806232

I thought there wasn't a cure for syphilis.

>> No.14806236

once you stick your pecker in them and coom you are left with the PTSD thousand yard stare as you look at the pathetic, limp mess you just went through (probably many other guys did the same). I thought the same way and did some stupid shit with girls and I'm lucky I didn't get an std. I wish I was an honest virgin rather than having a fuck it attitude and having sex with some vapid pass around girl. I'd rather only have sex with someone I love and then just jerk off to the other passing fantasies that I'll regret immediately after engaging in.

>> No.14806244

While we don’t know the nature of the afterlife, it is best to act as if it is eternal. Suppose that in all my past lives I acted in this manner, hoping for sweet death. And what bad things came of it? Now suppose that I neglect the eternal afterlife in this life, and suffer forever, or at least, on my deathbed, longing for the pleasures that my death will take away from me.

>> No.14806255

>Ask yourself, do you really want to die without rubbing yourself in horse shit?

>> No.14806309

wrong, its best to act like you are going to repeat it again and again and again and again

>> No.14806329

If I stop drinking for a month and then get drunk the hangover is so bad I feel like Im literally dying. I dont get how that works. Like it's the same amount of substance, how does your body grow tolerance, what is it actually doing

>> No.14806347

Lucky bastard, eventually I caught the herp from some black chick but I guess that's my mistake

>> No.14806348


>> No.14806353

Its better to prepare for an eternal life, because even that lifestyle is manageable. But it’s much worse if you count on eternal recurrence and end up with eternal suffering. It will always make sense to build up our treasures in heaven, even if we’re doing it over infinite lifetimes.

>> No.14806367

Sometimes I wonder if I will regret not embracing pure hedonism. Probably not, but it sure does look fun.

>> No.14806383

Wrong, because after your life ends you will regret each and every time you acted against God's commandments.

>> No.14806447

Whatever you say, anon. Let me know how much you've accomplished when you're my age.

>> No.14806449
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Dunno about this but as people grow older they tend to get more religious or establish a relationship with God.
Everybody is a gangster until they about to meet the creator I guess.
Ravaging your body which is were you live is not fun, retard.
Symptoms, how did you know?

>> No.14806451

My only regret is not reading the Bible sooner.

>> No.14806467

Christ, you're a real degenerate.
And still posting pictures of what look like underage girls, you obviously haven't changed bruh.

>> No.14806481

I embrace balance kid, the only true way.