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14804354 No.14804354 [Reply] [Original]

Was he the most interesting modern philosopher?

Not condoning his behavior it’s evil of course. But his manifesto made some truly profound points about society.

>> No.14804365

The only profound point he makes about society is that it is impossible for humans to protect themselves from themselves. Every day there are born monsters who will go on to terrorize and destroy each other in a seemingly perfect equilibrium.

>> No.14804411

Nothing in his manifesto reaches the level of profundity. It is mundane to a frightening degree because the reader knows others, perhaps even several individuals, who have identical thought processes and experiences to Rogers.

>> No.14804437

It's a statement on the negative effects of coddling your children.

>> No.14804440

>EEEEEE why cant i have things i want. I want them and yet I don't have them. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

No, he was not the most interesting modern philosopher.

>> No.14804461

>women dont want to have sex with me and its unfair
Not profound. He was just another mentally ill faggot who lived in his head rather than in the moment. If he just stopped being such a weird fuck, he could be banging bitches today. But he couldn't, he didn't and his life will be remembered as the defining tragicomedy of the decade.

>> No.14804469

IDK dude thats a pretty interesting take. I can see the Heideggerian influence, but its also boldly unique. A philosophy for the 21st century.

>> No.14804475

>He was just another mentally ill faggot who lived in his head rather than in the moment
isn't that every philosopher?

>> No.14804477

Narcissist and whiney snowflake. Nothing philosophic about him. Also, he was totally unable to self-reflect or analyze something from a more or less objective POV.

His writing style wasn't bad, though. He could have become a good writer for a young adult version of American Psycho or the like. But he was probably to weak to go through it.

>> No.14804502


>> No.14805676

Just a whiny, spoiled loser.

>> No.14805831

Only if you are unable to get pussy and also a whiny lttle bitch.

>> No.14805952
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Sean Goonan is the best, most important, and most interesting.

>> No.14806126

"Truly profound points".

You need to read more, a LOT more.

>> No.14806174

Whoa ... you read more books than me. Wow dude, you're so smart, man whoa

>> No.14806186

Not even close to as interesting as Kaczynski. And I'm not even sure that Kaczynski is the most interesting.

>> No.14806197

He probably is

>> No.14806233

Did you mean "I probably am?" You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.14806324

lol thanks for sticking up for me. As for OP, why don't you list these "truly profound points". Rodger just makes the same incel assumptions and generalizations that are repeated ad nauseam on this site, how is that profound?

>> No.14806441

I'm not OP. I don't care about the thread topic. I just found it funny how you decided to imply that reading books grants you some sort of higher wisdom. You're such a fucking faggot, holy shit. Stop posturing anonymously on the internet, and play outside, maybe pick up a book, faggot.

>> No.14806501

>>EEEEEE why cant i have things i want. I want them and yet I don't have them. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

That’s literally the fundamental problem of humanity tho... his solution to lash out at society to make things right is a truly interesting and unique philosophy. Very post-modern.

>> No.14806522

He said there are profound insights to be gained from Rodger's writing and I'm just saying there are much more profound insights to be found from other writings - this is a literature board after all you fag

>> No.14806591

Nice bait. His story perhaps serves as a profound point or rather cautionary tale about the dangers of effeminacy, particularly in straight males. As Gibbon theorized about the fall of Rome, excessive affluence and decadence feminized Roman men, making them vulnerable to the hard-living Hunnic and Germanic hordes and tribesmen. In a similar way Rodger fell pray to his own hapless twinkishness. Hopeless effete and delicate, with a useless and undeserved pride, with luscious, womenlike lips and soft hands, pampered and manicured beyond all bounds of heterosexuality, he still craved the primal urge to conquer and pound pussy. Girls looked at him and saw a reflection of themselves and recoiled in disgust. This fatal mismatch of his means and ends led to a downward spiral into narcissistic madness and psychotic hatred.

>> No.14806819
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Niggers COPE and SEETHE

>> No.14806835

>Not condoning his behavio
His actions are his true philosophical and artistic ouvre.

>> No.14806838

Yes, he is

>> No.14806839

Profound points:
>women are evil and shallow
>society is bad because it selects for shallow traits above good traits

>> No.14806859

This, he continues platos idea of “good” as the highest virtue and ultimate truth

Not to mention he kicked off the incel movement.

His manifesto will be studied for thousands of years

>> No.14806868

>His manifesto will be studied for thousands of years

That absolute state of 2020 /lit/

>> No.14807009

If you think his manifesto is excessively self-pitying or narcissistic, then you literally got filtered. An actual self-pitying narcissist would write the story in a way that makes them seem like a heroic and tragic figure.

Elliot Rodger has no irony or rhetorical trickery in his writing, nothing to obscure the sincerity of his thought. When he says 'I am magnificent, I deserve it' - he is intentionally constructing a portrait of a narcissist that he in reality is not, so as to give us a device to more easily frame his actions with. But he obviously had a very low self-opinion, and was not convinced of his worth. He recalls his failures with impressive detail. Moreover, at the end, he literally justifies his ideology by saying that he is mad at the world for not giving him sex. He doesn't cope or wiggle his will to power through some abstract notion of morality - he is explicit in the spite-driven nature of his worldview.

It is pure postpostmodernist kino lit, and the seminal work of the incel movement which will only continue to grow in strength, especially internationally in rapidly industrializing countries with massive gender population imbalances (China, India)

>> No.14807721

God he's so beautiful. He's the only man I can want anymore and have wanted for 6 years. I wonder what you think about that?

>> No.14807726

But any of them hardly is a real life mass murderer. He's one of the kind among his peers. He's the only one with such a long text left behind, solely written by HIMSELF, with no excerpts from other texts.

>> No.14807771

Yes, the most interesting modern philosopher but for the ones who are getting pressed against the stone boulder of a sick society. But I'd argue everyone should analyze this text no matter the side they are on or if they understand or not the societal configuration that lead to his road of destruction.

>> No.14807841
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>But his manifesto made some truly profound points about society.
No it didn't, you fucking sperg. It's dumb as shit but genuinely morbidly funny. One of the best parts is the lottery story.

>> No.14809155

I'm not gay, idiots.

>> No.14809177

His philosophy was nothing but a thought construction to COPE with his situation and his shortcomings. Much like most of the red pill shit is. He had some truths here and there, facts he had observed, but it is a lie to say that he had any sort of great philosophy included in his writings. This, even if I am fascinated by him.

>> No.14809206

what's your favourite parts
>that part when he hears his sister getting railed by chad in the next room
>that part where he throws juice over some stacies for little reason

Posting kino: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K-1vUOHucU0

>> No.14809270

The party is pure comedy kino
>tries to attack an asian man talking to a white girl
>is so weak it gets confused for being just a drunkard stumbling around
>tries to push a woman off a balcony, only for her defenders to throw him off it instead
>hobbles home, realises halfway through he's missing his necklace
>returns to party and starts another fight - gets beaten up again
>on way home again realises he went to the wrong house
>returns home broken, battered and bruised
>what makes him the angriest is that no women who saw his bloodied face offered him pity sex

>> No.14809289

In the historical pantheon of great Incel teachers and thinkers and spiritual masters, St. Elliot Rodger is not as widely known to the general reader as such luminaries as David Foster Wallace or St. Thomas Aquinas or Friedrich Nietzsche. Within modern postpostmodern scholarship of the past 5 years or so, however, there is gradually emerging into view a growing realization that the work of this hapa is a towering achievement that places him not only among the very greatest of Incel thinkers but also among the intellectual and spiritual giants of all time. Not as voluminous as Eurasian Tiger nor as outwardly systematic as Nietzsche, yet often as gnomic at times as Ted, the writings of St. Elliot display a breathtaking symphonic vision, a unique philosophical-theological-spiritual synthesis that, equally in depth and in breadth, penetrates to the very heart of reality and offers suggestive ways to bridge the gap between philosophy and theology, between antiquity and modernity, between religion and science, and even between West and East.