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File: 5 KB, 225x224, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14802338 No.14802338 [Reply] [Original]

...many threads mentioned his name, but

Who IS guenonfag, in all actuality?

>> No.14802343

Guenonfag has left this board and will probably never come back.

>> No.14802344
File: 25 KB, 412x500, Churchward A locomotive biography.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He is now trainfag...

>> No.14802347
File: 605 KB, 551x552, 1576545513314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Brazilian living in Sao Paulo.
oh, and OP. good morning!
oh, and a faggot.

>> No.14802353

one of his aliases is Seguro64

>> No.14802355

why do you say that? (i hope its true).

>> No.14802374 [DELETED] 

He hasn't posted in a while; you must learn to differentiate between "guenonposter" and the original "Guénonfag". The former is a moronic subveter, the former a reasonably intelligent individual that has leanings towards Hinduism and Perennialism.

>> No.14802381

He hasn't posted in a while; you must learn to differentiate between "guenonposter" and the original "Guénonfag". The former is a moronic subverter, the latter a reasonably intelligent individual that has leanings towards Hinduism and Perennialism.

>> No.14802383

He used to make some pretty damn good threads about space Taoism, whitehead, accelerationism and various other subjects, but I have no idea what happened to him. I miss you dude, conversations with you were always very stimulating.

>> No.14802386

who is the buddhist who wages war with guenonfag, is it guenonposter?

>> No.14802400

>space Taoism
probably the best thing to have happened to this board

>> No.14802406

I think I remember this when I was a newfag but I now forget it(ADD). Pls explain.

>> No.14802909

Neochina arrives from the future to save the present from the undead past. Basically a new materialist renchantment of the cosmos after decades of virulent atheistic nihilism.

>> No.14802914

He is that he is.


>> No.14802916

Cringe samefag.

>> No.14802929
File: 3 KB, 340x146, 1568201091624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, try again sweety

>> No.14802935

>t. New gag who can’t read the poster count
What was the point of this post? Did you mean to out yourself as an invalid?

>> No.14802942

He is the Atman

>> No.14802950
File: 18 KB, 1853x263, 1556759066089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yep thats guenonfag for you, he regularly responds to the same person with different IPs and has to make bullshit excuses (pic related) so it goes over his head. Ironic that he's calling others out for samefagging lol.

>> No.14803113

There is no such poster

>> No.14803185

there is no such poster except for that very distinct weird guy who spams his anti-Shankara images with a bunch of tiny writing in every single Hinduism- and Guenon- related thread, who always writes the same cringe paragraphs whining about neovedanta, orientalism etc with a bunch of words CAPITALIZED to emphasize them, and who often throws tantrums where he writes out multiple angry paragraphs accusing people of being guenonfag and writing a dozen different insults against guenonfag called him bitter, unhinged, hostile, schizo etc but displaying all those very same traits in all the posts he makes attacking other posters and accusing them of being guenonfag, who denies being buddhist but who whiteknights for it against the slightest perceived insult, who has a neurotic obsession with guenonfag bordering on the homoerotic, who is such a disturbed and bizarre individual that people have accused him and guenonfag of being different personas of the same person, and who is posting in this very thread right now. Aside from him there is no such poster

>> No.14803460

There are multiple south/central american guenonposters who have left traces of themselves online, there was one swedish one as well. There are also multiple regular american guenonposters

>> No.14803472

Guenonfag is not a single person. He is a collective, a brotherhood, a fraternity. We are all immersed in one another like the air in the sky or water in the sea. Forever, shall we live.

>> No.14803482

hello guenonposter

>> No.14803844

what you write is verily true my brother

>> No.14803859

i know guenonfag and he still posts here