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14798666 No.14798666 [Reply] [Original]

Holy based

I read On Women to my gf and she broke up with me

>> No.14798672

uhm based Incelfer?

>> No.14798675

Dodged a bullet right there anon

>> No.14798689

Her weapons stripped from her, the femoid assassin's only recourse is to retreat

>> No.14798876
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Satanic trips making me uneasy but I just read that Schopenhauer essay.
It’s as if it were written yesterday; truly a mind that transcends the ages.
The polygamy part is the only one I am not sure i fully support, myself being a Christian

>> No.14798906

yeah, I'm thinking you're gay

>> No.14798907

Unholy based indeed.

>> No.14798918

So instead of providing for one woman at a time at most, we have to provide for every woman we ever have or had sex with? Sounds very not based.

>> No.14798921

As Schopenhauer points out, the weapon, like the physical implements adorning the mouths and heads of wild beasts, is the woman’s visage, her sultry and delicate propensities which culminate in deception. His description of ‘the second sex’ is true; and it transcends by all accounts any vague notions of ‘misogyny’ or personal issue. Schopenhauer is speaking the truth in this article of his.

>> No.14798927

Yes but the only women you have sex with are teenagers who you've already married.

>> No.14798941

I cringe so hard when I look back to my heterosexual days. My god, what a cuck I was. Women want straight up 10/10 and nothing lower. Even a 9/10 in their mind is a guy with a fatal devastating flaw. A woman considers a 9/10 man, the same way a straight normie would consider a girl with a dick. And you know how much of a ingoramous those normies are when it comes to girls with cocks and all the intriquite ways that entails this. Its a mess, like elephants in a glass sculpture store.

You would think that things would be different for a 1/10 woman, something Chad wouldn't touch with a ten feet pole. But nope. They can be three foot wheelchairbound midgets, totally retarded face, massive underbite. They still sit in that wheelie, with their braids and glasses, like "Ouuuh, I like Chad too!" Fuuuuuuck.

Some guys are just never gonna get laid. And some poor schmuck who only one generation ago would get a nice housewife is gonna have to settle for wheelie princess midget with a fucked up face.

That is worse than dying alone.

Exit the system man, don't accept this shit. Go gay

>> No.14798956
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Again, I don’t fully agree.
Concubine group to produce and tend to your children and animals is maybe not of utmost moral standing (as it deprives the genetic lower strata of an easier time) but it is in woman’s nature to cleave in droves upon a single, high value man, sire his children, and tend in groups to his many offspring. A casual glance to the Ottomans or proto-hominids that congregate in the streets of today will all-too clearly reveal their tendencies. They are to be respected, as any subject of nature’s dominion is, but by no means elevated; especially not above the moral agent of justice and competence that is the male human

>> No.14798996

It just seems suited only for inferior tribal cultures. Mormons abolished polygamy as they urbanised and the only practicing polygamists left are the very rural orthodox Mormons. It's not necessary to have polygamy to keep women in their proper place. Take away their vote and political office then have a counter-revolution to modern feminist values, replace any high status women in the corporate world and there you go.

>> No.14799003

Mormons were already known around the world at the time of Schopenhauer? Or is this someone else writing?

>> No.14799023


>> No.14799024

>So instead of providing for one woman at a time at most, we have to provide for every woman we ever have or had sex with?

And thanks to welfare we already are.
You don't even have to have sex with her!

>> No.14799078

I though gay relationships are even more sex oriented and thus pickier when it comes to body. To look like a gay chad you still need some money, and this means you need to have good genes, be fit, have some social status. From what I guess, it would be even harder to succeed in gay sexual/dating market. Enlighten me, please. Assuming you've had some experience with women, how does the feeling of intimacy compare to traditional relationships?

>> No.14799119

Unrestricted polygamy is shaking hand with man's greed. Many Mormons had more wives than they could afford.
I would open-minded about 1 man 2 or 3 women, but any other polygamist relationship is dysfunctional.

>> No.14799143

>are even more sex oriented
if you're meeting your partner in a fag strip club you're bound to hook up with a whore. The difference between male and female whores is that the former fuck anyone for free.

>To look like a gay chad you still need some money
Heck, everyone has their tastes, some people just settle down with anyone unless they're fat bears or downright unsightly.

>From what I guess, it would be even harder to succeed in gay sexual/dating market.
The sexual market is a meme, hookup culture is a shit show regardless of your sexuality. Gay normies are a byproduct of the sexual revolution and reject the concept of monogamy to oppose the traditionalism they loathe so much.

>Assuming you've had some experience with women, how does the feeling of intimacy compare to traditional relationships?
I think it goes without saying, guys are more personality-oriented and don't ask you to clean their butts constantly as women. Women always require one man to assist them in their job, but two men can be twice as productive as a straight couple in pretty much everything besides reproduction.

>> No.14799145

polygamist sect in the USA isn't a shocking finding to public?

>> No.14799149

Ok, this is based

>> No.14799173

Is ur bf hot

>> No.14799179

i don't have one currently

>> No.14799248

I usually like his work but that essay and On Suicide is over-rated and awful. He first established that women make men unhappy, are manipulative and should be avoided if a man wants to be happy and fulfilled in life. He then claims that polygamy is the logical option.

He essentially is saying "we've established that 1 shot of heroin kills a mouse instantly. How about we try 5 shots and see if heroin is now beneficial for the mouse".

>> No.14799252

A .png can't break up with you.

>> No.14799265

Based queer

>> No.14799290

>Women always require one man to assist them in their job,

God this is so true, women are fucking annoying with this shit. So annoying that if something requires even a tiny bit of strength I have to stop what im doing and help or to reach shit when stools exist.

>> No.14799344

Holy fuck I'm gay now

>> No.14799348

Jokes on you. I read it to my gf and she wholeheartedly agreed and praised Schopenhauer's wisdom.

>> No.14799399


>> No.14799417

God doesn't care about your sexual escapades. You could murder an entire family and still go to heaven by confessing like a cuck and "repenting" of your sins. This is the kind of cucked religion you're preaching, a faith for the fools and the opportunists.

>> No.14799428

gf (male) doesn't count.

>> No.14799436

>You could murder an entire family and still go to heaven by confessing like a cuck and "repenting" of your sins.
Quite literally has never worked this way.

>> No.14799453

Tell that to Saint Paul who persecuted Christians in droves before cucking to Christianity. He was the dindu nuffin version of religion.

>> No.14799830

He literally begins the essay saying women make men happy.

>> No.14799917

Why argue so ardently against it if you are certain that christians are completely false? Paul was once Saul, it proves little

>> No.14799929

it proves an asshole who persecuted innocent people actually went to heaven when he should have been punished for his crimes by the jealous and dangerous god of the OT

>> No.14799975

OT is not NT
Paul once attempted to scourge the earth of Christ’s name, then was turned into an instrumental part of spreading Christ’s Good Word.
He was raised to do it if you read about him, true Jew at first

>> No.14800122
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>it is useless to argue
>your brain on coom
>laydee bad, pusi gud
>mormon right

truly as if it was written yesterday! i guess being a coomer beta male is literally one of the constants of the human race, what a breakthrough!

>Anon, you mentioned the ratio of ten women to each man. Now, wouldn't that necessitate the abandonment of the so-called monogamous sexual relationship, I mean, as far as men were concerned?
>Regrettably, yes. But it is, you know, a sacrifice required for the future of the human race. I hasten to add that since each man will be required to do prodigious...service along these lines, the women will have to be selected for their sexual characteristics which will have to be of a highly stimulating nature.
>I must confess, you have an astonishingly good idea there, Anon.

>> No.14800137

One does not simply "go gay." There are elements like pheromones at play. You were already bi at a bare minimum faggot.

>> No.14800152

Not him but I suspect everyone is naturally bi. The reason some of us (myself included) don't feel it is probably because of the socially ingrained Judeo-Christian values. Take the Greeks for example, who didn't have these values and therefore were more "natural", and it was completely normal for them all to be bi.

>> No.14800165

Agree, any more than 3 is just pure greed. That's more than enough descendants and carers for the home.

>> No.14801529

>Some guys are just never gonna get laid.
Prostitutes exist though

>> No.14801930
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>Not him but I suspect everyone is naturally bi. The reason some of us (myself included) don't feel it is probably because of the socially ingrained Judeo-Christian values. Take the Greeks for example, who didn't have these values and therefore were more "natural", and it was completely normal for them all to be bi.

>> No.14801940

Cope, christcuck. Bisexuality was always the natural condition of man until judeo-christian values subverted that.

>> No.14801947

I mean guys can cum just from being assfucked, and this applies to other mammal species too. That sounds evolutionary to me.

>> No.14801974

Don't bother, anon. He will never understand the misdirected anger that he feels when he sees a man he's attracted to.

>> No.14802164
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Bretty good and based my friend

>> No.14802573


>> No.14802577

lmao I (as a joke) read a few excerpts of 'on women' to my gf, she freaked out... I was like 'yeah haha, he's crazy!'

>> No.14802588


>> No.14802593

i read stuff like this to my girl and say tons of misogynist stuff
when she gets mad i just fuck the shit out of her and i either become right or she forgot it ever happened
women are a meme

>> No.14802594

How did she freak out? What did she say?

>> No.14802678

>don't ask you to clean their butts constantly as women.
>tfw no woman has asked me to clean her butt
why live lads

>> No.14802685

why would you want to clean someone elses poopoo

>> No.14803382

My gf read ‘on women’ and so did my dad. My dad reacted worse than my gf, surprisingly.

>> No.14803433

Because your dad is a conformist simp

>> No.14803494

> when he should have been punished for his crimes
What makes you think he wasn't?

>> No.14803535
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>> No.14803545

>but two men can be twice as productive as a straight couple in pretty much everything besides reproduction.
Absolutely based

>> No.14803563

This is my experience as well. Every time I see someone identifying as straight it usually seems to mean they don't want potential mates in their socius to misjudge their orientation and ignore them, and this becomes the source of group hostilities - straights signal their straightness by bashing the hypothetical gay, and vice versa with queer people. It's all so tiresome :/

>> No.14803570
File: 286 KB, 1200x1185, 2229B6F7-17E4-49F2-8D31-B782254F542A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is true, as ive grown out of my roots i am now open to many things. i can see the appeal of being very close to a man, i just dont think there are many good men in our modern culture

>> No.14803575

“evolutionary”. please read some philosophy

>> No.14803577

find a nice young man like the greeks

>> No.14803708

I'm guessing this is why you cannot get Israel's citizenship if you are worshiping the GALILEAN.
Stop this stupid fucking meme.

>> No.14803739


>> No.14803766

That made me chuckle

>> No.14803769

>ive grown out of my roots
Is that what being a faggot is called these days?

>> No.14803770

Thinking Israel’s opinion matters

>> No.14803802

read plato sometimes, faggot.

>> No.14803806


>> No.14803837

Read the article

>> No.14803851

It actually is all Jewish propaganda, starting specifically in the 20th century with Alfred Kinsey.

>> No.14803861
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You'd be calling it jewish propaganda even with the evidence in front of you

>> No.14803868

The Sacred Band is also mentioned in the article why don't you just read it instead of making such worthless posts?

>> No.14803874

Lol, when you're so pessimistic you become a fag. Don't listen to this retard. Men need women and women need men. So what culture is fucked, there are girls that recognize that. Take it from a 5'8" dude with a 5/10 face. Lose your fat, get some muscle, and make some female friends who will talk highly of you. It's literally that easy

>> No.14803893

So what? Were the lovers mentioned in the band just girls pretending to be guys? Was it a fictional band? Their society wasn't as sexually free as ours but they still engaged in non-penetrative sex and homoromantic relationships anyway. Aeschylus's Myrmidons references thigh sex and kisses between Achilles and Patroclus. Do I have to remind you Alcibiades fucked literally everyone in Athens and was one of the many Socrates' lovers, and that the Achilleid has Achilles crossdressing as a girl? You revisionist niggers are even worse than SJWs. No amount of coping material will change the sexual preferences of a historical society.

>> No.14803901

it's worth noting that at many times societies would end up with many more women then men due to men participating in war or doing dangerous work, leaving women who still need to be cared for by someone. it just makes sense to married them to decent already stable men desu.

>> No.14803926

Why don't you just read the article

>> No.14803939

i cant read

>> No.14803979

Because it's the same retarded argument stormfag revisionists make
Not everyone condoned pederastic relationships, that doesn't mean pederastic relationships are a jewish fabrication. They were based on active and passive role and age gap, nonetheless they WERE homosexual relationships.

>> No.14803985

>For just as the female ant loses its wings after mating, since they are then superfluous, indeed harmful to the business of raising the family, so the woman usually loses her beauty after one or two childbeds, and probably for the same reason.
How hasn't Schopy been cancelled yet? Is there any modern writers with similar viewpoints? The first person I can think of is Patrice O'neal but he wasn't a writer.

>> No.14803998

read it, faggot

>> No.14804010

His eternal Chad energy gets women too aroused to remember why they started talking about him.

>> No.14804036

Based now become the ghey for the fullest redpill morsel

>> No.14804092

I've read it. It's a generic cope written by some illiterate redneck to appease to triggered incel virgins like you. I've read all of the works that faggot has mentioned and I could make a whole list of homoromantic relationships down to the fucking early christian era with Nonnus' Dyonisiaca. Any literate person of respect would call your blog post a mound of shit pulled out of an illiterate cunt's ass, and if you'd ever been on this board you'd figure it out yourself. It's so obvious you're a low IQ /pol/tard, you don't need to embarass yourself further with your ignorance.

>> No.14804292

Ok bro just post a refutation or link to some instead of being a buttblasted retard

>> No.14804325

Look up Aeschylus' Myrmidons fragments, Alcibiades' relationship, Bagoas, Antinous and Ampelos in the Dyonisiaca. They're a few examples of the many homoromantic relationships in grecoromam history. Look up their names in the works they appear in and you'll find out they were called lovers even by 19th century translators. Hell, Pope himself called Patroclus' Achilles' lover over and over in his adaptation, and I'm sure jews aren't involved in any of their translations.

>> No.14804398

Georgiades argues that "Lover" is not a correct translation. He is Greek, he analyzes the original texts and vocabulary with the help of other Greek scholars. He is telling us that the words erastes-eromenos do not refer to a romantic, sexual love. Rather, they refer to a deep friendship, the one you'd see in lifelong male friends.
He makes a convincing argument for it and from my experience, I wouldn't doubt that such a mistranslation would be possible.

>> No.14804446

>the one you'd see in lifelong male friends.
Why has it been translated as lovers through the centuries then? Surely the christians were harsher on their sexual activities, this guy sounds like a contrarian asswipe with a right wing political bias.

>> No.14804447

>The Sacred Band is also mentioned in the article why don't you just read it instead of making such worthless posts?
Because he's a kike ya dummy.

>> No.14805433

>muh incels

>> No.14805473
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>> No.14806279
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By logic of not harming the one I love, I conclude I choose to be monogamous. Whether she cheats on me or not, it doesn't matter to me, I follow the stoic thinking, I can't control her. I'd certainly break up with her the moment I know she cheated but I'll be gone knowing I always behaved according to my logic, as a man and gave all my love.

>> No.14806300


>> No.14806393

Uh, no.
t. bi

>> No.14806398

And some guys also cum from choking themselves. Retard

>> No.14806413

>just because i can name a bunch of faggots in history means that homosexuality is natural
What are your opinions on religion?

>> No.14806417

>what is the point he just fucking made
Can you not read?

>> No.14806761

That didn't make any sense. Is nick land retarded?

>> No.14806853

I made my gf read Patriotism by Mishima b4 I married her.

>> No.14807161

Naw that's just you.