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File: 94 KB, 924x400, inceleration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14797583 No.14797583 [Reply] [Original]

Meltdown has a place for you as a schizophrenic HIV+ transsexual chinese-latino stim-addicted LA hooker with implanted mirrorshades and a bad attitude.

>> No.14797598
File: 261 KB, 1200x1200, 1550441805979.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have come to completely not understand whether these kinds of posts are just random bots or actually made by mentally ill people

>> No.14797613

Yeah it doesn't seem human, everything about it is a little cryptic to me. The "and a bad attitude" bit made me kek tho

>> No.14797619

You don't read Land?

>> No.14797628

Wo! Earthquake! Get outta there Apu!

Yeah, the post is steeped in allusions to 20th century literature and philosophy. Not to say it’s any good.

>> No.14797636

fag got btfo'd by reza niggeristani on twitter

>> No.14797706
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>Dow drops 1,000 in an hour
>3.5% crash again
>12% crash in three days
>machine intelligence is now the human security system
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, capital deceleration can't stop capital acceleration

>> No.14797911


>> No.14798185
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>reza niggeristani

>> No.14798758

>capital deceleration can't stop capital acceleration

>> No.14799206
File: 177 KB, 953x1199, land meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brainlet here
can anyone explain to me why the fuck is Dow Jones dropping? does it mean we're in for the next great recession? in general how is it possible for the entire index to drop when surely demand for commodities made by some of the companies whose share prices make up Dow must be increasing or at least stable?

>> No.14799221

We're probably in for a recession yeah, but recessions are just Capital having a big think, don't worry.

>> No.14799223

people are afraid of a new endemic virus

>> No.14799224

Has Land caught the death flu yet?

>> No.14799298

Because we've been in a depression since 2001. Perhaps earlier.
This collapse was going to happen anyways as all of the growth since the 2008 crash is just from pumping money into the markets, propping them up. As proof all you need is to look at what companies were used for money laundering: Facebook, amazon, Apple, etc. All companies that produce nothing of real value. Tesla valued as if we'd already colonized Mars is another obvious sign.
Imagine 75 years of compound interest getting called in. That is what is happening, and these numbers aren't even near the truth of what is happening. This week will probably see nearly a trillion dollars pumped into the market and it's still collapsing.
The fact that 80% of the world's production is now in quarantine is just the catalyst, they can no longer hide the bullshit economy with fake statistics. This shit was due to happen for a long time now.
This is a retard answer.

>> No.14799340

so what caused this drop was in your opinion a diminution in money supply growth?

>> No.14799386

To some extent I suppose. The greater problem is that the facade can no longer be maintained. There is a complete disconnect between the market and the reality of the economy. Even by official standards the market is more overvalued than it has ever been, and it is unlikely that official gdp data is anywhere close to reality.

>> No.14799397

what "reality" does the economy have outside of markets? how do you measure the "real" economy?

>> No.14799412

How much is being produced, what is being produced, the quality of what is produced, how many people are employed, the quality of that employment, how many people are living in the streets, how many people rely on drugs simply to function or stay alive, etc. And those are just a few material markers.

>> No.14799433

>Yeah, the post is steeped in allusions to 20th century literature and philosophy
In what way is schizoposting about Hispanic trannies steeped in 20th century philosophy

>> No.14799452


>> No.14799463

>How much is being produced, what is being produced, the quality of what is produced
these things are meaningless without a market to decided which values are worthwhile. or do you believe in the LTV?
>how many people rely on drugs simply to function or stay alive
how do you figure this is a measurement of the economy?

>> No.14799475

>Wo! Earthquake!
Butterfly, i...

>> No.14799480

>inceleration: a positive feedback loop in which incels and arthoes perpetually deter one another from finding a suitable mate, pushing them both out of the reproductive equation, eventually resulting in the most genetically pure race of humans ever to walk the earth

>> No.14799493
File: 277 KB, 932x1136, capital.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dow drops 1,000 twice in one day
>7% crash
>600 billion injection can't even maintain levels
>machine intelligence is now the human security system of high-frequency-capital-cucking
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, capital deceleration can't stop capital acceleration

>> No.14799515

When the market prices Tesla at 900-4000 there might be a problem. At that point headless cockfights on some investment chart is far superior.
LTV is at least better than muh price discovery, but no.
You don't see how people living in the streets and risking their lives over a black market and the most extreme drugs rather than participation in the official economy is economically related? Accfags are truly fucking retarded.

Now answer my question. How is a hundred thousand cuck sheds more valuable than a beautiful place of worship?

>> No.14799547
File: 149 KB, 1000x745, EPLENZHU0AAqxC_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dow drops 2,000 twice a day
>9% crash
>60% billion injection can't even maintain levels
>machine intelligence is now the human security system of low-fidelity bitcoim subsidies
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, capital deceleration can't stop capital acceleration

>> No.14799559

“Recession is when your neighbor loses his job. Depression is when you lose yours."
- Reagan

>> No.14799578

>You don't see how people living in the streets and risking their lives over a black market and the most extreme drugs rather than participation in the official economy is economically related?
if the economy functions better with large
populations of homeless and drug users, who am I to judge? also I thought you were an accfag because what other retardation would make you believe in a "real economy"

>> No.14799599

>if the economy functions better with large
>populations of homeless and drug users
How is the economy functioning better?
Accfags don't believe in a real economy, at least not in the sense I am using the term.

>> No.14799748

Hyperinflation collapses with the Future Theory of Value.

>> No.14799765

based obscurantist

>> No.14799826

What's obscure about it? You just don't realise that all of our accepted economic laws are collapsing before our eyes.

>> No.14799879

And they just cancelled Trump's emergency talk, they fear the buffoon will stick his foot in his mouth again. They're going to talk African American economic empowerment.
Price that in.

>> No.14799907

Primarily because of a virus know one fully understands yet.

ok zerohedge retard

This is outside of monetary matters. Economies are literally shutting down temporarily because people can't go to work. No monetary policy can deal with that.

>> No.14799931

>know one fully understands

>> No.14799934

you are pretending there is a real economy and some fake abstract markets but there is no real economy, the economy is the culmination of economic abstractions. there is no "real economy" to anyone but the most naive economic realists

>> No.14799941

>the economy is better than ever
Your posts didn't age well faggot.

>> No.14799951

I have no idea what you're trying to say. If there is no real economy there can also be no fake economy, abstraction, etc.
Where are you coming from? In other words, what is your political/economic position and who do you read?

>> No.14799963

I never said that but even if I did I don't see how the best economy ever theoretically could deal with a massive collapse in aggregate demand from some external shock like a global pandemic. The problem is you can't even artificially boost demand for labour in such contexts.

>> No.14799971
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>> No.14800004

That's what accfags always say in these threads, "best economy ever, markets are a sign of growth."
Why would an external threat have any effect on demand?

>> No.14800020

>under quarantine in house
>no paycheck
>no spending

>> No.14800031

Who gives a fuck?

>> No.14800039

So it's not an external threat...

>> No.14800055

Do you remember the 2007 crash at all?

>> No.14800076
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>> No.14800089

what's Future Theory of Value?

>> No.14800100
File: 37 KB, 398x376, 1555885911586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why would you ask ME that question? are you THAT retarded?

>> No.14800109

That value is determined by material time extracted from the future.

>> No.14800155

Is this butterfly also a bot?

>> No.14800198

My vagina has a place for you as a quiffing quoaf-splurting quim-addicted tripfag with implanted Vaginal Lips and an addiction to attention online.

>> No.14800205

can you provide me with an example?

>> No.14800269
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>muh technocapital!

>> No.14800286
File: 46 KB, 480x480, fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a mentally ill bot

>> No.14800292

Isn't it No but also Yes.

>> No.14800310

there is only "fake" economy, abstraction, ect. only a Marxist or accfag thinks there is a real think underlying the economy. it's literally just positions and preferences in peoples heads made concrete by the marketplace

>> No.14800330

Partly agree.
There remains a real economy, although it is just bad. At a deeper level it is a means of mobilisation for other factors

>> No.14800353

What a bunch of bullshit.

China has defeated the virus and are returning to work. Buy stocks and bitcoin tomorrow.

Correction over.

>> No.14800357

Yeah. The people who think they own technocapital are actually owned by it instead.
This viral pandemic is completely engineered by technocapital globalization. Its own metaphysical will applying its dominance.

There's dark humor in the irony that the last thing people will do is slavishly watch the stock ticker as they die from a neoliberal bioweapon.

>> No.14800428

where is it? point me to the object of economics which exists outside of abstraction, and explain what makes it "bad" or "good"

>> No.14800446

Israel says vaccine in weeks.

It's over. Capital wins again.

>> No.14800460

>China has defeated the virus
You know it already escaped China though, right? Nigeria just got it too, imagine what it will do for African exports.

>> No.14800464
File: 68 KB, 900x719, 69878d5c409f7cc6f0789d551c76265e-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Brother, can you spare some capital?

>> No.14800470


>> No.14800504

It's a reference to Meltdown, which has quotes from Machinic Desire

>> No.14800517

its pretty straightforward pastiche desu. more gibson than land, really.

>> No.14800519

the virus is literally technocapital. this is just deterritorialization to increase capital intelligence. acceleration is just beginning.

>> No.14800652
File: 70 KB, 479x481, 1582851631020.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been 3 months since the bombs have dropped
>people have already started to cannibalize their young
>at this point a roasted baby is starting to look pretty good
>been walking for 20 miles in desperate need of finding some resemblance of civilization
>suddenly see a beacon of light in the distance
>one light turns into many lights
>a hope? a chance
>filled with energy, you tighten your bag and start running towards the light
>as you burn up the last few calories inside your body you collapse in front of the gates
>you wake up in a bed
>the feeling of warmth and comfort feels almost alien to you
>a man in a dirty white coat is checking up on you
>hands you a plate of food and says ''it's not much, but it's all we could spare''
>he says you should be on your way out after you're done since resources have been scarce
>without uttering a word, you point to your bag with a bony, shaking finger
>the doctor looks confused and starts opening the bag
>perhaps it's seeds? canned food? bullets? ................................................................
>instead he finds a laptop and a satellite inside
>the doctor starts wondering what it's for
>maybe it's a way to communicate with the government? or perhaps a different settlement?
>''b-bitcoin'' you utter with a weak voice
>the doctor looks at you and back at your equipment, still lacking understanding
>''I pay you 0.1 bitcoin a month if I can stay''
>the sudden confidence in your voice takes the doctor by surprise
>his surprise quickly turns to, disdain, and then pity
>a woman opens the door, the doctor scolds her and asks whether she's used any morphine on you
>she denies the accusation, saying she used the last of the morphine on the burn victims of last week's raider attack
>during the confusion you grab one of the scalpels on the tray near you and press it against the doctor's neck
>you order the nurse to fill your bag with supplies as you make your way out
>as you leave the settlement you stab the doctor in the neck
>''can't have competition in this dog-eat-dog world'' you think to your Jew self
>you escape to the woods and pet your laptop on the back
>''thank God for Bitcoin'' you whisper to the darkness

>> No.14800712

Didn't read lol

>> No.14800771

I'm assuming most crypto fags are like me and stack metals too. Just the silver I have will make me a veeeery wealthy man should the bombs drop.

>> No.14800840
File: 101 KB, 960x720, 1573975215490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Market is going down because there are more sellers than there are buyers. Anyone else with a different answer is a charlatan pushing their own ideology onto Mr. Market, who is entirely irrational and unpredictable because Mr. Market is a metaintelligence composed of the millions of human intelligences acting within the financial system.

>> No.14800853


>> No.14800854
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>> No.14800855
File: 131 KB, 1276x922, Screen Shot 2020-02-28 at 12.50.09 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom out

>> No.14800858
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>> No.14800874

>twinkie theory of economics
Except that the market went up with more sellers than buyers too.

>> No.14800885

more proof Mr. Market is irrational

>> No.14800904
File: 74 KB, 640x523, iphone-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing

>> No.14800908

all of those people are subactors within the market, they are his cells. as you can see, my boy marketman is founded on some irrational individuals, thus is irrational as a whole

>> No.14800916

Why are you talking to yourself?

>> No.14800920
File: 184 KB, 500x766, 1566778230456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am not.

>> No.14800926

The average person is retarded.
This does not mean every person is retarded.

>> No.14800944

If the vast majority is retarded, then yes. The market will act irrationally because it's composed of irrational retards. People sell at a loss but then hold onto their gains until it drops back down.
You have to be careful. Gains are cocaine, and loss is death. People are immensely emotional and you need to train yourself to avoid it.

>> No.14800953

Do you have a point?

>> No.14800962

>The average person is retarded.
>This does not mean every person is retarded.
The market is retarded. Reading into it beyond a fear response is silly. Finance =/= Economics

>> No.14800973

Why are you projecting your charlatan ideology onto mr market?

>> No.14800982
File: 19 KB, 512x288, 61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon turn your computer off right now!

Your post is a failure shut it down!

>> No.14801005

how are people buying iphones being irrational? they desire an iphone and are using money to buy them, this is exactly what economists mean when they talk about rational actors

>> No.14801008
File: 185 KB, 794x960, The Birth of Accelerationist Memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mr Market
>I love you
>You love me
The absolute state of post-economists.

>> No.14801010

you misunderstood the economic definition of "rational"

>> No.14801023
File: 204 KB, 2048x1152, 2l34.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14801385

>buying things is rational

>> No.14801397


>> No.14801416

a rational actor is someone who pursues their self interest. an irrational actor would act against their self interest. this means that when economist talk about rational actor, they talk about people fulfilling their self interest, much in the same way someone who is interested in an iphone may go out and buy an iphone at the apple store. if you don't like this definition bring it up with the Chicago school of economics

>> No.14801445
File: 308 KB, 1200x1342, 1563109013057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>acting in your self interest is buying a consumable item with no ROI rather than investing it
get to fuck Chicago

>> No.14801477

it's okay anon, I understood :)

>> No.14801485


>> No.14801525

see, you are confusing "rational" with "best possible decision making". that isn't how economists use the term. what you are saying is that the actor could have had a more worthwhile self-intrest, but this doesn't matter. his interests could lie in some roastie prostie whereupon he spends all his money, he would still be acting as a rational actor.

>> No.14801535

economists are clearly gay if they'd trade dosh for some sex

>> No.14801576

The ostensible answer is that coronavirus hysteria is crippling global commerce and logistics networks. The underlying answer is that virus fears is a pretext for a selloff that is long overdue and which was waiting for any sort of event of global notoriety to catalyze it . This has been one of the longest bull markets in history and what goes up must come down.

>> No.14801595


>> No.14802644
File: 55 KB, 353x399, in.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

zoom in

>> No.14802658

Reza is giga butthurt nowadays

>> No.14802664

Does Nick Land feel retarded for living in China yet?

>> No.14802686

Land is incoherent enough but Niggerastani beats him, why must the balding sissy write so badly?

>> No.14802692

Why do you think anyone will care about silver in Mad Max world?

>> No.14802715

Why would he? China is the center of capital and the future.

>> No.14802781

He evacuated a few days ago.

>> No.14802801
File: 17 KB, 171x266, 198384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5 trillion wiped out in hours
>fundamentals still good
>looking like a good time to buy
Nothing is fucked here.

>> No.14802879

Yes and this is totally different from the cause to any response. The constraints are different, after 08 China went on a massive building spree propping global growth back up quickly.

>> No.14802898


>> No.14802907


These are just random words made to sound absurd and conjure a giggle.

>> No.14802910

Is there a bigger cuck than the capitalfag?

>> No.14802948
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But capital is still literally winning.

>> No.14802971

It's because the entire global economy relies on this "Just in time" model of international production and the largest goods production center in the world has like 3/4's of it's cities on lockdown as a disease is spreading through it. Basically stocks are dropping because a small proportion of investors are starting to see how fragile these optimized global trade models are. Will they actually change anything once this event is over with, probably not. That doesn't mean they won't be afraid for the time that this matters.

>> No.14802985
File: 195 KB, 1910x1000, 100959645-JL4015-001.1910x1000.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>-1000 in 5 minutes

>> No.14803010
File: 21 KB, 171x391, Capital Is Unlearning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a little bit of airborne AIDs can't stop my bad attitude

>> No.14803022
File: 595 KB, 1807x765, 1578848355323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capital is to big to fail. And accfags are too dilated to fail.

>> No.14803078


>> No.14803276

They just frighten me though, like I'm being told some secret meaning I'm supposed to understand but can't so I'm in danger for it

>> No.14803428

You're in danger even (maybe especially) if you understand

>> No.14803836


>> No.14803866

Any NZfags willing to storm the bunkers of the mega wealthy have when the collapse comes into full swing

>> No.14803921
File: 99 KB, 850x400, ItsJustAFluBro_WithHIVHomologySProteins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're behind schedule (no glorious Syrian/Iranian WWIII bait taken) for the centennial banking reset chicanery's geopolitical slight of hand. pic. related.

>> No.14803943

Whats the endgame here? Full scale revolts or what

>> No.14804020

How far will the market fall?

>> No.14804029

Based. You'll never stop China.

Their dedication to capital will allow them to survive while the rest of the world collapses.

>> No.14804037


>> No.14804493

what would default to currency other than precious metals?

>> No.14804563

bottle caps

>> No.14804620

Ammo and pussy

>> No.14804664

neither ammo nor pussy is fungible

>> No.14804772


>> No.14804789

can't always guarantee the power grid will be up, at least locally. you will need money to get you safely to electricity first.

>> No.14804794

The economy will be barter based, silly.

>> No.14804847

there will be bartering obviously, but there is literally no reason for us to revert back 6000 years intellectually to the point where we no longer use currency. why barter with apples which will rot in a few weeks when you can trade them for a non-perishable, fungible medium of exchange like precious metals?

>> No.14804856

bitcoin cash

>> No.14805608


>> No.14805752

Only down by 300 end of day.

Looks like capital's back on the menu. antiaccfags can be bitter again.

>> No.14805775

bro the stock market has never fluctuated before capital is literally dead like the 5 finger punch of death it's fucking dead and corona-chan killed it

>> No.14806953


>> No.14808248

To understand deleuze I need to read kant
How do I understand kant?