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File: 47 KB, 318x457, sexual_utopia_in_power.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14793568 No.14793568 [Reply] [Original]

Every person must read this masterpiece. Perfectly dissects the modern sexual dystopia. Perfectly dissects the 3rd wave feminist movement. How is this not more popular? It was banned on Amazon for being too fucking true. The current power establishment cannot allow such knowledge to reach the masses or else the sexual revolution will lead to an actual violent male revolution.

>> No.14793578

You’ll notice one may criticize the Jews, and most will not bat an eye.

Criticize the Blacks, and one finds little resistance.

Criticize the Christians and you will have free pass.

But the women? How could you?

>> No.14793676
File: 96 KB, 1186x634, chop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But the women? How could you?
Misogyny is kosher because hot chicks are a threat to arranged marriages and inbreeding. You might have kids with someone just because you like her, and that's a no-no.

>> No.14793700

What's this guy's thesis?

>> No.14793754

That modern society is arranged for to maximize womens' sexual strategy at the expense of mens', and this is bad/dyscivic.

He was prettu obviously a major influence on the "Rational Male" guy.

>> No.14793881

You can't criticize the jews...

>> No.14793924

Let alone blacks

>> No.14793940
File: 31 KB, 347x500, Libido dominandi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sexual Utopia in Power
Been meaning to read that for a long time. Thanks for reminding me.

This is on my list too.

>> No.14793955

I plan on reading Libido Dominandi, but I get the feeling that Sexual Utopia in Power is far superior.

Have you read Goonan's The Foundation for Exploration?

>> No.14793959

Never heard of it. Is it thematically related, or just in the same milieu?

>> No.14793973

Yes, it's related to the disintegration of society, covering socio-sexual dynamics like those other two, but it also covers a broader scope.

>> No.14793982
File: 50 KB, 720x327, over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do kuffar think reading is taking action?

>> No.14794020

Because we aren't being enabled by globalist kikes.

>> No.14794036
File: 38 KB, 480x480, 13649253_654702874687826_1201894216_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

America is the globalist kike. Western men are Co who are terrified of controlling their women

>> No.14794048

i literally read this as all minorities who are worried about being minorities are racist

>> No.14794051

The first thing Muslims do when they get to western countries, apart from pointlessly destroying things, is have ten kids who turn out even gayer and more cucked than the whites.

This is why we read political theory. So we're not fucking retarded.

>> No.14794082
File: 189 KB, 720x1104, teacher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is false except for the ten kids part

You are cowards. We have political theory too like Maududi but it's a plan of action

>> No.14794199

1. They don't even need to teach those kids to be gay in school. They're already swimming in that message. It's on their smartphones. In every game they play. On every billboard they see. Every advertisement for every product.

2. Most of you are homosexual pederasts anyway.

3. Too much data shows that you dipshits all turn into gay soi consumers within a generation. You're even more susceptible to the corruption of capitalism.

4. Literally everything you're doing now is enabled by a system which considers you a bioweapon against whites and knows exactly where to point you.

5. If you want to test the power of your action plan try opposing jews in any meaningful way.

>> No.14794230

Misogyny isn’t kosher and is much more likely to cause social ramifications than a criticism of any other group.

>> No.14794276

Even jews don't believe that.

>> No.14794493
File: 405 KB, 720x960, hmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our women have more courage than your men


In fact we do oppose the Jews. Look up the Muslim American Society

>In 2019, Middle East Media Research Institute unveiled a video of children in a Philadelphia MAS center singing about the "blood of martyrs", "We will defend Palestine with our bodies. We will chop off their heads", and "We will lead the army of Allah fulfilling his promise, and we will subject them to eternal torture". The Anti-Defamation League said that portrayed events were "extremely disturbing"

Or the Muslim Council of Britain

>Between 2001 and 2007, the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) expressed its unwillingness to attend the Holocaust Memorial Day ceremony and associated events. In a press release dated 26 January 2001 the Council listed two points of contention that prevented them from attending the event, which were that it "totally excludes and ignores the ongoing genocide and violation of Human Rights in the occupied Palestinian territories, in Jammu and Kashmir and elsewhere" and that "It includes the controversial question of alleged Armenian genocide as well as the so-called gay genocide."[27]

>> No.14794573

>we don't identify as gay we just fuck little boys
>we unveiled a video of children making empty threats jews don't even take seriously from adults
>we didn't go to the Holocaust ceremony

Hoo boy. You sure got those kikes on the run.

The reason nothing happens to you is because they don't even take you seriously. And they're right not to.

The moment you become a problem your welfare goes away. The moment you become a problem the state will use hard power against you, the free jewish lawyers will stop being free, and the jewish judges will rule against you.

Not only are you incapable of resisting the jews, you're so deluded you think you're winning.

>> No.14794586

That’s a yikes from me, chief. And I’m also going to go ahead and hit you with a cringe. Have fun reading that in your parents’ basement.

>> No.14794596

We don't have with boys, what are you talking about? The practice of pederasty in Afghanistan is by the secularists (the same side that supported Russia and now backed by America), the Taliban became popular for ending it


>> No.14794625

Why don't these anons want anyone to read this book?

>> No.14794640

High pederasty rates are a racial trait for africans and semites. It doesn't matter what your religion happens to be.

>> No.14794649
File: 353 KB, 900x720, IMG_20200225_065127.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Catholic whites--all whites, actually, the Boy Scouts filed for bankruptcy--and Jews of non semitic, white heritage

Minor correction. Don't worry, we will fix you :)

>> No.14794665

There is long tradition of that in the all boy boarding/church schools in Europe for hundreds of years. Even Tolkien talks about the older class-men sexually abusing the younger as a part of hazing.

>> No.14794685

>a client population utterly dependent on jewish power is going to fix anything
Is this taqiya or are you that dumb?

>> No.14794694
File: 117 KB, 734x538, IMG_20200202_143353.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know why you think we are dependent on Jewish power. Rather we depend on your foolishness

>> No.14794719

Literally every spoil you're getting in the West is being handed to you by jews.
Your entry is enabled by jewish NGOs.
The welfare is given to you by politicians owned by jews.
The legal assistance you get is comes directly from jews.
The media consistently defending you is owned and controlled by jews.

You really are too stupid to understand this. I think we're done here. If the jews don't take you seriously why should I.

>> No.14794744
File: 349 KB, 720x905, woke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reason we can get into the UK so easily is many Muslim countries are in the Commonwealth. The Anglo did that, not the Jew, but close

Most certainly they take us very seriously

>> No.14794799

If had anything to do with the commonwealth ask yourself why you weren't flooding into the UK during the entire colonial period. Or even before 2015.

"Muh Commonwealth" is the justification used on Brits. Every country they control gets a justification tailored to them. The real reason you're there is because jews supplied the boats and bribed politicians to give you welfare. Same reason you're in every Western country.

Looks like they have you well in hand too. Gay/feminist propaganda is soft power. They won't even have to use hard power. You'll be LGBTQP consumers in less than forty years. And you'll serve your purpose as their tool. Which you either don't understand or are just playing dumb about.

>> No.14794862

During the colonial period we were fighting to get you out. Immigration started far earlier than 2015, it's what triggered Powell

>> No.14794986

If Powell couldn't stop them you certainly aren't going to.

>> No.14795046
File: 678 KB, 1280x720, talibansoldiers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powell was an absolute imbecile who said "thank God for capitalism" and pushed legalizing sodomy because it was not the state's business to enforce religion. You have tried to make us secular and failed. Now it's our turn

>> No.14795094

Jamaicans triggered Powell
Different era, kuffar

>> No.14795101

Jamaicans are major converts now. Bilal Phillips is an extremely prominent Muslim scholar for the west, his books are in every mosque

>> No.14795152

Libido Dominandi is kind of interesting but ultimately an unfocused mess.

SUIP is a 30 page extended pamphlet.

>> No.14795159

While I don't blame Islam for semitic pederasty, it's still a fact.

>> No.14795169

you must be so smart, to dismiss Sexual Utopia in Power like that

>> No.14795187

Be careful. False accusations are what the worst wretches of hell are damned for. The Prophet, salla Allahu alayhe wassallam, says they perpetually have their face scratched and peeled off with nails. You should consider what your fabrications will cost you

>> No.14795304

>You have tried to make us secular and failed.
That you think it's White Westerners and not jews shows you don't even know who your enemy is. So you will fail.

Your grandchildren in the UK are going to think of you as brave LGBTQP migrants who fled oppression, and being gay and feminist is a proud Muslim tradition.

>> No.14795311

Threatening critics with a bad afterlife is a cope of the weak.

>> No.14795356
File: 182 KB, 515x662, colonial.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That you think it's White Westerners
Yeah I do, it was the express policy of the British and the French. The Jews will get their turn too but you have been the worst for YOU created Israel and the secular armies that oppress us in the Middle East

>> No.14795362

If you think fabrication is the same as criticism, this would explain why your education system so effectively pushes liberal lies as critical thought

>> No.14795460
File: 49 KB, 514x315, By0DKS2IUAAmhVH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>That you think it's White Westerners
You think our memories are so short we had forgotten how you beheaded our men and raped our women to impose your atheism on us? And still try today? You think a people who memorized their entire holy book forgets that? We will behead the unbelievers among you and take your women as our slaves. The same fate awaits the Jews.

إن شاء الله

Allah ﷻ has blessed this holy jihad.


>> No.14795499

So when are they transitioning?

>> No.14795516

I'm not a Shi'ite, I don't recognize that

>> No.14795675

Hahaha you're a white larper.

>> No.14795689

I'm not dismissing it -- it's much more solid work than Libido Dominandi, even if far less ambitious.

>> No.14795694

I'm a practicing Muslim who is close to other practicing Muslims and engaged to a niqabi

>> No.14795698

Have fun with your 90 iq brown kids.

>> No.14795701

She's very smart for her age and converted as a kid :)

>> No.14795702

Yeah I've seen the boyfuckers in Afghanistan, but the Afghans aren't particularly good Muslims. It's the sodomy in Iraq, Jordan, Morocco, and a few other places I won't bother to name (though I'd note that Sultan Qaboos, while undoubtedly a competent ruler, was gay as the hot Arabian day is long) that makes me think semites have a problem with homosex -- nothing "false" about it, this is my personal experience; Western faggotry is all bark and no boof in comparison. But -- reading comprehension -- I don't blame Islam for this.

The false prophet Mohammed was guilty of a lot of things, probably including traffic with the infernal powers, but he wasn't a homo.

>> No.14795707

>has never actually been to the Middle East or lived in a Muslim country
Maybe you should limit your opinion on how much of an issue the buttfucking problem is in these places to people who've actually been there, kid.

>> No.14795711

You get around to patronize interesting establishments

>> No.14795712

Yeah but it's 400 pages, not 30. So maybe you don't know what you're talking about.

>> No.14795719

t. buttharvested kuffar

>> No.14795720

The Muslims I know are from Muslim countries and live in enclaves

>> No.14795723



>> No.14795724

Oh, you mean the colonialism that never atempted to replace your religion, maybe had a few jesuits here and there? Not upsetting much of the culture with mass immigration and mostly just affecting top administration? Or are you talking latter when a lot of your abashed countries wanted to modernize to compete so you voluntarily enacted westernization to attempt as such?

>> No.14795725

Kaffir* kuffar is plural

>> No.14795733

That gutted Islamic law and created secularized armies that torment Muslims to this day? Yes, that one

>> No.14795758

Yeah but you're jewish.

>> No.14795779

I'm not at all, I'm Scandanavian and Scottish

>> No.14795789

This is only 30 pages. Summarize for us.

>> No.14795796

>Marriage is an institution; it places artifi cial limits on women’s choices. To repeat: Nature dictates that males display and females choose. Monogamy artifi cially strengthens the male’s position by insisting that 1) each female must choose a different male; and 2) each female must stick to her choice. Monogamy entails that highly attractive men are removed from the mating pool early, usually by the most attractive women. The next women are compelled to choose a less attractive mate if they wish to mate at all. Even the last and least of the females can, however, fi nd a mate: For every girl there is a boy. Abolishing marriage only strengthens the naturally stronger: It strengthens the female at the expense of the male and the attractive at the expense of the unattractive.


>> No.14795801

You say that like it wasn't inevitable and necissary. Might as well complain about the mongals no longer ruling eurasia on horseback. Read some of the egyptian intellectuals after france invaded Egypt under Napoleon. They knew that these new systems were necessary to stand up power wise.

>> No.14795805

>Whigs knew Whiggery was progress


>> No.14795819

>Gets ass blasted by a foreign army that out competed them in most respects systemically
>Sees that the ottomans are slowly waning too
>Mamelukes think there might be something too some of these new western systems
No its just whiggism. Its not like Mohammad made a revolutionary and super efficient system that worked amazingly in light if the socio-political state of the middle east.

>> No.14795835

In fact Sharia is an excellent system for non state actors and countries devastated by bombs because it is very low cost and depends on expertise the religious tend to already have

>> No.14795852

And I do not dispute this, I am simply against the antithetical notion that the person I responded to implied, by calling the general process of accepting some aspects of western systems "Whiggery". Now if we get into particulars I think there is more room for statements like that.

>> No.14795863

Alright on second thought this is bullshit. Explain this to me /thread/. Do men not "choose" women? Do women not "display" the fuck out of themselves? What is happening in this picture?

>> No.14795865

Seeing western nation states as inevitable is pretty Hegelian. They have been an absolute disaster elsewhere, in part deliberately

>> No.14795885

Seems like men need to just learn how to chill their penises and learn some emotional boundaries and women need to learn how to get what they want (sex) by displaying themselves as more than objects. Women, maybe make yourself interesting or funny or useful somehow?

>> No.14795893

Or perhaps men need to start putting as much care into their appearance as women do? You know, move past the standard grey black blue palette of male aesthetics?

>> No.14795894

Yeah I think he's overgeneralizing here.

The way I would put it, and Devlin gestures in this direction, is that men and women have competing strategies, and reproduction represents a coordination problem. In general, _both_ sexes both "display" and "choose" and then work something out via various means mediated by social technology since humans are social beings. But currently, _state power_ enforces a fairly extreme "men display, women choose" regime.

>> No.14795903

>Natural instinct makes young men almost literally “crazy” about girls. They have a far higher regard for young women than the facts warrant. The male sex drive that modern women complain about so much exists largely for their benefit

This seems to be the Paris Alexandros' syndrome. It's just girls. If you have enough sex it becomes very repetitive and unenchanted. Why do you think the Christians make vaginas magic black holes?

>> No.14795918

>Nature has provided [the girl] with superabundant beauty and charm for a few years so that during these years she may so capture the imagination of a man that he is carried away into undertaking to support her honorably in some form or another for the rest of her life, a step he would seem hardly likely to take for purely rational considerations. Thus nature has equipped women, as it has all its creatures, with the tools and weapons she needs for securing her existence.

>I do not see any reason why young men should be less naïve about young women than they used to be.

Ok. Guy's starting to sound like an incel.

>state power
I would blame Christianity for this, but there are traces of this in the Iliad. There ought to be a better way but the sexual revolution, which Devlin rightly attacks, clearly failed.

>> No.14795927

>You’ll notice one may criticize the Jews, and most will not bat an eye.

Only the people who run the media, academia and the government.

>> No.14795957

>Ok. Guy's starting to sound like an incel.
The Roastie fears the Devlin.

>> No.14795962

>Universal coeducation should be abandoned. One problem in relations between the sexes today is overfamiliarity. Young men are wont to assume that being around girls all the time will increase their chances of getting one. But familiarity is often the enemy of intimacy. When a girl only gets to socialize with young men at a dance once a week, she values the company of young men more highly. It works to the man’s advantage not to be constantly in their company. Men, also, are most likely to marry when they do not understand women too well.

Lol, alright the guy is a fag. He says women stop being hot after a while but MILFs surely exist for a reason. If women want to stop being cowards of themselves and continue reasserting Helen-syndrome (aaa can't do nythn protecc me pls ;;) then perhaps they should go the way of Plato's Gorgias and choose, for example, gymnastics over cosmetics, and physicians over confectionaries.

Men should learn how to be vain. Men need theurgy to embody their souls damn it! Display yourself for the archetypal signs you grew up in, reflect your environment and your upbringing and your culture on your clothes, your skin, whatever! Stop wearing blue black and grey! Fuck!

>> No.14795968

Do something selfish for yourself for once. Stop trying to protect women and read Machiavelli I don't know. Or you could actually try to engage me, but that's probably too hard for you.

>> No.14795973

It's 192 pages.

>> No.14795979


>> No.14795984

The level of general inanity and bullshit on /lit/ is spiraling out of control this week. It's funny as fuck but it's all a hall of mirrors at this point.

>> No.14796011

Again, I am talking about the difference between particular and generalities, i did not mention nation states specifically, but some of the modes that correlate with the concept due to sheer power vacuum, is not inevitable, given contingency, but are highly probable. similar to how feudalism as a general framework could not sustain itself in general after mercantile gains in power.

>> No.14796017

I'm actually really happy I skimmed through that little book because it affirmed that I'm not on the traditionalist/fascist/Chr*stian side of the equation. I go to a very small Christian school and I became an officer of a philosophy club and the leader wants to study feminism all semester long so we may hopefully break new ground. :)

>> No.14796040

>I would blame Christianity for this, but there are traces of this in the Iliad. There ought to be a better way but the sexual revolution, which Devlin rightly attacks, clearly failed.
It's silly to blame "Christianity", an ancient religion, for a very recent problem (the sexual revolution), particularly when this problem was ostentatiously accompanied by abandoning the principles of said religion.

You might be able to argue that it's a contributing factor, but it's clearly not the proximal cause. You are correct that women have always had more freedom to choose their mates in "The West", and this is in fact one of the things that separates it from "The East" (also why the tards arguing about Islam in this thread need to stfu, Eastern attitudes towards women far pre-date Islam). And the West got along just fine with these "liberal" norms for a very, very long time.

Women are more attractive when they are young (call it 16-25). Sometimes PUA types make too much of it but at the end of the day it's just a fact. It is far, far more rare for a given woman to be more attractive at 35 than at 20, and most of these rare instances involve...extensive modification. And there are more attractive 20 year old women than 35 year olds.

>> No.14796172

>Jamaicans are major converts now
They're less than 1% of the small country's population even if you count non-Sunnis. There are several times more outspoken gays than there are Muslims.
>Bilal Phillips
Literally one guy.

>> No.14796254

>Women are more attractive when they are young (call it 16-25)
See my earlier comment regarding Gorgias.
> proximal cause
Maybe not, but it is an enemy in arms against authenticity.

>> No.14796299

That's just some totem for you. Your very notion of it is fetishistic.

>> No.14796352

No, the Word is narcissistic. This is an ontological commitment bearing no ethical necessity.

>> No.14796526

There is a shitload of effort in this thread being spent to keep people from reading this book.

Must be pretty good.

>> No.14796539

>Abolishing marriage only strengthens the naturally stronger: It strengthens the female at the expense of the male and the attractive at the expense of the unattractive
what a crock of shit, there's a point about the attractive being priviledged over the unattractive but that has no relation to gender. And what "nature dictates" is not social reality, that's an appeal to nature. By his own logic, monogamy is "unnatural" and yet he still endorses it. This man's writing is all over the place.

>> No.14796551

>>Women are more attractive when they are young (call it 16-25).
so it is true that men are born to orbit women who have no good behavioral traits, because men do not have moral standard for women, only shallow physical standards, ie youth.

no wonder society is dying.What would happen if men were not low life coomers craving to provide free sex and an easy life to women.

>> No.14796580

Well check out the big brain on Brad here.

>> No.14796671

That's enough tradcon larp for today, time to play with your anal vibrator

>> No.14796840

Men have moral and intellectual standards for other men. Women are primarily for having children and sexual release so these standards make perfect sense.
I don't know why you focus on men here. Women sexual selection is utterly dysgenic. Women are attracted to various forms of anti-social behaviors (including but not limited to the so called dark triad) and intelligence in a man is correlated to lower attractivity to females (the opposite is true of men on big accounts).

>> No.14796875

>Do men not "choose" women?
Gigachad does. This is not a common man experience.
As for women, they display themselves passively. Maybe show a bit of skin here and there, and put more care into their hair. They are not expected to do extravagant things in their 'display'.
See those galapagos birds where females just sort of show up and get thirsty males coming in droves. Who then have to fight each other or perform strange athletic dances while the female expand about one Calorie pointing her beak at the male she chose.

>> No.14796881

>You’ll notice one may criticize the Jews, and most will not bat an eye.
i have some bad news for you...

>> No.14797485

>See my earlier comment regarding Gorgias.
It's completely irrelevant.
fake and gay

>> No.14797512

Yeah I actually agree with this, except that I think that "women are more attractive than men" is basically a true statement.

What's tripping Devlin up is that "the state of nature" doesn't really exist. Monogamy is "unnatural" in the sense that it requires some sort of social/state enforcement, but of course the current status quo also has an arguably far more intrusive enforcement regime. It's not actually true liberated/feral humanity, it only markets itself that way.

The bloom of a woman's youth is a form of power. It can be used for good or bad. As far as "good behavioral traits" it's not as though thirtysomething women are automatically paragons of virtue, although to the extent that they are yeah it can and does make up for their declining beauty.

Also "moral standards" for anything are quite actively suppressed. For instance someone with "moral standards" would probably not consider an adulteress to be *entitled* to assets from the marriage that she dissolved, yet the law enforces such a thing.

>> No.14798556

bro out of all these groups you can only criticize christians right now

>> No.14798636

Why are women honestly so stupid? Aren't they human? Do they have the potential to understand the consequences of their behavior?

>> No.14798734

Read it. I literally read it.
Not engaging
Bullshit. 6/10 Tim doesn’t just take whatever woman comes her way. Comparability depends certainly on things not relating to a purely materialistic account of humanity. We have personalities and political opinions and religious beliefs and identifications with all variety of things.
You’re irrelevant.
Men made women that way whenever they want to see them through a materialistic account of breeding objects.

>> No.14798772

It’s interesting though that women pay more attention to their appearance, despite it being fake— “appearance” in the “true” way requires displaying one’s social economy, private wealth, physical traits, and so on. The book was honestly pretty interesting and seemed like an accurate portrayal of conventional marriage dynamics.

>> No.14798776

Everyone from weirdo muslim converts to incel soiboys are trying to steer the conversation off on weird tangents. It's going to be the next thing I read.

>> No.14798800

It’s not a long read, but it’s great yeah.

>> No.14799364

>author is a men's right activist
yikes to the power infinity

>> No.14800256

Evolution selects for fertility.

>> No.14801350


الله أكبر