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File: 8 KB, 224x225, Belle Delphine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14789106 No.14789106 [Reply] [Original]

How would you anons describe the aesthetic of pic related? Is it simply Kuwaii aesthetic or is there something more? I feel so drawn to her beauty as if some mystical force keeps me from looking away. I'm reminded of the irresistible charm of the Siren when I see her. Could any of you anons help me understand this mystical charm? I feel like Laocoon and His Sons bewitched and enraptured in her charm.

>> No.14789111

The draw toward woman is fundamentally irrational. I don't think we'll ever be able to adequately describe it.

>> No.14789112
File: 576 KB, 1140x1068, 1579989918206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14789120

A spook.

>> No.14789136

Haha you are retarded.
I'll describe her aesthetic to you.

Basically her trick is to make herself appear ridiculous with cartoonish faces. You find this attractive because you are intimidated by women and so what you are really "drawn" to about her is the illusion that he isn't a human being who is capable of being your equal.
You like that she portrays herself as deficient in some way because this makes you feel in control.
She essentially pretends to be retarded and this comforts you, because you are actually retarded.

It's actually a cousin of furry-ism.

>> No.14789153

Trips of truth. Fuck women, both figuratively and literally

>> No.14789165

She's gross

>> No.14789186

You are onto something here anon, consider one idiosyncratic thing about Belle, her fucking obsession with eggs. There are dozens of videos of her fucking around with raw eggs in a way that is disturbing and fascinating, like a train wreck you can't look away from. I have absolutely no doubt that Bataille has something to do with this.

>> No.14789197

i would drink her spit

>> No.14789199
File: 54 KB, 665x800, 1524076324103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why does x happen?

>> No.14789221

I would describe it as OP Is a Fag

>> No.14789233

her entire appeal is that she styles herself to look and behave like a toddler because people like you reward her for looking and behaving like a toddler, she gets a ton of money to buy makeup and wigs and other bullshit to be every cumbrained retard's dream girl. there's nothing mystical about her charm - she's selling a product and you're buying it, the intention was to bewitch you all along. she sees what her fans like best, and so strategically adjusts her image. "beware of thots bearing tits," or whatever it was that virgil said

>> No.14789243
File: 45 KB, 512x341, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You should have sex. Or better yet, jerk off then immediately watch videos in which she's trying to be alluring: she'll appear as ridiculous as someone dancing without music. If she doesn't you're mentally ill, is all.

>> No.14789251

This doesn't explain the egg shit or the bath water. It's completely atypical of what you would expect a typical narcissistic thot to do.

>> No.14789257

Well, I guess it's only fair that bait threads are responded to with bait responses.

Fuck your thread, OP, and check out this 7.

>> No.14789265

OP here. I would admit that part of her charm is being cute and innocent but I wouldn't attribute being mentally deficient as part of her charm. Being cute and neotenous would make me feel like I have some control due to the age difference; but again I would not attribute my sense of control to her being mentally deficient. She's a bit cartoonish but I don't see why you associate that with mental deficiency. Is there an analogous masculine version of mental deficiency that is linked to being cartoonish?

>> No.14789274

She is literally known for posing with her tongue sticking out and her eyes crossed.
It's meant to resemble mental retardation.
You really lack insight.
We learned all of this with furries. The whole thing with "cuteism" is for you to feel superior to your object of desire because you can't handle facing it on an equal playing field. You're basically pathetic.

>> No.14789276

The egg trope is a textbook ASMR thot trope. And yeah, a woman at her bath a archetypal male fetish from Actaeon and Diana to Degas. Quit trying to mysthologise your basic-ass cumbrian shorting out.

>> No.14789283

are you not mentally ill? why the fuck are you posting here?

>> No.14789288

she's a narcissistic thot with a fanbase of 4channel retards and so she accordingly is a mixture of the toddlerbrained babywoman that so many people drool over while also pandering to all your weird shit like ahegao and bathwater and all that. your dick has successfully tricked you into thinking she is quirky and weird and gives two fucks about whatever it is your autistic obsession is. get well soon, anon.

>> No.14789292

its meant to resemble anime girls getting dicked

>> No.14789300

The cumbrain aesthetic.

>> No.14789303

That fact that it derives from anime is irrelevant to what I said.
You just kicked the can back one link in the chain. The same principle applies.
When did this board become dominated by brainlets.

>> No.14789314

yeah, you're a fucking genius for trying to give some deeper meaning as to why some dudes want to fuck a hot slut. lol

>> No.14789334

i would inject her piss into my veins

>> No.14789357

i would swallow her shit whole

>> No.14789361

>The draw toward woman is fundamentally irrational. I don't think we'll ever be able to adequately describe it.
Aristotle already did in De Generatione Animalium. What we call maleness is really just the completed development of a given lifeform. A female is an incomplete or "misbegotten" individual, possessing all the attributes of the species, but quantitatively lacking in them. This lack is required for reproduction, so we are drawn to it.
Aquinas expands on this, reasoning that God would not have created such a defective (deficiens et occasionatus) being if it were not necessary to life. Therefore, the deficiency of the female must be a necessary part of natural law. Further, the male can be assisted more effectively by other males in any task aside from reproduction. Therefore the primary function of the female must be reproduction.
Captain Sir Richard Francis Burton is the one who really nails the aesthetics, though:
“The male figure here, as all the world over, is notably superior amongst the lower mammals, to that of the female. The latter is a system of soft, curved, and rounded lines, graceful, but meaningless and monotonous. The former far excels it in variety of form and in nobility of make, in strength of bone and in suppleness of muscle and sinew. In these lands, where all figures are semi-nude, the exeeding difference between the sexes strikes the eye at once. There will be a score of fine male figures to one female, and there she is, as everywhere else, as inferior as is the Venus de’ Medici to the Apollo Belvedere.”
tldr; Men are being, women are becoming. A fully developed being is, by necessity, male. A female is an adult, but underdeveloped (in modern terms - neotenous) creature. Attraction to men is desire for the finished product. Attraction to women is desire for the means to make the finished product.

>> No.14789362

Its edited photography
Appeals are created through use of water imitation (leather eye and metal reflection)
aswell as gross imminence (eye contact, open mouth) and facial figurement (modern western taste relies on a semi squished demented appearance which is subtle but geometrically declinated)
The composition is bad, the colors are fairly balanced, there is no sense of materiality besides reflection and matte, there is no sense of contrast if light,
I recommend you acquire different taste through rapid image exposure or Pavlovian association

>> No.14789365

Based monocle guy.

>> No.14789377

sounds like homo cope

>> No.14789385

whats this from?

>> No.14789386

Advertisers have known for decades that sales of a food product will go up if you write "just add an egg" on the box. They even do it when the recipe does not require an egg, because it still makes people more likely to buy it. Mark Passio has a theory that this is to do with the egg being the embodiment of female fertility, so it appeals to the desire to love your family.

>> No.14789404

OP here. I feel this song encapsulates the phenomenon I feel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iGPgV4EOBT8
Any book recommendations that might help explain this current phenomenon in a more psychological fashion? I believe this phenomenon will only spread with the advent of TikTok and such technology.

>> No.14789432

these songs are so fucking bad.

>> No.14789467

I'm pretty sure the "Kali" in Kali Yuga refers to the demon, not the goddess.

>> No.14789477

>It's actually a cousin of furry-ism.
The furry fetish is several things:
1. gay people who are also into bestiality (usually dog fucking)
2. a scene older men use to pick up autistic boys
3. a desire to identify totemically with animals and acquire their innocence
4. a way to hide shame about perverse sex behind a mask

>> No.14789478

What a shitty song.

>> No.14789480

>the demon, not the goddess.
A distinction without a difference: the goddess is demonic.

>> No.14789487

Not according to Hindus, she isn't. Just the opposite. She slays demons. That's what the garland around her neck is. Those are demon heads. She is considered a viciously protective mother figure.

>> No.14789505

How the fuck is the egg thing textbook, and the fetishization of dirty bathwater itself is not equivalent to the idea of a woman bathing.

>> No.14789528

>people are still entertaining this thread
>instead of acknowledging my get >>14789257


>> No.14789549

the most pseud post ive seen in a while

>> No.14789574

Thanks for this, good post.

>> No.14789605 [DELETED] 

look at this 4.. oohh big deal

>> No.14789758
File: 853 KB, 700x574, 1576192066441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm reminded of the irresistible charm of the Siren when I see her.
You have irredeemably shit taste if that is somehow alluring to you, and not repulsive. Delphine is at the rock bottom of the Uncanny Valley with how plastic she is.
The women shown in Bouguereau's paintings, and few real women I have seen caused me to have the same feelings as you. Delphine is the antithesis of the type of woman that would conjure those feelings, and you should be scalped for even implying she is anywhere near to being desirable in that respect.

>> No.14789772
File: 88 KB, 500x273, Sacred Band Of Thebes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Heteros are the ones coping.
Bisexuals can have whatever amount of sex we desire. No strings attached, no beta orbiting and walking on eggshells. You can be close to your male friends without being scared of someone calling you gay. You can appreciate the male eroticism in classical art without any fear of your own sexuality. Then if you find a decent woman who would make a good mother you can still wife her and have a family.

>> No.14789797

There's a pic of hers online where you can see the edge of her anus. Really nice (Y)

>> No.14789810

I want to punch her.

>> No.14789958

Who is this? I've seen her posted a lot on this board.

>> No.14789964

me :)

>> No.14789966

cope more

>> No.14789982

>the aesthetic of pic related

She's trying to inject a fetish into your brain by affecting revelrous, sex-crazed, facial expressions.

>> No.14789998

Dear Belle Delphine,

I would like to move to wherever you live, seduce you, and then drink your piss.


An adoring coombrain

>> No.14790020


Based. Prepare for seething replies.

>> No.14790043

For real anon. If she were to simply touch my arm, I'd live off of that high for weeks. It almost seems profane to penetrate her; I'd love to just sit at her feet.

>> No.14790052

Are you a booktuber or something?

>> No.14790137

Don't listen to that faggot. That is Agatha, who went by the username threemilkt. She is unfortunately not online anymore because cripplechan niggers doxxed her, but there are reuploads of her stuff on utube. Just look up threemilk reuploads. She did mukbang and ASMR mostly.

>> No.14790333

I fucking hate this girl because she reminds me of my ex wife when we were young and in love without reservation.

fucking jew bitch.

>> No.14790490
File: 1.08 MB, 640x1136, 1575154367447.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let's get remarried anon!

>> No.14790522

Did you ever role-play Anne Frank with her? Like she hides in the attic and you're the Gestapo who is ordered to put her on the cattle cart but you're perhaps willing to make a deal.

>> No.14790559


>> No.14791016

I genuinely like the company of women.

>> No.14791028

Lol get a load of this master psychoanalysist over here
Such a smart boy, I bet your mom thinks you have a lot of potential

>> No.14791035

I'm not into this stuff but this girl is pretty cute. There's this pic of her in a bathtub that I saw once when I looked up who she was and I've tried to find it since and couldn't. I don't care for all the goofy anime stuff, I just want that one picture because her body looked really good in it

>> No.14791128

Savagely based, OP absolutely destroyed lmao

>> No.14791136

Every straight man does

>> No.14791305

Define "company". I like the "company" of women in the same way I'd like sitting in a room full of beautiful artwork. Beautiful, mute, objectified artwork. But I hardly like to engage in whatever it is they're engaging in. If it's a purely decorative affair, sure, I'd love to be in the company of many beautiful women; if it's a purely social affair, no straight man should want to have anything to do with woman, most of all if he values his sanity.

>> No.14791318

>Only a male intellect clouded by the sexual drive could call the stunted, narrow-shouldered, broad-hipped and short-legged sex the fair sex: for it is with this drive that all its beauty is bound up. More fittingly than the fair sex, women could be called the unaesthetic sex.
—Arthur Schopenhauer

>> No.14791666

she looks like thing 1/thing 2 from that wierd cat in the hat movie.

>> No.14791701

Why are you behaving defensively? Is it because you know he's right?

It's easy to cynically call into question one's authority, it's another thing entirely to refute their statement.

>> No.14791707

>Is it simply Kuwaii [sic] aesthetic or is there something more?
No, that's pretty much it.
You're attracted to pretty young cute women, it's normal.

And yes I know she's full of makeup, but her makeup game is on point, she has good taste (for the most part). Even though it's maybe her (boy)friend who does most of the work, whatever.

>> No.14791748

>this thread
>/lit/ will still fancy themselves as more than midwits
have sex

>> No.14791801

Lmao faggot cope. You're not wrong that the Greeks viewed women as underdeveloped men but you'd get bogged all the same for being a disgusting butt pirate

>> No.14791828


Anyways "muh Kali-yuga" is such ab anticlimax to that whole passage. What a shit thinker

>> No.14791836


>> No.14791915

tasteless suburban manchild weeb degenerates who grew up playing video games and jerking off to anime would only find her attractive.

>> No.14791920

is this the bitch that appears in ALL tiktok videos?

>> No.14791922

Im not even a weeb but literally everyone grew up playing video games, retard

>> No.14791929

my favourite hobby is looking at pictures or short movies of aggie while listening to 'marry me' by annie clark or listening to one of aggie's own covers
she also does covers btw

>> No.14791933

a manchild only play video games with no other hobbies.

>> No.14792132

>you only want to sleep in a bed because you can't handle sleeping on the ground
>you only want to be surrounded by art because you can't handle bare walls
>you only want that steak because you can't handle eating gruel
>you only want medical care because you can't handle death

>> No.14792611
File: 45 KB, 320x240, Danielle_Chuchran_as_Thing_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell me you dont see a resemblance

>> No.14792641

incredibly gay

>> No.14792691

You probably don't hang out with women either way

>> No.14792708
File: 242 KB, 759x869, 1574039010275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women aren't capable of being equals. Some of them are good at pretending to be.

On the other hand, you see something similar with 'woke' men, who act very immature and boyish, collecting star wars figures, and still getting married. Even SNL mocked how women only want men like that because they can control them.

>> No.14792776

Am all of that and there is little to nothing attractive about this creature
2D > 3D

>> No.14792780

Eros and the mysteries of love - Evola

>> No.14792833

>imagine being this new
>imagine being this much of a spoon feeder

>> No.14792841

Get some real taste.

>> No.14792888

I should have. She would have been into it.

>> No.14793387

Anytime anon. :)
Incredibly based.
>...as inane and selfish and snappy-mannered as a lap-dog — some leek-shaped latest thing, heaving herself up from long tight lambrequins to her own bursting bosom and bonneted with a hearse-plumed jungle-crowned bath — some pretentious pompadoured image trailing satin, moving (apparently leglessly) in society — all of the mental and physical consistency of parrots crossed with jelly-fish. O god of Love, never!
Frederick Rolfe - Desire & Pursuit of Whole p.178

>> No.14793391

i want to fuck a teenage girl with a juicy pussy :3

>> No.14793414

and i'd like to recommend you some nice foam earplugs so the cum doesn't slosh out on to your shoulders while you walk around

>> No.14793420

>butt pirate
Always with the ass. As soon as you mention anything homoerotic, someone has to jump right into anal sex. It's like you watch gay porn every night and think that's what real life is like.

>> No.14793455
File: 82 KB, 450x436, roastchik2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14794435

You’re acting as though hedonism is a good thing.

>> No.14794462

Dudes who buy star wars toys aren't "woke" by any interpretation of the word

>> No.14794562

No reason to use words in non-standard fashion or obscurantist fashion is exclusively a means of covering up what an incompetent pseudo intellectual you are.
Complete midwit garbage, any one who believes in anything like "psychoanalysis" or Freud should be openly murdered

>> No.14794578
File: 35 KB, 450x434, 1582633036295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chase enlightenment for a decade
>practice asceticism
>grow as a person and as a soul
>genuinely catch glimpses of truth, and have near-religious epiphanies about the platonic unity of the True, the Good, the Beautiful
>jot down hundreds of notes for a lifelong spiritual quest after the seat of my own soul and the key to the logos
>walking around somberly contemplating dianoia one afternoon
>see one pretty girl

>> No.14794591

"Add an egg" makes powdered cake mixes sell because it makes them seem less artificial

>> No.14794597

I feel like I’ve just been massively redpilled. I need to go read some Aquinas and Aristotle

>> No.14794600

If you're here on 4channel you haven't been "chasing enlightenment" in earnest. This place is a poison for the mind, body, and soul. Either come to accept that you enjoy wallowing in filth, or leave this place

>> No.14794610

It isn't different when their entire argument is their apparent authority. The anon didn't give a single piece of evidence for anything he stated, he merely stated his belief as if it were authoritative and left it at that.

>> No.14794612

Her expression resembles the masks found in certain Asian cultures depicting this or that goddess of terror/death/annihilation/etc. It is certainly a false expression in her case, indeed--a mask. It is unreal, a caricature of something the girl herself certainly does not understand. She is like one who has discovered a strange mask lying forgotten in the bushes. For her it was initially a curiosity, but when she showed it to her playfellows, seeing that they shrieked and acted strangely by it, it became a plaything. She only knows it by the reactions it draws--that is why it is false, a mask; she is caught in a game she doesn't understand in the least.

>> No.14794616

Only reason*

>> No.14794618

She understands it enough to game all of you chumps, anyway

>> No.14794639

Being deprived of sex does not make you less hedonistic, it just means your hedonism is unfulfilled. A disciplined man can have lots of opportunities for sex, but restrict himself to a healthy amount.
Also think of the amount of time that young men waste chasing girls. Hundreds of hours of their lives squandered on attaining cunny, when they could have been attaining /fit/ness, /lit/eracy and /biz/iness skills. Surely that is a greater vice than a bit of Greek love.

>> No.14794650

Good point. A man can manipulate women for a while by emasculating himself, but will ultimately get abused and controlled by his wife. A woman can manipulate men for a while by pretending to be 'one of the boys', but will ultimately just be used as a cum bucket.
It's almost as if we are all better off not pretending to be equal.

>> No.14794654

First time i laugh at 4chan in a while

>> No.14794658

>Complete midwit garbage
Funny how they keep paying for the midwit garbage to sell you stuff and it keeps turning a profit.
Good point. It probably helps that the ingredient is also raw and unprocessed.

>> No.14794801

They use basic human emotional understanding along with market research and trends, they don't need to pretend its rigorous or scientific for it be useful.

>> No.14794816

>she pretends to be retarded and this comforts you, because you are actually retarded


>> No.14794831

>I need to go read some Aquinas and Aristotle
These are the translations I use. Happy reading anon.

>> No.14794850

>Either come to accept that you enjoy wallowing in filth, or leave this place
>t. someone who is, himself, here.
You realize that most of us are here because of the anonymity. It allows us more honesty and unbiased discussion than any irl academic setup.
I realize the anon you are replying to is pretty filthy, but if you think this place is about the filth you should go back to /b/ or /pol/.

>> No.14794872
File: 563 KB, 634x581, 1540257464667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based aggie posters
books for this feel?

>> No.14794891

Thank you

>> No.14795015

>She would have been into it.
Sounds like you guys were pretty kinky.

>> No.14795026

It's called hypofrontality. You lose reason upon being sexually aroused.

>> No.14795114

Was the degeneracy better in Wiemar times?

>> No.14795153

Nah you would have hated it back then as well

>> No.14795160

Just copying the success of HowtoBasic.

>> No.14795324

>autistic varieties of libido
Googled this and only the book came up. What exactly did he mean by this?

>> No.14795348


>> No.14795354

If they're not disgusting whales, yes, I prefer talking to them than to other men. That's completely normal.

>> No.14795374

I'd fuck her

>> No.14795944

it's just sexual signaling in extremis, although the one addition i'd make is that her strange thin upper lip seems to bespeak some kind of genetic flaw that bothers me

very nice

>> No.14796000

I’ve never found her the least bit attractive. I can see why her retarded-child act appeals to certain “men” though.

>> No.14796283

yeah, it's called 'mind break', you dense fuck. As in getting fucked so hard and being so consumed by physical pleasure that you become retarded.

>> No.14796330

How can one poster be that based?

>> No.14796356
File: 78 KB, 520x800, 1576575481886.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100% correct

>> No.14796459

have sex.

>> No.14796592

i'd never do that lol

>> No.14796673
File: 295 KB, 600x800, IMG_20190906_111341-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]