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/lit/ - Literature

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14789242 No.14789242 [Reply] [Original]

Does your novel have trans representation? If not, why not?

>> No.14789259

asa akira came for you! play now!

>> No.14789266

Yes, because I'm not very talented and I want to make money.

>> No.14789271

No. I'm Catholic.

>> No.14789296


>> No.14789310

No. I don't write horror.

>> No.14789339

That doesn't excuse transphobia.

>> No.14789387

I wrote it in a time when I didn't realize trans-people exist. Always thought they were basically drag-queens, and a character like that ... generally isn't on my mind. (No clue how I interpreted the whole ladyboy porn, think it was just too bizarre to wrap my mind around it)

The other issue is, my story is set in a world where discrimination based on silly stuff like that doesn't exist; and I don't recall any trans-person who didn't make the shit they have to go through a big part of their narrative, not knowing any personally doesn't help either. Hell, I know an intersex person and she hates trannies ... it's a weird world, mate.

Now obviously I could just include one to check a box, and actually mind do it as some side character in a side plot in a future book if I find a way to do it at least semi organically ... but I'm not even sure how to bring it up; due the setting, people wouldn't give enough fucks to point it out as something special, so how would the reader recognise it unless there is a pointless sex scene?

>> No.14789538
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Phobia denotes an irrational fear. Not only is it the other way around, their fear is perfectly rational.

>> No.14789567

No. Nor autism. They’re cured.

>> No.14789580

It doesn't because it's not the focus of my novel. I'm trying to tell a story and this story isn't about trans people, nothing more.
Making a character black doesn't mean I need to include a story arc about racism, sure, but at least the black character has something more to offer than some whining about his gender issues (because as said above how else would people assume your character is trans? fucking sex scenes?) and my readers won't feel as if I'm fucking with their head and using my book as propaganda.

>> No.14789615
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What? Why would they need to be cured?

>> No.14789618

Why is every single post you make utterly inane?

>> No.14789623

provide one single solid argument for enabling transgenderism that isn't "muh feelings"

>> No.14789625

Careful now

>> No.14789628

trans rights

>> No.14789671

No. There is no point in including trannies in the story because it takes place in Heaven. If a tranny were allowed to enter Heaven, it would make sense that they would no longer be a tranny anymore because being a tranny necessarily results in suffering. The only good trans literature is "Orlando" by Virginia Woolf. I have never encountered another book worth reading that features any vaguely transsexual characters at all. There are also no relevant transsexual authors out there that I am aware of. If there were any really good books featuring transsexual characters or by transsexual authors, I would be interested in reading them.
>t. tranny

>> No.14789679

No because I don't like trans people

>> No.14789700

Trannies are a legally protected category and can also get you fired if they get people to call your employer asking why they gave a job to a transphobe.

At this point demands for "trans rights" is just a flex.

>> No.14789718

>novel has no trans. No one wants to be trans in it
>Why are you always inane?
>Why would they want to be cured?
“Cured” is just the word I chose to explain why this isn’t a thing. Thinking you should have been born something else is pretty much *inane*

>> No.14789724

I'm not afraid of trannies, they're afraid of me

>> No.14789739

People assume characters are cishet unless told otherwise, so if you're a decent human being you'll have at least one trans character who you openly state is trans

>> No.14789745


Have you read the Satyricon? I found a translation “attributed” to Oscar Wild

>> No.14789776

>Does your novel have trans representation?
my novel has numerous mentally ill characters, but none of them are trans, no

>> No.14789779

Trans people and their supporters represent a minority when it comes to media sales because they don't care about media and only their own agendas.

Also fuck trannies.

>> No.14789832

being trans is just body modification.
no reasonable tranny thinks they should have been born different. they just would have preferred to, just a fatty may prefer to be thin or a shorty may prefer to be tall. how could you deny someone the ability to be more like what they prefer to be if the technology for it is available?
you are just playing the role of the culture police here.

>> No.14789839
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Wendy Carlos is good.
*You* are transphobic

>> No.14789849

I hadn't even heard of it. I looked it up just now and it seems that it's some kind of pornographic play? Lots of unnecessary rape and pedo shit. I'm not sure how it's relevant to transsexuality except that transsexuals are commonly associated with sexual deviancy.

>> No.14789850

>if the technology for it is available?
This is the problem. It's just man's hubris acting upon his fellow man. Such surgeries are unnatural.

>> No.14789851

the slippery slope has sloped far enough, anon

>> No.14789859

>*You* are transphobic
Yes, and waiting for the pendulum to swing the other way so I can enjoy conservative America once again in another decade or two.

>> No.14789868

I’ve heard a few things, is all. I know they don’t all think one way about it, but it seems an awful thing to live with. “Culture police”? Naw, it’s just a pseudo-utopian I’ve been working on.

>> No.14789875

>muh nature
>litterally invokes the slippery slope
I hope this is bait

>> No.14789877

trans rights

>> No.14789888

>I hope this is bait
is it tourist season or something

>> No.14789891

There’s two films of it, one Fellini production even. Not sure how raunchy an ancient Roman comedy can get. Try it, in any form.

Air conditioning, cars, bread, are all “unnatural”. And here you sit at a computer.

>> No.14789896

Yeah, but what does it have to do with trannies?

>> No.14789898

I considered that as second solution but the implications are kinda icky, specially against the neurotypicals (though I assume trannies would be happy if they could be just born the right gender) and it doesn't really solve the issue of representation of trannies who exist.

Unlike with assuming ethnicity, cishet assumption makes sense based on numbers.

>> No.14789905
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Leave the thread.
Leave the board even. Please.

>> No.14789916

>Air conditioning, cars, bread, are all “unnatural”. And here you sit at a computer.
But none of those are convincing people who have a mental illness that butchering their bodies is an acceptable solution. Oh wait, it's not, most of them kill themselves post op.

>> No.14789919

I reject any utopia where I cannot have a brothel filled with feminine penis.

>> No.14789929

Alright, I’ll drop the other shoe. I’ve actually said in some thread months and months ago.
The “novel” I’m tinkering with is a pseudo-utopian set in a world where there are no men. They aged, sired only more daughters and they procreated with alternate methods. That’s all. Civilization *transed*

>> No.14789946

What's the conflict or you're going for hard-mode trying to write a story without one?

>> No.14789948
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Not all trans go through surgery (I’m against it)
Then you’ll hate mine. It’s socialist romanticism. Plenty of sex. No brothels.

>> No.14789949

Oh so you're writing a yuri light novel. Japan has been there and done that.

>> No.14789951

your concept doesn't exist in the non lingual vio

>> No.14789963

Have they written any sci-fi utopian yuri?
Don’t say Utena. That looks so daffy

>> No.14789979

How do you view "blink and you'll miss it" sort of representation when trannies are acknowledged to exist but basically play no relevant roles?

>> No.14789983
File: 67 KB, 780x520, disdain for primitivists.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks being reduced to the state of nature is a good thing

>> No.14789995

No, as it's a fad and I don't want to include things that will date my work

>> No.14789999

Won't happen for a few books. I need to define myself as a speculative fiction writer or all the ultra-sensitive readers will get butt-hurt. My male to female characters need to be capable of periods and pregnancy.

>> No.14790000

Better learn to write in Chinese

>> No.14790006

On the contrary, I feel that technology should progress with respect for nature until we can no longer distinguish ourselves from the Eden that birthed us.

>> No.14790016

>blatant discord trannies and reddit commies itt
/lit/ is dead

>> No.14790028

We should exploit this world, expand into space then exploit all the other worlds out there and create an Eden of our own

Dyson Swarms, Star lifting and Von Neumann Probes are the future

>> No.14790029

wait this shit has been going on that long?

>> No.14790037

2016 and the fallout from that brought it into the limelight

>> No.14790048

>human beings ever developing the resources to expand into the cosmos

Haha! Great jest!

>> No.14790088

The resources are out there in the cosmos, if we got some sort of self replicating mining probe out into the asteroid belt we'd basically be set

The only three difficulties are leaving the Earth's gravitational pull, surviving in space and the vast amount of time needed to travel through the void. Almost all of those problems could be overcome by sending probes rather than actual humans out to exploit the resources of our solar system then simply constructing space habitats outside of the Earth to suit our needs

Honestly it should have happened already, except there isn't enough immediate gain for governments or corporations to spend the capital to get us into space. If we could just monetize the resources in the asteroid belt alone, I think there would be sufficient motive for a second space race

>> No.14790163

I don't care about "representation." If media includes transsexuals or transsexuals themes and is actually good like Woolf's "Orlando" then that is fine. Usually it is just pandering to the transsexual equivalent of fag hag fujoshits and those dudes who couldn't stop jacking it to lesbian kisses on trashy sitcoms fifteen years ago. Besides, the "representation" idea comes from black American social theorists who focused on *children's media* lacking black characters black children could identify positively with and see themselves in. That original push to have more minority characters in children's media seems reasonable enough, but I don't think it also applies to transsexuality. I don't want to be a tranny, but I am. The doctors say it is because there is something wrong with me medically that they do not know how to cure and advised "transition" (i.e. closest thing to a true change of sex that is currently possible) as an ameliorative treatment of the symptoms. It is a health condition, regardless of the cult of Judith Butler and the professional activists and perverts of the LGBT political movement wish to say. Children's media is typically set in either an ideal world in which everything can be set right and overcome (see Pokemon, etc.) or in a simplified version of the real world (see Sesame Street and other educational media, etc.). In an ideal world in which everything can be overcome by pure-hearted heroic protagonists, it does not make sense to include transsexuals for the same reasons it does not make sense to include schizophrenics or terminal cancer patients. I suppose it could make sense in case of the latter educational form of children's media to briefly include a transsexual/gender dysphoric character in the same way it would make sense to briefly include a character whose parent is terminally ill or a character with autism. Still, I would probably not include such a character in educational children's media if I had the choice because transsexuals are such a tiny and statistically irrelevant fraction of the population and because I know that gender activists would somehow manage to pervert any positive and educational depiction into something degenerate and sexualized the way they do with homosexuals. These days, most discussion of "representation" seems to revolve wrongly around media targeted at adult audience. Like I said above, the people who benefit from this the most are pseudo-moralist busybodies and horny fetishists. For everyone other than them, it is just an addition of a minority sideshow to their regular media that will either annoy them or mean nothing to them. Why should a transsexual who wants to live a normal life instead of a freak LGBT life want "representation" like that at all?

>TL;DR representation is bullshit and doesn't actually mean anything outside of the context of children's media

>> No.14790221

Fuck you, mutant.

>> No.14790269

>It is a health condition
Not really relevant to the question of representation. There are calls for more disabled characters too, with MH issues or whatever else. People love similarities and a sort of "yeah, you exist" recognition regardless the age group. Not super comparable but I do get a tiny feel when some rapper shots outs my city or even managed to include my shithole country into a rhyme-scheme. Obviously it's nowhere near as big as some black or gay kid finally reading a children's book about someone more similar to them but it's still lovely.

>These days, most discussion of "representation" seems to revolve wrongly around media targeted at adult audience.
Well, it's where the money is, besides it's probably easier to deal with moralists from the other side who tend to start shit if there is even a hint of homo in a work for children. Though children and teens consume adult media either way, and unless the representation is done horribly wrong, even if it was done for the profit motive, it can still do at least a tiny bit good.

>Why should a transsexual who wants to live a normal life instead of a freak LGBT life want "representation" like that at all?
Wasn't also one of the idea behind it to normalise it? Even if it got hijacked, it might move the window of acceptance where transphobic folk go from "fuck trannies" to "fuck LGBT life weirdos", sort of how Malcom X helped MLK by offering a more radical version, making the MLK position appear more moderate and acceptable.

>> No.14790273
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>That doesn't excuse transphobia.

>> No.14790351

>if the technology for it is available?
That's the rub. It's not.

>> No.14790378

Okay, cool. I still don't give a shit about "representation," though. If media is good and happens to contain transsexuals, then fine. Representation for its own sake is silly and has no place outside of discussions of children's media. Lesbians are a minority with limited representation in popular media outside of being a freakshow of the week on sitcoms and there is a sizeable niche of people who love media with yuri romance, but it doesn't make sense to just try to shoehorn lesbians into normie mass media the way most representation advocates want.

>> No.14790425

Well, yeah, execution that is just representation and not pandering is ... probably a few years away.

>> No.14790527

I saw a transvestite IRL, it was very strange... a short and fat kid with a shadow of a beard wearing a dress, and because I had heard of these things and knew the danger of questioning them at college I simply ignored the elephant in the room when he talked to me. How are you supposed to speak to them openly without getting expelled from society?

>> No.14790995

Their feelings?
I don't know man, I'm not militant about it, but I've met a couple trans people - three female to males to be precise - and I found them compelling and felt kind of bad for them. One was a girl I actually thought was cute, but we had a class that had a project oriented around talking about her lives and she talked about how she'd always known she was male but never planned to do anything about it because her parents would disown her, but she was disgusted by her body in the meantime.
One of my professors is another trans male, I wouldn't have known. He's an excellent teacher and great dude, found out a while after meeting him he was trans when he gave a seminar about how difficult the experience was.

I think there's cause to be skeptical of a claim as strange as being "transgender" but it's no better to assume against it just because you don't like sjw culture. Whether or not it's a real thing requires some actual investigation of the matter and not just a political reaction. I believe there's scientific support for it anyways

>> No.14791010

>Does your novel have trans representation?
>If not, why not?
Because I'm from a rural village in Germany and anyone would think that I'm massive faggot if I put gay men into my books

>> No.14791023

Because nobody gives a shit about trannies
No matter who you are your own responsibility, the world owes you nothing

>> No.14791108

Should my novel have trans representation? If so, why so?

>> No.14791112
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Well /lit/?

>> No.14791138

She's right, I am against the existence of trans "people"

>> No.14791148

Same actually

>> No.14791233

Trans people are disgusting, but I also pity them. So should everyone. Letting them cut their dicks off to "be a woman" is not helping them. Neither is approving of them.

>> No.14791262

If children are not mature enough to drink, they most certainly aren't mature enough to make life altering decisions like transitioning.
They can't consent to sex but they can consent to changing their entire sexuality?

>> No.14791362
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>> No.14791376 [DELETED] 
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Would you?

>> No.14791380

Just like a real woman :)

>> No.14791402

I notice a trend: every example in your story can't help but prattle on about their experience at the first opportunity. I like a few transwomen I've met just fine, but I didn't care about their political situation at all.

>> No.14791408

The natural argument is about normality vs abnormality, not natural vs synthetic; using cars normally, i.e. driving them, is good, but using cars abnormally, e.g. sticking your penis in the exhaust, is bad.

>> No.14791418

What's all this "decent human being" talk? Why not say "if you want to be a good person" or "morally attractive person" instead? Who would go out of their way to be graded as mediocre?

>> No.14791569

not phobia, pity and disgust

>> No.14791573


>> No.14791575

how can you look at this and think that transgenderism isn't just satanic

>> No.14791584
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>> No.14791599

No. I have no interest in writing a transgender character at this moment, and even if I did it to please a certain demographic, the character would suck because I don't know how to write a good trans character.
The only thing I really know is that the character would end up killing themselves

>> No.14791608


>> No.14791649
File: 123 KB, 976x549, MV5BNmFlNzk2MTAtMjZjMC00ZGM5LWJiYjctZWYzZTJlZTI4NmE3XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzk5OTkyNDE@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not sure how raunchy an ancient Roman comedy can get

>> No.14791653

Children are, properly speaking, not fully human and therefore have no rights. It is up to the parents who 'own' them.

>> No.14791656

Sounds like you live in a toxic environment

>> No.14791669

>youre just agaisnt the existance of trans people
Esentially, yes

>> No.14791671

I haven't written a novel.

>> No.14791674
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Dilate, you fucking freak.

>> No.14791684
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Trannies are really cool and definitely not retarded fucked in the head freaks that should be mass executed in a ditch. Definitely no.

>> No.14791693
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>If I don't tell people that I'm trans, they wouldn't guess.

>> No.14791697

Writing in suicidal characters when it is otherwise irrelevant to the plot, but merely to force a character to commit suicide, presumes to be extremely shallow and non-contributory to the narrative at large so long as such a literary device remains uncalled-for.

>> No.14791736
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Boy, this didn't age well.

>> No.14791767
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This is what happens when people start worshipping scientists instead of God.

'Service men are not brighter than civilians. In many cases civilians are much more intelligent. That was the sliver of justification underlying the attempted coup d' etat just before the Treaty of New Delhi, the so-called 'Revolt of the Scientists': let the intelligent elite run things and you'll have utopia. It fell flat on its foolish face of course. Because the pursuit of science, despite its social benefits, is itself not a social virtue; its practitioners can be men so self-centered as to be lacking in social responsibility'.

>> No.14791777

Science doesn't support tranny bullshit.

>> No.14791870

Pop-science does, which is an atheist creation born from the worship of true science.

>> No.14792072

does the end justify the means?
I support all this mental lunacy like trans rights and the right of kids to transition because i want them to fuck underage traps when they lower the age of consent later on

>> No.14792090
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>> No.14792105

Between 80% and 90% of all "trans" kids go back to identifying with their biological gender during or after puberty. Transexuality is almost exclusively a socially-constructed phenomenon.

>> No.14792154

Ive seen 3 trannies in my entire life

>> No.14792162

I call science Baconism because that's what it is. Propping up the Baconian method to be holy is retarded when it is so inherently limited.

>> No.14792183

'Trans' kids are actually displaying behavior consistent with later homosexuality.

>> No.14792526

>be autistic person
>not represented in any way besides LOLSORANDOM nerd savant that has a rigid routine and love of authority
>don't have a problem with it because thats basically how we are
>struggle with the idea of a "trans character" because theyre all different and share virtually no commonalities other than dysphoria

What would a good trans character even look like? How do you define a trans character in ways other than, say, gender stereotypes or extremely saccharine longing for "acceptance"?

>> No.14792560

We know it's you niggerfly

>> No.14792571

I see you followed ta jacksons maistre bacon tread as well

>> No.14792594

>Air conditioning, cars, bread, are all “unnatural”. And here you sit at a computer.
Slippery slope- you assume there is no non-arbitrary reason we consider transsexualism unnatural and thus should rebuke everything "unnatural." Like, using a stick is unnatural because it's a tool and not an organ. Maybe in a hundred years we'll evolve sticks. Of course, an appeal to nature isn't a very good argument in the first place.

Such lurid, febrile fantasies you have

Just wait till you see the g/acc and anti-natalism threads. Just tourists from discords and sheltered twitter enclaves

Trannies are the clowns that hide from gays

>> No.14792685

Not true whatsoever

One was giving a speech for a project, it was a communications class and it became a thing where we all opened up about our lives.

The second I'd known for like a year before attending a seminar where he talked about trans issues and he didn't make it about himself so much as he used himself as an example.

So you're definitely inserting that yourself

>> No.14792882

I've seen biological females who looked like that. So yeah.

>> No.14792951

>I don't know how to write a good trans character.
You wouldn't be able to. Trannies are by and large venal, ludicrous people. A realistic portrayal of such a person would probably get your book roundfiled by publishers and deplatfromed from self-publication

>> No.14792974

Yes but merely as a quirk for random characters. Thought it was funny.

>> No.14793002

There is no such thing as transphobia, transsexuals are mentally ill freaks who mutilate themselves out of derangement.

Now they do it to children. In ten years when all of these kids are killing themselves, anyone who so much as tacitly endorses this cringe is going to be stuck holding the bag.

Every one of you will be remembered as horrific child-mutilating psychopaths, and if there is any justice you will be dragged from your homes, beaten savagely by a mob, and then have a rope tied nice and tight around your necks so that you can be dragged up on street lamps to kick your good little leftist feet and choke on your own shit-colored blood and die.

Everyone. EVERYONE who supports this Trannie shit is on the same level as a child rapist. You all deserve the rope.

>> No.14793110

Why must transsexuals view reality through a singular myopic lens of transexualism? Is this the totality of their ontological being?

It's not really a phobia, that implies fear.
It's a disgust. A better world would be 'transaidia'.
Aidia being greek for disgust and revolting.

>> No.14793753

You must live in the bible belt or a red state, somewhere where Transexuals are persecuted and attacked more than usual

>> No.14793768

Not him but I live in a relatively progressive EU country, and still don't know any. Granted, I'm not the most social fuck but I still talked to hundreds of people through my life and only know about trannies second hand from friends.

>> No.14794207

I have a few unfinished scifi stories In Which slotting yourself into different bodies is the norm. Male? Female? Hermaphrodite? Literally anything. Ironically, traditional gender-roles are MORE common.

One of them is centered around a planet that is exclusively populated by furries. Real-life furries. Of any imaginable kind. It'll happen. It's inevitable.

>> No.14794259

Wrong, it isn't fear, it is disgust

>> No.14794266

>Dyson Swarms, Star lifting and Von Neumann Probes are the future
these technologies are incel scifi nerd fantasies - they do not and will never exist.

>> No.14794298

No, any appeal to nature is exactly that- a naturalist fallacy. You’re using “nature” as a placeholder for “normative standards I deem acceptable”, and then working backwards from that definition so that you can say that natural = good, when there’s all kinds of weird abnormal scary shit in nature.

>> No.14794490

This comic strip is the cringiest thing I’ve seen in a week, if not in a month

>> No.14794497

Von Neumann Probes are within our capability to create at this very moment, Dyson Swarms would be viable if we could build on a large enough scale and stellar lifting is theoretically possible within the laws of physics

Also what does any of that have to do with incels? Are you just throwing buzzwords around?

>> No.14794590

What the fuck is this thread and why is everyone pretending they care about "representation"?

>> No.14794698

"Representation" is the modern sociopolitical idea that popular media (AKA media that is consumed by normies, reaching a wide range of people) should include "marginalized" people, so as to not exclude said peoples from the cultural zeitgeist.

While its merits can be quantified and reasonably argued for, fiction is not supposed to conform in this way. A work represents an idea that is explored and brought to a conclusion by the author. Most works don't deal with the current sociopolitical trend of "representation", using their characters as unique individuals instead of representations of any group.
And even when the characters ARE representations of any group, the inclusion or absence of any one group can be understood as a part of the work.

Insisting that a work is "wrong" for not including one group or another is like calling a painting "wrong" for not showing everything associated with its subject matter. Why doesn't this painting of a boat include docks? Sailors? Are you denying their importance in a boat? Are you ignoring an important part of boat culture?

OFC not.

>> No.14794717

>being trans is just body modification.
You say that like it makes it OK. Body modification is degenerate and wrong.

>> No.14794750

Yes and no.

Body modification is, in essence, fine. You're using technology to enjoy yourself, to explore the sensorium of life. But even today, it represents a problem for biological evolution, the foundation of all life. If you were supposed to die young, or have a physical disadvantage that prevented you from reproducing, today (or in the future) we can just fix it, then you're off on your merry way to have disadvantageous kids. Who we then fix. A terrible cycle.

Body mods need to leave the genome untouched. And their needs to be some sort of eugenic system to ensure humanity's survival. Like, if you were saved from a lethal problem before reproductive age, you should be neutered. If you want bio-kids, you could borrow a genetic sample from a more fit relative.

Ideally, however, body-mods would become either A. only allowed after the age of 18, and/or B. mostly pursued in Virtual Reality, where you can explore your exotic sensorium without damaging your physical genetic reality.

>> No.14794762

>I know some trans people, here's a story about them prattling on about it
>Sounds like they like to prattle on about it
>No, where'd you get that idea?
Come on, man.

>> No.14794770

Moralistic showboaters btfo. Can't wait to see them all ignore this post.

>> No.14794773


>> No.14794805

Yet it's so easy to make a character trans, so why don't you? It doesn't need to be any sort of political statement, it doesn't need to have an impact on the plot, all you have to do is mention your character is trans

There is literally no reason not to have trans characters in a novel

>> No.14794821

Even if it doesn't matter to the plot?
"Alice was a woman who did XYZ and it was amazing"
Why would you want her to be qualified as a trans woman, instead of just a woman? Isn't the whole point of Trans People the idea that they are just as much a member of their chosen gender as the natural-born of that gender?

>> No.14794826

I mean, it's sort of like Chekov's Gun. If you mention that Alice is a trans-woman, there needs to be some reason, later on, that that is important. If her being trans isn't relevant to the plot, mentioning it would just be either A. virtue-signaling, or B. a qualifier to change the reader's perception of what Alice's actions mean. That what she does means something different, because she is trans.

>> No.14794839

Making your characters trans for no plot reasons is a textbook definition of a political statement.

>> No.14794888

A based post from butterfly? It cannot be.

>> No.14794893

Who argues lack of representation is wrong? Shit is still art, there is no wrong. Depending on the setting it could kill authenticity but even that wouldn't make the work wrong. Just display that the author is probably clueless or actively excludes others from their work for different reasons ... which again, no one forbids them from doing. The idea is more about "hey, it'd be cool if more people could see themselves represented here".

>all you have to do is mention your character is trans
Sounds simple enough but is it really? The only time I mentioned peoples sex or gender was for descriptive purposes, a tranny who passes, would be still a guy or a gal. Sexuality can be mentioned less directly by going "your ex-bf had a bigger dick" to a guy ... again, where is the room for trannies unless you spend extra effort drawing attention to it, kinda messing with the exclusivity.

>> No.14794925

So far my novel doesn't have any non-male characters and I'm about 100 pages in. I really want to do one chapter where two female characters are introduced silently, spend a few dozen pages building them up as interesting and relatable and multi-faceted without any dialog, drop hints that they have deeply personal motivations that might tie them into the main plot, have them meet in some dramatic clandestine setting right at the end, then have one say nothing but "Do you think this is enough to pass the Bechdel Test?" and completely drop both of them out of the narrative.

>> No.14795016

Post forehead
Is this what they teach in college these days? Pathetic.

>> No.14795027
File: 363 KB, 1280x1280, tumblr_5eb64d54cc5fb663b17f46bca409e84f_4a9387e2_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For some masochistic reason I looked up the comic and holy fuck
Every single one is nothing but a wall-of-text quibble about some hyperspecific nuance of tiny faggot sub-communities within the grander zodiac of faggotry, there is never even an attempt to make a joke
Who consumes this shit

>> No.14795082

do people really sit around and talk about labels they put on themselves? Who gives a shit? If someone started talking about bi/pan differences around me I'd just leave

>> No.14795128
File: 523 KB, 1280x1643, tumblr_pxrkqfGaNd1tm163xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever deranged fag makes this spends so much time arguing about sexuality on the internet that he genuinely thinks this is the type of conversation regular people have with their friends all the time.

>> No.14795146

Where do people talk like this? in all my life I've never heard a convo like this

>> No.14795161

>Nor autism
So, your transphobic AND abliest. Wow, you really do belong here, bigotfly. Also, I hope you don't plan on ever having a public career because I will be sending this around.

>> No.14795178

The more I read, the more I get the impression that the cartoonist is incredibly lonely and these comics serve as a sort of wish fulfillment where he imagines a group of close friends that he can talk about this inane bullshit with.
I can't help but look at trannies in general with pity. Can you imagine what it's like to be so invested in changing your physical reality that you're willing to castrate yourself only to still fail and be viewed with either disgust or eggshell-walking condescension by every single person you meet every single day? To be a walking piece of mutilated body horror?

>> No.14795190

I agree mutilating your genitals is a weird practice idk why people would want to normalize this, it's moments like this that make me question humanity

>> No.14795197

It happens daily.

It will be in the “book”

This thing is never funny or on point is it? The kid is showing a preference.
Above some anon claims he’s not phobic because he’s not afraid, he’s just disgusted. *which is caused by fear*. Nobody seems to know what transphobic is. Geez.

>> No.14795247

Okay, first off, I want to educate you about what "autism" really is.

There are symptoms of autism that are somewhat common amongst the general population; aversion to social settings, an inability to parse conversations, an aversion to dramatic situations. These are all difficult, and these types of "autists" deserve our sympathy and support.


It is completely detached from what I shall call "Actual Autism." Being an autist myself, I understand the struggles we face in trying to act normal. But it is completely unrelated to Actual Autism, in which the subject, from infancy, is completely incapable of engaging with normal speech or community. They can barely speak, they can rarely learn to adapt. This is the true Autistic syndrome; an extra chromosome, and a nearly-absolute isolation from normal social situations.

Of course, they (casual-autism and true-autism) are likely derived from the same source. But True Autists are so detached from a human social existence that they can not even begin to be aware of any faux-pas they might commit.

Their mothers cannot speak to them. They cannot communicate with members of our society. Helping them to do what they naturally cannot becomes a noble exercise in futility.

Believing that these True-Autists are the same as us Casual-Autists is not only offensive, but it sidelines the continual troubles faced by these true-autists every day; unable to join us, unable to contribute in a way we can understand.

When people speak of a "cure for Autism," the mean a cure for True-Autism. These poor children who cannot even begin to define themselves.

Yet Causal-Autists fight against the idea of a "cure for autism" because they cannot distinguish between these two groups, thinking themselves as identical to True-Autists. And it is a hurtful, idiotic scheme. The people who are close to these True-Autists (and if I may add, the True-Autists themselves) would be overjoyed to learn of a way to fix it; a way to be normal, to be part of human society.

>> No.14795284
File: 117 KB, 335x306, disgusting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not dating trannies is transphobic

>> No.14795321

>within our capability
Bullshit. Only if you abstract away the actual difficult parts (system design) and reduce it to a question of viability with current materials science and drive technology.

>> No.14795622

You're supposed to use this meme when people post right-wing cringe, not common fucking decency.

>> No.14795695

These people have political power and wield it as a weapon. They work to castrate children. There's nothing to feel sorry for.


>> No.14795737


>> No.14795776

Is a character trans if they are transformed into a female by a third party via magic?

>> No.14795797


>> No.14795880

I remember seeing this shit back in 2011, but it's been around even longer than that.

>> No.14796227

holy god how are you on a literature board and this bad at reading?

>> No.14796229

I dunno, I've met a few that are friends of friends and none of them were involved enough in the world of blue checkmarks to have any kind of power. They're just generally pathetic. Very sad and weak, the kind of people who clearly went that direction because they utterly failed as men. The pronoun issue makes everyone who talks to or about them visibly tense and uncomfortable, and they can tell. I don't know if they had the surgeries or just the hormone pills, but none of them really passed in my eyes.
Pity is the only real feeling they elicit in me. I wish they had strong fathers or less overbearing mothers and had turned into real men instead of the confused messes they came out as. I've never had bad interactions with them, they're generally nice and reserved.
The only real obnoxious social justice pricks I know are some "non-binary" bi girls. In my experience those are the craziest ones, they'll sperg out over "gendered" words, consider people not being attracted to them as bigotry, all that. One tried to have a guy banned from our major's building for casually saying the word fag, but luckily the professors in charge are still tenured old white guys who don't give two shits. The funniest part was that he was a black freshman who didn't know any better because he'd spent his whole life living in poor shitholes, and they still decided it was more important to bully him than to help an underprivileged minority.

>> No.14796976


>> No.14796981


>> No.14797103
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>> No.14798276

>implying it'll ever have children

>> No.14798517

>you're just against the existence of trans people
glad we're on the same page

>> No.14798687

>What would a good trans character even look like
about half the time, a coffin.

>> No.14798822


>> No.14798861

Why would it want children of its own when it can have yours?

>> No.14799035

Hello Anons, it's daddy centrist here. I've just come to remind you that there's a sensible compromise.

Anti-Transes: People are allowed to do with their bodies what they want.

Transes: Children are not allowed to make their own decisions until they're 18. (If you're serious about being trans, then you can suffer the 5-odd years of natural puberty)

I hope we all learned a valuable lesson about not being retarded

>> No.14799056

>Children are not allowed to make their own decisions until they're 18.
Isn't that already the case since they need approval of parents and doctors in the first place? It not a topic I seriously follow but I doubt there is a scenario where a kid goes "yeah, I'm a girl" and then gets their dick cut off the next day.

>> No.14799084

Air conditioning, cars, and bread do not countermand one of the most basic principles of animal (and human) biology (that fact being genetic determination of sex).

>> No.14799094

Does your novel have nazi representation? If not, why not?

>> No.14799213

If you think this will ever stop at the "reasonable compromise" you draw in the sand, let me remind you of issues such as prohibition on HIV+ blood donation, gay marriage, repeal of sodomy laws, desegregation, women's suffrage, and so forth. For every iteration of "social progress" there was someone like you pretending both sides could reach an amenable middle ground.

No one listened to you then, and no one gives a shit about you now. Come back in seven years when the issue is consensual pedophilia and treat us to more of your bleating.

You will by then be totally cool with six year olds transitioning (it's better for them when they're younger) but will still have some nuanced take on kidfucking.

>> No.14799232

I sure do love when people use children as mouthpieces for their opinions and views.

>> No.14799242

Set in a time when nazis couldn't exist since racism is over.

Although I consider to introduce a whacky rich kid with access to information about the old world who tries to bring it back in some future book. Nazis is comedic gold.

>> No.14800081
File: 256 KB, 721x713, 076502D7-B49D-43B6-81AB-BE58F7EE6717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mentally ill faggots like OP needs to be culled from this earth

>> No.14800219

The original butterfly is dead. Someone hacked the tripcode and its now public knowledge. The password is something like
If I recall correctly. Theres now a lot of buttefly tripcodes floating around, all of them imposters.

>> No.14800262

"Trans" doesn't exist do there's nothing to be against.

>> No.14800539
File: 462 KB, 1280x1650, tumblr_pspcymTlUv1tm163xo1_r1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14800718

Lol what a meme. If gender is a social construct how can you be born the wrong gender? If it is, then why not any social construct like race or age? Trans activists have no answer for these questions and instead call people bigots rather than addressing the clearly contradictory claims behind their bullshit theorizing about why they want to cut off their penis.

We all know the truth as to why most trans people (especially around here) are trans, don't kid yourself and hide behind a shield of accusing people of bigotry because they don't believe your contradictory ideology.

>> No.14800723

Correct, I am against the existence of trans people. What now?

>> No.14800751

Savage btfo, but will be ignored by the people who need to hear it the most unfortunately

If my experience in college was any indication, yes they do

>> No.14800806

Wait, why does it hate police officers? Aren't the police are all that's protecting it from hate crimes from evil cissys?

>> No.14800837

>bro eating bread is exactly like cutting off your cock and then shooting yourself in the head, spattering your estrogen-soaked brains all-over your canadian welfare refugee-block nigger-infested apartment

Sure dude.

>> No.14800862

Why Canadian? Most trannies are in California

>> No.14800898

Blac people had hundreds of thousands of years out of the trees to write their own books. Now it's our time.

>> No.14800925

>protecting anyone in Burgerland but rich old men
Very fucking unlikely.

>> No.14800943

I wanted the imagery to be as dystopian as possible

>> No.14800968

Why Canadian? California is 11 times as fucked as we are

>> No.14801003

"Come on" what? That's a strict mischaracterization of what I said. If you seriously can't get over yourself with this then at least be authentic about it, don't pretend things are different from they are. Calling it "prattling on" do literally complete an assignment in the fashion that everyone else was is stupid. Calling it "prattling on" to at some point in your life give a seminar on a topic that is both of interest to the community as is literally your job and make it relate to your own experience - which is directly relevant and of interest to the audience - that isn't any better.

But I doubt you're being serious, it's just lazy baiting as is the best your childish, tendiemongering, unwiped ass can do to disguise the fact that you lack the capacities to offer anything to an authentic, rational discussion. It's triggering to be sure, not so much because of a moralistic urge to defend trans people (which shouldn't be that bad anyways even if it were misguided) but because you're being willfully inauthentic and irrational and if anything were to offend me it's that shit. Where's your self respect

>> No.14801038

Somehow I don't buy that. Canada as a whole is cucked into oblivion.
>tax money pays for tranny surgery
California is bad but its in line with my expectations, like how I wouldnt be surprised that Guatemala is a shitty country. Canada, I expect to be a nice place to live, but I hear of shitfests like Montreal and Toronto, and because the discrepancy between expectation and reality is so large it makes Canada far worse in my mind than California. To the point where yes, I would unironically rather live in California than in Toronto or Montreal. Maybe I'm a retard.

>> No.14801044

As opposed to waiting until it’s born and seeing a pecker or not.

>> No.14801060

We overestimate the empathy of our peers, anon. A lot of people genuinely enjoy dividing themselves off from others, and treating them as beneath them.

>> No.14801071

It doesn't because I write primarily for myself and secondly to sane people. Crazy people are tertiary, but you don't have to be trans to be crazy.

>> No.14801072

This was the default for eternity until trans started getting a platform on social media.

>> No.14801087

cool meme bro

>> No.14801132

A true, they have to be white too.

>> No.14801212

I take it you've never been outside.

>> No.14801227

Neither transphilia

>> No.14801282

Yes, my novel has tons of men in it.

>> No.14801404

why is he so idioti?

>> No.14801518

@ 14797103
This is actually a good showcase of a person born with a small brain exhibiting the symptoms, like lazy shading quality, irregular geometry and random biological quirks.

>> No.14801549


>> No.14801557

I don't want to give that person the (You)

>> No.14801631
File: 532 KB, 1242x1920, tumblr_pdvb5xMQcf1tm163xo1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me your (You)s.

>> No.14801659
File: 69 KB, 640x852, 1582650940351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There's no way to tell who's trans or not without them telling you.

>> No.14801663

>Drawing a kid having fun around your wall of Reddit post to make it sound more true

>> No.14801692

>implying this couldn't actually be born with a vagina

>> No.14801883

That's a 6/10 curvy woman in the states.

>> No.14801896
File: 2.22 MB, 2475x3504, Food001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tired but I feel a great sense of shame and cring.

The wizard scoffed, the theif scoffed, the cupboard cried, as the wizard looked at the cupboard forlornly he said snidely, “Clearly there is no one of worth here” and singled for the thief to continue down the corridor they had ventured from before a great clamour came from the cupboard and someone came tumbling out.

The person picked themselves up before revealing a pretty face, long hair and a small nose
“Been taken too much estrogenic magic potion?” the wizards said dully with a withering look
The girl(?) rebuffed “Im actually a girl!!”
“Tits of GTFO” said the wizard
“w-w-what?” said the tomboyish whatever
“Never mind just a tradition of my hometown” he said as he walked to the door to leave
The thief enjoyed the banter as he occupied the door looking out for life.
“w-wait! Can I join you! Ive always wanted to learn magic” s/he said
“Magic depends on the wielder being of either one position or the other; hence wizards are either old men or women because they are centred on the opposite energy being used as a springboard for magic to work.. People like you just invite demons to control you” the wizard really wanted to leave and get on, time was running out, however he was also of the disposition to help people if they needed a small hand.
“We’re going to Avalon, do you know where that is?”,
“err Ive heard of it but…”
“Well that’s where we’re going, I suppose I cant stop you from following us as long as you don’t bother our mission” as the wizard proceeded to leave and thief was already acting the vanguard and checking all was quiet to proceed.
As the wizard left IT proceeded to grab a few things and eventually caught up to them.
“I thought you were going to…” , SHH said the Wizard, “Getting caught is not part of the mission”

Silently they proceeded to the library, “It’s here”, said the thief in hushed tone. The wizard nodded before concentrating and a green energy dimly lit the corridor winding around his staff before coming to the tip of his staff,, a slow hum to the ear could be heard, and as the wizard pointed it into he room a flower grew at the tip of the staff and emitted a soft poison to the air, some clamour could be heard, in short time the light dimmed and the thief checked the room. 2 asleep, one guard one librarian, restricted section at the back behind a fake book case.

>> No.14801936

Even if I was attracted to a trans person, that attraction would fuck off after I know can't get kids with them.

>> No.14801999

>There's no way to tell who's trans or not without them telling you
I'm afraid of a future (present?) when that becomes actually true.

>> No.14802039
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>> No.14802066

Yes it will and the character will dilate

>> No.14802067
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>> No.14802147
File: 103 KB, 1024x1002, 1574788084042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoever coined "phobia" as a suffix is genius. We need to rebrand to one more akin to disgust, which I think is much more accurate

>> No.14802154

Good fucking riddance. He's been filtered for me but its good to hear he's gone for good

>> No.14802238

May she produce many white children.

>> No.14802454
File: 339 KB, 1280x1280, 2d675db9f546d5133c0a2e3934622ea04653afb4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]