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14786719 No.14786719 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, what books should I read to understand women? Their behavior, their psychology, their bodies, etc. I'm open to all different perspectives here.

>> No.14786730

in my experience, make female friends. thats the best way. even if u might find em a bit dull they're so nice.

>> No.14786733

one tit is like twice the size of the other, disgusting

>> No.14786734

There are none. Talk to them and think, for humiliation is smaller than it is believed to be. Otherwise, read Otto Weininger and never ask this question again.

>> No.14786740
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>> No.14786750

Bluepilled, they probably feel disgusted by you

>> No.14786759

women=left wing for anything but sex
women= capitalist for sex [making men compete for a reward and the reward is providing for a woman at least sexually]

men = right wing for anything but sex = autism = clinging to pathetic power fantasies of leading other people and killing people who do not think like them, craving to be alphas when all they do is supporting women at best
men like to be told what to do
and it is distraction from orbiting roasties.
So that men feel like strong and powerful about something not related to women. However, the only thing that men do when they create a society is in fact to give an easy life to women, because
-men never ever stop competing for women
-society according to men is jsut to get comfortable, which women benefit a lot from , and create rules and being upset when they think that other tribes do things differently

this is why women always push for more society and men gladly work for them free of charge.
men = left wing for sex [utopia]

>> No.14786769

well theyre nice to me cause they wanna fuck me.

>> No.14786794

Read Balzac, Flaubert Stendhal and Tolstoy.
Any Balzac but Eugénie Grandet, Le Père Goriot, Deux femmes mariées, Beatrix (iirc) are advised. Any Stendhal, by particularly his two big novels (Red and the Black and Charterhouse of Parma) as well as his treaty On Love if you can stomach that. Flaubert's madame Bovary. Tolstoy's Anna Karenina. Their others works are good too but those are the most concerned with women.

You'll need a lot of perspectives to understand women (just like with men), so don't forget your Hildegarde of Bingen, your Madame de Sévigné, your Virginia Woolf, your Simone de Beauvoir, you Sarah Kane and you Valérie Solanas.

>> No.14786797

>Emma (Jane Austen)
Emma Woodhouse is egotistical, snobbish, selfish, manipulative and utterly, hilariously lacking in self-awareness. By the end of the book you'll love her. It must be some sort of trick.

>Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austen)
If you're only going to read one J.A. it should be Emma, but this is pretty good too. What Elizabeth really wants is to marry the rich man but at the same time not be thought mercenary. More than that - not even to BE mercenary.
Talk about having your cake and eating it. Am I being unfair to her? Probably.

>Middlemarch (George Eliot)
Dorothea Brooke & Mary Garth will make you like women and feel sorry for them. Rosamund Vincy will make you hate them and rejoice in their suffering.

>Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
Wuthering Heights is the better novel, but it's more universal - even masculine. This is the one to read for the female perspective. (If you like it a lot, you can try Villette, which is kinda the same story in a minor key.)

>Tess of the D'Urbevilles (Thomas Hardy)
If you don't think you could ever feel sorry for a single mother, try this. Hardy really, really likes his characters to suffer.

>The Rainbow & Women in Love (D.H.Lawrence)
OK, so Lawrence is easy to laugh at, crazed priapic little gremlin that he was. But he hits the nail on the head often enough to be worth reading.

>Anna Karenina (Leo Tolstoy)

>Madame Bovary (Gustav Flaubert)
When you're 20 you think, this book is stupid, no-one is like that. By the time you're 30, you've met a *lot* of Emma Bovarys.

>The Portrait Of A Lady (Henry James)
Incredibly subtle exploration of private thoughts - CHECK. Swift, readable, action-packed prose - oh, well, one out of two ain't bad.

>The Idiot (F.Dostoevsky)
Oh Nastasya, life could have been so good but you had to be you, didn't you?

>Antony and Cleopatra (Shakespeare)
Cleopatra is Shakespeare's best female character. She's manipulated men all her life and now suddenly she finds she's actually in love and she can't stop lying and manipulating anyway. Why? Is it because she thinks that's what Antony fell in love with so she dare not stop? Or is it just because it's her nature? Will we ever understand why women do the things they do?

>The Wife of Bath's Prologue and Tale from The Canterbury Tales (Chaucer)
The Wife of Bath is Chaucer's best character. Do we love her? Nope. Do we hate her? Nope. Do we feel a grudging respect for sheer exuberant life in her? Something like that.

>> No.14786807

>right and left wing = capitalism and communism
i wish this meme would stop

>> No.14786853

The scorpion and the frog

>> No.14786919

Woman are submissive are morph into whatever the masculine defines them as.

>> No.14786924

bro shut the fuck up lmao

>> No.14786936

>that cunt face
she looks like a stray cat.

why you, a reasonably smart man, would want to befriend any attractive woman who sees her attractiveness as anything but a burden is beyond me.

>> No.14787400

Nice projection

>> No.14787418

>stray cat
that's weirdly perceptive..

>> No.14787429

Not till all americans are dead

>> No.14787437
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just imagine what its like to make a decision based only on emotion. most of the time if u imagine it to be fear, it starts to make sense.

>> No.14787451

Proper advice. Also leave this site, you don't know how the bullshit they peddle here gets under you skin.

>> No.14787493
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>confirmed virgin

pic obviously related

>> No.14787574
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It's simple really. Women are basically genetically programmed to enjoy rape (not saying it's right).

From an evolutionary biology stadnpoint, our hips became narrower during the transition to bipedalism and our craniums widened along with the increased intelligence. These two combined meant that childbirth was especially difficult for females of our species and complications during childbirth were the cause of a high mortality rate for much of human history. This is why our babies have to be born tiny and premature and childbirth is painful compared to every other mammal on this planet.

Because childbirth is so costly human females developed an overly stringent standard for their mates and as a result 90% of males can not live up to that standard and rape became the predominant strategy for reproduction.
Females that could not be aroused by rape (ie provide vaginal lubrication) would be injured in the process and often died from infections or from trying to abort the rapist's child. Most of the women alive today are the result of a natural selection process that favors rape fetishization.

>> No.14787597

>read a few fringe cases
>read a few dumb reddit posts
>"here's my worldview"

is there anything worse than a gullible conspiratard?

>> No.14787604
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>> No.14787607

75% of rape victims orgasmed from the act. And those are just the ones who went to therapy. Imagine all the ones who were shamed into not going because altright incels like you equate arousal with concent and slutshame victims.

>> No.14787615


>> No.14787620

Imagine having a built-in aversion to defined terms, cited sources, critical thought, or doing anything deliberately and committedly, because any of the above is potentially revealing of something real in you. Something that might require you to address yourself and be accountable, while also living in a world full of people who will reward you no matter what you do, and discourage you from ever developing said powers of self-scrutiny.
Now pretend you have one of the most valuable and sought-after things in the universe between your legs and no idea how to wield it.

There you go.

>> No.14787626

Don't believe that statistic but even assuming it is true, it's not that weird given that most "rapes" are only considered rape because they were not explicitly consensual, meaning the woman decided afterwards to press charges - in the moment she was okay with it to some degree.

>> No.14787638

Go read 100 random romance novels written by women and analyze the archetypes before coming back to me.

You seem to have no idea how consensual non-con works or why it's so popular.

Stop citing your MRA/MGTOW justifications for rape you virgin

>> No.14787646

What's the source on top left?

>> No.14787731

Literature wont help you, other than as an object of conversation.
What you need is social skills and that is not book know ledge. Practice makes perfect even with social skills. Going out drinking, BBQing, anything where people get intoxicated and talk is a good idea. Sport, Clubs and such have never worked for me and guessing by your question, it isn't for you either.

Manage your expectations. Focus on being fun and having fun. That is more charismatic and attractive than trying to get someones attention and affection. Women, and people in general, will want to be around you and with you. Most women still have an expectation that you (the man) have to commit first/ make the first move and that is hard and stays hard. But if you aren't a douche about it then the worst that will happen is that they respectfully decline. I have made some embarrassing fucking advances and it didn't kill me. Remember: your life isn't ruined by being told that someone isn't into you. You ruin your own life by constantly guessing if people return your affections.

As for their bodies: There is a great German coming of age film where a prostitute tells a nervous young man "touch her here (meaning her vagina) and if she likes you, she will like it." other than that all women are different. Get a feel for what she likes. If it seems like you can't get it right then ask what you can do. Most people are actually open to talking about their preferences. You should know somethings about female anatomy, But that you can get from a 10 minute YouTube sex ed video.

>> No.14787747

You must be replying to the wrong person. I don't read romantic novels for women, nor do I read MRA or whatever the fuck incel websites you frequent. I am telling you that your world view is based on a reading garbage from neckbeard losers echochambers. Get a life spastic, I'm actually married.

>> No.14787767

Oh look another incel MRA larping as a tradcon. Denigrating women with your pseudoscience statistics bullshit won't get you laid.

>You must be replying to the wrong person. I
No I didn't idiot.

You pulled this garbage stat out of your ass
>most "rapes" are only considered rape because they were not explicitly consensual, meaning the woman decided afterwards to press charges - in the moment she was okay with it to some degree.

Typical misogynistic redpill/MRA argument.

>> No.14787770

I think the thing people ignore about love interests in romance novels and Hallmark movies is that even if they can be forceful at times, the guys always have a softer and more caring side. They give him an edgy side and a soft side to make sure they appeal to the broadest audience possible.

>> No.14787790

They're not some mystery, they're just people.

>> No.14787801

Men and women are different. I'm a man so I understand men better than women. I want to understand women better. Obviously they're people but they're different than men.

>> No.14787809

They tend to be more empathetic and emotionally open. That's it it think.

>> No.14787811

>Duuuuude were all just people
I dont get what this is supposed to mean, I see it everywhere though applied to a huge amount of things even beyond just gender politics. Like no fucking shit were all human, what does that have to do with anything?

>> No.14787838

the redpill theory

>> No.14787878

give up its over for you

>> No.14787921
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theres no point in current femoids just go larp in succubuss threds :v)

>> No.14787944

I constructed that narrative simply to make sense of your statistic which I did not believe. You're the misogynist who's here saying all women enjoy rape mate shut the fuck up.

>> No.14787954

>women who orgasm from rape are sluts! They wanted it!

Fuck off incel.

>> No.14787991

It's a fake quote.

>> No.14787995

That's literally what you were saying you illiterate fuck. Unwatched the thread now, this is my last post because I'm clearly talking to a child.

>> No.14788009

Ah yes the coward tucks tail after being exposed. Your clearly have confrontation issues along with your juvenile misogyny. Slithering out of your mother's wretched womb is clearly the most action you've received in your 45 years.

>> No.14788025

Then it's interesting they're literally no decent book on this subject. If men and women are different, and therefore you require to address them differently, it is very strange there is no resource you can use to inform your methods of addressing them, and therefore there's no resource to succeed in talking to them.

I'm going to assume that we're ignoring etiquette based societies where there are imposed rules about "talking to girls," because that's obviously not what OP means. If he's in India and needs to know how to court a girl of a higher caste, he's asking the wrong questions.

There are books about psychologically abusing the mind's various weaknesses to influence people, whether for sexual predation or whatever. Interesting then that these books claim they're tools to use on women -- and then the exact same techniques show up in other books as tools for coercing businessmen during transactions.

Here's your shortlist of how to be likeable among other humans, you goddamned autists:
>be confident in what you know
>differ to others in what you do not know
>if you live in a touchy-huggy-handshakey society, engage in those activities
>if you live in a no-touch society, abstain from those activities
>make eye contact when you speak to someone
>speak up so people can hear you
>be empathetic towards what makes others uncomfortable
>ask questions specifically to and about people
>be cool towards unjust criticism
>be certain of the things you like, want, dislike, and do not want
>have passions, and be interested in the passions of others even if you yourself do not engage in them
>try to avoid advertising your deviance from your social group, but notice that there is a social group for every deviance
>in the face of rejection, be cool and understanding
>be mindful of body language: this won't necessarily make you likable, but it is a skill that social shut-ins lack. you can look up tutorials on this stuff
>You have a choice though: This information can be weaponized and you can become a pickup artist, or you can use this information to become a likeable, socially adept human being who has friends. You cannot be both.

>> No.14788109

Not him but why? It's pretty much "How to operate as a male in the current Era 101". The Rational Male is pretty good, but The Way of the Superior Man is usually regarded as a better choice.

>> No.14788116


>> No.14788143

Thanks for breaking it down, anon. Looks reasonable. I'll work on these things.

>> No.14788194

You type like a fag

>> No.14788212

>citing PUA shit

>> No.14788234

nice reddit kerning faggot

>> No.14788267

I agree that this and Patrice O'Neal have the best tactics of operating within this cheap thrills sex marketplace, but my problem with is that it is encouraging this pick-up culture where sex is the primary objective. Sure this works for individuals, but for society as a whole it is harmful practice.

>> No.14788274

Alice Munro

>> No.14788293


>> No.14788318

Though the face is attractive there's something unsettling in it, something alien. When I read your throwaway comment I looked at it again and by Jove YOU fucking nailed it. Oddly it's accuracy made her seem more human again although less attractive. By 'weirdly' I meant uncannily. Well done, I guess....

>> No.14788342

Imagine you are a child in an adults body, now you understand women

>> No.14788365

Oh. Thanks anon.

>> No.14788382

I do all of these things and while career-wise I'm incredibly successful, romantically I'm a 23 year old virgin, so obviously you or post is pretty piss poor regarding the OPs topic

>> No.14788844

Really? They are actually practically useful? I just assumed they were fluff, might pick up The Way of the Superior Man.

>> No.14788849

Is The Rational Male a Stoicism meme or should I give it a read

>> No.14788878
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pic related

>> No.14789407


>> No.14789423

>Way of the Superior Man

I listened to this shit when I was like 20 and confused about love and women and it basically taught me nothing of any substantial value and didn't give me any extra confidence regarding how to approach effectively.

The book is basically common sense for people who have actually been in romantic relationship before.

>> No.14789440

this is the worst advice, women dont know shit about what they want

>> No.14789443

my memoir

>> No.14789446

As a man who has been told many times before by many different men and women that I am attractive, but still feel tremendously insecure about whether this is true or not, what is the best way to solve this matter so that I can have a definitive perspective on whether my face is actually attractive or not?

Or is it impossible to overcome this type of insecurity?

>> No.14789450

This, desu. Ultimately, it's about YOU doing what YOU want and then gauging the response of the female to determine whether or not they are willing to comply with your wishes/desires.

>> No.14789466

if you are that attractive you just know, its evident. i am insecure as fuck because i was fat as a kid so i know what youre talking about, but i know women find me attractive because of the vibe they always give off.

>> No.14789471

they re basically cute, dumb but nice npc men without penises. pretty much soibois without penises except they tend to be a lot more salty and are generally even more chlidish and lefty than women (most women are ok with black humour in opposition to soibois "NONONONO YOU CANT JUST SAY THAT JOKE" and they are not).

>> No.14789515

If you need to read books to understand them it's over boyo.
Do yourself a favor and watch this and all the videos on this channel.

>> No.14789518

I guess it's because I attract women, but I don't find myself to be very attractive, that I find it to be really confusing. If I looked like a chad it'd make more sense.

I guess this is because from the male perspective, the most beautiful women are the most attractive (at first at least), so naturally I'd think that the only thing that could make me attract someone are my looks. Of course there is always a lot more to it than that, but I digress.

>> No.14789637

this board doesn't deserve posts this good

>> No.14789684

You don't need one. Strength, Size, Skill, and Status. These are the few categories that make women tick. Women are the receivers of excellence. They make the sweet honey you crave. You prove you are worthy of their honey. Why do you do this? Because thousands of men are willing to kill you for a taste. Your best friends will turn enemy in competition over females. You want them and they know it. Become a desirable man. Can you change your size? No. Can you change everything else? Potentially. Keep bitching about chad or looksmaxx so hard you realize chad is essentially nowhere in your small world.

>> No.14789723

Probably the one who understands women best itt. I agree fren

>> No.14789738

incredible list

>> No.14789855
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Men are raped all the time at virtually the same rate as women.
Furthermore, all sex is rape. Women are too incompetent to consent. They aren't accountable for their actions. They are free to act without consequence because they are retards and you are slaves. They can't consent. If you fucked them, you raped them.

>> No.14789863

OP didn't say anything about "what they want." How about he ignores you losers and makes some female friends.

>> No.14789878
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Women are retards.
That's why they aren't held accountable for their "choices." They can't consent to anything. And fucking a retard is rape. All sex is rape.

>> No.14789890
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Women are evil.
Just read Shakespeare.

>> No.14789909
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>> No.14789941

I have tons of female friends and acquaintances, and some extremely close female friends. As a man, you do as you wish and gauge the consequences accordingly.

>> No.14790146

haha way to out yourself virgin

>> No.14790342

A remarkably dumb take, incredible. You could have posted about Hermetic laws of polarity and still came across as more intelligent

>> No.14790483


>> No.14790565

Did you by any chance read How to Win Friends and Influence People from Carnegie? Your advice sounds very familiar

>> No.14790570

First I think of a man, and then I take away all reason and accountability.


>> No.14790590


>> No.14790604

stop making me hate women anon

>> No.14790661

it's "defer"

>> No.14791025


>> No.14791045

this is a lie I dont understand. Look at books/movies/songs created by women. they say very clearly what they want and how they feel

>> No.14791057

kathy acker blood and guts in high school
good lesbian fiction novels
margaret atwood jeanette winterson susan sontag etc etc

“Male fantasies, male fantasies, is everything run by male fantasies? Up on a pedestal or down on your knees, it's all a male fantasy: that you're strong enough to take what they dish out, or else too weak to do anything about it. Even pretending you aren't catering to male fantasies is a male fantasy: pretending you're unseen, pretending you have a life of your own, that you can wash your feet and comb your hair unconscious of the ever-present watcher peering through the keyhole, peering through the keyhole in your own head, if nowhere else. You are a woman with a man inside watching a woman. You are your own voyeur.”

>> No.14791109


More to the point of the perversion of woman. Both men and women participate in the masculine and the feminine to some degree. For men, having "a woman inside" is a great wonder, the thread of inquiry leading to the highest Theological summits. For women, having "a man inside" is a cause for terminal bigotry.

>> No.14791141

hmm it's not so much as being or feeling male, as it is constantly acting in accordance with how attractive you would be to the man - whether it's by beauty, attitude, intelligence, by being assertive in a 'palatable' way, whatever. somewhere inside you, you're always watching yourself as if you were a man, critiquing yourself as how you think a man would, because how attractive you are to them is how your worth has always been defined. the struggle is breaking away from these attachments to how others perceive you in general, ego dissolution and all that.

>> No.14791143

Bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks
Lick on these nuts and suck the dick

>> No.14791340

>make female friends
Sweet summer child

>> No.14791369

based and underrated post

>> No.14791372

Do you legitimately think that men do NOT behave with respect to what they think women find attractive? Lmao, pure solipsism

>> No.14791374

Terminal, my friend? Let's not indulge in wishful thinking...

>> No.14791457

hmm did i say that lol? why is it always about but what about men? this is something that women actively feel, it's what op asked for about the female experience. and this statement has way more from where it came from, so much discussion about it, your comment is very trivializing. it is definitely a factor for men, for everyone on this planet to define their worth based on the people who are supposed to find them attractive, yes. but for the longest time it was the only thing for women (to find a good husband you had to be attractive, men had other avenues), and still defines their identity not just in their own heads, but culturally as well - there are people making money off this lmao. what happened to the jokes about the worth of women centering around their attractiveness? every woman is consciously aware of this moment when they realised they didnt exist for themselves, perhaps when they realised a part of the world would always reduce them to sexual beings for their pleasure, maybe the first time you were cat called as a kid, the feeling of shame and fear and realization. and that this would be a central theme for the rest of their lives. there is so much content dealing with how women feel about this, im not the first person to say this and this is just the surface. in the end i think the only way is to not hold so much credence to what others think of you, what else can you do. im not going to convince you sexism exists lol and actively affects the way women perceive themselves.


>> No.14791627

Everything by Alan Harrington, except perhaps Life in the Crystal Palace. Just start at Revelations of Dr. Modesto and read them sequentially by order of publication.

>> No.14791675

gone girl might interest you op dont knock it till you try it

>> No.14791773

All the people against this post... many rape victims feel shameful because they orgasmed. Even bormies know that

>> No.14791868
File: 265 KB, 566x834, 9F781244-F6A7-4793-BD24-60B33D787003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shakespeare is a better psychologist than Freud unironically

As for >>14786719
Evolution of Desire by David M Buss
It is not bluepilled in the slightest surprisingly but also offers the balance of not hating women. Redpill rage is very evident on MGTOW people and incels. I feel bad for you guys as one of the privileged genetic people, I really do not buy into the hype of incels being evil. If I did not get girl action from in my youth I would not have understood them and their shenanigans. The modern world has totally annihilated the healthy relationship between male and female. Hell, half the people reading this are traps or involuntary celibates

>> No.14791874

Just follow Anna Khachiyan on Twitter and eventually you'll understand

>> No.14791880

Eat shit op this thread got old after the first 100 times you posted it

>> No.14791934

>I have made some embarrassing fucking advances and it didn't kill me.

yesterday i did and it was awkward as hell afterwards lmao

>> No.14791936

dude, jjust have a wank and forget about it.

>> No.14791952

Do the precise opposite of what this poster suggests

>> No.14792644
File: 10 KB, 178x284, madamebovary.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this will give you all the info you need, though Dr. Bovary may teach more about being a man than you want to know

>> No.14792659

I have 3 sisters and still don't understand a thing about women.

>> No.14792667

The Bell Jar for <21

>> No.14792677
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now I want to fcuk that girl OP
those tiddies

>> No.14793311
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>yesterday i did and it was awkward as hell afterwards lmao

I once made out with a girl I was pretty into for a long time, after she lead me away somewhere private

>and then I tried to kill myself by jumping off a wall (only dislocating the little finger on my right hand),

then, after lying there for a while and her looking for me, I had to scuttle back and instead of apologising,...

>I ranted and raved at her for a while, making her cry and then apologised.

And then she took pity on my dumb ass and made me sleep at her's so I didn't have to get a taxi.

I was organising an event with her, and that was the first day. Going back the next day with a bandaged hand...

>THAT was fucking awkward

Though we are great friends now.

>> No.14793665

or you have something else going that prevents you forming meaningful relationships despite knowing how to do it. and seemingly a lack of self awareness to boot

>> No.14793682

Where are you even supposed to meet girls in modern society? I dont meet any in day to day life

>> No.14793693


You dont learn by listening to them talk about what they want. Watch what they do, you will get a feel for what they want.

>> No.14793698

go out to bars and to local events.

>> No.14793706

I go to bars every week but girls usually hate it when you interrupt their shit and try to talk to them. I know it's not just me because this happens to everyone I know. Talking to girls in bars is some kind of made up movie thing, people only ever talk to other people they came with except for rare occasions

>> No.14793837

First of all, I have been approached (and I am very average looking) and have approached people with positive results.

There are bars and events in bars where people go to mix with others. Generally places with large tables, where private groups are not really possible. Always go with a group, a mixed group if possible.

Of course you shouldn't just approach strangers and try to start a conversation, though that there is a different etiquette around smokers.

Depending on your situation it is hard to know what you can do. But if you go to some sort of college or school, there is really no excuse. Just get to know people and go out with them an their friends.

>> No.14793847

>Unironically, what books should I read to understand women?
You don't, "understanding women" is one of the greatest and largest scams the entirety of the other sex has successfully fabricated for eternity.

>> No.14793857


>> No.14794811

>PUSSYSLAYER69 has entered the chat

>> No.14794819

>etiquette around smokers
nah, the general principle is there's no point in approaching girls who aren't slutty, but chicks who smoke are usually slutty

>> No.14794920

She is really cool. Once rambled to a friend about how hot she is for like 15 minutes while very drunk

>> No.14795051 [DELETED] 

girl here, if i was a guy i would follow the red pill but not over do it into manipulation and that psychological warfare games but they drop some gems from time to time and my first reaction is to be mad at it but there's usually a bit of truth about women and even bluepilled men i know ill be called a larp but whatever maybe im just bitter.

>> No.14795076

>she looks like a stray cat.
can't unsee this.

>> No.14795093

the modern male is allergic to accountability i have no idea where this meme of them engaging in any sort of self crit started but the majority of emotionally handicap.

>> No.14795126

his point is that they don't understand what they think, not that they do not think. he means they are wrong, which they are.

>> No.14795133

>no u

>> No.14795158

if you want to seethe read the awakening

>> No.14795180
File: 1.90 MB, 1602x1242, Japanese Women Diaries &amp; Memoirs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14795191

I have not real all of these, but Japanese history is filled with treacherous whores and prevalent cucking.

>> No.14795194
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>> No.14795820


>> No.14795851

And western history isn't?

>> No.14796190

I love Emma Woodhouse and Dorothea Brooke, but I'd marry Mary Garth without hesitation. It's wild how similar the modern normie woman is to Rosamund Vincy; it's actually crazy.

>> No.14797047

Read “The Book of Pook”

>> No.14797153

>large tables
What the fuck does this even mean? I've never seen a bar with "large tables"

>Of course you shouldn't just approach strangers and try to start a conversation
That what are you supposed to do? That's what it sounds like when everyone just says "go to bars". I go to bars with my friends at least a couple times every week and I could probably count on one hand the number of times any of us have talked to random girls. I know I'm not dog ugly, I've had multiple girls call me cute and attractive before and my friends aren't some kind of fat neckbeards either.

>But if you go to some sort of college or school, there is really no excuse.
I'm a couple years out of college

>> No.14797233

>That what are you supposed to do?

That's exactly what you're supposed to do. >>14793837 is wrong and >>14793706
is an idiot.
Millions of dudes will get laid this weekend from talking to girls in bars and clubs. Literally just find a girl who isn't in a big group and is just standing around doing nothing or waiting for her drink or whatever. Walk up to her and say "Hi can I meet you real quick?" then just have a conversation, don't filter yourself, keep eye contact, touch her a bit, get her number and try to set a date. If she's into it you can go for a make-out and maybe bring her home.
That's it. It's a numbers game and unless you're super good looking you'll probably end up banging 1 out of 15 girls you talk to. But that's all there is to it

>> No.14797262

Learn about the 'divine feminine' and feminine archetypes.
Learn about the dichotomy of the 'feminine' moon vs. the masculine sun, or Venus vs. Mars. What defines a cat vs. a dog? Or totalitarianism vs. pure authoritarianism?
Learn about the Dionysian vs the Apollonian.
Understand all of these 'feminine' archetypes, and you will understand women, and the man you need to be to balance them out.

>> No.14797287

just have confidence bro

>> No.14797329

I've never seen any guy I know ever succeed walking up to random girls, they're always super cunty that some random person is talking to them. Life isnt a fucking sitcom

>> No.14797354

It first must be said that this is a completely nonsense theory, but secondly, it must also be said that an orgasm is a mechanical response to stimulus and there are no wider conclusions to draw from it. Traumatized victims of rape developing weird coping mechanisms to handle their unprocessed traumatic experiences are not proof of women being "programmed to enjoy rape".

>> No.14797367

Not who your replied to but what's your counter theory for why rape fantasies are so prevalent among women as a fetish?

>> No.14797382

Rape fantasies are prevalent in men too. They could be about fantasies of submission, and a lack of responsibility and guilt for your actions since you're just a passive receiving party. The thing is, Someone having a rape fantasy means from the get-go that they secretly want the experience, which really can't be said for real rape if you talked to anyone who was ever raped, outside of some fringe cases on reddit. It's called a "rape fantasy" but it's more about force and submission than actual rape.

>> No.14797415


>> No.14797423


Yes rape fantasies are common in men. Fantasies where THEY are DOING the raping. And you know this you dishonest little shit eater. Fantasy as the target of rape are not at all common in men. They are *extremely* common in women

>> No.14797429

I would like to be ravished by a beautiful woman...; not vice versa.

>> No.14797454

Nope. Go fuck yourself. The fantasy of being "overpowered" by a sexually ravenous dominant woman is common in men. Form an actual argument dumb fuck.

>> No.14797472
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 3B4859DB-420A-4CA6-BBE7-C7A249B84475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fantasy of being "overpowered" by a sexually ravenous dominant woman is common in men

>> No.14797504

If I, a man, tied you to a chair and started to suck your cock eventually you would cum from the mechanic simulation.

Does that mean that you actually want men to suck your cock?

>> No.14797527

Do you have any source on there being a high prevalence of men having rape fantasies where they're the victim? I've never heard of this. I've read that many men have rape fantasies where they're the rapist and many women have rape fantasies where they're the victim, which goes against what you're trying to say.

>> No.14797620

>whiteknighting for some asymmetrical roastie

you losers are pathetic. i know you don't have any standards, but i do because i actually GET pussy. if you think uneven tits are appealing then you must be pathetically deprived of pussy lmfao she isn't even that cute to begin with look at her eyes it looks like shes been bashed over the head as a child. her nose is tiny. and she already has jowels. she's not bad, probably a 5/10 without makeup but those tits just put her in the DNF file

>> No.14797622

Best books about the 'divine feminine'?

>> No.14797629


>> No.14797650


>> No.14797659

The White Goddess

>> No.14797710

The Pynchon novel? Why?


>> No.14797736

The Metaphysics of the Sexes

>> No.14797739

Because that's what it's about

>> No.14797881

>Incredibly subtle exploration of private thoughts - CHECK. Swift, readable, action-packed prose - oh, well, one out of two ain't bad
holy shit the book is great but this had me chuckling.

>> No.14797903

>Most of the women alive today are the result of a natural selection process that favors rape fetishization.
Enjoying rape is a contradiction in terms, regardless of whether the woman is able to self-lubricate or reach orgasm. They're not programmed to "enjoy" it, they're biologically predisposed to faciliate the male's desire regardless of any physical/psychological damage they may incur as a result. This is because of fear and a weaker physicality. That is in no way equivalent to "enjoyment"

>> No.14797983

Have you ever tried to rape a woman? I can assure you that if she fights back, then task would require severe beating to the point of full compliance, so it's hardly can be enjoyable in any way. If she doesn't fight back - it can't be considered as rape (outside of modern western culture).

>> No.14798391

The Awakening gives good insight on how women train themselves to take shit from guys, and how much it can stress them out. Main character is definitely a retard, though.

>> No.14798598

>but chicks who smoke are usually slutty
not my experience. But its is definetly more acceptable to talk to strangers while outside a bar or club. It would be weirder if everybody stood there in silence. And generally people aren't on their phones so much while holding a fag.

>> No.14798670

>and then I tried to kill myself

>> No.14798671

Dude like tables for 8 or 10 people. Irish pubs have that all the time.


>Hi can I meet you real quick?" then just have a conversation, don't filter yourself, keep eye contact, touch her a bit, get her number and try to set a date. If she's into it you can go for a make-out and maybe bring her home

That is for people with a lot of confidence, and it is good exercise but you can't expect everyone to just start being charismatic. It might work for some to be thrown into the deep, but it can also bee quite traumatic.

>> No.14798690
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>i know you don't have any standards, but i do because i actually GET pussy.

Somehow I don't believe you.

>> No.14798693

>Dude like tables for 8 or 10 people. Irish pubs have that all the time
Nobody under the age of like 35 goes to irish pubs, they're all boomer bars. There are irish themed bars near me but they're just normal bars with almost no tables

>> No.14798738

I am suicidally depressive and have regular anxiety attacks (I know that sounds like snowflake rhetoric). Also I was insanely drunk and coping with a recent loss in the family. That was the third time in 2 months and after that I got professional help. And by that I mean I started to smoke a shit ton of weed and started a semi serious relationship.

>> No.14798774

> they're all boomer bars
not really my experience. But I don live in the states. We have two major Irish Pubs and one English pub around here. Only the latter has an older clientele. The Irish Pubs are frequented by people between 19 and 30 depending on whether its weekends or workdays (its a university town).

>There are irish themed bars near me but they're just normal bars with almost no tables

why are you getting so hung up on the tables?

>> No.14799142


>> No.14799190

This is so cringe that even if it was trolling it'd still be cringe

>> No.14799210

Here pubs aren't really a place young people go to have a good time, they're more family places or for older crowds, like a cheap restaurant

>why are you getting so hung up on the tables?
That's the only part of my post you responded to...

>> No.14799414

You got destroyed 2bh

>> No.14799432
File: 36 KB, 600x600, D459DDC9-B09F-483B-815D-482652C65D3C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this picture. Now you understand

>> No.14799445

Greentext it plz

>> No.14799522

I'm not reading this, sorry

>> No.14799557

The Bible, unironically.

>> No.14799985


>> No.14800395

this place warps your reality more than you might know. leave if you wanna rejoin society in any significant way.

>> No.14800443

So can you get autism from this site after browsing for years? Like you appear autistic to other people and it may as well be autism due to it being entirely interpersonal

>> No.14801009

There are so many fallacies crammed into one post I don't even know where to start

1. You're trying to refute a generality with a individually focused thought experiment. Don't. What can be asserted anecdotally can be refuted anecdotally and I assure you there are tons of deviants on 4chan who would say yes to your hypothetical, and not even to spite you.

2. The original assertion was that women fantasize about rape scenarios. Your scenario would only apply if the person in question fantasized about being tied down and having anal sex performed on him.

3. Disregarding the sexes in question. Man being raped by man is not the same as women being raped by women.

4. Even if you specified the rapist as female, you still can't assume the sexes are equal just because the rapist is of the opposite sex. Studies have shown that there are far more bisexual females than males.

tl;dr shut the fuck up and think about responding

>> No.14801026

You're right.

>> No.14802093
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I keep coming back to /lit/ for posts like these. Thanks for the recs, bro.

>> No.14802125
File: 54 KB, 640x514, 4b95ef0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh oh, retard alert

>> No.14802131

Anons on this board do read as much as me! Eliot and Austen are underrated as fuck on this board.

>> No.14802960


>> No.14802989
