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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 21 KB, 416x416, 416x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14779303 No.14779303 [Reply] [Original]

Wtf, is he trying to monopolize books as well?

>> No.14779307

No, he just wants high market share on those fronts. That's why the Kindle is mediocre shit.

>> No.14779310

He who controls knowledge controls the universe

>> No.14779318

it's fun and games until you realize it's happening

>> No.14779319
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use libgen. paying for books is immoral. responsible adults always pirate books.

>> No.14779329

I like physical, but im willing to change my view

>> No.14779332

Just buy your books from places other than Amazon. And for books that you don't want to buy and own in the physical, but still want to read, use libgen.

>> No.14779334
File: 101 KB, 397x411, jebesos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is Jeff Bezos after he succeeds

>> No.14779336

One man's boycott isn't going to make a difference

>> No.14779341

this is what women and ''''''''''''''''''enlightened''''''''''''' bourgeois believe

>> No.14779344

yikes, that was pretty unfunny and therefore kind of cringey my man. no offense

>> No.14779345

Libgen isn't perfect. There are books digitized there that are low quality scans. That problem is not as common for the popular books but it can get iffy when you're reading obscure or out of print titles. I paid a good amount of money for an obscure book Libgen couldn't provide -- the only available copy was a shit tier scan with bent pages that made some pages unreadable. I don't particularly regret it. There are plenty of legitimate reasons to purchase a book beyond superficial claims of fiscal irresponsibility made on one's behalf.

>> No.14779352

I'm not boycotting. I just don't keep a credit card so I just buy my books elsewhere. Besides, local sellers almost alway shave better prices than Amazon, if I didn't know so many people use it I wouldn't even think about them when it comes to books.

>> No.14779379

>trying to monopolize books
You're kidding right? You're flashing back to 1997, right?

>> No.14779390

I wasn't around back then

>> No.14779407

Time for employed people to own their fair share of the means of production.

>> No.14779694

I'm more into the memes of production

>> No.14779729
File: 168 KB, 1024x958, 9C0ED107A28244B299F9968BE6533047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, I'll never ever pay for a digital book whose author is dead.

>> No.14780076

All of those are unprofitable (profits are made public, look it up) and act as front for the CIA money laundering project. Reminder that amazon makes its money from the cloud services it provides to american intelligence agencies. Bezos isn't a multibillionaire, he is a bag holder for CIA crime money.

>> No.14780980
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I rate this merger a "broken marriage/10".

>> No.14780989

shut up you queer

>> No.14781006

It's a type of horizontal integration and it can be used to increase efficiency. It allows Amazon to market and sell books at reduced cost. Bezos isn't massively wealthy because he got lucky, he's a very good businessman.

>> No.14781013

Also abebooks

>> No.14781125

That's bullshit tho, cos goodreads and amazons databases are orthogonal. Authors have to submit their own shit on goodreads

>> No.14781146

>tho, cos
Fuck off

>> No.14781169

its true tho

>> No.14781174

He could do whatever he wants; There will always be a Library Genesis.

>> No.14781207

Stop talking like a nigger.

>> No.14781232

Maybe he just LOVES BOOKS
come to think of it, he does bear a striking resemblance to...

>> No.14781251

The fact that he is a billionaire doesn't change the fact that he is still bald.

>> No.14781258
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>> No.14781271

I search the book on ebay then sort by lowest price first and buy the cheapest used copy that isnt totally destroyed
Is this an acceptable compromise?

>> No.14781708

maybe. A lot of used book sellers are owned by Amazon a well. I know abebooks is.

>> No.14781716

LMAOOO I always see this bald guy, who is he?

>> No.14781723

jeff bezos, richest person in the world

>> No.14781725

Modernist Bread has shit scans, as do many other expensive or rare books. Maybe what you say is true for titles with dead authors? (But only in certain circumstances)

>> No.14781740

he looks like a psychic medium, like the kind that would have a reality tv show

>> No.14781816

That would be Bill Gates

>> No.14782479

you do know amazon used to only sell books, right?

>> No.14782650

haha same xd

>> No.14782670

>"titan of tech"
>gets hacked by sandniggers
this is the world we live in

>> No.14782681

why duddn he just pay for some hair

>> No.14782691

Amazon started out as an online bookstore, didn't it?

>> No.14782695

He already owns whole foods. In a few decades he will likely become an immortal cyborg, run space with Blue Origin, and manipulate knowledge after monopolizing it

>> No.14782761

publishers control books retard

>> No.14783845

If I could kill one person and one person only, and get away with it, it would be Jeff for sure. Bourgy basterd needs to burn.

>> No.14783858

amazon started as an online book retailer retard

>> No.14783919

I use Zlibrary if I can’t find the book at the local used bookstore, but sometimes the EPUB formatting is shit when I put it on my kindle via calibre

>> No.14783933

Amazon was originally just an online book store anon

>> No.14784238

...and.... so what?

>> No.14784242

Did you know that Amazon was originally a book store on the internet? I assume that you must know this??

>> No.14784267

you know he was just a bastard in a basket. they should have left him in the california desert

>> No.14784276

I ask again... so what? That further proves my case. Why is this guy so obsessed with books?

>> No.14784576

no, but it may help if other people happen to boycott at the same time. live your life righteously, only buying from businesses you support when given the choice, maybe you'll help or maybe you won't.

>> No.14784610
File: 10 KB, 299x168, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He doesn't need to COPE with anything when he's literally richer than most countries.

>> No.14785002
File: 33 KB, 500x500, 955B048E-86A0-42EA-95FE-F9DFFC107372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO he the rich nigga bruh

>> No.14785067

how so?

>> No.14785077

imagine being so rich you are beyond social dogma, like not in a "I don't give a fuck" way, but in a "you give me your fucks" kinda way

>> No.14785087
File: 84 KB, 907x661, 1540914914_36c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAOOOOOO bruhh this boy can buy sooo many chaains

>> No.14785152

All the chains bruh

>> No.14785407

Did you know that Amazon was originally called Endless? Even today Endless.com redirects to Amazon

>> No.14785426

You seriously don't think he doesn't look in the mirror every day and wishes he had a full head of hair?

>> No.14785514

I am more surprised that every single website doesn't redirect to Amazon. Maybe in 25 years.

>> No.14785528

And yet the Kindle still sucks fucking ass

>> No.14785535

I think he gets his head polished while getting head and being told how manly bald people look

>> No.14785539

almost every page has an amazon link

>> No.14785552

So retards he owned an online bookstore that propelled him into becoming the richest man in the world.. maybe just maybe this isn’t a conspiracy to control literature/information

>> No.14785553

Compared to the four biggest publishers, how does Amazon as a publishing institution do in regard to sales, authors, market share, and bestsellers?

>> No.14785555

go order the turner diaries on amazon.
I'll wait.

>> No.14785566

what about it, quads?

>> No.14785568

you can't, is the point, dubdubs.

>> No.14785719

i did not know that. weird when you THINK about it..... where did he go to school?

>> No.14785747

University of Egghead
majoring in omelette scramble

>> No.14785969

epic reddit moment

>> No.14786189


That's the Jeff Bezos billionaire guy, right? I heard he was in New Zealand where his bunker is located. He might be going into hiding because of the Coronavirus, the Covid-19 disease. It's some serious stuff. Stop by /pol/ and look for the /cvg/ threads, the Coronavirus general threads. The world is in a whole lot of trouble. SARS-Cov-2 is to the whole world he same way that Hurricane Michael was to the South Eastern Coast of the U.S. in 2018. But it's going to be a large body count.

You people should prepare for the pandemic, the worldwide calamity. Should've started preparing a month ago.

>> No.14786191

No he isn't

>> No.14786200

Thank you schizo poster

>> No.14786220
File: 9 KB, 194x259, soijak20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>50,000 infected
>20 dead
It's nothing.

>> No.14786264 [DELETED] 


Don't believe the numbers that China is giving to the public, they are lying and underreporting the number of cases as well as the number of people who have died. Don't believe the mainstream media either, they're just repeating what China says.

>> No.14786276

and here we see the bugman fed by mainstread media with coronavirus hysteria.

>> No.14786280

>>14786220 #

Don't believe the numbers that China is giving to the public, they are lying and underreporting the number of cases as well as the number of people who have died. Don't believe the mainstream media either, they're just repeating what China says. The viral outbreaks in multiple countries is happening.

>> No.14786300
File: 405 KB, 320x556, left wing health squad.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The CCP can't be trusted at all, they're literally locking niggas inside their own homes

>> No.14786377

book depository too

>> No.14786986

publishers print what they want. if you don't make it through the pipeline your book never gets published. even if it does, there are only a finite amount of space at commercial seller shelves. if anything amazon has increased the accessibility of books by eliminating that finite shelf space.