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/lit/ - Literature

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14776629 No.14776629 [Reply] [Original]

is there any essential ascetic /lit/?

>> No.14776659

Waddell, Desert Fathers is a classic

Eliade's Yoga is good (as is his book on Shamanism), likewise Evola's book on Buddhism and a dozen other similar things from trad-ish authors. But be warned that these are more like Nietzschean self-mastery appropriating other religions as ciphers than any authentic exposition of the religions themselves.

>> No.14776916


>> No.14776940
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>Anything like Nietzsche

Wow look everyone! Anon here knows nothing about Nietzsche!

>> No.14777760


>> No.14777767

He never claimed that idiot. Can you read? He said they are like "Nietzschean self-mastery" and NOT asceticism.

>> No.14777777

What are you trying to say in this post? Are you suggesting Nietzsche was non-ascetic or even anti-ascetic? If that’s what you’re saying, that would imply a very superficial and cursory reading of Nietzsche. He has many positive things to say about ascetics and asceticism, including in the Genealogy of Morals where he critiques it extensively.

>> No.14777779

Imagine being this based.

Don't imagine being this retarded.

>> No.14777781

fuck you

>> No.14777785
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>> No.14777787


>> No.14777794

Why did nietzche have a hard one for buddhism

>> No.14777795
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Wow you wasted that get on being so painfully fucking wrong that I'm going to furiously jerk off to Lou Salome while listening to Wagner.

>> No.14777812

he didn't but he did say the struggle against suffering is superior to struggle against sin

>> No.14777822

i don't read foid nonsense

>> No.14777829

Nope. You guys have probably barely read him. I’ve read most of his books 5+ times at this point. He even saw himself as something of an ascetic. Nietzsche did not subscribe to hard and fast dichotomies.

>> No.14777838

why would someone feel the need to make an image about the single most pedestrian take on human existence?

>> No.14777846

You're totally wrong. Evola wrote whole chapters arguing against Nietzsche's hardline stance against asceticism

>> No.14777850

Holy checked
Also didnt Nietzche lead an ascetic lifestyle himself?
Aside from fucking whores of course

>> No.14777855

Low tier b8

>> No.14777864

Yeah, I’ve read that too. It’s somewhat of a superficial take. My guess is Evola didn’t do a deeper examination because it would have wasted too much space to go into that kind of digression. Maybe you should try reading Nietzsche first hand, and not taking second hand sources as gospel truth

>> No.14777872

Yes he did.
Evola also mentions some of the ascetic aspects pf Nietzsche in Ride the Tiger, by the way. So you just retroactively refuted yourself

>> No.14777881

samefagging pseud
Nietzsche talked so much shit against ascetics in almost every book. time to read up on Nietzsche anon

>> No.14777884

Yeah but only because he was fucking sick.

>> No.14777899

I didn’t claim to be a different poster. I just added more to what I said before
>Nietzsche talked so much shit against ascetics in almost every book.
Yes he did. But you don’t know jack about Nietzsche if you think him saying negative things about something, even to the point of extreme vitriol, precludes him saying positive things about it. He loved to “leap into his opposite” (his own expression)

>> No.14777932

learn to read retard

>> No.14777955

other than not living an ascetic lifestyle he lived an ascetic lifestyle.

>> No.14777963

fucking whores is not un-ascetic, just un-christian. in hinduism, brahmacharya originality meant abstention from ordinary responsibilities of life, like marriage and career, so you can focus on the ascetic disciplines and studies of a yogi. it was common for yogis to have concubines that travelled with them. don’t conflate christian conceptions pf asceticism with asceticism as such

>> No.14778056

that's just laziness. get rid of responsibilities abut still keep rewards/pleasures. go shit in the street

>> No.14778106

they followed rigorous discipline, which is the opposite of laziness

>> No.14778346

Based and Szukalski pilled

>nice duplex tetragrammaton trips
Self-mortification is not the same as solitude

>> No.14778386

Vairagya Satakam - Or the Hundred Verses on Renunciation by Bhartrihari

>> No.14778420

The Upanishads
Adi Shankara's writings
The Yoga Vasistha
Ashtavakra Gita
Ramana Maharshi
Nisargadatta Maharaj

>> No.14779972
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>fucking whores is not un-ascetic