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14776995 No.14776995 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.14777001

do i need to start with the sw prequels and pokemon cartoons for context?

>> No.14777004
File: 87 KB, 512x960, absolute chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All of the pretty girls had a peculiar habit of hugging boys they knew as a form of greeting, and some of them hugged me.
>I didn't understand why, but it felt like the best feeling ever.
>I was one hundred -times more satisfied from getting a hug from a pretty girl than getting a high five from a popular boy.
>It was a new experience that enraptured every fiber of my being.
>The 7th and 8th grade girls were especially kind to me. I guess they thought I was "cute" in a boyish sort of way.
>I was shocked that some 7th and 8th grade girls offered to dance with me.
>They came up to me in a group and taught me how to "slow dance".
>I had to place my hands on their hips, while they placed their hands on my shoulders, and we would move slowly with the music.
>They were all taller than me, and I was terrified, but it felt so... good.

what a fucking chad

>> No.14777193

post more

>> No.14777237

>The cool kids treated me nicely, despite my reputation as the "quiet kid".
>I always felt like a loser compared to them, and I hated them for it, though I still wanted their approval.
>I wanted to be one of them...
>I wanted to be their friend.

>The closest I came to truly being one of them was when Vinny and Robert both invited me to their birthday parties, which were only a couple of weeks apart at the very end of the school year.
>Both parties were at Skatelab skatepark. I hadn't been to Skatelab for about a year, and when I walked in, all of the memories of going there with James filled my mind.
>I hadn't even skateboarded for a while, but after a few minutes on the ramps my ability came back like magic.
>They were all quite impressed.
>I bet they thought I would end up sucking at it. I was happy to prove them wrong.

he was almost a normalfag, but his parent's divorce really fucked him over

>> No.14777273
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post the part when his childhood friend spurns him over his incel radicalism

>> No.14777506

>I went over to James's house to have a sleepover.
>Usually when I went there we spent the whole time playing WoW, with the exception of walking to town for lunch. Because I quit WoW, this was the first time we had to find other things to do.
>We spent most of the time going on walks around the Palisades town center, or along the Palisades Bluffs, talking about our views of the world and our hopes and dreams.
>I told him more about my hatred of people who have sex. James quickly deduced the reason for why I was so fervent about abolishing sex... that in truth I really want to have sex but I feel like I can never have it, so I wish to take it away from everyone else.
>He read me very well. I had to admit that he was right.
>That is the exact reason for it.

Is ER the nabokov of the 21st century?

>> No.14777530

It’s honestly a very engrossing read, in a disturbing sort of way. It is the real New Sincerity, but not the watered down commercializable version DFW anticipated. Sincerity is something terrifying, disturbing. It means to unleash the monster within us, to put it on display.

>> No.14777575

>Sincerity is something terrifying, disturbing. It means to unleash the monster within us, to put it on display.

Nabokov gets acclaim for being able to capture the essence of humbert humbert as if he were a real person
My Twisted World lets us look directly at elliot rodger as the real person

I wonder how it would have been received if it were written and published by a standalone author

>> No.14777581

>>They were all taller than me, and I was terrified, but it felt so... good.
Just manlet things.

>> No.14777588
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>Sincerity is something terrifying, disturbing. It means to unleash the monster within us, to put it on display.


>> No.14777597

Sincerity is only disturbing if the sincere person is disturbed.

>> No.14777600
File: 19 KB, 689x184, 1582507956458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was very small and short statured for my age.
>I never gave this much concern during my early childhood, but this fact fully dawned on me the day my family took a trip to Universal Studios.
>At the time, I loved dinosaurs. I was fascinated by them. I had just recently watched the movie Jurassic Park, and when I found out that there was a Jurassic Park themed ride at Universal Studios, I couldn't wait to go on it.

>We queued up in the line and waited for an hour.
>When reached the front, the park staff presented me with a measuring stick, and I didn't fit the requirements.
>I saw other boys my age admitted onto the ride, but I was denied because I was too short! The ride that I was so excited to enjoy at the theme park was forbidden to me.
>I immediately fell into a crying tantrum, and my mother had to comfort me.

>Being denied entry on a simple amusement park ride due to my height may seem like only a small injustice, but it was big for me at time.
>Little did I know, this injustice was very small indeed compared to all the things I'll be denied in the future because of my height.

>> No.14777604

Everyone is. There is no such thing as sanity.

>> No.14777606

what do you mean?

>> No.14777610

it's so goddamn long that's why. he's based though and will forever be a legend on 4chan

>> No.14777614

You nullified your own point. If there is no sanity, what is there to disturb, then?

>> No.14777615

that pic holy kek

>> No.14777623

What we call “sanity” is just another type of insanity. Most normies, psychologically, have little to no points of contact with anything you might call “reality”. They believe in all sorts of bizarre illusions, like “career”, “love” (or what they call “love”), their “lifestyle”, etc. It’s only regarded as sane because it is the most common and prevalent form of insanity. Normies would defend that “lifestyle” tooth and claw. Challenge it and you will see the monster lurking beneath the surface.

>> No.14777631

One form of insanity is disturbing to that of another

>> No.14777633

Not him, but sanity isn't an objective state, it's a metastable series of behaviors a given society defines.

>> No.14777644

>There is no such thing as sanity.
A psychosis may not be fundamentally different from how we all perceive the world beyond how "we" (not like we have a real choice how our brain decides to do things) end up interpreting it, but there's a very real quantifiable difference between say, differential geometry and Terryology.

>> No.14777665

geometry is neither sane nor insane. those are descriptors of psychology.

>> No.14777667

A career is not an illusion, anon. Being promoted means you spend much of your day doing different tasks, with different responsibilities, for a different reward than before, which lets you afford different things off the job. Now, the happiness this entails compared to that of other things can be debated, of course, but a career is not an illusion, it's as real as anything gets.

>> No.14777672

How the fuck did you read that sentence and think he was describing geometry as sane?

>> No.14777673

Geometry is one of the many ways we perceive in "reality." Our "sanity" can affect how we perceive it.

>> No.14777674

The whole conceptual network congealing around the civilizational value we call “career” is a delusion.

>> No.14777693

I'm not entirely sure what you mean by that, to be honest. Could you specify a bit more?

>> No.14777721

“career” as a concept is much bigger than just physically showing up to an office, doing some work, and getting paid. it’s a concept, a psychological complex of various values and beliefs. that’s the delusional part.

>> No.14777756

> it’s a concept, a psychological complex of various values and beliefs. that’s the delusional part.
Yeah, some people do attach altogether too much meaning on their career, for all kinds of reasons. Wanting power, enjoying the struggle towards promotion, wanting more money, wanting to be one of the guys in the boardroom, just plain being obsessive and burning the candle at both ends. I don't think I'm willing to dedicate much time to debating all these things in any meaningful depth, though, but there's definitely an element of bullshit and delusion involved to various degrees in some of them.
>“career” as a concept is much bigger than just physically showing up to an office, doing some work, and getting paid
It's also much bigger practically, since non-careerists also do those things.

>> No.14777762

damn I got cucked from that ride as a kid too. some guy dressed as the professor holds up his walking stick to see if you're taller than it; it had a piece of amber at the top I think.

>> No.14777801

I'm reading through Mein Kampf right now and the whiny, meandering tone is strikingly similar. And I like Hitler

>> No.14777810

he is the reincarnation of hitler

>> No.14777867

Women were a mistake

>> No.14777871

I honestly feel sorry for men with tiny penises. Really must suck...

>> No.14777874

Is there anything from a violent nutter you don't get from, say, an Empress Theresa or Ted Shed Walden's Pond?

>> No.14777875

>do i need to start with the sw prequels and pokemon cartoons for context?
based, the only person ITT who read MTW

>> No.14777898

you would know Mr. Chode

>> No.14777926

If there is no sanity, there is no insanity. Similarly, if there is no light there is no shadow because there is nothing to cast the shadow, no point to refer to and say, "Ah, that is light, which is luminous, unlike a lack of light." There is no insanity, just people's beliefs, illusions, or what have you.

What makes it a delusion? What makes a delusion incorrect or an unworthy venture? I think the term you are looking for is "social construct." Remember, everything you have before you is a social construct, even science and literature.

All in all, Elliot's manifesto is sad. I'm reading it as we speak. However, I could never let myself be so resentful and spiteful; this doesn't mean I accept my lot in life, it just means I try to change it without being too emotionally invested

>> No.14777944

I'm 7.3, so I have a pretty good sized cock.

>> No.14777982

Well put

>> No.14778028

I unironically don’t read books by virgins.

>> No.14778066

> His father is British filmmaker Peter Rodger, whose credits include working as a second unit assistant director for The Hunger Games, and his own feature-length documentary film Oh My God.

>Located in the Newtown, CT hamlet of Sandy Hook, this is the home of Charles A. Pryor and his wife Suzanne M. Collins. Suzanne Collins is an American television writer and novelist, best known for writing The Hunger Games series including the novel of the same name, Catching Fire, and Mockingjay. Collins is a long-time Connecticut resident.

>> No.14778096

Why is Elliot remembered in comparison to all the other edgy mass shooters? We all forget about them, but Elliot still exists rent free on 4chan

>> No.14778122

Because he died for our virginity

>> No.14778162
File: 24 KB, 260x400, 9780141183046.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're missing out anon

>> No.14778182

Can I get a source for that based arse picture?

>> No.14778183

>The weekend that I visited home was quite an eventful one, and I had been looking forward to it for some time. On Sunday, March 11 th 2012, I went with my mother and sister to a private, exclusive Katy Perry concert; and on March 12 th 2012 I went with my father and Soumaya to the red carpet premiere of the Hunger Games.

>The red carpet premiere of the Hunger Games was an even more exclusive event. The reason we got in was because my father was friends with the director, Gary Ross. My father even contributed to the film as a second unit director. Gary Ross had been coming over to father's house for dinner quite frequently in the past few months. When he told me about the Hunger Games, I had never heard about it before, so I decided to read the books that the movie would be based on. It was quite an enjoyable story and I became a fan.

>I didn't own any suits, but I wore my extravagant Hugo Boss shirt, which I thought looked elegant enough to walk on the black carpet. As we were lining up for our walk on the black carpet, some dumb bitch of a security guard had the audacity to question "who the hell are these people". This made me so enraged that I almost said "we are people who are more important than you, you ugly cunt", but Soumaya's publicist calmly informed her of our invitation. We then proceeded to walk across the long black carpet as cameras flashed at us from one side, and a crowd of pathetic fans who reminded me of sheep cheered from the other side. I felt extremely gratified at walking on the black carpet with father and Soumaya, and I cockily smiled at all of the stupid fans who had to remain on the side, rubbing it right in their faces. There were some actors and celebrities on the carpet with us, and the paparazzi yelled at me a few times to get out of the way as they were taking pictures of some cunt actress. I discreetly gave those paparazzi pigs my middle finger. Elliot Rodger will not move aside for a stupid, good-for-nothing, over-glorified actress, whoever the fuck she was. I didn't see.

>We walked through all the chaos until we finally reached the theatre where the movie was being screened, called the Nokia Theatre. It was one of the biggest theatres I had ever seen, able to see hundreds of people. At the entrance, father and I greeted Jack Ross, the son of Gary Ross. He was a spoiled brat of a sixteen year old, and to my embarrassment he stood taller than me. I immediately hated him on sight. He was living the life I should be living, if only my father had become as successful a director as Gary Ross. I equally hated his repugnant friends, who ended up sitting in front of me and partially blocking my view for the entire movie. Throughout the whole film, I had to fight the urge not to splash my drink all over the little shitheads in a vehement rage. They spoiled it for me, and it was quite a good movie too.

>> No.14778229
File: 58 KB, 850x400, 3345654654.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not OC, you can find it on based shia apologetics pinterest, twitter and blogspot accounts
i took it from here:

>> No.14778230

I wouldn't say anyone is missing out on that much by not reading that book.

>> No.14778990

What do (ra), (s), and (a) mean? I'm asusming they're like (pbuh).

>> No.14779005

Did he ever realize he's a sociopath?

>> No.14779017

They never do. Anyone who is self-aware of being a sociopath is just larping as one. Which is something common nowadays. A lot of people larp as sociopaths because they think it makes them into cool ruthless careerists or business types just like they see on their favorite HBO and Netflix series.

>> No.14779019

Because "some of you are alright, don't go to x tomorrow" is a top-tier meme.

>> No.14779022

I didn't even realize that comes from him

>> No.14779035

He posted it here before his final spergout. Probably the other reason he remains well known here, only mass shooter I can think of who posted here before doing it. He's basically been forgotten in the mainstream compared to other shooters, he's only still a meme on certain parts of the internet.

>> No.14779046

This is literary unironically. Can I reference this in my english essays?

>> No.14779050

If anything, it's POSTmodern, amirite?

>> No.14779057

That wasn't Elliot. It was that shooter who looked like Anthony Fagtano, Chris Harper-Mercer.

>> No.14779637

With how things are going i'am honestly surprised we're not getting more thot patrolers

>> No.14779644

Kek, Muslims are retarded

>> No.14779785

>Nabokov gets acclaim for being able to capture the essence of humbert humbert as if he were a real person

he wanted to achieve the exact opposite tho

>> No.14779951

I think ra is Rahmatullahi Alaih (May Allah's mercy/blessing be upon him, applies to scholars), s might be SAW (PBUH)
not sure about a, but the title of ameer al muminin is reserved in Shia Islam only for Ali ibn abi talib

>> No.14780129

He never "realizes" that he's a sociopath, but you can see his slow descent into madness.
In fact, in one point in the book, he gives one last-ditch effort to become normie again, but ends up choosing the misandrist path after being rejected and discouraged once again

This is the moment he gives up his last attempt at fitting in. Prior to that, his cope was avoidance, but after this point, he states that his cope is now to get retribution (and this is at 18, several years before isla vista)

>After that last experience with Philip and Addison, my attitude changed. My newfound optimism about life subsided, and I began feeling intense anger and hatred towards the world again. The way Addison treated me made me realize what the world thinks of me.
>If I was one of those popular kids, Addison would have treated me with deference and respect, but I wasn't. I was a complete loser in his eyes, and everyone else's.
>No effort I made in the last few months changed the way the world saw me. The world still viewed me as a weak and undesirable loser, even though I changed my wardrobe and started working out.
>What was the point anymore? I asked myself. I couldn't help but feel anger and hatred. Life was too unfair to me.

>I felt hatred and dissatisfaction with the world and society, but I didn't want to hide away from it anymore. I needed to be as productive with my time as possible, and I had a lot of free time at this point. The best way to make use of this time, I concluded, was to spend it self-educating myself. Knowledge is power.

>I began a daily routine of walking to Barnes & Noble in Calabasas every day, where I would spend hours reading books that ranged from biographies of powerful leaders, histories of significant periods, self-help books, philosophy and psychology texts, and historical fiction novels. I sometimes even spent entire days there, from the time it opened to the time it closed.

>I delved more into learning as much as I could from books at Barnes & Noble. I expanded on the political and philosophical ideals I concocted when I was seventeen, and I soon became even more radical about them than I ever was before. It was all fueled by my wish to punish everyone who is sexually active, because I concluded that it wasn't fair that other people were able to experience sex while I have been denied it all my life. I started to have the desire to create a world where no one is allowed to have sex or relationships. I again saw that as the perfect, fair world. Reproduction can be accomplished without sex, through artificial insemination. Sex is evil, as it gives too much pleasure to those who don't deserve it.

>> No.14780134

Really? The LARPing thing I've noticed, but there's still a fair deal of talk about sociopathy and empathy in society. Do sociopaths hear that and just not realize it describes them, or are they just inherently uninterested in that discussion due to their condition?

>> No.14780149

>Sex is evil, as it gives too much pleasure to those who don't deserve it.
Was he the greatest unintentional comedian of our time?

>> No.14780153

It's a complex read. I would first need to work my way through the complete works of Plato, Marcus Aurelius, Voltaire and Nietzsche before diving into the dark and twisted world of Rodgers.

>> No.14780162
File: 743 KB, 1536x2048, 1581738182197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sincerity is something terrifying, disturbing. It means to unleash the monster within us, to put it on display.
>There is no such thing as sanity.

>> No.14780164

I think sociopathy is a meme. It's just extreme narcissism and selfishness. The ones that tip over the edge and actually kill people only do it because of sexual impulse or in Rodger's case, they reached a dead end in life and are contemplating suicide.

>> No.14780195

Whatever "sociopathy" describes and how accurate it is, it's still the best way to communicate the general meaning in casual conversation. I doubt we'll have a truly accurate understanding of it within a few decades, at least.

>> No.14780238

It's not that long, you can read it in an evening

>> No.14780252

newfags pls go

>> No.14780260

Maybe some Schoppy, to get a better understanding of despair towards women?

>> No.14780756

That wasn't him you fucking newfag.

>> No.14780771

I don't get it. Compared to other virgins and losers, this chink had a BMW, a hollywood-related dad, didn't look half-bad and lived in california. He could've easily picked up some shallow hoes.

>> No.14780782

>but there's still a fair deal of talk about sociopathy and empathy in society.
Sociopathy isn't real and it's an attempt to demonize normal men (men having much less empathy than women) and promote criminal degenerates by associating them with each other

>> No.14780789

>Whatever "sociopathy" describes and how accurate it is, it's still the best way to communicate the general meaning in casual conversation. I doubt we'll have a truly accurate understanding of it within a few decades, at least.
Not how words work. You have to have an understanding of something before you talk about it.
Sociopathy isn't real. See>>14780782

>> No.14780792

based fictionposter

>> No.14780795

He was short and half asian, so no, he wasn't good looking enough for women

>> No.14780810

>half asian,
so half asian come out either ugly as sin or drop dead gorgeous like Reeves?

>> No.14780826

>Not how words work
That's exactly how words work. However, I'm not really looking to get into an argument about reality with a victim of schizophrenia, so you can carry on without my naysaying.

>> No.14780830

It's some sad rich retard's diary-manifesto, nothing more or less. The writing is bad, he is not self-aware. It's kind of interesting as a "character study" but it's not literature

>> No.14780847

is that quote his greatest work?

>> No.14780854

Bad writing from a novel perspective (a narcissistic sociopath) is still /lit/, even if it won't win any awards. Reading out of curiosity and to expand your understanding is more /lit/ than reading for good prose is.

>> No.14780865

Being half asians never helps. 95% of people don't miscegenate despite all the propaganda to do so because it's in our genes to stay within our race. So who does a mix even appeal to?
Plus the guy was like 5'4" super manlet
In other words, he was a solid 4/10 for most girls

>> No.14781365

>The writing is bad, he is not self-aware. It's kind of interesting as a "character study" but it's not literatur
but the writing is exactly in character, which is what makes it so fascinating to read. He is just as unreliable a narrator as Humbert Humbert, but you see as things slowly unfold to reveal that there are gaps in his narration.

>> No.14781369

>The writing is bad,


>My mother one day told me that I should become a writer, because I had some talent in writing.
>That was strange to hear.
>For my whole life I was never talented at anything I tried. I was too physically weak to play sports with other boys when I was little; I never became professional at skateboarding no matter how much I practiced; and I was never that skilled at any video games I played... even World of Warcraft. Steve and Mark were able to play their characters more skillfully that I ever did, and they started the game much later than me.
>Deep down, I've always known that I had no talents, and I've always tried not to think about it.

>Indeed, it was strange to hear my mother say that I could become a talented writer, but it did give me an idea. I started to wonder if I actually could become a writer. I could write an epic fantasy story that will be made into a movie, and I will become rich from it. Being rich will definitely make me attractive enough to have a beautiful girlfriend. It was not impossible, and working towards it would give me something to live for. I mulled it over in my mind for a while.

>I seriously started to consider working towards writing an epic story. I was always creating stories in my mind to fuel my fantasies. Usually those stories depicted someone like myself rising to power after a life of being treated unfairly by the world. I mentally examined all of the stories I had developed, and focused on the few that I thought would become bestsellers. If I could get one of them made into a movie, I would definitely be a millionaire. It was the only solution to my problems. I saw myself as a highly intelligent and magnificent person who is meant for great things. This could be one of them.

>> No.14781372


>I spent the next couple of weeks focusing on writing for myself instead of working on my schoolwork. The class didn't give much homework to do anyway. I wrote summaries for three different stories, and I think I showed two of them to my mother. She seemed to think that they would make good movies, and that increased my confidence. I either wanted to write a novel first, or go straight to making it a screenplay.
>I spent every afternoon for two weeks working on this goal. My time at college was miserable. I often cried on the way home because I was envious of so many couples walking around. I poured all of my energy into coming up with a way to make this goal work.

>My faith that I could write an epic story that would make me rich soon collapsed. I read so many articles online of the chances that a screenplay would be made into a movie. I also saw that most writers of even the highest budget films didn't make as much as I thought they did... Definitely not enough to live on for the rest of their life. I also thought, with a lot of despair, of the time that it would take to achieve such a goal.
>Most bestselling authors or screenwriters didn't become millionaires until they were well into their forties or fifties.
>I didn't want to wait until I was forty years old to lose my virginity!

>The thought of spending the next twenty years working hard every day for a chance to make a million or two filled me with revulsion. By the time I'd become a millionaire from doing that, I wouldn't even be able to get hot young girls because I'd be too old. I decided that writing was not my path to salvation, and I abandoned the idea completely. Of course, I would become tantalized with the idea a few more times in the future, but that would be due to the desperate, false hope that I often create for myself.

>> No.14781375

his father also tell him this in the emails following the beef with soumaya

>> No.14781638

And he believed that his personality is not the problem.

>> No.14781660
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>even though I changed my wardrobe and started working out

>> No.14781771
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Because the title is "My Twisted World". Stopped reading there

>> No.14781798

What the fuck was this nigga's obsession with getting rich?

>> No.14781822

What's your point? This is all garbage.

>> No.14781837

He thought it would make him irresistible to women

>> No.14781857
File: 31 KB, 1585x851, BmsJkx0_KsMJsS0M9jv1zyR0wpUxKm7DHss4XnU1qW0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elliot called it "My Twisted World" not because he thought the world was twisted, but that he recognized he was gradually falling into despair and delusion.

The whole story is one where he tries to find hope and redemption (admittedly, with many poor and misguided attempts), but ultimately gives up to despair.

>When I dropped my college classes, I crossed a threshold that I knew existed, but never actually believed I would cross.
>It completely ended all hope I had of living a desirable life in Santa Barbara. I realized that I would be a virgin forever, condemned to suffer rejection and humiliation at the hands of women because they don't fancy me, because their sexual attractions are flawed.
>They are attracted to the wrong type of male. I always mused to myself that I would rather die than suffer such an existence, and I knew that if it came to that, I would exact my revenge upon the world in the most catastrophic way possible. At least then, I could die knowing that I fought back against the injustice that has been dealt to me.

>That is when I realized that this threshold existed, and if I crossed it, I will have to carry out this Day of Retribution.
>It has remained stagnant in the back of my mind ever since, until this point.
>After dropping my Spring classes at Santa Barbara City College, I knew that the Day of Retribution was now very possible. I even wrote about it in my diary, but I later tore out the pages because I feared someone might find them.

>A shiver ran through me, realizing how twisted my world had become, that I would have to resort to doing something that I would consider unthinkable a few years ago.
>I didn't want to do it.
>I wanted to live.
>Thinking about the Day of Retribution made me feel trapped.
>I wanted a way out.

Probably the best contemporary work capturing man's descent into madness. Even though he wrote the whole manifesto prior to his rampage, you can read as he describes his own character become more and more delusional and misguided as he grows older.

Because of the way his (absentee) father raised him, he thought women valued men for status/money. So after he failed to attract a girl from looks (wearing nice clothes, working out), he fell into the delusion that money was the only way he could ever get a girlfriend.

In fact he writes about desparately spending >$1000 on lottery tickets, because he was scared that if he wasn't able to get rich, there would be no other way for him to find a girlfriend (since he had exhausted all other methods he knew), and thus he would only be left with the path of perpetual inceldom (which for him, meant carrying out revenge)

>> No.14781865 [DELETED] 

I don't understand how someone could actually think that.

>> No.14781924

>I couldn't help but feel a bitter form of envy at all of the rich kids at the concert. They grew up in lavish mansions, indulged in excessive opulence, and will never have to worry about anything in their pleasurable, hedonistic lives. / would take great pleasure in watching all of those rich families burn alive. Looking at all of them really drilled in my mind the importance of wealth. Wealth is one of the most important defining factors of self-worth and superiority. I hated and envied all of those kids for being born into wealth, while I had to struggle to find a way to claim wealth for myself. I had to be ruthless, and do whatever it takes to attain such wealth. After all, it was my only hope of ever being worthy of getting a girlfriend and living the life of gratification that I desire.

his father was a poor role model who put his stepwife in front of his own son. In fact, his father taught him that the "right way" to a woman's heart was to be a gentleman.
>Everything my father taught me was proven wrong. He raised me to be a polite, kind gentleman. In a decent world, that would be ideal. But the polite, kind gentleman doesn't
win in the real world. The girls don't flock to the gentlemen. They flock to the alpha male. They flock to the boys who appear to have the most power and status. And it was a ruthless struggle to reach such a height.

And his mother only ever dated rich guys.
>I found out that my mother was actually dating Jack, the wealthy man who owned the Malibu beach house. I always thought he was only her friend. My mother never told me or my sister about any men that she dated. She always kept that strictly private. I hadn't even met Jack yet. He was worth well over $500 million, and he owned other mansions in Bel Air and Beverly Hills.
>My mother loved the restaurant as well. She had been to all of the best Japanese restaurants in LA. with her various wealthy boyfriends, and she proclaimed that Sakana topped all of them. From this point onwards, it would become a tradition for us to eat here whenever my mother came up to visit me.

So he didn't have good parenting role models, since the only ways he thought he could get a girl to like him were:
>be a "gentleman" -- did not work
>be good looking -- which he tried by dressing up, but did not work
>be rich/high status -- he desparately bought lotto tickets

after all of those were exhausted, he just lost hope and gave up.

>> No.14782041
File: 51 KB, 680x713, soytard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is wrong with you people whining? Do you have vaginas or something?
This manifesto is 100x more interesting than 99% of the shit people read on here. Quit whinging.

>> No.14782043

Actually I think he was very self aware
He went to great lengths to act like a movie supervillan (as he would have been influenced by movies for obvious reasons)
He saw his own actions as morally reprehensible and played the part

>> No.14782048

>be rich/high status -- he desparately bought lotto tickets
Did he ever try increasing his social status among men? That and the fact that he was a manlet half asian were his issues

>> No.14782065

I read a few bits of the manifesto, it's troubling how the way he expresses himself is the same as Kira in Death Note and evil bad guys in novels.
It's also fascinating. I fav'd it, may use for writing purposes. Thanks OP

>> No.14782099

Does anyone else find it ironic that his writing is only famous because of his actions? Would his text be largely ignored if he had not been a violent psychopath?

>> No.14782107

see >>14777801
And I don't even see Hitler(pbuh) as a bad guy.
Perhaps supervillains in post WWII propaganda were modeled after Hitler's ranting, fiery, political, and plotting persona?

>> No.14782110

Or maybe because he was a retarded sociopath and had fucked up views on everything?
He is a product of the extremities of the internet and the frustration of modern men thinking life is like the movies.

>> No.14782139

But that's what I said, y u bullying me?

>> No.14782147

I don't think so
His descent into the idealized only happened because of his failure to receive acceptance
He was pushed into acting like a villain because he believed there was no other choice
This wasn't something he desired

>> No.14782156

Perhaps? I don't know it's fucking eerie already. Maybe that one guy exists inside all of us and authors are just transmitting thoughts they actually had in their life.

>> No.14782159

>There were some actors and celebrities on the carpet with us, and the paparazzi yelled at me a few times to get out of the way as they were taking pictures of some cunt actress. I discreetly gave those paparazzi pigs my middle finger. Elliot Rodger will not move aside for a stupid, good-for-nothing, over-glorified actress, whoever the fuck she was.
This is unironically badass desu

>> No.14782160
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>he was a retarded sociopath
He wasn't a """sociopath""", however you're defining that non-concept. He also wasn't retarded. What he seems to be is a narcissist with a lot of anger at being cheated out of what he felt he was entitled to. But was he wrong to feel entitled to love? Was he not at least better than the average caveman dudebro? I'd rather hang out with Elliot Rodger than your typical NPC whose identity consists of rap, Netflix, and sportsball.
Obviously the way he ended his life was retarded. I guess he was done with life and wanted people on the internet to talk about his manifesto.
But anyway, just saying "he's retarded and bad hurrr durrr" is lazy thinking

>> No.14782161

>Did he ever try increasing his social status among men
at first he tried to fit in. But he was misguided: he thought fitting in meant doing having interesting interests, and being good at something. Not having a personality or being relatable.

>I then started to notice that all of the cool kids were interested in skateboarding. I had never even ridden on a skateboard before, but if I wanted to be cool, I had to become a skateboarder. I expressed this to my parents, and my father was glad that I was showing an interest in an active sport. He took me to the store Val Surf on Ventura Boulevard to buy me a new skateboard, and I was fascinated by all of the different choices. I settled for a red Val Surf branded Skateboard, and they took it down from the wall and built it for me.
>I was thrilled to have this new skateboard and the possible chance it gave me to be a cool kid. It was time to start practicing. I found it very hard to even ride on it in the beginning, and I spent many hours outside trying to get the hang of it. And that was that, I was now a skateboarder, though not yet good enough to reveal myself as one to the kids at school. This was the start of an obsession to copy everything the supposed "cool kids" were doing.

The problem is he would get discouraged whenever he was not "the best" at something, which was a product of his father's raising him. This gradually morphed into the superiority/narcissim complex that's expressed in his later years and videos.

>The closest I came to truly being one of them was when Vinny and Robert both invited me to their birthday parties, which were only a couple of weeks apart at the very end of the school year. Both parties were at Skatelab skatepark. I hadn't been to Skatelab for about a year, and when I walked in, all of the memories of going there with James filled my mind. I hadn't even skateboarded for a while, but after a few minutes on the ramps my ability came back like magic. They were all quite impressed. I bet they thought I would end up sucking at it. I was happy to prove them wrong.

>> No.14782164

you misspelled 'cuck'

>> No.14782175

>He is a product of the extremities of the internet
he was literally made in hollywood

>> No.14782188

He was a retard, a sociopath and a narcissist.

>> No.14782197
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>I soon found out the name of the beautiful girl in my math class.
>Her name was Brittany Story.
>Being the obsessed stalker that I was, I looked her up on Facebook, and what I found shattered my already wounded heart to pieces.
>She had a boyfriend. Not only that, but her boyfriend was the type of boy I have always hated and despised: a tall, muscular surfer-jock with a buzz cut.
>As I looked at all the pictures of the two of them together, I shivered with pure hatred. I could physically feel the hatred burn through my entire body. I wanted to kill both of them, and I was capable of doing it.
>Brittany Story should have been mine, and if can't have her, no one should! I fantasized about capturing the two of them and stripping the skin off her boyfriend's flesh while making her watch.
>Why must my life be so full of torment and hatred? I questioned to the universe with turmoil roiling inside me. I screamed and cried with anguish that day. My housemate Spencer heard it all, but I didn't care.

>I dropped my math class immediately after learning that Brittany had a boyfriend.
>I couldn't look at her beauty anymore, knowing that some punk was able to enjoy having sex with her every day. I can only imagine how heavenly that guy's life must be. He was in heaven and I was in hell.
>Shortly after dropping my math class, I decided to drop all of my other classes in a rage.
>There was no point to it anymore.
>No matter how hard I tried, girls were not attracted to me.

>What was the point of going through college, getting a degree, and finding some mundane professional job afterwards if I could never experience the pleasure of girls along the way?
>I didn't want to torture myself with going to college and looking at all of those beautiful girls I could never have. Nothing beneficial came out of it. There was no hope for me to ever have a desirable college life. My life was devoid of friends, devoid of girls, devoid of sex, and devoid of love.
>I realized that I will never be able to look back on my youth, the time that I should be having a blast, and feel satisfied about all of the happy memories I have. There were no happy memories; only misery, loneliness, rejection, and pain.
>The only thing I could do was even the score.
>I wanted to make everyone else suffer just as they made me suffer.
>I wanted revenge.

The face that launched a thousand ships

>> No.14782201

check out 'diary of an oxygen thief'

>> No.14782203

>at first he tried to fit in. But he was misguided: he thought fitting in meant doing having interesting interests, and being good at something. Not having a personality or being relatable.
Honestly I would have hung out with Elliot Rodger, no joke. He's 100x interesting than anyone else
So no, I don't think his personality was the issue. In fact he had plenty of friends, he just wasn't popular. He could clearly be friends with people. He was right that it was interests/ being good at sports or whatever

>> No.14782215

ok NPC

>> No.14782216

You wanted to hang out with a deranged lunatic killing innocent people?
Seriously consider what youre saying right now. Either youre under 18 or being edgy on purpose.
He had a huge ego, was a narcissist and he saw other people as nothing else than bystanders that should worship him.
Calling him a sociopath can be discussed, but he certainly was fucking insane to think that there was any "injustice" done towards him.

>> No.14782222

He frequented online forums a lot and was most likely caught in some echo chambers discussing why women are the worst.
This only reinforced his eventual violent outburst

>> No.14782232

What the fuck is wrong with you? This dude had a low body count and he didn't even kill who he intended to because he got blocked by a door. Of all the shooters you could have chosen to idolize, you picked a loser.

>> No.14782237

As opposed to the school shooters who weren't losers?

>> No.14782250

>This dude had a low body count and he didn't even kill who he intended to because he got blocked by a door
read his book, this is /lit/ after all

if you want to be edgy, >>>/r9k/ is that way

>> No.14782256

Well a loser among the losers.

>> No.14782267

Welcome to the club.

>> No.14782286

>In fact he had plenty of friends, he just wasn't popular. He could clearly be friends with people.

He had social anxiety, which lead to two things:
>overinterpreting social cues as reject
>avoiding social situations to avoid rejection

This lead him to avoiding social opportunities to make friends, and pushing away people once they were friends.

Eventually the repeated (perceived) social rejectoin transformed into narcissistic delusions as a way to cope
>it's not that they don't want me, it's that I'm too good for them
That's when it was all game over.

Some kino about Elliott still having friends:
>On that same weekend, I met up with Philip and Addison.
>We had been planning to meet during the summer, but I had to postpone it because of my terrible injury.
>I took them out in my father's Mercedes SUV, and we went on another one of our adventures around Los Angeles.
>First, we went to an exquisite Japanese restaurant on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood. I was thankful I didn't see any young couples my age there, most of them were older than us.
>Afterwards, we went to Griffith Park Observatory, under Philip's suggestion.
>Going there brought back memories, both good and bad.
>It was ever a tradition for the three of us to go there, as we had been so many times. The place provided an expansive view of the city of LA. At night it was absolutely exquisite.
>The Griffith Park Observatory was truly a wondrous place to admire the beauty of the world...

>> No.14782291

>a loser among the losers.

That's some poetic irony, considering he wrote the most autistic and long-winded manifesto out of all of them

>> No.14782316
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>Eventually the repeated (perceived) social rejectoin transformed into narcissistic delusions as a way to cope
I don't think he was deluded as to why he was rejected. I was reading through it and I think he got it right -- he was short, half asian, weak, and bad at sports. That's why the "cool" kids had nothing to do with him.
The narcissism seemed ingrained. He came out of the womb expecting to be popular, to be a have and not a have not. He ended up a have not and decided to do something about it because it was intolerable.
In his case he obviously went overboard on everything. His analysis was somewhat shallow and shooting random people is never the answer. But I have noticed that too many have nots are just content and it's quite sad. I think Rodger's fighting spirit is truly superior to the standard neoserf's apathy

>> No.14782321

>take out your frustration on others and then die
>fighting spirit
The dude was just the sorest loser, that's all.

>> No.14782333

>take out your frustration
That's the spirit I'm talking about. He may have failed at life, but at least it pissed him off.

>> No.14782336

The thing that makes him interesting is how he tried to improve himself and how he gave up every time and descended into madness.

>> No.14782358

>half asian
Maybe cos this is (neo-)4chan or maybe it's just america but do you really think that being half-asian would have lead to him being the unpopular kid?

>> No.14782399

>Maybe cos this is (neo-)4chan or maybe it's just america but do you really think that being half-asian would have lead to him being the unpopular kid?
In combination with being short as fuck, weak, and bad at sports? Yes. Also he wasn't """unpopular""". Like I don't think he was even ever bullied. He just wasn't popular

>> No.14782406

Didn't he get his ass kicked at a party IIRC?

>> No.14782421
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>> No.14782428

He walked into a random house party and started some shit and they threw him out. This was when he was like 20. Has nothing to do with if he was bullied or not in school

>> No.14782431

>The thing that makes him interesting is how he tried to improve himself and how he gave up every time and descended into madness.
this, he literally talks about "crossing the threshold" when his attempt to move to santa barbara to find companionship ends up failing

>> No.14782442

On this Halloween, I was desperate to do something social. I just couldn't sit in my room on such a
night. I found out from stalking random people on Facebook that there was going to be a huge house
party in West Hills. I decided to take a big leap forward and attend this house party, even though I
wouldn't know anybody there. I had nothing to lose, and it would give me more of a chance of meeting
girls than if I stayed in my room all night. Because I couldn't drive, I had to walk all the way there, and it
took 45 minutes. When I got there, I was overcome by anxiety, but I couldn't back out at that point. I
paid the entry fee of $5 and walked right in. To my dismay, the party was smaller than I expected. All of
the kids were smoking marijuana, and they all seemed to know each other. It would only be a matter of
time before they detected that I was an outcast. I stood around awkwardly for a few minutes before
giving up and walking home.

>> No.14782443

Did he just roam around to get angry at something?

>> No.14782456

damn, slave morality and ressentiment in its pure form

>> No.14782474

just read his book already

>As I got more used to having a car of my own to drive, I frequently went on what I called "night drives" around my mother's neighborhood. They almost replaced the long walks I used to take in the afternoons. Staying in my room all the time only increased my depression. It was suffocating. To ease this suffocation, I frequently got in my car at night, turned on the radio, and went on a drive with no particular destination. The song "Two Is Better Than One" always played on the radio when I went on those night drives. It made me feel sad, though it was soothing at the same time. That song will always remind me of the loneliness I felt during those experiences.

>I soon learned the hard way to not go on night drives on Fridays and Saturdays. That was when teenagers were out and about. Even in the peaceful residential neighborhood that my mother lived in, I frequently saw bands of teenagers roaming the streets. They were high schoolers, younger than me; mostly skateboarder punks or football jocks who had pretty girls beside them. The sight of them
enraged me to no end. It reminded me of the life I missed out on. They were probably on their way to some house party, where they will get drunk and have sex and do all sorts of fun pleasurable things that I've never had the chance to do. Damn them all!

>> No.14782486

You jokingly say KINO, but it's only a matter of time before this shit is adapted into movie.

Not cos it's good but cos Hollywood is past scraping the bottom of the barrel.

>> No.14782497

Pass, I'd rather read these little excerpts that I find on /lit/.

>> No.14782498

>it's only a matter of time before this shit is adapted into movie

too bad any docudrama version hollywood shits out will be garbage compared to this:

>> No.14782510

This dude single-handedly made it worse to be a virgin nowadays. Before you were just a loser, now you are a lunatic killing for pussy.

>> No.14782534

>That beach was always quiet and peaceful, since the only people who visited it were those who lived in homes on the beach. I took full advantage of this.
>I've always found beaches to be truly beautiful, but I could never go to public beaches because they are full of young couples walking around in their revealing bathing suits, the sight of which fills me with envious rage.
>On the private beach, I could enjoy the serenity of the environment without having to worry about young couples making me jealous. There were no young couples, only a few families and old couples here and there.

>I did, however, pass by one young girl, and she was like a goddess who came down from heaven.
>She was walking alone, in her bathing suit, with her luscious blonde hair blowing in the wind.
>I couldn't help but slyly admire her beauty as we passed by each other. / was scared. I was scared that she might view me as nothing but an inferior insect who's presence ruins her atmosphere. Her beauty was intoxicating!

>And then, just as we passed each other, she actually looked at me.
>She looked at me and smiled.
>Most girls never even deigned to look at me, and this one actually looked at me and smiled. I had never felt so euphoric in my life.

>One smile.
>One smile was all it took to brighten my entire day.
>The power that beautiful women have is unbelievable. They can temporarily turn a desperate boy's whole world around just by smiling.

Fight me /lit/, this is top tier prose

>> No.14782649
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>Women are not drawn to indicators of evolutionary fitness. If they were, they'd be all over me.

>> No.14782836

Half asian masterrace

>> No.14782869
File: 1.05 MB, 607x456, eliott rodger chłodny uśmieszek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was right. Evolutionary fitness in today's society no longer means being able to lift heavy weight, being muscular or physical strength in general. With automatization in full swing, modern society demands greater quantity of intelligent and creative men as opposed to stereotypical jocks. So the demand is there but the women are not supplying as their tastes and patterns of attraction have failed to catch up with technological progress. That's why women are reactionaries and counter-evolutionaries - a little play on words. If we leave them unchecked, they will give birth to hoards of muscular birdbrains into a society that no longer needs them as they're easily disposable and can only perform the simplest labors where they have to compete with machinery. This will create greater technological unemployment and pressure on our welfare system and will inevitably bring economic and societal disaster. Our governments should stop delluding public opinion that the sexual market will regulate itself and finally pursue some action.

>> No.14782884

>no figurative language
>reads like voiceover narration
>full of clichés
You have shit taste in prose

>> No.14782900
File: 505 KB, 495x278, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trying to predict evolutionary fitness
>have children with me, Stacy- I'm the most fit partner around because I'm creative and sensible, unlike those meathead JERKS
Don't make me laugh, anon. You'll need a more convincing argument than some weak application of an ephemeral theory

>> No.14783106

>a character study captures the inner monologue of the character

hello pleb

>> No.14783128
File: 34 KB, 480x360, proxy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now THIS is prose

>> No.14783170

>I expanded on the political and philosophical ideals I concocted when I was seventeen
Would've fit right in on /lit/ lmao

>> No.14783264
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>Would've fit right in on /lit/ lmao
too bad his only real writing was his manifesto.

at least seung hui-cho had autistic poetry

>> No.14783466

Wew. It's an Elliot thread. One of few these times. Need to read it through.

Just on a sidenote, while searching for a livestream broadcasting of the Volksmarsen runover, it stuck me like a lightning, that HUMAN BEINGS ARE APES. Not sure how much the incident itself had to do with it. But, while realizing this, I also saw the Supreme as an ape, in my eyes, all of a sudden! Not sure what this will do to my fascination and infatuation about him, but it was kind of shocking. I mean, think about someone who you are fascinated by yourself, such as a great writer in the history of human literature, as an ape, and you get the picture!

>> No.14783483
File: 344 KB, 1101x473, 1550408329353.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is bret easton ellis tier writing

>> No.14783560

Yes, in case you're just scoffing it away, Without even trying to immerse yourself in its world or his life. That's the problem with a lot of readers: they try to read as much as they can as fast as they can, to impress someone, without being able to really experience anything evoked by the text that they read, which would require staying with the book longer than one evening.

I've read it three times, also making various lists of things in it for later use.

>> No.14783576

I love the part where he squirts orange juice at a bunch of jocks with a super soaker

>> No.14783590

>it stRuck me like a lightning, ...

>> No.14783600

I hope one day it's recognized for the literary masterpiece that it is. has it ever been published by any alternate/independent publisher? it's like houllebecq meets underground man meets american psycho.

>> No.14783628

The way normies think, is the MOST EFFICIENT way for a human TO COPE in this world and this universe. Humans simply can not bear the harsh realities of their lives and the universe they live in, that is why they need to develop all kinds of delusions to mentally survive. And the ones who refuse to do it, and choose to face the realities of their lives and the universe exactly the way they are, BREAK APART, in other world become "mentally ill". You do not have to think anything but death, to grasp the idea. Humans need to push it away in their minds, trying to feel as if they could live forever, or then build up all kinds of belief systems to deny that their existence most likely will end when their bodies die. You simply can not live your life being constantly aware of the possibility of death, or you will go nuts, even if you know it is always there.

You simply have to be DELUSIONAL to mentally survive as a conscious being. Animals haven't got this problem.

>> No.14783659

If you've ever seen how skittish deer can be in the wild, then you'd know they live in a constant state of awareness of death. They know what it means when a previously living being turns into a carcass: what was a living thing with a personality is now gone. They just don't have the linguistic tools to build up delusions about it.

>> No.14783666

That isn't the most clear eyed account. Even if you're committed to physicalism, it still is the case you somehow came into being once. Doesn't seem unlikely it will happen again.

>> No.14783696

MK at least has a lot of decent political insights, and paints a historical portrait of life in Germanic states and the first world war.

>> No.14783730


>> No.14783897

>They just don't have the linguistic tools to build up delusions about it.
They even haven't got intellectual tools to build up any delusions on any level such as visual thinking (that's the form of thinking animals mostly are believed to have). And they are barely aware of themselves as individuals, beings that are separate from their living surroundings. That makes it impossible for them to recognize themselves as something that is having personality, even if they have them in a way, so it is impossible for them to see their primates as having personalities either, They do not necessarily even realize that the carcass lying on the ground is the same individual as their primate they lived with before. And when they do not realize that connection, at least not to the point that they would realize that they themselves will turn into carcasses themselves too, in case they are hunted down, they do not fully understand the concept of death even if they might understand the concept of destruction. That death happens to EVERYONE and that it is the final end of their individual existence. The way they are "skittish" in the wild, is a mode of behavior they were genetically programmed to have to survive in nature. You do not have to understand what death is to be aware of other living beings you see are attacking others of your kind or acting in a threatening manner.

Think about a snake. All of its behavior consists of modes of behavior that are not connected in its mind to one another. When it sees a mouse it wants to chase it, and the hunting mode comes into play. When it kills the mouse, it's the killing mode in play. When it swallows the mouse, its the eating mode. It does not even realize that it is the same mouse during all of those modes. And even our pet animals have such modes of behavior. When a cat chases a mouse, it does not necessarily get it that the mouse that disappears behind the veil is the same mouse that pops up in the other end of the veil. Also think about your cat scrubbing the air in its litter box if there is no sand. When it scrubs the sand it does not think: "Oh I need to cover my poo now so that the big cat (human) who takes care of me does not see it and think that I am trying to steal his space." It scrubs the sand, or the air, because IT FEELS LIKE DOING SO. It has a genetically programmed mode to do so.

Yeah, deer are more intelligent than snakes but I doubt not more so than cats.

Do not get me wrong, I LOVE ALL ANIMALS, and want to fight for their rights, in spite of everything.

>> No.14783909

I am not familiar with "physicalism", just read a few line of it in Wikipedia for the first time. It seems to mean that you believe that everything is just physical and that there is nothing else. I am not sure about that, at all. Then again, what we consider as being non-physical, such as the existence of consciousness as separate from physical being, could actually be physical, in the end. Science has yet a lot to explore.

But, in the minds of most people, physical death is the end of it all. In other words, a "harsh reality" of their lives they need to push away or deny.

>> No.14784060

>That's why women are reactionaries and counter-evolutionaries
Same applies to men. Men do not choose women who are intelligent, but women who are fucking dumb. Dumbness in a woman turns a man on, because he subconsciously knows that it is easy to manipulate a dumb woman to be fucked as often as a man wants and all the ways a man wants. Yet, men should prefer intelligent women too, for the sake of humanity's progress, as intelligence mostly gets passed down to the offspring through the mother.

This all out of our control though. As the sexual preferences of a human being are being dictated in the "lizard brain", the part of the brain that says to a man that he has to spread his seed as widely as possible and tells to a woman that she needs to find a physically strong, courageous bully to protect herself and her babies. Our sexual urges will never be able to follow the cultural evolution. They rather stop existing at all before they get to change.

>> No.14784164

>>I was shocked that some 7th and 8th grade girls offered to dance with me.
>>They came up to me in a group and taught me how to "slow dance".
When did everything go wrong??

>> No.14784178

>New Sincerity
New Sincerity is not about spour ourselves crude as things are, but to fouther our deep darkness as it really is what we are. So they deliver the monster they expect to be in thenselves, but just because the presupose that is what lies rock bottom. Truth is, the disturbing is not but a reaction of having to operate the world dispise the truly deep of us. Is contingent and a part of the whole.
Ellito, that man, just happened to deliver organically what others meant to edge out. But as you saw, it's the honesty of his circumstances that makes you see it in that particular color.

>> No.14784185
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>> No.14784219



Yeah, the same old points of the Supreme. And I have replied to them all for thousands of times during the four years I have been discussing about him on chans, so I do not feel like responding to them anymore.

>> No.14784250

In case someone is going to unleash their monster within themselves by torturing animals or raping kids, I WILL UNLEASH MINE TOO, and it is about DOZENS OF TIMES BIGGER THAN THEIRS. Haaahahahahaha!

But hey, maybe it's just literature genre.

>> No.14784258


>> No.14784800

>...but I doubt they are more so than cats.

Sorry my English crashed.

>> No.14785012

because he was a wizardchan user and because the idea of going on a shooting spree because blonde girls wont kiss you was already a meme (beta uprising)

>> No.14785489

>That's the problem with a lot of readers: they try to read as much as they can as fast as they can, to impress someone, without being able to really experience anything evoked by the text that they read, which would require staying with the book longer than one evening.
pretty damn accurate

>> No.14785495

Why didn't she transition

>> No.14785720

Based dude desu

>> No.14786250

Thanks everyone for participating in this thread, this was a very interesting read

>> No.14786424
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When will they make one?

>> No.14786596

this is a massive cope
you see short, ugly, ethnically ambiguous guys pull tail all the time
he was severely damaged and broken, his mind was trapped in a childlike state, with no proper socialization. if you read the leaked emails, his stepmom soumaya has a great take on this.
honestly, if you find yourself experiencing similar thought patterns you should unironically seek help, you’ve got bigger problems than not being able to score

>> No.14786608

I noticed a thread on /fit/ about him with the same picture related. Made me feel as if someone's trying to profile what kind of people are into him, or profile certain people posting about him, starting threads about him on various types of boards. It has happened before.

On a sidenote, if you do not wish to donate to PETA, you can always send e-mails to dicks allowing animal abuse. It might help a little.

Imagine, some sweet kittens WILL LOSE THEIR ENTIRE LIFE, in a very painful manner, just so that some fuckhead could have a nice trim in their coat or leather soles in their shoes. HUMANS ARE SATANIC MONSTERS.


>> No.14786610

This. You must have other problems to reach that state. I at least partly blame his family structure. His father was an actor. That seems to totally ruin children upbringing for what I have seen.

>> No.14786637

I did, it was just beta male problems.

>> No.14786640

i agree with everything you said, and the contrast between the two points of view - blaming immediate circumstances vs trying to understand deeper underlying issues - seems to underpin a lot of the difficulties that people and communities face.
what do you think can be done about it? better education? will it get better over time?

>> No.14786653

You're assuming AWFULLY LOT just on the basis of someone saying he wasn't good enough for women for being Half-Asian. You're just like your typical left-wing/right-wing loon who assumes that the person is nazi/communist just because the person does not approve late-term abortion/fur factories. I honestly thought that blindly jumping to conclusions like that is the result of the present polarization in society and the fight between two rivaling groups, but it is isn't. It seems to be a basic human trait, to jump into conclusions on the basis on ONE FEATURE of a person or an issue. It's yet to be figured out for me why is that.

I'm not the one you replied to.

>> No.14786684

His father is a photographer and advertisement director. He also made a documentary movie that flopped.



>> No.14786700

Oh ok, I remembered it had something to do with filming. He mentioned in his manifesto how he would sometimes go to the set.

>> No.14786701

>that pic
one really gets an idea of the pathological depth of his narcissism by considering the fact that he posted with his real name
I'm not sure he even realized that by posting his legal name, he only opens himself up to more potentially torturous situations at the hands of others (considering he's basically implying he has a "small" penis)

>> No.14786722

>managing to fuck someone through a closed door
Chad Mexican with his twelve foot door-breaking cock.

>> No.14786723
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Humanity is neither cringe nor based.
It is only upon a human to present itself as either based or cringe.

>> No.14786732

No anon knows how cringe he is till he has tried very hard to be based.

>> No.14786748
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What's cringe to a based anon is based to a cringe retard.

>> No.14787129

Kill yourself as your first act of deceny in this life please

>> No.14787141

Lets take a glimpse into your life, and i will explain to you why you are worthless.

>> No.14787145

>you see short, ugly, ethnically ambiguous guys pull tail all the time

Yeah, no. Not in the age of tinder, unless they're filthy rich and high-status.

>> No.14787150

There's more ways to meet people than Tinder.

>> No.14787178

He made no attempt to pick up anybody. He thought everything you described was enough for the 6' blonde models to approach him. His book is filled with passages where he goes to a public place, sits in the corner then bemoans that nobody is approaching him. The one time he does begin a conversation he gets a response but he lacks the self-awareness to make any connection between the two.

>> No.14787186

How do you know this stuff?

>> No.14787207

I'm a working class uggo, all my friends and co-workers are working class uggos, we all get pussy. Mostly fat pussy I will admit, but it's pussy.

>> No.14787282

Fat pussy is best pussy.

>> No.14787603

Why didn't he just pay a whore to lose his virginity if he was so obsessed with it? By the looks of those texts, he didn't have much standards to begin with.

>> No.14787687

Manlets, when will they learn

>> No.14787728

He did have standards. He considered himself a 10/10 who deserved a 10/10 and nothing less would suffice.

>> No.14787783

I take he didn't take acid and gain some of the Devils luck.

>> No.14787865

Agreed, I was just trying to insist to the anon that i'm not selling him a fantasy or anything, just that the biggest barriers to getting laid exist between the ears. Hell i'm 5'6'' and i've got Sartre eyes and if I can have sex then that retard Elliott could've, if it couldn't be gleaned that he was narcissistic and dangerous just from hearing him speak for a minute or looking at his creepy expression.

>> No.14787976

YOU DEGENERATE WHORES! You have totally lost your pair-bonding abilities and should be SHAMED for the downfall of the white race!!! Also the pussy juice of all of those women you've fucked gets into your cells and the woman you impregnate will get it in her child. ANOTHER WOMAN'S DNA! How degrading!

t. female supremacist

>> No.14787981

DNA OF A FAT WOMAN!!! That's even worse!

>> No.14787985


>> No.14788023

>went on holiday to Essex, whore capital of the UK, and still couldn't get a pity fuck
Truly a lost cause

>> No.14788042

faggots who didn't read the book

this is /lit/, not /r9k/, not like you NEETS don't have any time to read a few fucking pages anyways

>Why didn't he just pay a whore to lose his virginity if he was so obsessed with it? By the looks of those texts, he didn't have much standards to begin with.
That's what Elliot's father thought, he offered to take Elliot to nevada to a brothel, but for Elliot that would be admitting defeat.

Read the fucking book. He makes it pretty clear that for him, sex was the ultimate form of being accepted and loved by a woman, and his virginity was a reminder that he would never be accepted. Then, when he comes to the conclusion that he is an outcast who (he believes) will never be accepted, his cope is to rationalize that he is better than everyone else. But when this cope fails, he is left with nothing else but his final plan.

>As the phrase that I had coined goes: If I cannot join them, I will rise above them; and if I cannot rise above them, I will destroy them. I've been trying to join and be accepted among the beautiful, popular people all my life, but it was to no avail. They have always treated me like scum. Girls have always deemed me unworthy of their love and sex. I tried to overthrow them by gaining wealth at a young age, from trying to come up with invention ideas, to contemplating writing an epic story, and finally to trying to win the lottery. At this point, the prospect of overthrowing them seemed hopeless. The final solution to triumph over my enemies was to destroy them, to carry out my Day of Retribution, to exact my ultimate and devastating vengeance against all of the popular young people who never accepted me, and against all women for rejecting me and starving me of love and sex.

just read the fucking book you incels

>> No.14788048

>his creepy expression
Can you give any examples of those "creepy expressions"? Do you mean some facial expressions or verbal expressions? I'm curious. I find him very attractive with both his non-verbal and verbal expressions. Can't really put it into words but he is reminding me of a stalking cat. All of those slow, a bit restrained body movements probably make the impression. He even talks in a slow and restrained manner.

And yeah, it is a A LOT WORSE a flaw to have, to not be able to act like your peers in your early 20s, than have Sartre eyes. He was like that, he just had no idea how to talk, think or act or even dress like his peers in general or his peers in some sub group of his peers. When you are like that as a young person, you are a total outcast. Everybody thinks that you are mentally disabled. Just think about his username "ElliotR1" on OkCupid. What do you think girls of his age thought about him after seeing his username? Yes, that he is retarded. Because NO ONE else among his peers would've used such a username on a dating site, not even Star War nerds. Yet he wasn't retarded, probably had IQ of 125 at least. That is how human mind works, esp. at a young age: in case someone is not capable of mimicking anyone of their peer group, they have to be mentally disabled or mentally ill.

>> No.14788075

The fuck did you (you) me for? I said why Elliot didn't want to go to a brothel. Retract my (you).

>> No.14788139

That's what makes him creepy to me. His actions are all very deliberate - the snarling lips, the smirks to the camera, the slow head tilt after making one of his 'profound statements'. It's all this weird projection of some Other. He writes a few times of how he thinks others feel uncomfortable hanging around him and it's no surprise. His ego just blocks him from seeing that he acts a creep so puts it down to other reasons.

>> No.14788196

he was autistic and had difficulty making eye contact with others
but he would stare from a distance then act awkward afterwards

in front of the camera he tries to emulate facial expressions of what he thinks are successful "alpha" men, but it only reveals how twisted his perception of the world is

>> No.14788204

You nailed it already basically. You can just tell immediately that
1. He doesn't spend enough face to face time with people to be able to mimic even basic human behavior.
2. He's got autism at minimum, probably something worse.
3. He's just boiling over with hate and narcissism in general and it comes through in the tone of his voice, this is why incels need to get off their sites because immersing themselves in all these "blackpills" and hateful rhetoric for hours a day, yet they stupidly think that this isn't their problem because they don't talk about it irl, when in fact people (especially women) can tell if you have contempt for them when you talk to them, whether you're really interested or just see them as a hole.
TL;DR: Remedy for bad body/face language is to consciously practice talking to people more than you look at screens, to focus on positive thought patterns which show on your face, and to avoid miring yourself in hate on incel shithole sites.

>> No.14788220

Wow, thanks. I haven't come to think that those expressions could be deliberate somehow, projection of some Other. But in case they are, it goes along the lines of being Autistic. Elliot was diagnosed to have PDD-NOS that is a form of mild autism. It is a common thing among autistics, that they do not mimic other people spontaneously, like neurotypicals do, but consciously, much like when a person learns to play an instrument. They deliberately copy the mannerisms of some other people and that might come out as "creepy". And copying or mimicking the "cool kids" was something Elliot said himself that he was doing as a kid. It probably happened again, in a end part of his life, when he needed to mimic "dangerous villains".

>> No.14788246
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It wouldn't mean real acceptance from women (and, by extension ,society)

>> No.14788264

someone post the part where he listens to his sister getting P L U N G E D or when he squirts kids with orange juice in an autistic rage

>> No.14788290
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read the thread faggot

oh wait, i forgot this is /lit/, nobody on this goddamn board reads anymore

>> No.14788449

>but he would stare from a distance then act awkward afterwards
Gosh, I recognize that in myself. I may stare at people from the distance but then avoid them when they come closer. People probably take it as a sign of rejection.
>in front of the camera he tries to emulate facial expressions of what he thinks are successful "alpha" men
I think that he is trying to emulate Garrosh Hellscream (WoW), Emperor Palpatine (Star Wars) and Bolton Ramsay(GoT), all of his favorite characters.

>to be able to mimic even basic human behavior.
That's the case with quite a lot of young people these days, as they mostly stare at their phones only.
>He's got autism at minimum
He has PDD-NOS, NPD, Social Anxiety, psychopathic traits and depression. Also an extremely flawed impulse control system that made him unable to block the stimulant (such as the view of loving couples) and the feelings caused by it.