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14777419 No.14777419 [Reply] [Original]

I am currently writing a novel in which more than one of the characters, including at least one main character, is a teenage girl. Any advice on how to accurately depict the daily routines of teenage girls? In particular, I suppose I need to learn more about feminine hygiene. I could always just avoid the subject, but that feels like a betrayal of the quest for realism I'm currently on.

>> No.14777437

1) speak to a teenage girl/somebody who used to be a teenage girl
2) read forums popular amongst teenage girls, there will be a shit ton I guarantee
3) read books written for/by women about being a teenage girl

>> No.14777557

>youtube channels aimed at young women
>subreddits for makeup, fashion, "survival guides" etc.
>lolcow /g/
>old tumblr blogs
>things related to your specific character's hobbies and interests - like cooking, sport, fanfiction, maybe even darker stuff like pro ana "communities".
Teenage girls do a lot of the same shit they end up doing as adults, but with less work and more cringe.
Also it depends on your MC and her social group. I know this sounds cliche but girls are not the same - what I mean is a teenage girl who is raised on a farm or drops out at 14 to smoke weed will be totally different from some inner city Mean Girls type stacy, even if they're going through a lot of the same shit and probably want similar things. The West (or at least middle class white America) has a very specific media image of adolescents that doesn't always add up to reality.

>> No.14778432

i know how to draw but only in black and white.
tell me how they look like and maybe i will illustrate them.

>> No.14779083
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>Any advice on how to accurately depict the daily routines of teenage girls?

Don't. Literally just write them like characters from Sailor Moon or Utena, deliberately projecting deeply reflective personalities on them.

>> No.14779104

Why would you describe a girl's personal hygiene routine? Is it relevant to the plot?

>> No.14779224

It's to contrast their sullying later in the book.

>> No.14779414

It's not that complicated.

>takes a shower before bed or in the morning (shave if needed)
>put on deo
>brush hair
>wash face, put on face cream (morning or evening or both depending on person)
>put on makeup and perfume

The order varies from person to person. Is there anything specific you were wondering about?

>> No.14779768

Lmao based

>> No.14779774

girl is soft and she smell nice

>> No.14781160

Gotta admit I coomed from this post.

>> No.14781173
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Literally just don't. Make all you relevant characters white men and have everyone else be background. Like I only include women in the story if they're going to fuck with one of the men or get pregnant or something.
It's realistic too since women are stupid and in the background of real life

>> No.14781187

>I suppose I need to learn more about feminine hygiene
Transition for a couple of weeks then. Also make sure to get the full surgery so you know how demanding a vagina is on your hygiene.

>> No.14781197

What's the point of realism like that? Who the fuck wants to read about a chick doing hair and makeup for an hour and then struggling to go out due period cramps?

>> No.14781204

Dostoyevsky writes great teenage girls.

>> No.14781214

Based. I've only read Notes and White Nights so far. Which work by him would you recommend for truly understanding teenage girls? Does he have books with teenage girl protags?

>> No.14781602

Read worm by wildbow.

>> No.14781618

Have you tried talking to a woman?

>> No.14781737

what awful advice, women do not understand themselves at all.

>> No.14783051


>> No.14783831

Other women and teenage girls.

>> No.14783924
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That actually is something I think it would be good to include, if you've got a woman in your cast of characters. As a man I know literally nothing about what it's like to have a vagina. What are periods like? How do you cope with them? How long do they last? How much do they hurt? How long does it take for them to go away?

>> No.14784026
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Ask your sister. I'm sure she'd be glad to teach you.

>> No.14785110
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>I suppose I need to learn more about feminine hygiene
What a coincidence. My friend would like to know about this as well...

>> No.14785199
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>Periods varies from person to person. Some find in immensely painful. Stomach cramps can be awful, and at times it feels like theres an ax lodged in your lower back. Others don't feel much.
>The amount also varies from person to person. Pads/tampons are changed about 4-8 times at day depending.
>They usually lasts about 5 days to a week. It starts really heavy the first couple days, then decreases
>If it's really painful one may skip school/work, but usually life just goes on as usual, but with mood swings, pain, and the constant anxiety than you may have bled though

>> No.14785238

>person to person
woman to woman*

>> No.14785242

What is she trying to imply with this gesture?

>> No.14785809

Honestly, putting your storyteller focus on the goals, motivations, and personality of the teenage girl is much more important than trying to realistically depict her hygienic practices.
Assuming your target audience includes women, it would be odd to put special focus on menstruation, especially if it does not service the plot. Most women get their period every month and the bleeding spans roughly a week. The cramps can start before the bleeding begins and women often experience bloating, back pain, and acne breakouts as additional side effects of their period. It is just another part of their lives. It is a normal, common biological occurrence and not something to draw special attention to, unless again, it is plot related.
Women in general plan their day around showering, especially if there is a social component to the activities on their agenda.
Women often travel to the bathroom in groups; it is a social thing.
Your teenage girl character may be interested in cosmetics such as make up and perfume. Though she might not given the personality you chose for her. Make up is largely about making herself look better, according to her own standards. Acne, blotchy skin, skin that is too pale, or bags under eyes are usually grounds to apply make up if she fears comments about her appearance and wishes to protect her self-esteem.
Women are also obsessed with the shape and definition of their eyebrows if her make up usage is on the heavier side; possibly the result of watching too many make up tutorials.
A woman's sense of fashion is often influenced by cultural standards and trends. Most importantly, what she wears is based on what she thinks she looks good in. Women do not dress to impress men. They dress to impress themselves and other women. (If you decide to use one thing from this wall of text please use this.)
Shopping is a social activity for women, especially shopping for clothes/jewelry/make up. Women, especially teenage girls, love to browse stores together on the hunt for a new "piece" to expand their wardrobe.

But really, if you are writing out the daily routines of your characters to the extent of walking the reader through the whole hour or more it might take for a girl to shower, chose an outfit, apply make up, and eat breakfast, especially if this routine is mentioned more than once, then this would be content to cut when editing. Daily routines, if basic and "normal" are not interesting to read about. The reader will likely assume that your characters bathe frequently and have their menstrual cycle under control enough for it to not be a big deal. This would be content that you should probably cut to reduce unnecessary fluff so we can get to the plot a bit quicker.
Hope this helps.

>> No.14786397

Befriend some women, how hard can it be?