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14777074 No.14777074 [Reply] [Original]

Beauty shames the ugly. Strength shames the weak. The Ideal shames us all. Thus we fear it, resent it, even hate it.
t. Jordan Peterson

I, that am curtailed of this fair proportion, Cheated of feature by dissembling nature. Deformed, unfinished, sent before my time Into this breathing world, scarce half made up.
Why, I, in this weak piping time of peace, Have no delight to pass away the time, Unless to see my shadow in the sun And descant on mine own deformity. And therefore, since I cannot prove a lover To entertain these fair well-spoken days, I am determinèd to prove a villain And hate the idle pleasures of these days.
t. Richard III Act 1 Scene 1

>> No.14777176

Both are shunned, so I’d rather be envied and the object of jealousy for being greater than others, than contented and looked down upon for being worse, since I will be marginalized either way.

>> No.14777252

Am I missing something here? Shit seems like a no-brainer.

>> No.14777480
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There is no shame, but what you allow.

The clown is stalked by danger, building suspense. While any other being would observe the danger, collapsing the being-state and triggering a loss-confrontation, the clown remains wholly ignorant. They continue their act, going about their clown-ly until the comedic suspense reaches it's climax, where upon it is released and the force of danger is phenomenologically neutralized. They may jump out of a plane and have their parachute fail to deploy and, all thanks to their clown ontology, survive in what can only be considered pure luck.

The clown is neither an object of envy or jealousy, being lower than the most wretched leper. Yet the clown is also not an object of contempt or disgust, holding more power than the grandest kings. It is also not a mediocre entity, a bland perforation of experience that is ignored in it's mundane nature and saved from the ends of this duality.

No, the clown is a being of uproarious laughter, grand performances that compel souls to be jolly and witness the clown. I would rather nothing, and I reject your duality. I walk the path of the clown, and I observe no shame. My only desire in life is to show you the way I see things, and to bring you into the ring of the Big Top.