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14774587 No.14774587 [Reply] [Original]

Okay I'm done playing games. What book will teach me how to talk to women, and to eventually have sex with them?

>> No.14774590

Mark Manson - Models
is a decent introductory book to basic self care when it comes to relationships

>> No.14774622

"The Roissy Reader". Search that in quotes.

>> No.14774628

Women are animals, they don't care about your intellect or what comes out of your mouth. Go /fit/ and get arms as big as you can. Don't over analyze fitness, progressive overload and eating the right amount of calories are the most important concepts behind getting fit.
Also make sure you are not ugly.

>> No.14774874

I've been going to the gym for years but it changed nothing.

>> No.14775401

Explain /fit/.

>> No.14775479


True, even if you just smile and make grunt noises with a good masculine vibe they'll want your d

>> No.14775523

Book of pook.

>> No.14775529

browse chick-lit section on goodreads
dont read self-help books

>> No.14775555

this may sound like a meme to you, but it's not.
reading self-help books or books with assertive, male protagonists might sound like a good idea, but that entirely depends on the type of girl you want.

are you looking to pick up easy girls? then self-help books MIGHT work.
Are you looking for a deeper connection, or something that might help you understand the psyche of a woman of a higher class or mind, then read books that women write. avoid schlock. find something introspective, that tells you how a girl grows up, and functions in a male-dominated society.

>> No.14775566

The Prince

>> No.14775601


>> No.14775729
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>find something introspective, that tells you how a girl grows up, and functions in a male-dominated society.

>> No.14775786

If socializing with the opposite sex for the purpose of having sex with them is your goal, then you already know how to talk to them, because it's inate. The secret is grabbing that first attention so that they won't repell on your first contact with them, and the way to do that is a) Confidence and the rest doesn't matter as long as you are at least average looking. If you happen to be really below average, i'm sorry, turn your dick in.

>> No.14775901


>> No.14775931

Models by Manson.
Also read EVERYTHING that guy writes, he's just too fucking based and redpilleed

>> No.14775985

white knight

>> No.14776006

i bet the sight of a feminist novel would make you incensed

>> No.14776027

Books can’t teach you to be a decent person

>> No.14776032

My Chad diary desu

>> No.14776078

The absolute state of lit.

>> No.14776082
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>> No.14776087

both of you cucks are calling each other names like retards. stfu

>> No.14776209

by far the biggest chad i've ever know was a fat fuck. at work, none of the guys lift, in fact they're all out of shape yet they all have gfs

>> No.14776332

Agree with this anon. The biggest Chad I've known was skinny and dressed like shit. Which is funny because lifting and getting good clothes is the biggest meme advice.

Being a Chad is mostly about face, height and natural charisma. A skinny/fat Chad is still a Chad. A ripped loser is still a loser.

>> No.14776839

what are your criticisms

>> No.14776866

How do I know you're dumb as fuck lazy nigger by reading one sentence you wrote

>> No.14776871

okay, how do I stop being a "dumb as fuck lazy nigger" ...?

>> No.14776890

Read some books that women like, but are not socially unaccaptable for men to read them, so you can discuss it with them without looking gay. Now you have a common topic and a chance for a normal connection that might make them like you and sleep with you.

>> No.14776943

Anon, I'm working on my self-help guide for you all. Hold tight.

>> No.14777376

I bet the sight of Tyrone deep dicking your "wife" makes you cry.

>> No.14777666

Google progressive overload. If you are not increasing your performance constantly then you are just wasting your time. If you are very weak, focus on getting stronger first 3 sets by 5 reps and increase weight every time you go, write down how much you are lifting so you know you are getting better. If you just can't up the weight then you need to eat more, count your calories. Rest 1 or 2 days a week.

>> No.14777675

alcohol, every normie knows this- spirits can turn you into Chad for a short time by removing inhibition

>> No.14777682

this is how you club correctly

>> No.14777704

>What book will teach me how to talk to women, and to eventually have sex with them?
You don't even need a book. Here you go:
1. Look good

>> No.14779151

Stop thinking books are the answer for everything, go out and improve your social skills you dumbfuck

>> No.14779242

Can I borrow it?

>> No.14779335

Imagine thinking you can read a book to learn how to ride a bike. Just do it pussy.

>> No.14779918
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No need to thank

>> No.14779934

guys, let me ask you the reverse. is there a book that's going to give me the will to talk to women? I often just don't talk to anyone or forge new bonds because i feel like everything is meaningless, even though i would want it a lot.

>> No.14779942

Implying a bicycle book wouldnt help

>> No.14780258

quads confirms.
anything in particular you would like to recommend?

>> No.14780271

>What book will teach me how to talk to women, and to eventually have sex with them?
I thought you said you were done playing games?