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14773634 No.14773634 [Reply] [Original]

According to Woodley of Menie, White American IQ has been decreasing by 1 per decade, Black Americans 2 per decade, Hispanic Americans 3 per decade.

Will decreasing intelligence of Americans demonstrate itself on bookshelves as well? Will we stop seeing great works?

>> No.14773649

>Woodley of Menie
lmao this nigga coming from Narnia or summ? lmao like get a real name cuuuhhh

>> No.14773650

he is a Scottish Baron so his name is weird

>> No.14773655

>How will decreasing IQ affect the American society?
>Will decreasing intelligence of Americans demonstrate itself on bookshelves as well?
how nice of you to bring up literature "as well"!

>> No.14773687

It's already demonstrating itself in posts like yours.

>> No.14774008

I've read at our Wits' end, but have not heard that this process was occuring at different rates between the races. Where does he say this?

>> No.14774020

>White American IQ has been decreasing by 1 per decade, Black Americans 2 per decade, Hispanic Americans 3 per decade.
That sounds like totally made up numbers so you probably shouldn't believe anything published on someones blog and not in a peer reviewed academic journal.

>> No.14774079

>Will we stop seeing great works?
Yes, and then we wills top seeing human-created works entirely.
Everything will be written by AI and the dumb future humans won't notice or care.

>> No.14774087

It wouldn't be surprising though, nutrition plays a big part when it comes to IQ and Burgers tend to eat shit. Though seeing their politics, the society itself has larger problems than a few IQ points.

>> No.14774089

>IQ doesn't exist
>but people who believe in IQ have low-IQ
kek, always liked that one trick

>> No.14774101

Average iq has been increasing, you nimrod

>> No.14774105

>>IQ doesn't exist
who are you quoting

>> No.14774108

Hes on the board of the peer reviewed journal "intelligence" and has a PhD

>> No.14774116

decreasing since victorian times actually

>> No.14774135

Based on "muh reaction times" speculation while not knowing anything else. It's a fucking joke study.

>> No.14774151

cope the correlation between reaction time and general intelligence is well-established.

>> No.14774186

It doesn't sound like a sufficient enough base to go from "there is a connection between these" to "our speculation about the reaction times required give us an accurate estimate about the IQ of an entire population". It's a worthwhile effort to go against the "people in the past were all drooling retards" but not much more.

>> No.14774195 [DELETED] 

Allow me to share a little-known quirk of American demographic accounting.

>> No.14774202
File: 211 KB, 950x942, 10_wanted_TEXAS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow me to share a little-known quirk of American demographic accounting.

>> No.14774222

Most of them are pretty white. Larry is kinda orange but so is your president, and that fatass is white too.

>> No.14774232

Lmao so how many real white people are there in the US, fucking 40%?

Why are the jews so good at tricks like this?

>> No.14774315
File: 69 KB, 201x188, oh vey who me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Most of them are pretty white. Larry is kinda orange but so is your president, and that fatass is white too.

>> No.14774518

Reaction to what?
I can react to physical stimuli very quickly, impressively quickly to normies, but I react to verbal or conversational prompts extremely slowly because of the 'tism.
People usually don't even wait for me to finish my sentence before cutting me off.

>> No.14774583
File: 9 KB, 223x226, Unknown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-is that a human female?

>> No.14774640

Sure, the reaction times are interesting but if you're skeptical that's understandable. However, what is the alternative explanation? In the modern world, there is a known negative correlation between fertility and intelligence. Part of this is down to intelligent women choosing careers over marriage, but a significant part of this is down to decreasing infant mortality amongst the lower classes, a product of the 19th-century technological/medical progress Woodley of Menie fingers as the root of all this.

>> No.14774657
File: 66 KB, 484x594, finalboss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only American worth reading is Melville.

>> No.14774782
File: 472 KB, 720x715, 1580906374960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It would make them easier to control for the elite while also allowing cheaper labor and financial acquisition
It will bite the Zionist elite in the ass later due to them becoming either muttified or inbred in the process, while also having no whites to piggyback off of to advance technologically and societally

>> No.14774791

No Pepe. That's a soulless whore.

>> No.14774820

This. Literally all of them are overrated except our guy Herman (who is, if anything, very much underrated).

>> No.14774826


>> No.14775961

>decreasing intelligence of Americans
Is this what the jews want?

>> No.14775974

>sure, I made it up, but am I wrong?

>> No.14776088

>the bookshelves
Do zoomers even read books at all?

>> No.14776291

Flynn effect

>> No.14776324

Its called "creaturas"

>> No.14776446

IQ is pseudoscience. Mine is 162 and I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.14776780

Culture in this system represents what the common person finds stimulating. The more stupid it gets, the stronger the quality of all art forms will degrade.

Conversations between normies are usually quick and superficial. Trying to think deeply about your response or what you've been told is a good way to not have any friends.