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14773216 No.14773216 [Reply] [Original]

Why read Greek literature and philosophy? If they were so smart, surely modern day Greece would not be a failed state?

>> No.14773244

anything not tainted by jews is refreshing, which mostly means buddhists and greeks, skipping the hindus.

>> No.14773254


>> No.14773260

Dude it's been two thousand years. A lot of the greeks are basically turks now anyway.

>> No.14773262

They were able to create all they did because they lived in a state of constant internal conflict
That is conducive to coming up with new ideas or solutions, not to long term stability

>> No.14773264

Exactly. Why read books by a failed civilization? The Arabs are still around. Chinese are still around. Why bother reading Greek shit? Surely if they were smart they would have been a superpower.

>> No.14773266

The Arabs didn't generate anything. Saying that 'the Chinese' are still around is like saying that the Europeans are still around. Which they are

>> No.14773280

Europeans are not as homogeneous as the Chinese so that makes no sense.

>> No.14773384

It survived in spirit through Europe and as you know, Europe became the most powerful and enlightened continent in history.

>> No.14773412

The Arabs and islamic civilization are heavily influenced by the Greeks

>> No.14773415
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>> No.14773420

Go back

>> No.14773430

He means Christianity made Greeks dumb

>> No.14773434
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>> No.14773516

Greek here, we aren't a failed state, even at our lowest point we are still wealthier than the majority of Europeans. We have like triple the GDP per capita of Turkey even after our household income got halved in the last 10 years. We just have a multitude of crises hitting us at the same time. All will be well eventually.

We've been at constant disarray, endless wars, civil wars, wars against Persia, Italians, Arabs, Turks, Germans, Bulgarians, even the fucking Vikings came down here. They all wanted a taste of what's great about us. Most importantly, plagues and financial issues have been prevalent since forever (we REALLY suck at the money thing).

Throughout our five thousand year history we have managed to do impossible things. We created the greatest epics, invented most sciences, designed the slickest architectural stuff ranging from the Parthenon to the Agia Sophia, birthed the greatest minds the world has ever seen, laid the foundation and created the blueprints for Western civilization, managed the greatest war feats ever, set the bar for strategic warfare, revolutionized naval warfare and created the first mega battleships, created Orthodoxy and managed to enlighten the entire Slavic population with Cyrillic, managed to repel the Eastern Arab hordes for literally a thousand years, we could have held up against the Ottomans if Venetians and the rest of Europe didn't stab us in the back, we almost got Constantinople back even though we were a nation 20 times smaller than Turkey, we fucked Italy so hard during WW2, we nearly got to Rome when we pushed back all the while fighting in 3 fronts. We are coming back from the worst recession and civil discontent since the time of Turkish oppression.

Sure we're small and our financials are still shaky, but those numbers and conditions have always been in our favor. Remember that.

Read how genetics work.

>> No.14773518


>> No.14773531


It's fine. We're fine.

>> No.14773532

you can do it greece. i believe in you! but please stop the refugees

>> No.14773538

Fine? Like Iraq is fine? Greece is an irrelevant, failed state. Things could have been different if you weren't killing each other for 500 years.

>> No.14773539

muh look at all the things we did 2000 year ago. Hate to break it to you it's the 21st century bucko, you and your accomplishments have been left in the dust, your greatness is done, you hear me, finished. Feel free to keep living in 500 B.C though that era is over.

>> No.14773542

Tell me where you're from and I'll answer the question of how fine we are exactly in relation to you.

>> No.14773546

>we were great back when everybody was chucking spears
>we will be great again because we were great OVER 2000 years ago

>> No.14773549

Ukraine but I live in Canada. And yes Ukraine is a failed state too

>> No.14773553

I've listed plenty of examples of great things we did in the last 100 years, I can post more. My point is that we're relevant, you are a fuckboi nobody.

>> No.14773559

>plenty of examples of great things we did in the last 100 years
>only one actual examples
>"we... ugh... kicked Italy's bum!"
yes, but so did everybody else, kiddo.

>> No.14773560

This all sounds to me like jealousy.

You hate us cause you ain't us. Now go to the philosophy thread and suck Plato's dick.

>> No.14773561
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>you hate us cause you ain't us

>> No.14773566

Modern Greeks have been turned into S*mite drones... they are fat peasants who hate homosexuals. Nothing noble left on that archipelago! It is not a racial problem, but a spiritual one.

>> No.14773571


>> No.14773577

Cope of what? Do you even know what that means? What do the roaches inhibiting modern day Greece have to do with Plato?

>> No.14773579

>you are christian, christianity bad !!
You hate Christianity because you associate it with "Catholicism" , which is not Christianity and never will be.

>> No.14773588

An enlightened person would say that Genetics don't work the way you think, that you probably didn't get educated past middle school and that you're regurgitating lowest common denominator /pol/ memes. But I'm not an enlightened person so I'll just reply with


>> No.14773591

Hm? No. I more or less like Catholicism. It is not as infected with Germanic life-hating austerity as Protestantism, and isn't as provincial as Orthodoxy (though Orthodoxy has plenty of creditable attributes not present in Catholicism). I just find the loss of Greek paganism somewhat regrettable... look at the results of two-thousand years of Christian and Muslim occupation... these fat proles thumping their chests talking high and mighty about Socrates while mouthing off against fags. Decayed race.

>> No.14773599

Oh so you're an atheist fag. Ooookaaay then.

>> No.14773605

Not really. I am constantly drawn back to religion... I just cannot seem to believe... The fag part is true, of course...

>> No.14773609

You do realise though that fags were not much better off in ancient Greece compared to Byzantine Greece, right?

>> No.14773615

In what sense? I don't have anything much against the Byzantine world, just its modern residue...

>> No.14773626

Fags have always been pariah. No matter what religion dominated and where.

>> No.14773635

Plainly false. If by fags you mean effeminate men, then that does apply to many cultures, but what was considered effeminate was highly variable. With regard to Greco-Roman antiquity, submissive homosexual behaviour (in adult freeborn men) was often looked down upon, but dominant homosexual behaviour could even be an affirmation of one's manhood.

>> No.14773640

and this is why modern greece stagnates. lost in the glory of the past.