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14772933 No.14772933 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books that changed your life/worldview

>> No.14772939
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>> No.14772941
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>> No.14772953
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Not a commie btw

>> No.14772958
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>> No.14772963
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>> No.14772974
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>> No.14772974,1 [INTERNAL] 

Being and Nothingness by a Dumbass Frog

>> No.14773072

haha you've outed yourself as a brainlet

>> No.14773112
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His criticisms of capitalism are pretty good, although I think his answer is wrong. Also, materialism sucks.
Read "Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum." It goes into far more detail about the problem of technology than Ted's screeds and you can even talk about it in public without coming off like an insane person. Ted just gets memed because if you are environmentally-conscious and he is your first introduction to "environmentalist" type literature it is easier for you to be groomed into a general extremist political milieu and then gradually radicalized by one flavor of violent cult or another.
>t. majored in ecology and wrote my thesis on pre-industrial origins of anthropogenic climate change

>> No.14773122
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>Also, materialism sucks.
Yeah, but waddaya gonna do?

>> No.14773125
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Advancing technology scares a lot of people, but they're just tools. You take the tools away the beast in the room is still there

>> No.14773144
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>> No.14773167

Acknowledge that it is a bullshit metaphysical model and a false monism? Materialists will say that love is chemical reactions in your brain without even considering that those chemical reactions are merely the way that the material body interacts with the higher feelings of the soul. Materialism is shortsighted and any organizational systems based on it will inevitably be backwards and lacking in any of those things that come exclusively from the immaterial soul like compassion, love, and faith.
Of course, "original sin" or "scarcity of material resources" or however you wish to call the property of the material that causes evil. However, technology causes problems of its own that need to be recognized. Please just read the book before you comment on it.

>> No.14773197 [DELETED] 

>without even considering (the fairytale) that those chemical reactions are merely the way that the material body interacts with the higher feelings of the soul (which literally has never been spotted outside of fiction)
any organizational systems based on it will inevitably be backwards (in a funhouse mirror sort of way)
You don't know love till you accept the material world.>>14773167

>Please just read the (Uncle Ted) book before you comment on it.
And I wait for anyone to refute Uncle Murray's refutation of it. Maybe it's you who ought to read Bookchin. The dream of stopping technology isn't to save the environment, is it?
If it is not, then it's no good to us. In fact it's not a dream but a nightmare.

>> No.14773200

>without even considering (the fairytale) that those chemical reactions are merely the way that the material body interacts with the higher feelings of the soul (which literally has never been spotted outside of fiction)
>any organizational systems based on it will inevitably be backwards (in a funhouse mirror sort of way)
You don't know love till you accept the material world.

>Please just read the (Uncle Ted) book before you comment on it.
And I wait for anyone to refute Uncle Murray's refutation of it. Maybe it's you who ought to read Bookchin. The dream of stopping technology isn't to save the environment, is it?
If it is not, then it's no good to us. In fact it's not a dream but a nightmare.

>> No.14773240

If you've only experienced "love" as a set of chemical reactions in your material body, then I would say that you don't know love.
>Please just read the (Uncle Ted) book
No, you retard. "Plows, Plagues, and Petroleum," the book I suggested to the Tedfag as a far better alternative to the ramblings of a murderer that will leave him socially-isolated and vulnerable to being groomed into a destructive but unproductive secular cult.
>maybe it's up to you to read Bookchin
I have. I have literally read every single one of Bookchin's environmentally-focused works. I literally have an MS degree in this subject. I know that doesn't mean anything on this rotten board and that you probably won't believe me at all, but please just shut up. Bookchin is literally just the New-Left-flavored version of "neoliberalism will result in new technological developments that will save us." Please just stop. Also, next time you try editing the things someone types into bait taglines, please try brackets instead of parentheses.

>> No.14773265
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>> No.14773503

what's the point of this?

>> No.14773521
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>materialism sucks.
the masses are slowly getting hip to this sentiment

>> No.14773596
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>> No.14773603
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This book ruined the sixties for me and actually makes me wonder what media is and isn't propaganda.

>> No.14773639

tell us more

>> No.14773645
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literally eye opening

>> No.14773665

Most of the big musicians from the late sixties were either involved with or had family in intelligence or high level military and some were even from extremely wealthy families. The Hippies were created to destroy the anti-war movement.

>> No.14773667


>> No.14773671

An extremely profound thought. Taro Gomi has observed a fundamental nature to beings; precisely beings that are alive. In doing this, she has not only led to this most profound thought but has elaborated on the distinction of living and not-living.

>> No.14773678

t. pseud

>> No.14773681
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>> No.14773682

thinking about Jim Morrison this makes absolutely no sense. his father was in the army but hated his son's career.

>> No.14773701

Jim Morrison is featured prominently in the book. Zappa, Crosby Stills and Nash, Momma's and Papas, The Byrds, Gram Parsons, etc etc were all in on it. You should read it.

>> No.14773739


>> No.14773836
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Completely changed the way I think about money and politics.
It's really weird how simple his explanations are about common misconceptions, yet, more people still believe in them than not.

>> No.14773862

careful there, figuring out that the government controls popular culture is slippery slope. Next you might find out that the publisher of the Nation magazine is the daughter of a founding member of the CIA, and that Anderson cooper is CIA, and the National Review was founded by the CIA.

Once you make the connection that the government control the overton window just like they have demonstrably done in other countries, there is no going back. You will find it hard to respect the unenlightened and unable to talk about it in mixed company.

>> No.14773886
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Programmed to Kill goes way deeper into the Rabbit hole than that. I think it's actually better than Weird Scenes.

>> No.14773931
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I found the uncensored version to be much more life changing.

>> No.14773983
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>> No.14773993

What are you refereeing to?

>> No.14774307

>Dude, the physical process in the brain is how soul interact with body
Literally Deepak Chopra-tier.
Kill yourself.

>> No.14774361

>the book I suggested
You aren’t anybody different from anyone else here, so I was mistaken this once.
So how come you’re you're unaware that it isn’t technology, but human greed that causes the problems? Look, I’m just picking at the uncle Ted argument and you’re bellyaching about parentheses and calling a socialist a neoliberal. A degree. Pppf

Tell me about it!

Catholic shit he’s been told

>> No.14774655

>It's really weird how simple his explanations are about common misconceptions
Doesn't Sowell have an entire seperate volume dedicated to this?

>> No.14774666 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14774989

How are you to effect change without radical measures?

nice strawman btw

>> No.14775007

I don't give a fuck about the environment or how technology is destroying it. I care about my freedom and how technology is depriving me of that.

And you don't really care about the environment either.

>> No.14775073

based mindreader

>> No.14775081

the mulamadhyamakakarika

>> No.14775122

give me a rundown.

>> No.14775780


>> No.14775790
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Just go one step further in ecological views.

>> No.14775816

This book was a downer for me too but I still love The Doors

>> No.14775818
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>> No.14775946
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I now believe that wagecucks should not be citizens, natural slaves must be used by their masters and that communitarianism is the only sensible solution.

>> No.14775951
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Normalfags can’t handle that Linkola-pill

>> No.14775962

Based /m/ poster.

>> No.14775973

uhm... based??

>> No.14776132

>having a "worldview"
there's your first mistake nerd

>> No.14776182

??? I dont understand why, since most wars are either over within a decade where there are not going to be to much repletion or are intermediate to the point where extermination isnt really the end goal (100 years war)