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/lit/ - Literature

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14772161 No.14772161 [Reply] [Original]

What philosophy books will have me thinking on my own and making my own theories? So far I've gone through most of /lit/'s meme philosophers and have hardly found any though provoking philosophies, for the most part they are whole systemizations that have a tight knit(Stirner, Schopenhauer, Land, Marx(zzz)). Either that or they are way too loose and contradict themselves often(Nietzsche). This doesen't make them bad but they don't really help me 'think', I think Foucault and and unironically Guenon got me thinking out the box. Who should I read? Should I just keep reading them too? Fiction? I want to make theories on my own.

>> No.14772165

fuck you for posting this degenerate and disgusting whore, i hate you

>> No.14772167

My God
My tourniquet
Return to me salvation

>> No.14772168

how old are you cutie

>> No.14772194


>> No.14772220


>> No.14772258

David K Lewis

>> No.14772296

God, anyone ever tell you your boring bro?

>> No.14772311

>I want to make theories on my own
More information is not needed, but intent. What excites you? What central theme fires you up around which you can begin to set up the scaffolding of a new synthesis?

With the right intent -- understand that it will change over time -- with the right intent, you will read and study with purpose, and not frivolously read things at the behest of others, but for yourself.

>> No.14772327

Aristotles' The Logic is good for that. It's about the process of coming to conclusions and how concepts are connected. It's different because it teaches a skill rather than strictly concepts. It is a read though. good lord

>> No.14772348


>> No.14772354

Then make your own theories. Use what you already know and extrapolate. No one can make you think but you.

>> No.14772403

jesus christ i wanna fuck that girl so bad

>> No.14772410


>> No.14772623

the unique and its property

>> No.14772631

good post

>> No.14772648
File: 41 KB, 940x552, SetWidth940-cannonball.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you tried
You must complete the meme cannon if you are to be accepted someday.

>> No.14772843
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alan watts

>> No.14772880

I have the opposite problem. The right side of my brain is completely out of control, I can't help coming up with stupid bullshit all the time. I need other people's theories to tie me down if anything. Also pick up Jung if you haven't already. And ignore >>14772843
Watts is cringe midwittery incarnate. All he does is explain Eastern religions to stoners.

>> No.14772920

also Camus

>> No.14772922

You are supposed to start with the Greeks, retard. This is literally the entire point of reading Plato.

>> No.14773744

How about just living in the real world and forming observations about your life as you do so? Are you literally so bereft of personal merit that you have to stand on the shoulders of others, JUST to reach shoulder-level?

Just don't be a brainlet, bro, lmao. Just, like, think or something, LOL.

>> No.14773823
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>> No.14773825

kek, I just realized Guattari is holding both the bong and a cigarette.

>> No.14773891

lol u gay?

>> No.14773894


Sorry, I work as a computer developer and I don't want to be fired lol

>> No.14773921
File: 157 KB, 475x475, 1582037385574.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Every single day on this website, I see at least a dozen images of thots that I'd never seen before. All on blue boards, mind you.

How many fucking man-hours do you people put into finding new thot pictures?

>> No.14773943

Read "after finitude". You will see why speculative theory is needed

>> No.14773951
File: 1.04 MB, 1137x1561, 1571192476788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hold my thot pictures very dearly, each one has a different flavor, but I don't even masturbate to them. I just look at them and make up stories about what that person might be like. They are like alien creatures, strange and bizarre, but at the same time human and sympathetic.
What drives a woman to pose like this, or that? How did she end up in this situation? What is she like normally, is she fake or real, what was her childhood like? Masturbating to her would be a violent act, like rape. I can't masturbate to real humans, I can't superimpose my lust on their pains and joys, that would leave a bad taste in my mouth. Sometimes, I sit dawn and draw them based on the pictures.

>> No.14773954

The bong is shopped

>> No.14773960

Nah, I think they had joda bongs back then. Perhaps he was a fan of star wars.

>> No.14773970

Isaiah Berlin

>> No.14773973
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skye (@luma.skye) for all the thirsty incels in this thread

>> No.14774143
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I'm going to fap to that whore.

>> No.14774172

>What philosophy books will have me thinking on my own and making my own theories?
It's very presumptive of you to believe you'd have anything worth saying.
>Who should I read? Should I just keep reading them too?
If Guénon got you thinking out of the box, then perhaps stick with the traditionalists - although ultimately, if your end goal is to add to the discourse, the traditionalists would dissuade anyone from penning mere synthetic speculations. To say anything of worth - to them - you need direct contact with the perennial tradition. You need to be in communion with God. And to most of them, at least, this necessitated becoming initiated in a traditional stream. Hence why so many of them became Sufi.

>> No.14774192

I've discussed Watts before. The quality of his work varies enormously.
For example, I would highly recommend 'The Supreme Identity', which was written by whats after being freshly inspired by Guénon and Coomaraswamy, in an effort to reconcile Eastern metaphysic with the religiosity and historicism of what was still, at the time, his Christian faith.
I unwittingly bought "Out of Your Mind", which in the end turned out to be a posthumous collection of transcripts of his lectures - the ones you can find on youtube, for example - which were given to hippies and beatniks with a shit tier understanding of the subject matter. So the explanations and allegories he used therein were both incredibly elementary and foundational, and appealed to the puerile prejudices of that particular crowd. I quickly "lost" that book on someone else's shelf.

>> No.14775031

did you draw that anon?

>> No.14775116

same, does she has more material?

>> No.14775337

OP may or may not be presumptive; it's presumptive to assume OP was being presumptive.
You'd need to know OP to make that determination.

>> No.14775463

Came here to post this

>> No.14775696


>> No.14775704

I hope you are still underage anon

>> No.14775722
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>> No.14775746

Kazimierz Dąbrowski

>> No.14775851


does she have a twitter or some shit jeez its a fucking pain to grab images from instagram

>> No.14775908

It looks like a super filtered photo desu.

>> No.14776081

new organon- francis bacon

>> No.14776099

I've never seen a stupider outfit on a hotter body

>> No.14776411

If you want to make your own philosophical theories it would make more sense to look into anthropology and sociology rather than philosophy

>> No.14776620
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>> No.14776849

who is this 11/10 goddess?

>> No.14776855

based, thanks