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14769845 No.14769845 [Reply] [Original]

What are your favorite books about time and change, /lit/?

It feels like as if most things just repeat itself after a certain age/time.

>> No.14769853

Bait thread

>> No.14769855

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.14769902

The anime Sasameki Koto
The manga Blue by Kiriko Nananan

sorry i'll show myself out on my way to /a/

>> No.14769949

Is the implication here supposed to be the end of the end of the race?

>> No.14769958

>Cats shall inherent the Earth

>> No.14769979

the implication is that no one wants to waste ~20 years of their lives raising and sustaining a little shit that will not hesitate to dump them into a retirement house as soon as they become a nuisance to him

>> No.14770000

The Makioka Sisters

>> No.14770015

To the Lighthouse

>> No.14770016

>neoliberal society atomizes individuals, decreasing the importance of family while sucide increases.

>> No.14770021

do you really believe modern attitudes define all possibilities? you are the acolyte for the despoiler, a worshipper of desacration
fascism will be reborn as anarchism and your kind will suffer untold centuries of pain

>> No.14770023

everyone here who isn't an /a/ or /tv/ crossboarder is a fucking midwit pseud. i fucking hate this board's population, /tv/ unironically has better literary OC

>> No.14770026

>Doesn’t have a dildo and is not streaming live on the internet
Not contemporary

>> No.14770034

>not hesitate to dump them into a retirement house as soon as they become a nuisance to him
I've noticed that brown people and Asian people don't do this. They take good care of their elderly relatives.

>> No.14770036

y'all anglos treat your parents like shit lmfaoooooo

>> No.14770045

One (1!) reason why sneaking into her apartment and raping her would be immoral.

>> No.14770058

I really hate this juxtaposition with wholesome art style and the horrendous underlying message these type of images tend to have.

>> No.14770067

One day you'll die and there'll be nothing left of you.
Literally nothing.
Nobody will remember you.
No matter how much you cope through books or whatever else, you will die a failure.

>> No.14770077

No one will remember you either after a few generations, even if you have kids

>> No.14770085

>Having children somehow changes that fact.

>> No.14770088
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>> No.14770096


>> No.14770102

Women have no self-awareness except for the 1% of highly intelligent ones that voice the greatest of feminist rhetoric despite being heavily marginalised by their own group.

Truth of the matter, women are inane followers. There's no helping it, we need a fascist resuscitation in the West to deal with all of the cancers in a way becoming of our nature. No Holocaust, but thorough pogroms of all those who refuse the Cross.

Don't want God? Then you'll get the Dog, that drags you out into the streets to be tried and shot.

Doctors and corporate executives are the first to go, bankers and porn directors next and software engineers are to be forced into labor.

>> No.14770107

I don't see how not being remembered would necessarily imply that one "died a failure." Maybe the human creature is most "successful" when it knows its limits and seeks only those pleasures that a thing made from clay can understand and make its own. Eternal fame has nothing to do with a "successful" (by which I assume you mean a good) life, as far as I can tell.

>> No.14770108

If you have a shitty yank family, maybe. Do urbanites really not learn their family history as far as recorded? Pathetic.

>> No.14770109

OP's pic actually makes a good point though. You could have picked a target whose cringe-value actually deserved it.

>> No.14770112

based. can't wait to send every STEMfag to the countryside.

>> No.14770113

orlando - woolf

>> No.14770124

I would gladly exchange my stembug life for a wholesome life in the country

>> No.14770135

Who cares lol

>> No.14770139

its mostly the "i'll own the company toilets that you have to clean/my dad could buy you" types that will be in the forced labor camps.

>> No.14770140
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Reminder that global fertility rates have been declining with each decade.


>> No.14770141

Against the Day

>> No.14770168

>My great grand father was a guy named Karl Schlosser and was a locksmith.
"Yeah people remember me! I'm a success!" He said while being dead.

>> No.14770181

yank here, i don't even no what my father's parents' names were.

>> No.14770293

>no abortion scar
The whole point of the condemnation is >your grandmother=6 kids your mom=2 kids you=an abortion and a dog.

>> No.14770302

Big cums shall inherit the earth

>brainlets with big dicks investing in deep cums instead of going FLOOD MAXXXX

>> No.14770329

How did he go from being a boy in the bottom left to being a woman in the bottom right?

>> No.14770335

> that will not hesitate to dump them into a retirement house as soon as they become a nuisance to him

If you failed an affection check as basic as this, you fucked up.

>> No.14770344

>What are trannies?

>> No.14770351

People who are considered average or above in intelligence should not be allowed to procreate. Niggers will inherit the earth anyway, so we might as well turn this ride around, and make a conscious effort of returning to the stone age.

>> No.14770373

This. I want abos to breed with sub-saharan niggers whose shoe size is larger than their IQ. If human civilization is doomed to fall, then let's fall from human to beast as well.

>> No.14770395

>Niggers will inherit the earth
That’s what I call a regression to the middle. Apes gave rise to man, the spiritual blossoming which this whole earth with all its torments served as but a rehearsal, with the black man standing in the middle between ape and human natures. Man then reshaped the world and made it beautiful for a split second, but regression to the middle ran its inevitable course. Not men, but ape-men will inherit the earth. The whole history of high culture and civilization was a freak, a transient peak before the inevitable normalization.

>> No.14770412

Not really. In japan, elder houses are more and more the norm for elders. As for shitskins, they just don't use elders house because in their countries, infrastructures are archaic, or if they are in the west, they are too poor to pay for it.
In any case, since you seem to be an idealist cuck, let me explain to you one more time. It is not the ideas which define the living condition. Instead, it is the conditions of the production which define the way of life. Not some silly ideas. Humans believe in the power of ideas way too much. Time to stop believing in captain america.

>> No.14770517

based materialist

>> No.14770572


>> No.14771147

Alright Ozymandias, No one will be remembered forever.

Having kids doesn't ensure you'll be remembered either, most people are forgotten after a few generations. Plus who gives a shit? you'll be dead, non-existent, nothing that happens on Earth will have any bearing on you and anything could happen, the Earth could be hit by an asteroid just after you die and that's that.

>> No.14771317


>> No.14771319

it's not aesthetic

>> No.14771330


They really don't look like the same. Everyone in Europe can tell an Italian from a North African or an Egyptian. Americans leftards have no eyes apparently.

>> No.14771449

Self righteous.

>> No.14772085
File: 428 KB, 683x674, 20171123_225129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I met a traveller from an antique land,
>Who said—“Two vast and trunkless legs of stone
>Stand in the desert. . . . Near them, on the sand,
>Half sunk a shattered visage lies, whose frown,
>And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
>Tell that its sculptor well those passions read
>Which yet survive, stamped on these lifeless things,
>The hand that mocked them, and the heart that fed;
>And on the pedestal, these words appear:
>My name isOzymandias, King of Kings;
>Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair!
>Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
>Of that colossal Wreck, boundless and bare
>The lone and level sands stretch far away.”

>> No.14772126

Reading it backwards leads to a based ending and society.

>> No.14772185

The Forever War?

>> No.14772196

wtf I want to live with africans now

>> No.14772708

I'm one of those minority white Latinos descendant of French and Irish and I emigrated to Europe. One of the things me and my family love about our home country is the family culture. What people here do to their elderly is cruel, they should be helping rise your children at your home. Half the things you buy with your money is to fill a void that would not be there if you had a healthy family structure.

>> No.14772728

Imagine if Moscow had been taken in 1941. How far reaching the consequences for mankind.

>> No.14772734

>It feels like as if most things just repeat itself after a certain age/time

>> No.14772759

This is cringe and cope. It is a feature of an advanced culture to recognize the individuality and desire for freedom and to facilitate the emancipation of the individual from ancestral financial and moral normativity. Association with elderly relatives should be based on mutually voluntary association and the state enables this by acting as a mediator and removing the responsibility of care for the elderly person.

>> No.14772764
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>> No.14772774

No way he said that. Truly the prophet of the west, but alas too late

>> No.14772779

It's not really very insightful, as that's a feature of any culture that has evolved past the oogabooga caveman stage.

>> No.14772788

Yeah and look how they're turning out retard

>> No.14772796

Rapid improvement to the point where the only thing we really have to worry about are marginal non-issues and the fact that we have reached a general level of prosperity that is so high that it seems we lack the resources necessary for it?

>> No.14772805

>marginal non-issues
Holy fuck, there's no point in arguing with someone this dumb

>> No.14772833

>Association with elderly relatives should be based on mutually voluntary association
>the state enables this by acting as a mediator and removing the responsibility of care for the elderly person.
Fucking no, you don't need the state or any institution. Me and my family have full intention of living together voluntarily despite society not being designed for it. It is an emotional link we simply don't feel like breaking. We often talk about how people in Europe celebrate the New Year and go somewhere far away leaving their relatives alone at their home. We ask them why they don't spend New year's with them and they respond that old people don't want to go to party. That only looks like a voluntary agreement, but it is not. In my third world country New Year's is celebrated with whole families coming together to someone's house, elderly included, everyone voluntarily agrees to meet and have fun, including the elderly who wish to reunite with their families. And the young people want to see them. Believing old people WANT to be left alone and that the young would prefer to ignore quality family time so they can watch fireworks somewhere is a sign you have lost connection with your true nature. No wonder there are so many suicides, soul searching for meaning, midlife crisis, anxiety, etc in the west.You constantly try to fill a void whose cause you believe is necessary. A sad consequence of the Anglo impact on the world.

>> No.14772871


>> No.14772901

Illuminate me

>> No.14772909

Holy based

you western soulless subhumans disgust the fuck out of me. the way you treat your elders is pathetic.
anon is right. who the fuck would want to have kids when you already know these disgusting consequences?

>> No.14772992

so many bugmen so little pesticide

>> No.14773003

>tfw want to get married and have a big family

I come from a family of four children and want to have at least that many myself, with my own wife.

>> No.14773026

>I'm making machines so I don't have to physically tie my boots anymore!

>> No.14773066

Serves them right for all psychological torture they put their children through to the point that their kids barely function as adults in society and will likely end up psychologically scarring their own kids as well. You know, sins of the father something something. Fuck boomers and fuck the silent generation.

>> No.14773080

It's true. It's the biggest thing that is wrong with western society.

>> No.14773131

In Search of Lost Time

>> No.14773137

Just look at your own days, buddy. I bet you aren't doing much different day after day. Its these habbit that you and other humans beans share.

Also here is a more scientific approach:

Other interesting questions
Is déjà vu evidence of a repeated segment of time? Or is that just a glitch in the matrix?
Is precognition (if proven) evidence that the future already exists?
If the universe ceased expanding and collapsed back into itself, would time run backwards?
Is the universe a four-(or more)-dimensional “thing” such that not only does every snippet of time exist, but that it exists forever in that “thing” and could be repeated?
Is time even a real thing in the first place, or just an illusion?

>> No.14773147
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>your kind will suffer untold centuries of pain

>> No.14773180

>advanced culture to recognize the individuality and desire for freedom
>facilitate the emancipation of the individual from ancestral financial and moral normativity
> Association with elderly relatives should be based on mutually voluntary association
I'm seeing a lot of dogmatic precepts, oughts, and commandments, but any actual reasons why.
If your thesis on voluntary association, emancipation, and freedom are rejected, then what are you left with? A stack of platitudes, like most neoliberals and ethical libertarians.
The fact is that you arguing these based on some assumption that humans intrinsically need this kind of modern concept of freedom, makes you naive. These ideals haven't even existed for a century. Most of humanity does not currently operate this way. Humanity did not operate this way through most of history. Even with great legal freedoms, there still existed social and cultural norms instilling societal virtues into its constituents.

>> No.14774569

So the end of the race. Gotcha.

>> No.14774603

The crazy thing is, they treated us like shit first.

Our parents put our grandparents in nursing homes.
We can't afford nursing homes for them, they're putting themselves in nursing homes with our inheritance.
We won't be able to afford our own nursing homes. We'll die much younger of suicide or lifestyle diseases.

Boomers absolutely fucked us.

THIS is the cope.