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/lit/ - Literature

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14768289 No.14768289 [Reply] [Original]

>threw a coffee table at a woman
>raped a 17 year old while on tour
>stalked a 5 year old child
>pushed woman from a moving car
>threatened to kill a guy
buhhh but uh irony is the problem

>> No.14768303

let me guess you were born in 2002

>> No.14768312

>reading books written by a dude wearing a bandana
+ He was a bad writer. Only reason why we hear about him is because america doesn't have any good writers. They have a lot of people writing books, just no writers worth a damn anymore.

>> No.14768314

At least 4 of these didn't happen (but would be based if they did)

>> No.14768317

Meh. Being kissed by the gods is always a heavy burden. Based DFW.

>> No.14768330

All of that is only making him even more based. Geniuses can be eccentric, they're experiencing the world in a way you'll never be able to understand.

None of the people that """suffered""" from his actions mattered anyway.

>> No.14768340

Based. OP is an insincere faggot.

>> No.14768341


Plus all of those allegations have either been presented reductively, or/and by people who had some sort of intense involvement with him. As always with these fucking lowlifes, they, of course, only express all this once the person they’re accusing can’t in any way defend themselves. Fuck ‘em.

And one final point: the majority of those listed would qualify as actual criminal offences (certainly in terms of how they’ve been ‘formulated’), so where are the convictions? Got any charges even?

Seriously. Think for yourselves. This kind of lazy ‘reasoning’ bullshit is embarrassing. Give proof or stay sucking his big boss dick, plebs.

>> No.14768343

"Nuclear weapons and TV have simply intensified the consequences of our tendencies, upped the stakes."
Intellectual powerhouse indeed. The real infinite jest is that if the guy didn't kill himself, people wouldn't be praising him as much.

>> No.14768353

> seething

>> No.14768369

What's your favorite queer magic system?

>> No.14768374


>> No.14768378

No idea what that is. Reddit loves DFW as well, whenever you find yourself on the side of reddit, you should go there.

>> No.14768388

sound based to me
What is the problem?

>> No.14768392

> muh butt blast
Seriously, OP. Are you fucking brand new to 4chan? What did you think would happen with your shitty little thread? That we’d all rush to clutch our pearls: “zomg some random thot on twitter sed DFW rap3d her!”? Sure. Because we’re all as easily manipulated by some lying cunt’s bullshit as you amirite.

You fucking sad pleb. Lurk more.

>> No.14768393

Mary Karr is a better artist, writer and person.

>> No.14768396

Yet he still was a better person than the average troll and contributed a great deal to the world.

>> No.14768399

> Mary Karr is a two-bit nobody slut who cooked up fake accusations in order to climb on the #metoo bandwagon so she could push sales of her shit-tier, utterly mediocre ‘work’.
There you go. Fixed that for you, faggot. You’re welcome.

>> No.14768401

>Reddit loves DFW as well
Looks like you know a lot about reddit's taste. You should consider heading back.

>> No.14768403

No, he wasn't because a troll doesn't pretend to be morally superior.

>> No.14768404

> Reddit
Go back.

>> No.14768406

lmao, here's your (You)

>> No.14768411

So many butthurt incels in this thread hehe. Imagine praising some faggot who wrote such a voluminous bag of shit instead of reading the classics that have lasted for thousands of years. Start with the Sumerians.

>> No.14768414


>> No.14768420

> A troll doesn’t pretend to be [something]
Fucking lol.

You know what I think, OP? I think you are actually genuine, that you intended this thread sincerely, and are very likely some fat girl currently undertaking her ‘studies’ in some backwater community college. ‘Women’s theory’ or ‘cosmetology’ (same thing, really).

What now, fatty?

>> No.14768422

Can you find a different author to "like" or however it all coheres in your head? You haven't read any of DFW's work and this makes you worse than a pedant, more silly than a pseud: you're but an inflamed janny raging gormlessly at your computer stimulations.

>> No.14768423

> seething OP samefagging

>> No.14768424

They're out there.
Just that we're so atomized from hyper-individuality and so glib from irony that we can't collectively recognize definitive work that speak of the zeitgeist.

>> No.14768425

She had dank feet back in the day. That's how she lured in impressionable bookish types

>> No.14768428

He was an insecure person who desperately wanted to be culturally important so he wrote shitty books that "say" something about American life, and when he realized how big a fraud and jerk he is, hanged himself.

>> No.14768429

Wrooooooong. I'm not some mindless drone. Tell me. Do you really think this stuttering ungraceful faggot will be part of the canon in 200 years? No. He'll be a footnote in some anthology.

>> No.14768430

Not OP, but just wanted to let some people know that the guy they worship is a hack and a psychopath.

>> No.14768432

If you’re going to ‘troll’ your own thread, useless cunt, then at least switch up your posting style. Seriously: this is not fucking plebbit. We have actual standards here.

>> No.14768434

He did love footnotes.

>> No.14768439

English not your first language, huh?

>> No.14768440

Nobody cares what you ‘think’ about anything, insect.

>> No.14768441

>Late night janny patrol
Hope you Frankl yourself some meaning into your disaster of a life, frankly.

>> No.14768443

>first part of the sentence consist of incoherent ramblings
>second part of the sentence consists of big words to make up for the shitty first part, and attempt to hide the fact that the author has nothing to say
No wonder you're a DFW fanboy.

>> No.14768446

This. Mary Karr put on foot clinics all the damned day. She couldn't restrain her slutty slipper dippers from steaming up a room, now wonder she had marital issues

>> No.14768450
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Insincere and buffoonish analysis. *yawn*

>> No.14768451

No, but I know it and its literature better than you.

>> No.14768455

And this guy wrote an entire book about how men are awful and treat women like crap.

>> No.14768457

You're a retard, like how Justin Murphy uses the word. Let that realization never cease ringing in your ears.

>> No.14768459

Mistreating women is how you get groupie gash on the reg

>> No.14768461

And you're an unrefined Anglo who has his head so far up his own hairy ass that will never have good taste.

>> No.14768462

Women can't decide on a definition of mistreatment. One woman's kvetch is another's kink. And they know this, hence why they'd prefer getting deep-dicked by authorial beasts, because even if they don't like it, they'll make other women jealous.

>> No.14768465

They really do employ quarter-wits, don't they? Incredible.

>> No.14768466

No, not the hair bottom poopy jokes! How did we get to this Bleeding Edge®?

>> No.14768468


>> No.14768471

> critiques someone else’s post
> can’t even write his own coherently
Faggot pls.

>> No.14768477

What a clever response. You have surpassed Demosthenes himself. In any case, enjoy wasting your time.

>> No.14768480

Exactly. Here you are, bitterly whining and fussing but still opening wide for the big dicks of the OG big dick language. It’s a shame you just can’t write it, but whatever. At least you know we’re superior to you and whatever little worthless shithole it is you hail from, faggot. Cry more.

>> No.14768484

I will make of you a möbius strip by which your senseless ingestion of your own non binary genital extrusions completes the loop

>> No.14768485

Your public school education is showing.

>> No.14768486

I'm glad he's dead.

>> No.14768489

Correct. I went to an English public school. Bitter fag. Want another tissue?

>> No.14768491

Lmfao you plagiarized that from one of your social betters, didn't you? Did that one sear deeply into your psyche that you clamor for it now under literally obviously seething duress?

>> No.14768493

And he doesn’t care about you at all.

>> No.14768495

haha i know because he's dead lmoa

>> No.14768500

What a gentleman you are! These tears from reveling in laughter has gotten my cheeks quite moist! I heartily accept your generous gift, my friend.

>> No.14768506

ITT: some foreign cunt (obviously a fat woman) attempts a ‘thread’ on DFW, rehashing the hysteria and fanfic of other worthless women, only to be BTFO out by 4chan totally, while she wails and flails about with her increasingly garbled and desperate lolcow ‘comebacks’ and ‘insults’.

You giggy, nigger. 10/10 would play again, etc.

>> No.14768511

Jesus. Not him but you really do seem very new here.

>> No.14768512

>only to be BTFO out by 4chan totally
I hope you're as juvenile as you seem otherwise I'm really sorry for you.

>> No.14768515

She might be a domestic US vegan-scrapple-planet seeing how she adopted our cultures trendiest idiocy

>> No.14768518


>> No.14768519

Lmfao aw shit pity from someone as righteous as you means something, huh? LMFAO

>> No.14768539

Nah. English is obviously her second language. Barely.

>> No.14768545

there aren't any women on the internet

>> No.14768555

y'all niggas got trolled hard lmfaoooooooo

>> No.14768569

Your morals are fucked.

>> No.14768579

I don't care about your slave morality.

>> No.14768582

Fuck off, moralizing pedant, Lmfao, fucking proselytizing your poz code, what a lark

>> No.14768583

it's virgins posturing on an anime image board saturday night

>> No.14768589

> I don’t know what an adverb is.

>> No.14768602

morals are a middle class flex
ethics are where it's at

>> No.14768605

>He doesn't align himself to revealed prophecy

>> No.14768606

>I don't know what reductively means

>> No.14768696

>noooooo, your morals can't be diferent to mine

>> No.14768719


This gives me an idea for a posthumous biography

"A List of Based Things I Did Once"

>> No.14768906

Write it, Anon. Send those sluts to their own personal Eschaton.

>> No.14769436
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>we need to proofread that manuscript, young man

>> No.14769443
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>and then once i got those bookish types wrapped around my toesies i cut them off abruptly and tell them i'm going to save my marriage

>> No.14769454


>> No.14769459


At least he was sincere about it.

>> No.14769517

Where are the fucking lawsuits #InfiniteJustice #InfiniteJestice #InfiniteTesticles #InfiniteJesticles

>> No.14769679


>> No.14769749

there’s a subreddit for everything. this insult doesn’t mean anything anymore.
come up with something better, you lazy redditor

>> No.14769766
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kek, good satire, thanks anon

>> No.14769772

no one cares

>> No.14769776

based af

>> No.14769809

I know he did throw a coffee table at a woman, and he did threaten to kill that chicks boyfriend, and he did try and push a woman from a car. think they were all the same woman. don't know about the other two

>> No.14769895

america is the cultural center of literature you retard, they have great writers and the best translators if you know english the world is literally your oyster
t.not american or native english speaker
ps most of them do suck ass

>> No.14770174

I didn't know people actually idolized the man and not the work. This thread is baffling.

>> No.14770176

lmao all these triggered replies. Your post hit a nerve, anon.

>> No.14770177

The biggest problem with DFW is he was a talentless hack.

>> No.14770182

yes you did

>> No.14770205

shit that nigga really sounds like a pseud from /lit
no wonder he's considered the patron saint of this board.
1000 pages of fucking shit takes and drivel. too desperate for women's attention, they can smell it on him and deny him.

>> No.14770216

>banjo music starts playing
>sah muh rica iz indeed dee culshulal senta
>the world is your clam sah
america turned the literary business into a joke, every retard can publish a fucking book there, and they do exactly that

>> No.14770220
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Goddamn this was entertaining. All it takes is "incel" and "fucked morals" to get people seething. And yes, he was as shit writer.
Try this guy. He actually had a soul.

>> No.14770221


>> No.14770292

I don't idolize Michael Jackson for being a basket case. DFW struggled with mental illness his whole life. I never took any of his real life shenanigans seriously.

>> No.14770296

well done *headpat*

>> No.14770311

Funny, because "America", the Latin part of it, actually produce the most creative literature nowadays. And the U.S, what you call America, are second behind them with some really good genre fiction.

>> No.14770322

>good genre fiction
With one, maybe two exceptions (Patrick O'Brian, maybe some John le Carre), 'good genre fiction' is an oxymoron.

>> No.14770325


>> No.14770359

Nah, there's just a lot being written there. The best works aren't necessarily the widely translated or celebrated ones. A friend said I should read Don Winslow, I did out of respect, not really expecting much, but i'm genuinely impressed with The Power of the Dog.

>> No.14770405

TPoTD was an average book to be honest, felt like the author created narratives for all the famous drug-trade related conspiracies and wove them into one. The average book will now become an average tv series. I honestly am of the opinion that Narcos season 1 shits on it.

>> No.14770411

Robert Graves was good as well. I'm very glad no murican tv network decided to fuck up I claudius yet.

>> No.14770440

Where does eccentricity end and insanity begin?

>> No.14770514
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When one departs from God.

>> No.14770559

Those whom the gods would destroy they first make mad

>> No.14770579


>> No.14771054
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>The Power of the Dog
The plot thread of the adult superwhore* was so bad, & so cheesy it kind of spoiled the book for me, and made me think winslow was, at bottom, a dipshit, although the straight-ahead crime stuff was pretty good -- certainly engaging.

*her adolescent development was interesting.

>> No.14771099

>is so terrifed of being an individual that he needs to make up an imaginary friend to keep himself from going insane
top fucking zozzle

>> No.14771472
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>> No.14771601

need more boylexdfw pls

>> No.14771844

Kill yourself, pseud

>> No.14772302
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yeah that sure is it lmfao

>> No.14772308
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