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File: 173 KB, 1280x720, raiden.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14767159 No.14767159 [Reply] [Original]

What books capture the aesthetic of the Metal Gear Solid Franchise, particularly when it comes to Kojima's homoerotic tendancies, and warrior worship?

My guess is Yukio Mishima's novels

>> No.14767179

I can't believe you used that pic for MG.
And TSWFFGBTS is about murdering hero figures so not sure where you were going with that.

>> No.14767204
File: 317 KB, 487x574, Big_Boss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I admired Big Boss so much when I was a kid. Truly a based man.
>I can't believe you used that pic for MG.
This. You should have picked BB.

>> No.14767210

Yah OP why you use that image? I mean, i like Rising, but its still kind of the black sheep tone wise.

Also, never got to much homoerotism from mgs, just people super comfortable with themselves. Id define MGS as being kind of a form of magical realism. There is a surface level appearance of groundedness, but it has a surreal feeling suffusing it.

>> No.14767227
File: 17 KB, 418x300, boss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed. 4 was kind of messy, but I think it ended most of the characters really well. The boss was definitely one of my role models growing up. Giving yourself up for an ideal, even when it completely ruins you and what everyone thinks of you. Plato would be proud, she'd definitely pass the Ring of Gyges.

>> No.14767327

Gratuituous butt shots, ripped, buff men, Raiden running around naked in MGS2, and nut grabs in MGS3, how has Kojima gotten away with it?!?

>> No.14767585

i'm not a voomer so i woulnd't know, faggot

go back to /v/. fuck it's like we dont have even mods. worthless janny STOP JACK ING TO TRAP PORN AND COME BAN /v/ POSTERS YOU WORHTLESSS. TRANNYF UCK!!

>> No.14767627
File: 232 KB, 337x500, Duvall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Otto Skorzeny's memoir, probably an influence if only visually with the scars and eyepatch; did plenty of spook shit after the war, including terrorist type symposiums in Spain. Robert Duvall's character is a splice of him and von Stauffenberg in The Eagle Has Landed [Young Michael Caine Lead, Churchill Assassination attempt]

There was a group of a few Ivy League types 'advising' FDR called The Philosopers/Wisemen or something close to that affect. Anthony Sutton's Wallstreet & [Bolsheviks, Nazis, FDR] trilogy and Joseph Farrell's post-war Nazi diaspora research approximate something akin to that idea of transnational elite coordination. (Protocols of Zion are something the S3 AI might have written, for further context.)

Shalashaska (also a type of curved saber in middle east) -- Operation Typhoon histories for what Miller was advising for the British/Zero, Russo-Afghan stuff for Ocelot (9th Company film is kind of the Saving Private Ryan of that for Rus, but better)

>MGS as being kind of a form of magical realism. There is a surface level appearance of groundedness, but it has a surreal feeling suffusing it.
Fiction for MGS is harder, maybe Barbusse's WWI novel for combat and surreal.

>> No.14767720

Because he’s not a prude.

>> No.14767727

>oh, that Big Boss

>> No.14767730
File: 2.99 MB, 4032x3024, CCE1BA5D-3FBC-456D-A1BF-C7B1DD0F1970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, I finally got it!

The things They Carried. Has a good amount of that serialism and the confusion of war. Doesn’t have a set moral and instead just tries to describe experience.

>> No.14767747

I.... don’t know why I posted that

>> No.14767787

The Takeshi Kovacs trilogy

>> No.14768789

I'm more curious as to what Kojima's sources were or who advised him.

>> No.14769468

Quick rundown on this character? I've never played the games.

>> No.14769524

Solider betrayed my his country and played like a pawn rises above the nationalism usually instilled in the armed forces to create a PMC for Ex-soldiers without a home and uses this band of mercenaries to wage war against one of his ex-colleagues/friends who was instilled with the same values but goes about reaching the same goal by a different means, mainly through co-opting governments

>> No.14770444

The X Files and 1984 were an inspiration for the secret organizations in the story. Other things were taken from numerous movies and media like Mad Max, Terminator, and 007. He also said he read Coin Locker Babies and a novel called Gaspard in the Morning.

>> No.14771656

How is it homo

>> No.14772046
File: 82 KB, 640x800, jswxMum_d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just pic rel makes mgs2 a masteepiece of a videogame

>> No.14772580


>> No.14773063

my diary desu