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14767294 No.14767294 [Reply] [Original]

Seriously, if you're an atheistic existentialist, why don't you kill yourself? If you think life it's like the myth of Sisyphus and you have no God forbidding you to blow your head off, what stops you from putting an end to suffering? Is non-existence going to be more absurd than existence?

>> No.14767303

Seriously if you are a brainlet faggot on the internet what keeps you from not posting a thread? Is not posting it going to be less enjoyable than posting? Why do you post if you're most likely going to be mocked because of your typos and 85 IQ takes?

>> No.14767321

read Camus' analysis of Sisyphus. The universe has no meaning in it inherently, but I can have my own subjective meaning, and choosing to do so is heroic in a sense because I'm striving to force my own meager human meaning onto the greater universe. Sisyphus is actually considered the absurd hero, because even though the God's try to curse him with futile labor, he adopts the task as his purpose, thereby spiting the gods and overcoming his suffering.

>> No.14767322

amor fati lil nigga

>> No.14767326

Because I have sex. Sex good

>> No.14767348

so you're fighting for the nothingness' sake. Absurd, kys

>> No.14767356

Because existence is enjoyable. With a tyrannical god judging you all the time I can see why you'd think life is all suffering but for atheists like me life is very pleasant.

>> No.14767369

>existence is enjoyable
That's no what the existentialists say. Read a book faggot

>> No.14767373

even suffering is anything other than nothing it's hedonism of feeling/the crux of being. it's nice.

>> No.14767378

logocentric opinion OP

muh reason

>> No.14767381

>suffering is better than the absence of suffering

>> No.14767386

Because we are evolutionary adapted to being highly resistant to death (fight or flight response for example). Many people simply can't kill themselves immediately; however, many millions kill themselves or hope for death indirectly by consciously engaging in behaviors/habits that will do them in (drugs for example)

>> No.14767395
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>oui monsieur, le existence, c'est terrible hon hon hon
>proceed to fuck underage art hoe pussy and, in Sartre's case, Simone's sweet sweet aged-like-fine-wine-behind

>> No.14767396

idk i think it's masochistic at some level for me, but any form of feeling fires the neurons regardless of morality

>> No.14767403
File: 684 KB, 2229x2843, e79a217700f80ca7f51769d3ad5fe5c0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek. I would hate existence if I had this face, tho.

>> No.14767418

I read that since he was so short and ugly he was always too shy to socialize with others so he just read in his grandparents library all day.

>> No.14767449

random question: should I pick me up a copy of diary of country priest?

>> No.14767556

No idea, I watched the movie yesterday and it was kino

>> No.14767622


>> No.14767667
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Seethe harder heathen.
It is the heroism on dust. All humanisms are essentially animals justifying their animality.
Monkey see, monkey do.
What keeps an animal from killing itself?

>> No.14767750

That he isn't conscious

>> No.14768160

Because I like to coom.

>> No.14768342

Why do you want them to kill them selfes if they do not believe in God. Dont you know what happens to them next???

>> No.14768391
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It'll just get inevitably crushed between entropy and oblivion.

At least the Orthodox Christians had a better answer to the existential crisis: godhood.

>> No.14768394

Deep down I still don't want to die a virgin, but I'll probably will.

>> No.14768592

Bresson was an atheist

>> No.14768614

Sounds like a projection. Not everyone is as miserable and depressed as you. Sound like the only thing stopping you if your fear of God

>> No.14768635

youre projecting your suffering onto others

>> No.14769155

stupid faggots, I'm talking about atheistic existentialism, e x i s t e n t i a l i s m

>> No.14770684

Because my mom would be sad

>> No.14770699


>> No.14770880

go to a hooker

>> No.14771273
File: 245 KB, 790x1193, 2018-gigantic-serf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i don't suffer, i like it here. Yeah, some days feel like a horse cock up your ass, but there are days of unbound happiness as well. I don't care that nothing matters, and the fact itself is pretty liberating as well, because i get to do what i want, how i want. The realisation itself can be fucking terrifying, but it's not so bad when you think about it further.
Plus killing yourself over the meaninglesness and absurdity of existence is like sacrificing for the sake of meaning in my opinion, like having an objective meaning or "truth" for all existence is the upmost, and once you realise it doesn't exist you don't see any point in living without it, dying in it's name. But the idea of an "objective truth" or "meaning" to existence has no value to me, so i can't see myself dying for it.

>> No.14771293

Take your meds, nutbag.

>> No.14771312

That describes my life too. It's not so bad once you learn to accept your ugliness. By that point you have read many hundreds of books and people find you interesting.

>> No.14771327

Where did you watch it? I thought it was taken off criterion channel

>> No.14771336


>> No.14771365

that your normie opinion "lel I'm atheist and I enjoy my life" doesn't reflect the opinions of an atheistic existentialist

>> No.14771369

in archive.org

>> No.14771436

Sorry I might be retarded but I can only find the book there. Can you provide a link or tell me how to more effectively search?

>> No.14771442

Just trying to spice up the eternal return lol

>> No.14771503

Because if there is anything wrong with the world, it's unnecessary suffering. It's the basis of all morality.

>> No.14771551

All atheists are existentialists

>> No.14771808

Imagine being born with a lazy eye. Get a load of this faggot. I'd fucking off myself if I was Sartre.

>> No.14772017

>mfw they say we're projecting our suffering onto them when we've really hit home and shaken the foundation of their elaborate "amor fati" coping mechanisms

"Amor fati" is "carpe diem, bro"-tier

>> No.14772028


>> No.14772042
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This. If you disagree, you probably have low T and are a bugman. Might want to get that check out.

>> No.14772082

you would be reborn 10 times uglier and without arms or legs kept alive by doctors

>> No.14772401

>yes I give a subjective meaning to the nothingness, look how cool I am! The nothing only exists in your mind!