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14766547 No.14766547 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14766564
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Law = Theology > Philosophy > Fiction = Stem

>> No.14766600
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Yeah OP that is p much just true

>> No.14766609


>> No.14766614
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shit = post

>> No.14766706

logic is aesthetically beautiful

>> No.14766761

is that pic from logh?

>> No.14766764


>> No.14766769

Theology > Philosophy = Law > Psychology

>> No.14766782


>> No.14766788
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>> No.14767379

Aesthetics is too easily subverted by homosexual histrionics.

>> No.14767415

is oscar wilde the ur-example of this

>> No.14767421



>> No.14767426

maybe if you're a teenager or in your early 20s

>> No.14767432

no, logic is for teens, the progression goes


>> No.14767435

hmm or maybe it actually starts at aesthetics and then loops back


>> No.14767755

no mishima is. wilde is shit in every regard.

>> No.14767760

This is almost correct.
First philosophy -> Metaphysics -> Aesthetics -> Ethics -> Politics

>> No.14767766

aesthetics means too many things to too many different people. That word needs to be subdivided

>> No.14767771

This one is more sound.

>> No.14767773

aesthetics is pre-philosophical

>> No.14767783

Aesthetics was a term and a field of study created by a German in the 18th ce. Plato and Aristotle never talked about that pseud subject.

>> No.14767803

actually it was invented by the pseudo-longinus in his first century work on the sublime but go off

>> No.14767823


>> No.14767840

doing what's based>>doing what's aesthetic>>>>doing what's "moral">>>>>>>>>>>>>doing what gets you ahead in life>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>doing what makes you coom>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>doing things for women

>> No.14767891

Philosophical aesthetics is obviously philosophical and in fact metaphysical.

>> No.14768011

philosophy and metaphysics, just like everything else, are fundamentally aesthetical

>> No.14768019

what's the difference between based and aesthetic, is it like the difference between the beautiful and the sublime

>> No.14768034

idk. what's based is always aesthetic, but what's aesthetic isn't always necessarily based.

>> No.14768058

well both the sublime and the beautiful are aesthetic, and you'd probably associate the based more with the sublime

>> No.14768059

based retard

>> No.14768061

Still not sure how to feel about Jesuit Casuistry, but I think this is a case where it is badly employed.

>> No.14768063

based is a vague term that doesn't mean anything desu

>> No.14768070

no, its a real virtue, just like beauty or truth.

>> No.14768073

you are a cringe retard if you disagree. you only accept a particular philosophical system or set of beliefs because they appeal to your sense of aesthetics. aesthetics is more basic than logic. deal with it.

>> No.14768086

i only ever see based used in political contexts

>> No.14768088

Lol didn't expect to see the based Frost brothers in /lit/. Thank you for brightening my day.

>> No.14768090

Aesthetics needs a metaphysics numbnuts

>> No.14768096

I accept my particular system because I first analyzed what is first given to me (experience) and then used what was at the end of this analysis to build my metaphysical system. It wasn't aesthetic at all, but very dry, technical and logical. Only after I was well into metaphysics aesthetics came into play.

>> No.14768133

an aesthetic response is something totally immediate. even babies have them. this is why they're able to refuse to eat certain foods, but enjoy others. now it of course requires some knowledge and intelligence that babies lack in order to have and to articulate aesthetic judgments on philosophical matters. but the only reason you accept your mode of philosophical analysis is because it appeals to you on an aesthetic level. other modes leave you with a negative response, or a less pleasing one. it is certainly true that gaining further philosophical knowledge also further conditions your aesthetic responses, but the only way you came to that knowledge in the first place is through your aesthetic preferences.

>> No.14768144

But it doesn't appeal to me aesthetically at all. It's very logical and methodical. When I look at my analysis and synthesis it doesn't invoke in me any feeling of beauty like when I for example look at a tree or a flower. Rather, it appeals to my logic and intuition just like math.

>> No.14768157

>My my, that is an AESTHETIC lump; hope that isn't malignant

>> No.14768162


>> No.14768180
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Boy am I cosy.

>> No.14768184

logic is not a faculty that can be appealed to; it is a set of rules for deciding whether or not a statement is valid. but the only reason you care about logical validity, indeed the only condition for the existence of logic as an enterprise, is an aesthetic one. we could also analyze things in non-logical ways, but logic has an immediate appeal to us, an aesthetic one.

intuition is also an aesthetic response. the only way you can recognize something as intuitive is through your senses, and this sensation that you have when you recognize something as intuitive is a positive one, IE an aesthetically pleasing one. thus you pursue this intuition further and uncover its aesthetically appealing logical consequences.

>> No.14768233

I can see what you mean. So when I see a well formulated mathematical equation (as simple as, say, 1=1) I find it aesthetically pleasing. But if I see 2=3 it displeases. Therefore any search for truth entails aesthetic judgments?

But I think we should differentiate between different forms of aesthetic judgments then. When I read poetry, I find it beautiful, doesn't mean I believe it's true. When I read Leibniz, I think his general system is beautiful, but again I don't think it's true at all, just beautiful.

Again, I might see a rather difficult and counter intuitive mathematical equation which makes me really annoyed, but if check it step by step I find it's logically valid. Does that mean I appeal to aesthetic judgment, even though the equation is decidedly ugly?

All of this considered, I think the search for truth *can be* aesthetically pleasing, but nut *necessarily*. I might accept truths that I find horrible, but nevertheless true.

>> No.14768240

Aesthetics is logical.

>> No.14768259

I see it used in all kinds of contexts

>> No.14768266


>> No.14768313


>> No.14768914

>duuurrr stem is plebian because it requires actual knowledge that i can't bullshit with low effort hipster shitposting

>> No.14768928


>> No.14768938

>he doesn't intrinsically understand basic gestalts of the contemporary zeitgeist because he is an NPC who needs explicit definitions

>> No.14769255
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Maninterpt >>> everything else

>> No.14769302

most people get into politics before any of that. That's why we have so many retarded people who have no idea what they're talking about or why they support certain positions