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14760614 No.14760614 [Reply] [Original]

Describe how jimmy felt in your best prose. https://youtu.be/4eGRYr0_wBg

>> No.14760626

>Toska - noun /ˈtō-skə/ - Russian word roughly translated as sadness, melancholia, lugubriousness. "No single word in English renders all the shades of toska. At its deepest and most painful, it is a sensation of great spiritual anguish, often without any specific cause.

>> No.14760632
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>> No.14760645

Ru Paul is 100% based, Jimmy Fallon is a sad broken alcoholic failure who doesn't even deserve to tie Carson's golf shoes.


>> No.14760670

His rectum was holding as tightly as it could to the waste that was coming forth; the pain was unbearable; he was waiting for his own demise, which he brought upon himself. Ru Paul finally let out his wit; it dazzled everyone. Poor Jimmy finally relieved himself and let it slip.
Thank you gentlemen for reading.

>> No.14760681

>"this fuckin drag queen is fucking with me"

>> No.14760692

literally this. he was probably just like, what thte fuck is this retarded nigger faggot doing? then when the punchline came he was like, uhh okay sweetie whatever you say, fuck how long till i can go home and drink?

>> No.14760695

>tranny humor

>> No.14760698

alcohol is way more based than putting on a dress. what are you gay?

>> No.14760705
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as he sat there motionless, only one thought had taken hold of jimmys mind "my god, I've created this beast, my days as a self appointed arbiter of justice have done nothing but give strength to those who hate every facet of my being, what a fool i am".
Wracked by feelings of trepidation, silence had taken hold of Jimmy.
With palpable dismay, it was decided that he would be spared a public execution, instead a flogging would suffice, but everyone knew it was more than that, it served as a warning.
You are no longer in power, your days are numbered and it is you who gave us this position, now flee, white boy.

>> No.14760765
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"A drag queen!?" it shreaked. The banshee glared at him with venom and the atmosphere turned as hard as stone. "A drag queen!?" it shreaked once more. He felt a sharp manicured nail, as long as a letter opener, placed gently, mockingly, against his jugular. He heard war drums in the distance and the shouting of the jeering crowd. He saw the glint of the blade high above him, ready to fall. He saw himself hanging from a rope. He was as good as finished. He thought of his future, his wife and children one last time, and in his mind's eye he could see himself no more. Heresy could not be tolerated. He thought of the future and he knew that he was no longer a part of it. He knew that his name had been stripped from the Book of Life and stamped mercilessly in the Book of Death. His life had no meaning anymore. He had become death. "I am the Queen of Drag!" it said with malice, knowing what terror it caused with this threat of liquidation. He swallowed hard, soaked throat with sweat, and knew that it wasn't his world any longer. He wasn't quite sure whose it was now.

>> No.14760799

lol okay virgin

some of the manliest men i've ever seen regularly put on dresses

>> No.14761303

*record scratch* you're probably wondering why I've been publicly shamed on live television. It all started way back in September 19, 1974. They called me James Thomas Negro Fallon. My momma was a magical negro from Brooklyn you see, a clairvoyant, she said one day "Youz gonna hafta banish thaht bitch back to tha shado relm", I would have inquired who, where and why, but you see I was just a tot. Uncle Jerry came in not 5 minutes later after my momma left the hospital bed and branded me with an image of the twin towers burning. The ones from the Lord of The Rings. He was a big fan...

>> No.14761486

That's just sadness.

>> No.14762184

like ur mom

>> No.14762193

How does it feel to be rekt tranny mom haver?

>> No.14762202

why the fuck do they keep sending vile trannies to the libraries to fuck with the kids?

>> No.14762208

to indoctrinate them

>> No.14762214

is anyone gonna stop them? are americans that fucking fat and lazy and retarded and braindead and gay?

>> No.14762221
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with no sense of the natural order of things, this kind of oppositional politics is all we have left

>> No.14762333

it was all scripted you fucking retards

>> No.14762517

What no-one’s talking about is how Jimmy kind of said ‘drag queen’ under his breath, as if he was unsure or even ashamed to say it. I think what RuPaul did was clever: it got Jimmy clued into the fact that ‘drag queen’ is actually an acceptable term to use, so reduced the awkwardness of the interview after that, while having a bit of fun with Jimmy during the moment. Besides, it’s a bit strange that you should be interviewing the world’s most famous drag queen and not even know that ‘drag queen’ is not a derogatory term (although I think that Jimmy probably did know, but just got nervous on the night).

>> No.14762586

Wait, the term Drag Queen is offensive now? Why?

>> No.14762627

Homosexuals are the natural aristocracy of modernity.

>> No.14762751

Welcome to the jew world order.

>> No.14762753

what's the deal with russians and their "muh special russian things nobody can ever understand"? yeah, we get it. it's not that "special".
>n-no you can't understand dostoevsky if you aren't russian!!!
no, trust me. i get it.

>> No.14762821

It's ZOG rule, what would you have us do?
The system they crafted is anti-fragile so any attacks against their degeneracy just strengthen them; they'll justify more reason to pass policy that enshrine their "protected classes" even further.

>> No.14762928

the LGBT mafia has too much power in entertainment

>> No.14762991

I thought Carson died

>> No.14763307

let's just start killing them like the old times. fuck it.

>> No.14763384


aids drugs are great nowadays

>> No.14763616

>are americans that fucking fat and lazy and retarded and braindead and gay?
Yes. This has been effectively exported to Europe as well, in many ways more effectively than in the USA.