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14755175 No.14755175[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that detail an ugly male's descent in to blackpilled emotional numbness after he realises looks are all that matters and he's genetically deficient?

And he knows all girls get 500 Chad dicks a day?

And he's in his late 20s and has done nothing with women ever, except prostitutes? And no woman has shown interest in him ever.

And he has no friends and had no social experiences since school. And his university years were spent as an ugly loner loser? And he's bitter as fuck?

>> No.14755188

imagine thinking some lookism shit is the blackpill

>> No.14755191

Londonfrog: the collected posts

>> No.14755207

my diary desu

>> No.14755228

you know, you're in a very unique position, anon. you probably had a lot of delusions about turning your life around and finding a girl somehow, you spent your 20's with some degree of hope (i'm guessing), but the next generation, guys like me who are around 20, we really have no delusions like that and so nothing to keep us going for as long as you. i will probably be dead by 30. no one before your generation had to deal with this shit, and everyone after you never even knew what we were missing out on, so its really up to you guys to document this shit. you alone experienced the transitory phase and at least saw what it was like on both sides.

>> No.14755251
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Millions of ugly guys are currently fucking. Your father, his father, and so on all fucked. Most incels aren't even below average; they have no confidence and don't know how to present themselves.
Even if for some reason you can't get an attractive girl, there are plenty of "ugly" girls who would be happy to have your affection.
Also you have to go back I wanna discuss Alexander Pope now.

>> No.14755256


>> No.14755257


>> No.14755261

I am so fucking happy I'm hot
I would 100% be one of you losers if I weren't, the only social interaction I have now is hanging out with friends after they beg me to come out and see them
I am, at my core, a loser, but the great thing about being hot is that no one believes it. I never go out but my friends put so much effort into getting me out the door that when I do, they think they've broken through to the "real me," and similarly girls fall for me and become convinced that I'm scared of the world and will open up and blossom once they reach the deepest parts of me, so they spend lots of time around me in my apartment, cuddling and making conversation and every now and then getting me to go to the farmer's market or something
Human interaction is being handed to me that, by all accounts of the efforts I make, I do not deserve at all. Literally just because I'm hot and find it easy to make people laugh

>> No.14755267

>there are plenty of "ugly" girls who would be happy to have your affection
lmao you have no idea how bad things really are

>> No.14755272

>there are plenty of "ugly" girls who would be happy to have your affection.
this is false though; even ugly fat rad-sows want chad.

>> No.14755273

They laugh because you are attractive. You're probably deeply unfunny. Have a nice day.

>> No.14755274

sex have

>> No.14755281

Tell me
And even fat ugly incels want 10s. You're deluded if you think chads fuck fat ugly girls.

>> No.14755289

That's awesome, yet another privilege I enjoy due to my face and body

>> No.14755290

bluepilled as fuck

>> No.14755293

nice whataboutism. You completely missed my point.

>> No.14755320

What's the redpilled take? That ugly guys can't fuck?
Wanting chad doesn't mean you won't be happy with a dorky sweaty guy who loves you. Same way wanting a magic pixie tradcath qt or instagram thots doesn't mean you won't be happy with a homely girl who loves you.

>> No.14755322

you're just a fucking normie, dude. i'm hot too and i have none of this. i'm not saying you aren't hot, but you're not a loser, and why would you want to try and fit in with a bunch of losers anyway? its just cringe. either ghost your friends and stop talking to females or shut the fuck up about how much of a loser you are. pick a side.

>> No.14755329

none of us are buying your bluepilled advice, retard. We've been in the trenches.
You're either a femoid or a normie.

>> No.14755336

I’ll put it this way. If you’re fat or unhygienic lose weight or get clean. If you’re neither and have no social skills, you are still probably fine. If you are in college then it is easy, they’re about 2-3k undergrad females at a given school, and about 1.5-2k are attractive, that’s about 70 percent. Of that 70 percent, 85 percent are kind of nerdy, weird, or have absolutely no self esteem, so you’re social anxiousness will probably only be noticeable to yourself. So 85 percent of 2k would be be 1700 attractive women that are attainable for the minimum of a date, also disregard all sjw notions of women, most are pathetic and talk about stupid things and too naive to think ‘well he touched me weird in one instance,’ meaning unless you obviously sexually assaulted her she won’t report you, so you’ll probably be able to kiss them easily on the first or second date if it goes well and have nothing happened, and once you kiss them you’ll probably be able to do more. So you need one out of 1.7 k to agree to go on a date with you, and that assumes that you’re severely autistic and only one attractive girl would say yes to you. Statistically that means there’s a 99.9 percent chance you’ll get rejected, but also a 99.9 percent chance one of them will say yes to you, which would only be the case if you were severely autistic. So anons, strike up a conversation, clean yourself, and lose weight and you should be able to get one date. A city is even likelier odds. The problem is most anons who think like that never talk to any girls and for some stupid reason expect girls to talk to them, and I’ve already established girls are stupid and have no awareness and are best friends with their mothers who discuss retarded things together. The ball is in your court anons.

>> No.14755343

If staying in your room and calling yourself a loser is redpilled then keep at it.

>> No.14755350
File: 11 KB, 282x178, comfy3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>keep at it

>> No.14755351

>Wanting chad doesn't mean you won't be happy with a dorky sweaty guy who loves you.
thats exactly what it means. just yesterday i was at panera bread and it was packed so i had to sit directly next to two middle-aged roasties and they were like pr*testants or something and talking about how they pray so much and how God is like their personal servant who just magically makes everything work out for them. anyway, these two roasties were literally going on about how they don't even like their husbands, and one of them said that she dropped some 6ft guy to be with her shitty husband. she said this to demonstrate her virtuousness for being with an uggo, like she was doing some service to God. really she was probably just settling down with beta bucks.

>> No.14755355

the primary goal here is to fuck with people in a thread that is begging to be derailed
clearly, you are right; in terms of being a loser I am no match for you boys

>> No.14755364

the concept of 'beta bucks' has to be the most pernicious meme I have ever heard of. Regardless of it being true or not I can think of almost nothing more poisonous for sex relations than that idea

>> No.14755366
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>> No.14755368

oh yeah? and what would you do oh wise one?

>> No.14755374

Please read some Pope while you're at it, comfybro.
You're anecdote of overhearing two middleage protestant women at Panera Bread say they don't like their husbands has convinced me to stop having sex and socializing. I hate women now.

>> No.14755375

>I can think of almost nothing more poisonous for sex relations than that idea
i can think of two: premarital sex and birth control.

>> No.14755378

I would start by going outside and not calling myself a loser.

>> No.14755386

>convinced me to stop having sex
clearly you're a roastie, but let's pretend you aren't. how could any man not be insulted when a girl he is fucking makes him wear a condom or pull out? its basically saying"i don't like you and you're not good enough to put a baby in me. i'm just using you for my own pleasure."

>> No.14755391

false flag

>> No.14755392

>go outside
>all people can talk about is twitter and reality tv
>have to constantly hold tongue about nigger culture taking over
>try to start a conversation 'what have you read?'
>I like self help books, spiritual books, harry potter mainly
>any girl over a 5 won't even look at you

>> No.14755394

Bizarre. You may be right though, but as other anon said you’re not a loser. No idea why you posted this other to brag and make us like you though. I could say women find me mysterious, and for somebody who is short, autistic, and had absolutely no friends most of my life I’ve dated and slept with more attractive women than most normies I’ve talked to. However, I’m simply a phase certain women and people outgrow. I’ve had few lasting friendships, and because of that I’m very isolated and dependent on my solitude, but that’s only how I spin my narrative and only true to me when I type it out like that. One could also say I’m insecure about friendships and ruin them by not being trustful, women want more for me, but move on once They realize I’m narcissistic and enjoy posting about myself to anons on a message board then having a meaningful connection, or there’s nothing unique about me and I’ve experienced life normally but try and make myself seem unique. I think you need to grow up anon, there’s something about you that people want to get to know and don’t shy away because you want to brag about how aloof and detached you are.

>> No.14755397

Because I'm ready to have a baby either.

>> No.14755398

okay i just went outside and called myself a winner, but nothing happened. what was supposed to happen anyway?

>> No.14755407

Stop being a faggot. Simple as.

>> No.14755412

thats irrelevant to the insult. its about her not wanting your baby, has nothing to do with you. the thing is that you're okay with being insulted like this because you're also just using her for pleasure. its like the ultimate dishonorable act.

>> No.14755413

>all people can talk about is twitter and reality tv
I've never talked to anyone, man or woman, about either of those things.
>have to constantly hold tongue about nigger culture taking over
Have some self awareness.
>I like self help books, spiritual books, harry potter mainly
Most people don't share our hobby. Accept it.
>any girl over a 5 won't even look at you
Absolutely false.

>> No.14755421

You're supposed to do things and talk to people
What is this sophistry?

>> No.14755429

Jesus, I left a cup of tea out for 45 minutes this morning and it was still less tepid than this reply.

>> No.14755434

>just talk to people bro

>> No.14755441

Why can’t you?

>> No.14755443

>Tell me
Ugly chicks think men who would actually date them are "creepy losers".

>> No.14755444

>scroll down
>first thing i see is a girl complaining about no one wanting to rape her
>First, there was a time when my friends and I were talking about the recent crimes that have been happening in the community and male friend A said, “It wouldn’t be safe for [pretty female friend A] to be outside at night ‘cause not only would she get robbed, she’d end up getting raped too ‘cause she’s attractive.” Then male friend B said, “What about G?” to which male friend A responded with, “Nah, nobody would be interested in robbing G, let alone rape her.” Nobody blatantly said I was ugly, but you can clearly get what he’s implying, that because I’m not good-looking, nobody would be interested in doing anything to me (not that I want anyone to do anything to me). Add to that the fact that in this country, there’s a stereotype that if you’re good-looking you must be rich, if you’re ugly you must be poor.

>> No.14755447

If you're goal is to make friends / girlfriends then yeah you have to.

>> No.14755459

are you so fucking stupid you can't understand why this comment would bother someone?

>> No.14755461

How many ugly chicks have you interviewed to come to this conclusion?
How can someone on /lit/ have such terrible reading comprehension?

>> No.14755463

>What is this sophistry?
its not. you're basically whoring yourself out, but instead of receiving money, you're receiving sexual gratification. you're trading sexual gratification for sexual gratification, merely making a transaction, not really having sex in the truest sense, ironically.

>> No.14755468

>You're supposed to do things and talk to people
anon, its the middle of the night, what do you want me to do, go knock on someone's door and ask to be my friend?

>> No.14755472

Are you saying doing something pleasurable that doesn't have a tangible benefit is bad?

>> No.14755475

Yes anon that's what I meant

>> No.14755481

no, i'm saying that allowing yourself to be insulted and treated like a piece of meat just so you can benefit in some way is pathetic.

>> No.14755484

>asking for stats on dating
oh lol you're a basic bitch alright

>> No.14755486

i'm not doing that you fucking weirdo.

>> No.14755488

The incel shit on this forum is completely out of hand.

>> No.14755490

>That dialogue
Did an AI write this shit?
>Well, ZIRCON-FIVE, I calculate that it would be unsafe for PLATINES-EIGHT to extract herself to the external cylindroid after Sleep Mode has been activated.
>You are correct, AMCOM-SEVEN, but what do you calculate as the outcome for VACUETTE-NINE?
>VACUETTE-NINE does not possess the requisite physical adornments to be eligible for target by a nocturnal miscreant, nor does she risk insertion of an unauthorized input device.

>> No.14755495

kek, gj anon

>> No.14755496

I lifted and looksmaxxed. Now women flock to me. I am the best man available 99% of the time. You guys don't have to be chad. Just be the best man in the room.

>> No.14755497

Everyone wants the best but ugly men and women have to settle. Most know this. Others won't be getting any. Lower your standards anon

>> No.14755499

not that guy, but I do think that thats kind of hedonism, its very low form of gratification and fulfillment (what'd that one guy say about the satisfied pigs?)
the truest forms of pleasure and enlightenment happen in your mind, not your peepee

>> No.14755503

Maybe stop crying about this shit like a bitch all the time, develop some charisma and women will start treating you like a man. Just a thought.

>> No.14755504

Why can't /lit/ read

>> No.14755506


>> No.14755508
File: 47 KB, 1280x720, gigachad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lower your standards anon

>> No.14755513

True, it's like a look into a delusional world where everyone keeps feeding that same delusion

>> No.14755514

this one is actually true

>> No.14755520

Physical and mental processes aren't as separate as you perceive them.

>> No.14755525

unlike your life lol

>> No.14755526

Congrats then, you're not incel but a volcel.

>> No.14755528

this was her second remark:
>Second, there was a day when pretty female friend B was carrying a heavy guitar. Male friend C didn’t hesitate to offer help and asked if he could carry the guitar for her. In the same day, with the same people, I was carrying the said guitar, but nobody I was with offered help or asked if they could carry the guitar for me. Let me add that pretty female friend B and I have the same build, we’re both small in height. I’m not saying males should offer help every time for everyone. I’m just saying that people treat other people differently depending on their looks.
just imagine if some ugly fat neckbeard offered to help her carry the guitar. she would probably call the police. notice she isn't actually complaining about not getting male attention, she's complaining about not getting attention from male friend C who is Chad. if the fat necjbeard offered her help, she would probably call the police.

>> No.14755531

so would you say sleeping around is a form of enlightenment?
what about sleeping with a hooker versus someone you love? are those two things more similar than different?

>> No.14755535

>she would probably call the police

>> No.14755538

i accept your surrender
thank you

>> No.14755545

its only true if you're at least 5'10 and have normie-tier looks.

>> No.14755549

>your surrender
look at him go!

>> No.14755553

I don't believe in enlightenment.
Loving sex is better than sex with strangers, yes.

>> No.14755554

Don't worry, you can kill yourself

>> No.14755557

what next, do you want me to make a full blown chart that explains why you are a pathetic man?

>> No.14755559

>I’m just saying that people treat other people differently depending on their looks
Seems like she's making some good observations with the rape thing and this
>just imagine if some ugly fat neckbeard offered to help her carry the guitar. she would probably call the police.
You sound pretty delusional on how people act in real life, but her observations about being ugly vs. being good looking are probably true for men and women.
>i accept your surrender
Jesus Christ

>> No.14755560

Yes. Put your solitude to use.

>> No.14755562

>Loving sex is better than sex with strangers, yes.
but the only difference is a mental one, correct?

>> No.14755567
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Sex without love is as shallow and hallow as love without sex.

>> No.14755575

>what next
Alien sex

>> No.14755577

My manlet friend has had more sex than me and I am 6'1"

>> No.14755581

On a past cycle, VULVOTRON-B--whose physical benchmark was notable--was transporting a carbon composite structural rod to the Hyperterminal, when SIMUCOM C, a neighboring node, was quick to provide her physical assistance. Later that processing cycle, I, PIGOMAX-D, was in charge of transporting the carbon composite structural rod back to the carbon composite rod storage facility, but no other neighboring nodes offered to provide physical assistance. Additional log: VULVOTRON-B, of notable physical benchmark, has equal Y-dimension as my own apparatus. My statistical processing unit has inferred that nodes entering into Interaction Mode with other nodes run varying programs based on the node's own physical characteristics.

>> No.14755584

Whats funny is that most of these incels are actually guilty of perpetrating the same thing these girls are allegedly doing to them. You should see how bad fat girls have it on dating apps.

>> No.14755587

I was just trying to get a rise out of people but you had to go and actually get a reaction out of me with a well-written post so you win
In truth I would never brag about this, I'm deeply scared of others including my close friends and it feels completely pathetic. I'm capable of deep, rewarding, close relationships but sabotage myself at every turn through constant anxiety and doubt. I've accepted that I'm a homebody but I don't want to miss out on the miracle of love and camaraderie, not when I know how deeply meaningful it feels. I've recently relented and start experimenting with medication and am currently seeking therapy

>> No.14755590

No because the physical impressions required to form the two different mental states would have to be different.

>> No.14755604

i'd like to commission an entire novel of this.

>> No.14755614


>> No.14755615
File: 47 KB, 645x729, brainlet-5a6217dcbd1c3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>me adragdive bud escared of girl!!!
>bedder tage jew pills!!!

>> No.14755623

Nevermind, I'll stop taking them. I don't want anyone to think that's what I look like

>> No.14755629

Based Papist

>> No.14755659

do you understand the difference between physical and mental?

>> No.14755662


>> No.14755665

lol dude I'm not even the guy you're responding to

>> No.14755668


>> No.14755677


>> No.14755680


>> No.14755767
File: 88 KB, 1024x576, Udine_Crali_1939--CROP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man if you're so upset about the state of things just blow up a building or kill some important people. Stop being pussies

>> No.14755769

literally your only hope is to move to a third-world country. there you will have more freedom--the kind of freedom that actually counts---, you will gain more self-esteem, you will be forced to socialize, and many of the different ethnic people will find you attractive. I suggest Myanmar, Cambodia, Kenya, Uganda, or Tanzania (be careful of AIDS though). Once you have had success with lots of women there, you can stay there and get married, of go back to your country where you'll be much more successful from all the experience.

>> No.14755776

Also another option

>> No.14755790

>just go play on the retard server for a while, bro!

>> No.14755811

Don't use the r***etard word

>> No.14755900

>In truth I would never brag about this, I'm deeply scared of others including my close friends and it feels completely pathetic.
Original anon here, I am as well except I always have one given friend I am very close with. I despise groups and multipe friendships at once lol.
>I'm capable of deep, rewarding, close relationships but sabotage myself at every turn through constant anxiety and doubt.
I am only in the beginning
>I've accepted that I'm a homebody but I don't want to miss out on the miracle of love and camaraderie,
If you've experienced it once, you could experience it again or remember experience. Also, time is relative, so if you experienced one week, one day, one year, one-hundred years you still had it.
>I've recently relented and start experimenting with medication and am currently seeking therapy
You have to understand therapists work on profit and spinning narratives about yourself that may or may not be true. My parents made me go to therapists my entire life, and all it did was lower my self esteem and make me feel as if something is wrong with me. Therapy may work, but make sure you're not indulging yourself and you're there to make changes in your life. Although, it's easier to say that in therapy then the real world, and narrative also assumes something is broken with you. Maybe it's a string of luck? Maybe you're not completely at fault? Maybe something typical occurred. I only had one therapist I respected, and it was a man I had one session with, but if I went to therapy again I'd prefer somebody like him.

>> No.14756178

Just kill yourself. I'm 28 and have only had one gf and couldn't stay hard. Performance anxiety ruined the only shot I had at redemption. It's a shame.

There's really no point in such a miserable existence. What's odd is I get hit on, get matches on apps.. but never had the confidence to act on it. Spineless, I suppose.

The anhedonia's at such a point that I have no sexual desire anymore. I so repeat, just kill yourself. There's no turning it around.

>> No.14756185

I would say the inability to make friends is more disconcerting OP. After years like this it's hard to gauge how ugly you are, or if there might've been some hope at some point.

>> No.14756211

Just invest in spirituality. You're all forgetting transcendence is an option.

>> No.14756276

Girls like men who have positive energy, you need to overcome your demons

>> No.14756278

Imagine thinking it's not